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Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering
Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering

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Название: Real-Time Rendering

Автор: Akenine-Möller T.


The second edition of "Real-Time Rendering" comes three years after the release of the first. In that time computer graphics hardware has evolved at a rapid rate: it is more than ten times faster (outstripping Moore's Law) and the functionality has increased significantly in a wide range of areas. Reflecting these changes, this second edition is almost 900 pages long, 75% larger than the 512 pages of the first edition.
All chapters have been updated, and new chapters added on spline and subdivision surfaces, advanced shading theory and techniques, and non-photorealistic and image-based rendering. As with the first edition, this new book is a blend of solid theory and practical advice, useful for students, professionals, and hobbyists alike.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: Second Edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 835

Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Surfaces, explicit, sphere      560 561
Surfaces, explicit, triangle      561 578
Surfaces, hardware support      509
Surfaces, implicit      526—527 560—561
Surfaces, implicit, blending      526
Surfaces, implicit, derivatives      526
Surfaces, implicit, sphere      568
Surfaces, N-patch      497 504—509 509
Surfaces, NURBS      555
Surfaces, parametric      120 496—509
Surfaces, shadows      269
Surfaces, spline      446 537
Surfaces, subdivision      531—554
Surfaces, subdivision, $\surd{3}$      542—543
Surfaces, subdivision, adaptive      553—554
Surfaces, subdivision, approximating      533
Surfaces, subdivision, Catmull — Clark      543—545
Surfaces, subdivision, color interpolation      550
Surfaces, subdivision, displaced      547—549
Surfaces, subdivision, interpolating      537
Surfaces, subdivision, limit position      535
Surfaces, subdivision, limit surface      535
Surfaces, subdivision, limit tangents      536
Surfaces, subdivision, Loop      533—537 537 538 541—543 545 547—550 555
Surfaces, subdivision, mask      534
Surfaces, subdivision, modified butterfly      533 536 537—541 542 543 550
Surfaces, subdivision, normal interpolation      550
Surfaces, subdivision, piecewise smooth      545—547
Surfaces, subdivision, polygon-based      532
Surfaces, subdivision, refinement phase      532
Surfaces, subdivision, smoothing phase      532
Surfaces, subdivision, stationary      532
Surfaces, subdivision, stencil      534
Surfaces, subdivision, tabulation      552—553
Surfaces, subdivision, texture interpolation      550
Surfaces, subdivision, triangle-based      532
Surfaces, subdivision, uniform      532 551
Surfaces, tensor product      497
Surfaces, tessellation      see "Tessellation"
Surfel      402
Surround effect      109
Swap buffer      20 676 677
Swap strip      see "Triangle strip"
Sweep      373
Sweep-and-prune      see "Collision detection"
Switching of LOD      see "Level of detail"
Swizzling      see "Texturing"
Synchronization, monitor      426 670 677 678
T-buffer      see "Buffer"
T-vertex      451 see
Talbot      188
Talisman      see "Hardware"
TAM      see "Tonal art map"
tan      see "Trigonometry"
Tangent space      see "Basis"
Tangent vector      492
Taxonomy, parallel architectures      685
Taylor series      515 see
Tearing      675 676
Technical illustration      289 290 308 312
Television, color space      193
Temporal bounding volume      389
Temporal coherence      see "Coherence frame-to-frame"
Temporal parallelism      see "Parallelism"
Tension parameter      see "Curves"
Tensor product surfaces      see "Surfaces tent filter" "Filtering"
Tessellation      512—525 see tessellation"
Tessellation, adaptive      516—522
Tessellation, fractional      395 522—525
Tessellation, surface      496
Tessellation, uniform      512
Texel      125
Texram      141
Texture, cache      see "Cache"
Texture, dependent read      172 176 220 221 230 233
Texture, lapped      123 306
Texture, lookup      290 306
Texture, memory, InfiniteReality      704
Texture, palette      see "Shading"
Texture, pixel      233
Texture, rectangle      223n
Texture, space      119
Texture, volumetric      343
Texturing      21 117—179
Texturing, alpha mapping      148—149 330
Texturing, animation      147—148 149 150 338
Texturing, antialiasing      see "Antialiasing"
Texturing, bandwidth      see "Bandwidth"
Texturing, blending operations, add      145
Texturing, blending operations, blend      145
Texturing, blending operations, decal      128
Texturing, blending operations, modulate      128
Texturing, blending operations, replace      128
Texturing, border      124
Texturing, bump mapping      see "Bump mapping"
Texturing, cache      see "Cache"
Texturing, clamp      124
Texturing, clipmap      142 705
Texturing, compression      142—144 693
Texturing, compression, DXTC      143
Texturing, compression, lossy      143
Texturing, compression, S3TC      143
Texturing, corresponder function      119 123—125
Texturing, dark mapping      150
Texturing, decaling      148
Texturing, detail      178
Texturing, distortion      445—446
Texturing, environment mapping      see "Environment mapping"
Texturing, generalized      118—128
Texturing, gloss mapping      152—153 164—166 228
Texturing, glow      128
Texturing, image      129—141
Texturing, image size      129
Texturing, level of detail bias      136 224
Texturing, light mapping      150—152 260 281 282
Texturing, magnification      129 129—131
Texturing, magnification, bilinear interpolation      130
Texturing, magnification, cubic convolution      129n
Texturing, magnification, nearest neighbor      129
Texturing, minification      129 131—141
Texturing, minification, anisotropic filtering      139—140
Texturing, minification, bilinear interpolation      133
Texturing, minification, Elliptical Weighted Average      141
Texturing, minification, level of detail      135
Texturing, minification, mipmapping      133—137
Texturing, minification, nearest neighbor      131
Texturing, minification, ripmap      137 139
Texturing, minification, summed-area table      137—139
Texturing, minification, trilinear interpolation      136
Texturing, mirror      124
Texturing, mirror once      125 152
Texturing, multitexturing      146—147 164—166 233
Texturing, noise      126
Texturing, one-dimensional      127
Texturing, pipeline      118—119
Texturing, prefetch      see "Prefetch"
Texturing, procedural      126
Texturing, projective      151 445
Texturing, projector function      118 120—123
Texturing, relief      334
Texturing, repeat      124
Texturing, subtexture      134
Texturing, swizzling      700
Texturing, three-dimensional      126—127
Texturing, tiling      141 424
Texturing, value transform function      119
Texturing, volume rendering      178
Texturing, wrap      124
Three plane intersection      see "Intersection testing"
Throughput      12 405 432
Tile, KYRO      705
Tile, screen      686 695
Tile, texture      see "Texturing"
Tile, Xbox      700
Tile-based rendering      705
Tiled memory      see "Memory"
Tiled rasterization      see "Rasterizer"
Tiling      see "Texturing"
Time-critical, collision detection      see "Collision detection"
Time-critical, rendering      399
Timing      12 406 421 568
Timing, monitor      670
Tin      476
Tolerance verification      660
Tonal art maps      306
Tone reproduction      194 277
Toon rendering      see "Shading"
Top-down      see "Collision detection"
Torrance-Sparrow model      see "BRDF"
Total internal reflection      245
Trace of matrix      see "Matrix"
Trade-off, speed vs. quality      23 423
transform      731 see
Transform, affine      27
Transform, angle preserving      34
Transform, bounded      see "Transform limited"
Transform, concatenation of      32—33
Transform, constraining a      40
Transform, decomposition      41—42
Transform, Euler      37—41
Transform, Euler, extracting parameters      39—41
Transform, Euler, gimbal lock      38 51
Transform, flattening the      418
Transform, inverse      36—37
Transform, length preserving      34
Transform, limited      408 429
Transform, mirror      see "Transform reflection"
Transform, model      14—15
Transform, normal      35—36
Transform, optimization      see "Optimization"
Transform, reflection      30 360
Transform, rigid-body      34 42 53
Transform, rigid-body, collision detection      648
Transform, rotation      28—29
Transform, rotation about an arbitrary axis      42—43
Transform, rotation from one vector to another      51—53
Transform, scaling      29—31
Transform, scaling, anisotropic      see "Transform scaling nonuniform"
Transform, scaling, isotropic      see "Transform scaling uniform"
Transform, scaling, nonuniform      30
Transform, scaling, uniform      30
Transform, shear      31—32
Transform, translation      27—28
Transform, vertex blending      15 53—57
Transform, vertex blending, enveloping      53
Transform, vertex blending, skeleton-subspace deformation      53
Transform, vertex blending, skinning      53
Transform, view      14—15
Transform, volume preserving      32
Translation      see "Transform"
Transparency      101—106 244 431
Transparency, screen-door      101 112
Transparency, sorting      102 351
Transpose, matrix      see "Matrix"
Tree, balanced      335 347 642 648
Tree, binary      348 374 641 644 651
Tree, binary, balanced      644
Tree, botanical      149 324 332 336—337
Tree, full      348
Tree, k-ary tree      347 424 641
Tree, triangle binary      479
Triangle area      736
Triangle fan      443 456—458
Triangle filter      see "Filtering"
Triangle formula      561 578
Triangle mesh      463—464
Triangle mesh, universal      463—464
Triangle setup      20n 683 688
Triangle setup, InfiniteReality      704
Triangle setup, Xbox      699 700
Triangle strip      416 454—456
Triangle strip, creating      458—462
Triangle strip, dual graph      462
Triangle strip, generalized      456
Triangle strip, sequential      455
Triangle strip, SGI algorithm      460—462
Triangle strip, swap      456
Triangle/triangle intersection      see "Intersection testing"
Triangulated irregular network      476
Triangulation      see "Polygonal techniques"
Trigonometry      739—746
Trigonometry, angle difference relations      744
Trigonometry, angle sum relations      744
Trigonometry, arccos      740—741
Trigonometry, arcsin      740—741
Trigonometry, arctan      740—741
Trigonometry, cos      739
Trigonometry, derivatives of functions      741
Trigonometry, double angle relations      743
Trigonometry, formulae      741—746
Trigonometry, function sums & differences      745
Trigonometry, functions      739—741
Trigonometry, half-angle relations      746
Trigonometry, inverses of functions      740
Trigonometry, Law of Cosines      743
Trigonometry, Law of Sines      743
Trigonometry, Law of Tangents      743
Trigonometry, MacLaurin series      740
Trigonometry, Mollweide's Formula      743
Trigonometry, multiple angle relations      744
Trigonometry, Newton's Formula      743
Trigonometry, product relations      745
Trigonometry, Pythagorean relation      742
Trigonometry, right triangle laws      741
Trigonometry, sin      739
Trigonometry, tan      739
Trigonometry, Taylor series      740
Trigonometry, trigonometric identity      743
Trilinear interpolation      see "Interpolation"
Triple buffer      see "Buffer"
Tristimulus values      191
True color mode      see "Color"
TRUFORM      509
Two-and-half-dimensions      see "$2 \frac{1}{2} D$"
UMA      see "Unified memory architecture"
Umbra      see "Shadow"
Unified memory architecture      691 697
Uniform scaling      see "Transform scaling"
Uniform tessellation      see "Tessellation"
Unit matrix      see "Matrix identity"
Universal triangle mesh      see "Triangle mesh"
Upsampling      90
Valence      533
Valley edge      see "Edge"
Value transform function      see "Texturing"
var      468
Vector      715—716
Vector product      see "Cross product"
Vector, addition      716 719
Vector, geometrical      719 731 732
Vector, length      720
Vector, norm      717—718 720
Vector, norm, notation      5
Vector, normalize      720
Vector, scalar multiplication      716 719
Vector, zero      716
Vertex, array      see "Vertex buffer"
Vertex, array, compiled      468
Vertex, blending      see "Transform"
Vertex, buffer      416 456 464—468
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