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Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics |
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TF function, initial slope 415 419 433
TF function, integrated 426
TF function, plot 415
Theory, causal 1—3 15
Theory, deterministic 1—3 15
Theory, statistically deterministic 15
Thomas — Fermi see “TF”
Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth 412
Thomson cross section 467 471
Thomson scattering 465—467
Thomson, Sir John Joseph 467
Three-dimensional oscillator, decay rate 470
Three-dimensional oscillator, energy eigenvalues 297
Three-dimensional oscillator, energy eigenvalues, their multiplicity 298
Three-dimensional oscillator, Hamilton operator 295
Three-dimensional oscillator, orthonormality of radial wave functions 298
Three-dimensional oscillator, radial expectation values 311—313
Three-dimensional oscillator, transition rates 470
Time 183
Time dependence of dynamical variables 196
Time dependence of probability operator 217
Time dependence, explicit 196
Time dependence, implicit 196
Time dependence, parametric 196
Time displacement 186 195
Time transformation function 204
Time transformation function and energy eigenvalues 230 234
Time transformation function and wave functions 234
Time transformation function, constant force 226
Time transformation function, driven oscillator 274 276 278
Time transformation function, free particle 224
Time transformation function, harmonic oscillator 227 271
Time transformation function, identical particles 397
Time transformation function, short times 227—229
Total mass 344
Total momentum 343
Trace 57—59 74
Trace in terms of matrix elements 58
Trace of a commutator 91
Trace of a product 59
Trace of the unit symbol 58
Trace, cyclic property of the 97
Transformation function 68
Transformation function as generating function 272
Transformation function between Hermitian and non-Hermitian variables 270
Transition matrix elements 462
Translation 183 187
Translation, infinitesimal 185
Transmitted wave 243
Transverse delta function 468
Trial wave function 257
Tritium 337
Triton 337 355
Two-body system, center-of-mass position 343
Two-body system, Hamilton operator 343
Two-body system, kinetic energy of 344
Two-body system, Lagrangian 344
Two-body system, Lagrangian, external part 345
Two-body system, Lagrangian, internal part 345
Two-body system, reduced mass 344
Two-body system, relative momentum 343
Two-body system, relative motion 345
Two-body system, relative position 343
Two-body system, relative speed 346
Two-body system, relative velocity 346
Two-body system, scattering 346—358
Two-body system, total mass 344
Two-body system, total momentum 343
Two-dimensional oscillator, energy eigenvalues 288
Two-dimensional oscillator, energy eigenvalues, their multiplicity 288
Two-dimensional oscillator, generating function for wave functions 290
Two-dimensional oscillator, Hamilton operator 288
Two-dimensional oscillator, orthonormality of radial wave functions 291 295
Two-dimensional oscillator, radial expectation values 306 333
Two-dimensional rotation 288
Two-dimensional rotation, generator of infinitesimal 289
Uncertainty principle 110
| Uncertainty relation 110 140 218 327
Uncertainty, Heisenberg’s, principle 110
Uncertainty, Heisenberg’s, relation 110
Uncertainty, states of minimal 111—114
Uncertainty, states of stationary 114—118 135
Unit symbol 32—35 50
Unit symbol, trace of 58
Unitary geometry 59—67
Unitary geometry, dimensionality of a 80
Unitary geometry, metrical relations of a 67
Unitary geometry, unit vectors of a 62
Unitary transformation 67—69
Unitary transformation of an operator function 83
Unitary transformation of operators 149
Unitary transformation of vectors 149
Unitary transformation, infinitesimal 140 149—150
Unitary transformation, infinitesimal, generator of 150 183
Unitary transformations, infinitesimal, order of 184
Unitary transformations, sequence of 140—142 164
Up-hill equation 317
VACUUM 20 385 398 400
Vacuum persistence amplitude 469
Vector potential 322 437
Vector potential for homogeneous magnetic field 322—323
Vector potential, longitudinal part 438
Vector potential, transverse part 438
Vector, left 38 43
Vector, orthonormal, set 69 71
Vector, right 38 43
Vectors, adjoint 54
Vectors, completeness relation for 37 44
Vectors, state 36—38
Vectors, unit orthogonal 37
Virial theorem 310 366
Virial theorem, Coulomb potential 310
Virial theorem, harmonic oscillator 310
Virial theorem, hydrogenic atoms 310
Volume element 293
Volume element in curvilinear coordinates 293
Volume element in spherical coordinates 296
Von Neumann equation 217
von Neumann, John 217
Wave function 46 59—63 68 69
Wave function for spin state 391
Wave function, azimuthal 291
Wave function, even 253
Wave function, hydrogenic 307
Wave function, odd 253
Wave function, radial 291
Wave function, trial 257
wave number 203
Wave number cells 447
Wave number, reduced 203
Wave vector 203
Wave, incident 243 332
Wave, photon mode function 447
Wave, plane 329
Wave, reflected 243
Wave, scattered 332
Wave, spherical 329
Wave, transmitted 243
Wave-particle duality 17
Wavelength 203
Wavelength, Compton 461 471
Wavelength, de Broglie 245
Wavelength, reduced 203
Weisskopf, Victor Frederick 451
Wentzel, Gregor 246
Weyl, Claus Hugo Hermann 110
WKB (Wentzel — Kramers — Brillouin) 246
WKB approximation 243—248 266
WKB approximation for energy eigenvalues 266 410
WKB approximation for energy eigenvalues, Langer’s correction 336
WKB approximation, linear potential 255
WKB approximation, scaled momentum in 246
WKB approximation, unified 246
Zeeman effect, normal 323
Zeeman, Pieter 323
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