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Stillwell J. — Yearning for the Impossible: The Surprising Truths of Mathematics |
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25 26 197
and the limit concept 208
as a line of points 201
is not countable 197 202
, stands for real 27
143 197
and regular polyhedra 144
, rotations of 146
and regular polytopes 151
, tilings of 153
is transcendental 207
, computation of 85
, evaluation by calculus 96
, Indian formula 85 198 208
, not constructible 208
, as a symbol 213
, obeys laws of algebra 33
1 13
and decimal fractions 13
and Huclidean algorithm 17
as a gap in the rationals 14 197
as infinite decimal 15 209
in geometry 7
, continued fraction for 16 19
, irrationality of 9 18 22 162
120-cell 151
2-gon 181
2-sphere 104 108
2-torus 187
2-torus as a doubly periodic plane 191
2-torus, constructed from square 187
2-torus, topological properties 188
24-cell 147 149
24-cell, shadow 151
24-cell, tiling of 153
3-cylinder 177 183 189
3-cylinder contains tribar 183
3-sphere 104 108 189
3-sphere, stereographic image 107
3-torus 188 189
3-torus as periodic space 188
3-torus, constructed from cube 188
4-cube 150
4-orthoplex 150
4-simplex 150
600-cell 151
Abel, Niel Henrik 195
Absolute value 35
Absolute value, multiplicative property 35 129
Absolute value, multiplicative property, and two-square identity 130
Absolute value, multiplicative property, for quaternions 139
Adams, John Couch 33
Adcquality 91
Addition in projective geometry 72
Addition of angles 38 186
Addition of equivalence classes 186
Addition, multiplication perceived as 4
Addition, vector 131 136
Additive identity 70
Additive, inverse 70 131
al-Khazin, Abu Ja'far 35
Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Ja'far Muhammed ibn Musa 9
Alberti, Leon Battista 55
Algebra 10
Algebra and projective coincidences 69
Algebra, laws of 69
Algebra, linear 127
Algebraic-curve 44
Algebraic-curve, geometry 87
Algebraic-curve, number 205
Algebraic-curve, topology 195
Angle sum theorem 110
Angle sum theorem and flatness 114
Angle sum theorem of Gauss 112
Angle sum theorem on 2-sphere 111 112
Angle sum theorem on 2-sphere, Harriot proof 112
Angles and the parallel axiom 50
Angles as equivalence classes 186
Angles of pentagon 124
Angles, addition of 186
Angles, additive property 36
Apollonius 88
Archimedes 84
Area and slope 93
Area as sum of infinitesimals 93
Area of disk 84
Area of parallelogram 79
Area of polygons 77
Area of rectangle 78
Area of square 5
Area of triangle 79
Area, equality of 10
Aristophanes 207
Arithmetization 126
Artmann, Benno 28
Associative law 70
Axiom, Desargues 65
Axiom, incidence 60
Axiom, Pappus 65 76
Axiom, parallel 49 71
Axiom, parallel, of Bolyai and Lobachevsky 126
Axiom, parallel, of Euclid 126
Axioms about lines 127
Axioms of Euclid 126
Axioms of geometry 76
Axioms of projective geometry 76
Axioms of set theory 209
Axioms, Euclid-style 76
Axioms, inner product 76
Axioms, vector space 76
Bach, Johann Sebastian 21
Beeckman, Isaac 3
Beeckman, Isaac, law 3
Beltrami, Eugenio 119 124
Beltrami, Eugenio, assumed Euclidean space 125
Berkeley, George 99
Bernoulli, Daniel 190
Bezout, Etienne 45
Black holes 125
Bolyai, Janos 115 125
Bombelli, Rafael 32 36
Bosse, Abraham 62
Brewer Dictionary 207
Broombridge 138
Bruegel, Pieter 179
Bryson, Bill 55
Burke, Robert 138
Calculus 96 99
Calculus and elliptic functions 191
Calculus, infinitesimal 100 200
Calculus, notation 99
Calcut, Jack 168
Cantor, Georg 201
Cantor, Georg, and diagonal argument 204
Cantor, Georg, and the continuum problem 209
Cantor, Georg, and transcendental numbers 206
Cantor, Georg, discovered uncountability 202
Cardano, Girolamo, Ars Magna 30 41
Cardano, Girolamo, formula 32 34
Carroll, Lewis 98
Cassiodorus 9
Cayley, Arthur 62 144
Circular functions 190
Claudius Ptolemy 107
| Cohn-Vossen, Stefan 151
Coincidence 61
Coincidence and laws of algebra 72
Coincidence, projective explanation 67
Coincidence, projective explanation, via Pappus and Desargues 72
Columbus, Christopher 101 156
Common divisors 12
Common measure 1
Common measure by Euclidean algorithm 16
Commutative law 70
Commutative law, abandoned by Hamilton 136
Commutative law, fails for quaternions 138
Complex conjugate 141
Complex curves 45
Complex, factors 44
Complex, functions 45 191
Complex, numbers see numbers complex
Complex, origin of word 44
Complex, period 191
Complex, points 45
Congruent triangles 73
Conic sections 62 88
Conic sections, equations of 88
Conjugation map 144
Continued fraction 19
Continued fraction, for 19
Continuum problem 209
coordinates 51 127
Coordinates and the parallel axiom 51 52
Coordinates, origin of 51 87
Cosine 42 190
Cosine, hyperbolic 116
Costrtizione legillima 55
Countability 200
Countability of algebraic numbers 200
Countability of rational numbers 200
Countability, implies zero length 203
Coxeter, Harold Scott MacUonald 152
cube 144
Cube and 3-torus 188
Cube n-dimensional 153
Cube, symmetry 145
Cubic curves 62
Cubic equations 30 41
Cubic equations, Cardano formula 32
Curvature 101
Curvature and angle sum 112
Curvature and infinitesimals 126
Curvature of a circle 114
Curvature of a smooth curve 116
Curvature of a sphere 114
Curvature of a surface 116
Curvature of latitude circles 105
Curvature, constant negative 118
Curvature, detection 108
Curvature, Gaussian 114 117
Curvature, Gaussian, negative 117
Curvature, Gaussian, of cylinder 117
Curvature, Gaussian, positive 117
Curvature, Gaussian, zero 117
Curvature, negative 116
Curvature, principal 117
Curvature, variable 125
Curved space xi 108
Cutting and pasting 11 78
Cylinder 109
Cylinder and the plane 180
Cylinder as a periodic plane 181 182
Cylinder, curvature of 117
Cylinder, flatness of 109 182
Cylinder, geodesies on 109 177 182
Cylinder, locally like a plane 109 180
Cylinder, non-Euclidean 119
Cylinder, seal 181
Cylinder, three-dimensional 177 183
Cylinder, two-sided polygon on 177
Dante Alighieri 101 103
De la Hire, Phillipe 62
Decimal fractions 13
Dedekind, Richard 172
Dedekind, Richard, and 201
Dedekind, Richard, and ideals 173
Dedekind, Richard, Continuity and Irrational Numbers 201
Dedekind, Richard, cuts 202
Definition of line 202
Degree 44
Dehn, Max 11
del Ferro, Scipione 30
Desargues, Girard 62
Desargues, Girard, theorem 63
Desargues, Girard, theorem, as an axiom 65
Desargues, Girard, theorem, spatial version 63
Descartes, Rene 41
Descartes, Rene, and conic sections 88
Descartes, Rene, and length of curves 77 208
Descartes, Rene, coordinate geometry 51 71
Descartes, Rene, factor theorem 41
Descartes, Rene, Geometry 41 77
Diagonal argument 203
Diagonal argument for uncountability 204
Diagonalization see diagonal argument
Diophantus 34
Diophantus, "product" of triangles 35
Diophantus, Arithmetica 34 170
Diophantus, two-square identity 34 130 140
Diophantus, two-square identity, and multiplicative norm 167
Discriminant 30
Distance and absolute value 38
Distance in the hyperbolic plane 123
Distance in the plane 38
Distance on the pseudosphere and disk 121
Distributive law 26 70
Distributive law for areas 28
Distributive law for quaternions 137
Distributive law in Euclid 28
Distributive law in Greek geometry 27
Distributive law, used by Stevin 27
Divine Comedy 101
Divisibility 12 158
Division of Gaussian integers 164
Division of positive integers 158
Division property of Gaussian integers 165
Division property of integers 159
Division with remainder 158
Division with remainder in Gaussian integers 164
Division with remainder in positive integers 159
dodecahedron 144
Dodecahedron and dodecahedral space 189
Dodecahedron, symmetry 146
Duerer, Albrecht 48
e 43
e is transcendental 207
Eight-square identity 140
Einstein, Albert 127
Elements 12
Elements and regular polyhedra 144
Elements, Book II 28
Elements, Book IX 159
Elements, Book V 12 13
Elements, Book VII 12 16 161
Elements, Book X 18
Elements, Book XII 81
Elements, unique prime factorization 155
Elements, unstated assumptions 126
ellipse 191
Elliptic functions 191
Elliptic functions as functions on 2-torus 191
Elliptic functions, periodicity of 191
Elliptic integrals 191
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