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Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics |
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see “Left to right reading”
particle 356
decay 337
meson 19 177
(In)compatible properties 74 78
Absorption 464
Action operator 209
Action principle 209 (see also “Quantum action principle”)
Adjoint 54 91 adjoint”)
Adjoint of a measurement symbol 54
Adjoint of a number 55
Adjoint of a product 54
Adjoint of a unitary operator 67
Adjoint of right and left vectors 54 66
Adjoint, matrix representation of an 57
Ag atom see “Silver atom”
Airy function 238
Airy, Sir George Bidell 232
Angstroem unit 305
Angstroem, Jonas Anders 305
Angular frequency 203
Angular momentum as a BE collection of spins 383 387
Angular momentum for the Stern — Gerlach system 155
Angular momentum of composite systems 158—162
Angular momentum, commutator with scalar operator 152
Angular momentum, commutator with vector operator 151
Angular momentum, conservation of 198
Angular momentum, decomposition into spins 155—158
Angular momentum, differential-operator representation 165—167 296
Angular momentum, eigenvectors 152—155
Angular momentum, external 188
Angular momentum, internal 188 190
Angular momentum, orbital 188 289 297
Angular momentum, spin 188
Angular momentums, eigenvectors, rotated 168—177
Annihilation 37 41 43
Annihilation operators 377 400
Anticommutator 35
Anticommuting numbers 399
Anticommuting quantities 392
Asymptotic form 239 241
Asymptotic form, differential equation 232
Asymptotic form, extrema 248—252
Asymptotic form, Fourier integral 232
Asymptotic form, integrated 232 255 263
Asymptotic form, plot 252 255
Asymptotic form, value at 0 240 263 265
Asymptotic form, zeros 248 252
Asymptotic forms, completeness of 264
Asymptotic forms, orthonormality of 264
Atomic energy unit 419
Atomic scales 305
atomicity 7 12 46
Axial vector 359
Axial vector, geometrical significance 360
BE (Bose — Einstein) 356
BE statistics 356
BE statistics and spin 358
BE statistics, commutation relations 380
Bell states 179
Bell, John Stewart 179
Bessel coefficients 284 301
Bessel functions 284
Bessel functions, generating function 284 285 301
Bessel functions, power series 301
Bessel functions, spherical 369
Bessel functions, sum rule 285
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm 284
Bethe, Hans Albrecht 461
Bethe’s Lamb shift result 461
Binomial expansion 123 143
Bohr energies 305 363 422
Bohr magneton 324
Bohr orbit 420
Bohr radius 304 414 461 471
Bohr shells 431 435
Bohr, Niels Henrik David 6 17 74
Bohr’s complementarity 17 74
Booster 183
Born approximation 372
Born, Max 14 85
Born, Max, and Heisenberg’s non-commutativity 85
Born’s probability interpretation 102
Bose — Einstein see “BE”
Bose, Satyendranath 356
Boson 380
Boundary condition 253
Bra 38
Brillouin, Leon 246
Carlini, Francesco 246
Causal theory 1—3 15
Causality 2
Center of gravity 343
Center of mass 343
Center of mass, cross section in, frame 355
Center of mass, position vector 343
Change of description 213—214
Charge in electric and magnetic field, Hamilton operator 321
Charge in electric and magnetic field, Lorentz force on 322
Charge in homogeneous magnetic field, commutation relations 324
Charge in homogeneous magnetic field, count of states 328
Charge in homogeneous magnetic field, energy eigenvalues 325
Charge in homogeneous magnetic field, Hamilton operator 324
Classical analogies 17
Classical electron radius 471
Classical kinetic energy 241
Classical limit 73 132—134 188 285 432 463 467
Classical momentum 241 244
Classically allowed region 243 246 410
Classically forbidden region 242 243 246 317
Coherent state 130
Coherent states (over-)completeness of 131
column 59 60
Column vector 59—63
Commutator 35
Commutator, identities 90 91
Commutator, trace of a 91
Complementarity 17 69—76
Complementary properties 74
Complementary quantities 76
Completeness of Airy functions 264
Completeness of coherent states 131
Completeness of measurement symbols 33 98
Completeness of minimal-uncertainty states 131
Completeness of p vectors 103
Completeness of q vectors 101
Completeness of radiation field mode functions 439
Completeness of stationary-uncertainty states 123—125 128
Completeness of U and V vectors 101
Composite system 76
Compton wavelength 461 471
Compton, Arthur Holly 461
Connection formulas 243 246
Conservation laws 197—199
Conservation of angular in omentum 198
Conservation of energy 197
Conservation of linear momentum 198
Conservation, local, of electric charge 467
Constant force, asymptotic wave functions 239—243
Constant force, energy eigenstates 237 238
Constant force, energy eigenstates, their completeness 264
Constant force, energy eigenstates, their orthonormality 264
Constant force, equations of motion 224
Constant force, Hamilton operator 224
Constant force, state density 233
Constant force, time transformation function 226
Constant restoring force 252
Continuity equation 258 467
continuum limit 82—87
Copenhagen school of physics 6
| Correspondence between hydrogenic bound states and scattering states 330
Correspondence between two and three-dimensional oscillator 297
Correspondence between two-dimensional oscillator and three-dimensional Coulomb problem 304 333
Coulomb force field 15
Coulomb potential 304
Coulomb potential in parabolic coordinates 314
Coulomb potential, Fourier transform 427 455
Coulomb potential, long-range effect of 332
Coulomb potential, virial theorem 310
Coulomb problem see “Hydrogenic atoms”
Coulomb, Charles-Augustin de 15 304
creation 41 43 54
Creation as though, of an atom 36
Creation, creation operators 377 400
Creation, symbolic act of 38
Cross section in center-of-mass frame 355
Cross section, differential 332 372
Cross section, Mott 357
Cross section, Rutherford 333 355
Cross section, Thomson 467 471
Current components 441
Curvilinear coordinates 292—293
Curvilinear coordinates, distance 293
Curvilinear coordinates, gradient 293
Curvilinear coordinates, Laplacian 293
Curvilinear coordinates, volume element 293
Cyclotron frequency 325
Darwin term 455
Darwin, Charles Galton 455
de Broglie wave 29
de Broglie wavelength 245
de Broglie wavelength, local 245
de Broglie, Prince Louis-Victor 17 29
de Broglie’s momentum-wavelength relation 203
Degenerate states in perturbation theory 366
Degree of freedom, quantum 76—82
Delta function 102 136
Delta function as a limit 105
Delta function, identities 136 264
Delta function, transverse 468
Delta symbol 36 50
Density matrix 93
Descartes, Rene 156
destruction 36 54
Destruction as though, of an atom 36
Destruction, symbolic act of 38
Determinant of an operator 94
Determinant of an operator product 95
Deterministic theory 1—3 15
Deterministic theory, statistically 15
Deuteron 355
diamagnetic susceptibility 339
Dipole approximation 464 465
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice 38
Dirac’s delta function see “Delta function”
Division algebra 35
Down-hill equation 317
Driven oscillator, boundary conditions 272
Driven oscillator, constant drive 274—276
Driven oscillator, constant drive, energy eigenstates 275
Driven oscillator, constant drive, energy eigenvalues 275
Driven oscillator, constant drive, time transformation function 276 278
Driven oscillator, constant drive, wave functions 275
Driven oscillator, equations of motion 272
Driven oscillator, Hamilton operator 272
Driven oscillator, slowly varying drive 276—278
Driven oscillator, temporary drive 278—286
Driven oscillator, time transformation function 274
Dyadic product 38
Dynamical principle 210
Dynamical variables 196
Dynamical variables, time dependence of 196
Effective Hamiltonian 449 456
Effective Hamiltonian, first-order correction 458
Effective potential 316 408
Eigenvalue 68
Eigenvalue of non-Hermitian operator 125—132
Eigenvalue, multiplicity of an 79 81
Eigenvalue, problem 80
Eigenvector 68
Eigenvector of non-Hermitian operator 125—132
Eigenvector, equation 96
Eigenvectors, common, of and 152—155
Eigenvectors, orthogonality of 81
Einstein relation 22
Einstein, Albert 4 17 191
Einsteinian relativity 191
Electric charge density 437
Electric current density 437
electric field 46 437
Electric field, force on test charge in 46
Electric field, hydrogenic atoms in 316—319
Electric field, longitudinal part 438
Electric field, transverse part 438
electromagnetic field 437
Electromagnetic radiation, absorption 464
Electromagnetic radiation, commutation relations 440 469
Electromagnetic radiation, constraints 437
Electromagnetic radiation, current components 441
Electromagnetic radiation, effective field 443
Electromagnetic radiation, effective Hamiltonian 449 456
Electromagnetic radiation, effective Hamiltonian, first-order correction 458
Electromagnetic radiation, effective particle action 443
Electromagnetic radiation, energy density 469
Electromagnetic radiation, energy flux density 469
Electromagnetic radiation, equations of motion 437 440
Electromagnetic radiation, field Lagrangian 439
Electromagnetic radiation, infrared photons 452
Electromagnetic radiation, interaction Lagrangian 439 441 454
Electromagnetic radiation, Lagrangian 437 439
Electromagnetic radiation, longitudinal fields 438—439
Electromagnetic radiation, mass renormalization 451 454 459
Electromagnetic radiation, mode expansion 440 469
Electromagnetic radiation, multi-photon energy 442
Electromagnetic radiation, multi-photon wave functions 442
Electromagnetic radiation, orthonormality of modes 448
Electromagnetic radiation, particle Lagrangian 439 454
Electromagnetic radiation, photon mode functions 447
Electromagnetic radiation, spontaneous emission 462 464
Electromagnetic radiation, stimulated emission 464
Electromagnetic radiation, time-non-local effective action 448 449 456
Electromagnetic radiation, transverse fields 438—439
Electron 20
Electron charge 304
Electron density 408
Electron-electron interaction 405
Electron-volt 184
Electrostatic interaction energy 438
Electrostatic potential 316
Elementary particle 190
Emission, spontaneous 464
Emission, stimulated 464
End-point variation 210
Energy 183
Energy eigenstates, constant force 237 238
Energy eigenstates, free particle 237
Energy eigenstates, harmonic oscillator 230
Energy eigenstates, linear potential 253
Energy eigenvalues from time transformation function 230 234
Energy eigenvalues, charge in homogeneous magnetic field 325
Energy eigenvalues, harmonic oscillator 230 271
Energy eigenvalues, hydrogenic atoms 305
Energy eigenvalues, linear potential 254
Energy eigenvalues, parameter dependence of 307—309
Energy eigenvalues, two-dimensional oscillator 288
Energy quantum number 304
Energy, conservation of 197
Energy, potential 191
Equations of motion 195—197
Equations of motion for identical particles 386 394
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