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Alon N., Spenser J. — The probabilistic method |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
-net 220 222—223
-sample 222—223 225 253
Agarwal 226
Ahlswede 81—83 85 87
Aho 2
Ajtai 137 140 185 259 272—273
Akiyama 69
Algorithm 2—3 5—vii 20 31—32 74—75 77 126 133—134 138 141—142 239—240 249—251
Algorithm, derandomization vii
Algorithm, deterministic 75 257—258
Algorithm, greedy 20 30 34 36
Algorithm, Monte-Carlo 141
Algorithm, nonadaptive or on-line 239
Algorithm, primality testing 141
Algorithm, probabilistic or randomized 3 31 34 36 74—75 141 249 254
Algorithm, Rabin 141
Alon 5 9 14 36 60 70 78 99 101 104 135 137—138 140 142 192 219 226 254 256—257 272—273
Andreev 191 195
Antichain 197—198
Arboricity, di-linear 70
Arboricity, linear, conjecture 69—71
Arboricity, linear, of a graph 69—70
Automorphism 46 50 150 157
Azuma 95—96 98 100 103 108—109
Babai 254 256 278
Baik 110
Barany 211 217—218
Beck 7 30 32 74—75 201 209
Bernstein 113
Binomial distribution 35—36 72 113 166 188 220 232 265 270
Binomial random variable 72 113 124 188 220 224
Block design 54
Blum 185
Bollobas 8 52 97 155 160 278
Bonferroni 120
Boppana 117 192 201
Borel 125—128
Borel — Cantelli lemma 125—128
Bregman 22 60—61
Brun 119—120
Brun’s Sieve 119—120
Cantelli 125—128
Cauchy 135 139—140 148
Cayley 137—138
Cayley graph 137
Chain 198
Chain, Markov 162
Chain, rigid 176—177
Chazelle 226
Chebyschev 41—42 44—45 53 55—57 113 117 150 224
Chernoff 245 263
Chervonenkis 221—222
Chromatic number 38 94 97 112 130 160 245 271 276
Chung 140 142 242 244 275 278
Chvatal 259
Circuit 180 183—185 188—191 193—194 276
Circuit, binary 184—185 191—192 196
Circuit, boolean 196
Circuit, bounded depth 185 189 196
Circuit, complexity vii 183—185 192
Circuit, monotone 191—193
Circuit, subcircuit 188
CLIQUE 184 191
Clique in a graph 47 51—52 92 97—98 110 133—134
Clique, function 184 191—192
Clique, number 51 100 158—160
Code, binary BCH 255
Coding scheme 232—233
Cohen 140
Coloring 1—3 6—7 15—17 25—27 65—66 69 71—72 75 77 99 130 194 199—204 208 239—240 249—250 254 256
Coloring hypergraph 75
Coloring, random 1—3 16—17 25—26 66—67 72 78
Compactness 66—67 69
Conjecture, Danzer and Grunbaum 216
Conjecture, Daykin and Erdos 9
Conjecture, Erdos 260 277
Conjecture, Erdos and Hanani 37 54 278
Conjecture, Erdos and Szekeres 278
Conjecture, Hadamard 208
Conjecture, Heilbronn 28
Conjecture, linear arboricity 69—71
Conjecture, Mine 22 60
Conjecture, Ramanujan 139
Conjecture, Rival and Sands 88
Conjecture, Simonovits and Sos 244
Conjecture, Szele 14 60
Convex body 29 106—107 215 218 222 229
Covariance 42 44
Covering 54
Covering number 53
Covering of 68—69
Covering of , decomposable 68
Covering of , non-decomposable 68
Covering of a graph 69
Covering of a hypergraph 54—55 58
Crossing number 259—260
Cut 5—6
Danzer 216
Daykin 9 81—83 85 87
De la Vega 134
Deift 110
Density of packing 230
Density of a graph 47—49
Density of a set 277
Density of linear expanders 137
Dependency 121
Dependency, digraph 64—65 67 70 72—73 128
Dependency, graph 67 75
Dependency, superdependency digraph 128
Deviation, large 43 95 122—125 129 166 263 269
Deviation, large, inequality 95
Deviation, standard 41—42 72 113 129 162 201 220 264
Discrepancy vii—viii 199—200 208 225—226 228 239
Discrepancy of a set 200
Discrepancy, hereditary 204—205
Discrepancy, linear 204
Disjoint family 68 122
Disjoint family, maximal 122
Disjoint, cliques 97
Disjoint, pairs 9
Disjoint, pairwise 8 12 70 77
distribution 3 15 19 45 87 93 95—96 110 155—156 161—162
Distribution, binomial 35—36 72 113 166 188 220 232 265 270
Distribution, normal 19 42 44—55 102 209 267—269 271 276
Distribution, Poisson 35—36 115 123—124 127 162 166 269—270
Distribution, uniform 9 59 66 70 72—73 78 106 141 195 215 217—218 226
Dominating set 4—6 178
Doob 95
Double jump 161
Dudley 222
Edge connectivity 5—6 88 171
Ehrenfeucht 172
Ehrenfeucht game 172
Eichler 138—139
Eigenvalue 137
Eigenvalue of a graph 143
Eigenvalue of a matrix 138
Eigenvalue of a regular graph 137—140 142
Eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix 137—141 143
Eigenvector of a symmetric matrix 137—141
Elekes 260
entropy 201—203 231 240 242 245
Entropy of a random variable 240
Entropy, binary 240
Entropy, conditional 240
Entropy, function viii 130 232 240
Erdos 1—3 6 8—9 12 16 28 30 37—38 41 44 49 52 54 58 64 66—68 73 126—127 130 133—134 155—156 161 216—217 250 260—261 275—281
Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem 12
Euclidean distance 106
| Euclidean norm 17 21 59 207
Euclidean space 68 216 218 222 243
Euler 279
Exoo 69
Expander 137—138 149
Expander, explicit construction 137 142
Expander, linear 137
Expander, linear, density 137
Expectation vii 16—17 21 33 41 45 58—59 72 85 93 96 102 113 146 168 188 224 264 272—273
Expectation, conditional 33 93—95 102 235 273
Expectation, linearity of 4—5 13 16 19 23 26—27 29 36 43 47 49 56 103—104 121 156 181 197 200 212 235—236 247 250 273
Explicit construction 133—134 136 138 235 257 273
Explicit construction, expander 142
Explicit construction, linear expander 137
Explicit construction, Ramsey graph 133—134
Explicit construction, tournament 4 136
Fagin 171
Fiala 209
Fishburn 88
Forest 69 245
Forest, linear 69
Forest, linear, directed 70—71 73
Forest, star 245
Fortuin 81 85
Frankl 9 54 134 136 142 219 242 244
Function, boolean 116 183—185 189 191—192 194—195 219
Furedi 217—218 54 216—217
Furst 185
Giant component 161 165—168 170
Ginibre 81 85
Glebskii 171
Goldreich 257
Graham 26 136 142 242 244 278
Graph, balanced 47—49 157
Graph, balanced, strictly 47—48 50 157—158 168
Graph, Cayley 138
Graph, Cayley, explicit construction 137
Graph, girth 38—39 71—72 276
Graph, girth, directed 71—72
Graph, independent set 27 37—38 70—71 76—77 91 125 130 133—134 161 180 272—273 276
Graph, planar 81 88 259
Graph, quasi-random 142—143 148
Graph, Ramsey, explicit construction 134
Graph, random 155
Greenberg 211
Group, abelian 8—9
Group, code 233
Group, cyclic 9
Group, factor 138
Group, matrices 137—138
Group, subgroup 233
Group, symmetric 95
Grunbaum 216
hadamard 207—208
Hajnal 278
Halberstam 126
Hall 71 208
Hamiltonian, graph 81 88
Hamiltonian, path 14 21 60
Hamming metric 103 106 202 232
Hanani 37 54 58 278
Harary 69
Hardy 25 42 45
Harper 104
Harris 81
Hastad 185 195 257
Haussler 221 223 225—226
Heilbronn 28
Hoffman 278
Holder 107
Hopcroft 2
Hypergraph 6 37 57 65 68 110
Hypergraph, 2-coloring 75
Hypergraph, covering 54—55 58
Hypergraph, induced 55 58
Hypergraph, property B 6 30 33 65 276
Hypergraph, regular 66
Hypergraph, subhypergraph 69
Hypergraph, uniform 6 10 20 30 34 37 54—55 58
Igusa 138
Inclusion-exclusion 119—120
Independent set in a Euclidean space 218
Independent set in a graph 27 37—38 70—71 76—77 91 125 130 133—134 161 180 272—273 276
Inequality 7 10 26 31 45 61 65 69 72—73 76 82—83 85—88 90 95 99 102 104 107 117—118 128 136—140 149—150 161 186 194—195 209 216 222 224—225 247 250—253 263—264 266—268 271
Inequality, Azuma 95—96 98 100 103 108—109
Inequality, Bonferroni 120
Inequality, Cauchy — Schwarz 135 139—140 148
Inequality, Chebyschev 41—42 44—45 53 55—57 113 117 224
Inequality, correlation vii 81 86 88 118
Inequality, FKG 81 84—90 186
Inequality, Han 245
Inequality, Holder 107
Inequality, isoperimetric 95 104
Inequality, Janson 87 115—116 120—121 123 128 157—158 160
Inequality, Janson, extended 110 117 160
Inequality, Jensen 240—241 266
Inequality, Kraft 11
Inequality, Kraft-McMillan 11
Inequality, large deviation 95
Inequality, Markov 264 266
Inequality, martingale vii 95 101 111
Inequality, Talagrand 105 108—109
Itai 254 256
Janson 87 110 115—117 120—121 123 128—129 157—158 160 168
Jensen 240—241 266
Joffe 254
Johansson 110
Join 83 89 166
Join-irreducible 83—84
Kac 44 276
Kahn 54
Karchmer 185
Karp 165 253
Kasteleyn 81 85
Katchalski 217—218
Katona 12
Khrapchenko 195
Kim 36 68 101 104 110—111 273
Kleitman 9 81 86—87 202 211 242
Kleitman’s lemma 86
Knuth 168
Ko 12
Kogan 171
Kolountzakis 126
Komlos 28 29 137 140 223 272—273
Konig 71
Krivelevich 99
Laplace 117 129
Laplace transform 117 129
Latin transversal 73
Lattice 29 83 89 230
Lattice, distributive 83—85 89
Lattice, sublattice 83
Liagonkii 171
Linear extensions 88
Linear extensions of partially ordered set 88 90
Linial 78
Lipschitz 96—101 103—104 108—110
Lipschitz condition 96—100 103—104
Lipschitz function 108
Log-supermodular 84—87 90
Lookahead strategy 176
Loomis 243
Lovasz 2 26—27 64 66 128 204
Lovasz local lemma 2 26—27 63—74 77—78 128
Lubotzky 138 142
Luczak 99 168
Mac Williams 255
Mani 68
Mani-Levitska 68
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