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Munkres J. — Topology |
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135 (see also “ ”)
, compactness 174
, fundamental group 331
, path connectedness 156
(constant path) 327
set 252
set 194 249
, dependence on base point 335
, functorial properties 334
(see “First homology group”)
(see “Ordered square”)
-topology 128
is surface 372
, fundamental group 373
, covering spaces 337 482
, fundamental group 345
as quotient space 136 139
(unit sphere) 156
(unit sphere), compactness 174
(unit sphere), fundamental group 369
(unit sphere), path connectedness 156
(unit sphere), simple connectedness 369
(section of well-ordered set) 66
, compactification 242
, countable subsets 66 74
, existence 74
, metrizability 181
, paracompactness 260 261
, uniqueness 73
, complete regularity 212
, normality 203
, paracompactness 254
axiom 99
axiom for quotient space 141
axiom vs. Hausdorff condition 99
axiom vs. limit points 99
axioms 211 213
(closure) 95
, metrizability 181
124 266
(see “Stone — ech compactification”)
independence of path 335
is isomorphism 332
(reals) 30
(reals), algebraic properties 30
(reals), compact subspaces 173
(reals), connected subspaces 154
(reals), K-topology 82 (see also “ ”)
(reals), local compactness 182
(reals), lower limit topology 82 (see also “ ”)
(reals), metric for 120
(reals), order properties 31
(reals), second-countability 190
(reals), standard topology 81
(reals), uncountability 177
, standard topology 87
, covering space 340
, fundamental group 360
, complete regularity 212
, Lindeloef condition 193
, paracompactness 257
, separation axioms 198
in box topology is Baire 300
in box topology, complete regularity 213
in product topology (cont.) normality 203
in product topology (cont.) paracompactness 257
in product topology countable dense subset 195
in product topology is Baire 300
in product topology metrizability 133
in uniform topology 124
in uniform topology completeness 267
in uniform topology is Baire 300
, countable dense subset 195
, fundamental group 360
, path connectedness 156
, basis 116
, compact subspaces 173
, local compactness 182
, metrics for 122 123
, paracompactness 253
, second-countability 190
, closure in 118 127
, paracompactness 260
in box topology, components 162
in box topology, connectedness 151
in box topology, metrizability 132
in box topology, normality 205
in box topology, paracompactness 205
in product topology, completeness 265
in product topology, connectedness 151
in product topology, local compactness 182
in product topology, metrizability 125
in product topology, paracompactness 257
in product topology, second-countability 190
in uniform topology, components 162
in uniform topology, paracompactness 257
in uniform topology, second-countability 190
, connectedness 178
, separation axioms 197
, vs. standard topology 82
, countability axioms 192
, metrizability 194
, normality 198
, paracompactness 257
, vs. standard topology 82
, not finite 42
, well-ordered 32
487 (see also “Group of covering transformations”)
-tuple 38
331 (see also “Fundamental group”)
122 268
-compact 289 316
-locally discrete 252
-locally finite 245
2-cell 441
2-manifold 225
2-manifold with boundary 476
2-manifold, topological dimension 308 352
2-sphere 139 (see also “ ”)
Absolute retract 223
Absolute retract vs. universal extension property 223 224
Accumulation point of a net 188
| Action of a group on a space 199
Adjoining a 2-cell 441
Adjoining a 2-cell, effect on fundamental group 439
Adjunction space 224
Affinely independent 309
Alexander homed sphere 393
Algebraic number 51
Antipodal map 372
Antipode 356
Antipode-preserving 356
ARC 308 379
Arc does not separate 389
Archimedean ordering 33
Arzela’s theorem 280 293
Ascoli’s Theorem 278 290
Axiom of Choice 59
Axiom of choice vs. nonemptiness of product 118
Axiom of choice vs. well-ordering theorem 73
Axiom of choice, finite 61
Baire category theorem 296
Baire category theorem, special case 178
Baire space 295
Baire space (cont.), in box, product, uniform topologies 300
Baire space (cont.), open subspace of Baire space 297
Baire space, compact Hausdorff space 296
Baire space, complete metric space 296
Baire space, fine topology on 300
Baire space, locally compact Hausdorff space 299
Ball, unit 135 156
Barber of Seville paradox 47
Base point 331
Base point choice, effect on 335
Base point choice, effect on 332
Basis for a free abelian group 411
Basis for a topology 78 80
Basis for box topology 115 116
Bd A 102
Betti number 424
Bicompactness 178
Bijective function 18
Binary operation 30
Bing metrization theorem 252
Bisection theorem 358 359
Borsuk lemma 382 385
Borsuk — Ulam theorem 358 359
Boundary of a set 102
Boundary of a surface with boundary 476
Bounded above 27
Bounded below 27
Bounded function 267
Bounded metric 121 129
Bounded set 121
Box topology 114
Box topology vs. fine topology 290
Box topology vs. product topology 115
Box topology vs. uniform topology 124 289 290
Box topology, Hausdorff condition 116
Box topology, subspace 116
Brouwer fixed-point theorem 351 353
Cantor set 178
Cardinality of a finite set 39 42
Cardinality, comparability 68
Cardinality, greater 62
Cardinality, same 51
Cartesian product, countably infinite 38
Cartesian product, finite 13 37
Cartesian product, general 113
Cauchy integral formula 405
Cauchy sequence 264
Choice axiom (see “Axiom of choice”)
Choice function 59
Circle, unit (see “ ”)
Classification of covering spaces 482
Classification of covering transformations 488
Classification of surfaces 469
Clockwise loop 405
Closed edge path 566
Closed graph theorem 171
Closed interval 84
Closed map 137
Closed ray 86
Closed refinement 245
Closed set 93
Closed set in subspace 94
Closed set vs. limit points 98
Closed topologist’s sine curve 381
Closed topologist’s sine curve, separates 381 393
Closure 95
Closure (cont.) via limit points 97
Closure (cont.) via sequences 130 190
Closure in a cartesian product 101 116
Closure in a subspace 95
Closure of a connected subspace 150
Closure of a union 101 245
Closure via basis elements 96
Closure via nets 187
Coarser topology 77
Cofinal 187
Coherent topology 224 435
Collection 12
Commutator 422
Commutator subgroup 422
Compact 164 (see also “Compact Hausdorff space”; “Compactness”)
Compact convergence topology 283
Compact convergence topology vs. compact-open topology 285
Compact convergence topology vs. pointwise convergence topology 285
Compact convergence topology vs. uniform topology 285
Compact convergence topology, independence of metric 286
Compact Hausdorff space is Baire space 296
Compact Hausdorff space, components equal quasicomponents 236
Compact Hausdorff space, metrizability 218
Compact Hausdorff space, normality 202
Compact Hausdorff space, paracompactness 252
Compact-open topology 285
Compact-open topology continuity of evaluation map 286
Compact-open topology vs. compact convergence topology 285
Compactification 185 237
Compactification of (0, 1) 238
Compactification, induced by an imbedding 238
Compactification, one-point 185
Compactly generated space 283
Compactness 164 (see also “Compact Hausdorff space”)
Compactness and least upper bound property 172
Compactness and perfect maps 172
Compactness closed set criterion 169
Compactness in and 173
Compactness in 290 293
Compactness in 278 279
Compactness in finite complement topology 166
Compactness in Hausdorff metric 281
Compactness in order topology 172
Compactness of closed intervals in M 173
Compactness of continuous image 166
Compactness of countable products 280
Compactness of finite products 167
Compactness of product space 234 236
Compactness of subspace 164
Compactness via nets 188
Compactness vs. completeness 276
Compactness vs. limit point compactness 179
Compactness vs. sequential compactness 179
Comparability of cardinalities 68
Comparability of topologies 77
Comparability of well-ordered sets 73
Comparison test for infinite series 135
Complement 10
Complete graph 394
Complete graph on five vertices 308 397
Complete metric space 264 (see also “Completeness”)
Complete regularity 211
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