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Hu S.-T. — Elements of general topology |
Предметный указатель |
-space 57
1-simple 188
Able to distinguish points 91
Abstract cell 128
Abstract nerve 116
Abstract simplex 111
Abstract simplicial complex 115
Accumulation point 24
Adjunction space 121—122
Admissible topology 155
Agree 10
ARC 89
Arc-component 89
Arcwise connected 89
Associated function 158
Association 158
Associative law 3 179
Axiom of Choice 1 65
Axioms of countability 18—19
Axioms of separation 55
Base point 171 186
Basic neighbourhood 17—19
Basic open set 17—19
Basis 17—19
Basis of neighborhoods 19
Basis, local 19
Bijective 8
Binary relation 70
Boundary 21
Boundary of a simplex 113
Boundary point 21
Cantor space 70
Carrier 136
Cartesian power 12—13
Cartesian product 12—13
cell 41 128
Cell, abstract n-cell 128
Cell, closed n-cell 131
Cell, open n-cell 129
Cellular carrier 136
Cellular homotopy 149
Cellular map 149
Cellular polytope 128—129
Characteristic function 10 94
Characteristic map 128
Closed map 29
Closed n-cell 131
Closed set 22
Closed star 120
Closed unit n-cell 41
Closure 23
Closure operator 26
Closure-finite 137
Cluster point 24
Coarser topology 17
Cofinal function 73
Cofinal subset 71
Collapsing a set to a point 44
Combinable functions 10
Combined function 10
Commutative diagrams 9 32 34 166
Commutative law 3
Compact set, space 61
Compact set, space, locally compact space 66
Compact-open topology 151
Compactification 103
Compactification, Hausdorff 107
Compactification, one-point 103
Compactification, Stone- ech 104
Complement 4
Completely normal 61
Completely regular 57
Complex, abstract simplicial 115
Complex, CW- 137
Complex, simplicial 117
Component 79
Component, arc 89
Component, path 84
Composition of functions 8
Cone 45—46
Cone, mapping 46
Connected in a space 77
Connected set, space 77—78
Connected set, space, arcwise connected 89
Connected set, space, locally connected 82
Connected set, space, locally pathwise connected 87—88
Connected set, space, path wise connected 84
Connected set, space, simply connected 176
Constant function 7
Constant map 27
Contained in; contains 2
continuous 27
Continuous family 47
Continuous multiplication 173
Continuous, uniformly 103
Contractible 50
Contractible, locally 88
Contraction 50
Converge 71
Coordinate set 12
Coordinate space 38
Countability axioms 18
Cover; covering 10
Cover; covering, open covering 33
Covering homotopy property 195
Covering path property 194
cube 37
Cube, Hilbert 92
CW-complex 137
Cylinder 45
d*-topology 167
De Morgan formulae 4
Decomposition 43
Decomposition space 43
Deformation 50
Deformation retract 51
Degree 196
Dense 24
Dense, nowhere dense 70
Derived set 24
Diagonal 39
Diagonal imbedding 39
Diagonal injection 13 39
Difference of sets 3
Dimension of a cellular polytope 143
Dimension, inductive 111
Direct binary relation 70
Direct product 202
Directed set 71
Disconnected 77
Discrete space 16
Discrete topology 16
Disjoint family 35
Disjoint sets 4
Disjoint sum 41
Distance from a point to a set 100
Distance function 97
Distributive law 4
Domain 6
Element 2
Element, neutral 180
Empty set 2
Equivalence class 43
Equivalence class of paths 175
Equivalence, homotopy 51
Equivalence, isotopy 52
Equivalence, topological 29
Euclidean space 37
| Evaluation function 15 155
Eventually in 71
Exponential map 194
Extended real line 107
Extension of a function 9
Extension of a map 32
Extension problem 32
Extension property 96
Extension property, homotopy 147
Exterior 21
Exterior point 21
Face 113
Face, improper 113
Family 1
Final point 84 176
Final projection 174
Finer topology 17
Finite cellular polytope 136
Finite character 65
Finite intersection property 62
Finite polytope 121
Finite-open topology 151
First axiom of countability 19
Fixed point theorem 81
Frechet separation axiom 57
Frechet space 57
Frequently in 71
Frontier 21
Frontier point 21
Fully normal 70
Function 6
Function, associated 158
Function, characteristic 10
Function, cofinal 73
Function, combined 10
Function, constant 7
Function, continuous 27
Function, distance 97
Function, evaluation 15 155
Function, exponential 194
Function, identity 8
Function, inclusion 8
Function, inverse 8
Functions, combinable 10
Functions, composable 8
Fundamental group 186
Fundamental groupoid 184
Group 180
Groupoid 179
H-space 174
Half open interval topology 20 93
Hausdorff compactification 107
Hausdorff compactification, maximal 107
Hausdorff separation axiom 55
Hausdorff space 55
Heine — Borel theorem 61
Hereditary family of sets 115
Hereditary property 108
Hereditary property, weakly 108
Hilbert cube 92
Homeomorph 29
Homeomorphic spaces 29
Homeomorphism 29
Homomorphism 189
Homotopic maps 48
Homotopically equivalent 52
Homotopy 47
Homotopy class 49
Homotopy equivalence 51
Homotopy extension property 147
Homotopy group 200 204
Homotopy property 53
Homotopy unit 174
Homotopy, cellular 149
Hopf space 174
Idempotent 174 181
Identification 42
Identification topology 43
Identity function 8
identity map 27
Image 6
Image, inverse 7
Imbedding 34
Improper face 113
inclusion 2
Inclusion function 8
Inclusion map 31
Index set 11
Indexed family 10
Indexed family of spaces 35
Indiscrete space 17
Indiscrete topology 17
Induced homomorphism 189—191
Induced map 163 165
Induced topology 29—31
Inductive dimension 111
Initial point 84 176
Initial projection 174
Injection 163
Injection, diagonal 13 39
Injective 8
Interior 21
Interior of a simplex 113
Interior operator 26
Interior point 21
Intersection 3
Inverse element 180
Inverse function 8
Inverse image 7
Inverse path 185
Isolated point 107
Isometric 102
Isomorphic complexes 116
Isotopic maps 49
Isotopically equivalent 53
Isotopy 47
Isotopy class 49
Isotopy equivalence 52
Isotopy property 53
Klein bottle 47 124
Larger topology 17
Largest topology 20
Left unit 177
Limit point 24
Lindeloef space 35 109
Lindeloef’s theorem 35
Local basis 19
Locally compact 66
Locally connected 82
Locally contractible 88
Locally finite 67
Locally finite cellular polytope 138
Locally finite simplicial polytope 121
Locally pathwise connected 87—88
Loop 171
Loop space 171
MAP 27
Mapping 27
Mapping cone 46
Mapping cylinder 45
Mapping space 150
Maximal compactification 107
Member 1
Metric 97
Metric space 99
Metric topology 97 121
Metrizable 97
Mobius strip 46
Moore-Smith convergence 70
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