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Valentine F.A. — Convex Sets |
Предметный указатель |
intersection property 79
-convex set 50
-dimensional section 91
-point simplicial property 42
-partitionable property 79
-convex 99
-convex hull 99
space 164
space 200
-star 93 174
57 208
-cone 136
Absolute value 197
Additive functional 21
Affine Helly property 177
All-sided family 40
ARC 105
Area 144
Auswahlsatz 37
Ball 34 205
Banach space 203
Basis for 7
Basis for topology 198
Bilinear functional 202
Blaschke convergence theorem 37
Body, convex 13 94
Body, parallel convex 34 154
Body, rough convex 134
Body, smooth convex 94 134
Body, strictly convex 94
Boundary of set 5 196 199
Bounded set 33
box 37 208
Breadth 156
Brunn — Minkowski theorem 190
Cartesian product 198
Cauchy condition 40 202
Cauchy sequence 202
Cauchy’s formula for surface area 187
Centrally symmetric neighborhood 6
Centroid 189
Chebyshev set 179
Circles and spheres 190
Closed convex hull 13
Closed set 199
Closed subset 199
Closure of set 5 196 199
Common transversals 79
Compact family 93 148
Compact set 199
Complement of set 196 199
Complementary sets 19
Complete inner-product space 208
Complete set of constant width 159
Complete space 40 203
Component of set 201
Concave functional 134
Cone of support 135
Conjugate space 203
Constant breadth 158
Continuous function 200
Continuum 91
Convergence of sequences 200
Convex arc 105
Convex body 13 94
Convex circular polygon 101
Convex cone 27
Convex cone, vertex of 27
Convex connectedness 169
Convex curve 105
Convex function 27—28 129
Convex functional 27—28 129 233
Convex hull 13—17 39—42 196
Convex kernel 5
Convex polyhedron 141
Convex set 4
Convex subset of spherical surface 175
Convexly arcwise connected set 112
Core of set 11 196
Core point 11
Core topology 165
Countably compact 200
Covering of set 199
Crosscut 48 201
Cylinder 122
Decomposition of a space 119
Decomposition space 120
Deficiency 19
Dense set 120
Diameter 100
Diameter of set 100
Dimension of convex set 7
Distance of from 35
Double-isosceles three-point property 182
Dual cone 61
Dually similar convex sets 66
Emergency axiom 198 (see also Warning)
Empty set 195 (see also Warning)
Encompass 40
Equichordal point 191
Equichordal problem 192
Euclidean space 7 57 208
Exercise, definition of 163
Exp 139
Exposed point 52
Ext 139
Extended support function of convex set 58
Exterior normal ray 135
Extremal ray 186
Extremal subset 137
Extreme point 137
Family, compact 93 148
Family, irreducible 40
Family, uniformly bounded 37
Farthest point mapping 98
Finite intersection property 200
First category 121
Fixed point 207
Flat 7
Flat, dimension of 7
Flat, of deficiency 19
Frechet differentiable 184
Function 200
Function, continuous 200
Function, graph of 130 200
Function, notation for 197
Functional 21 27
Functional notation 197
Functional, additive 21
Functional, bilinear 202
Functional, concave 134
Functional, convex 27—28 129
Functional, homogeneous 21
Functional, linear 21
| Functional, locally supported 132
Functional, Minkowski distance 31
Functional, subadditive 60
Functional, support 60
Gateaux differential 132
Generalized continuum 91 202
Generalized ellipses 185
Graph of function 130 200
Hahn — Banach theorem 28
Half-cell of support 55
Half-line 27
Half-spaces 23
Hausdorff linear space see Topological linear space
Hausdorff space 3 199
Helly’s theorem 70
Heroic principle 185
Hilbert space 45
Homeomorphic image 201
Homeomorphism 201
Homogeneous functional 21
Hull, -convex 99
Hull, closed convex 13
Hull, convex 13—17 39—42 196
Hyperplane 19 197
Hyperplane of support 27
Hyperplane, bounding 23
Hyperplane, properly separating 23
Hyperplane, separating 23
Hyperplane, strictly separating 23
Hyperplane, supporting 27
Identity ( ) 196
Identity of real field 3
If and only if 198
Induced topology 120
inf 197
Inner product 57
Integral theorems 154 187—188
Interior of set 5 196 199
inversion 110
Irreducible family 40
Isoperimetric inequality 188
Isoperimetric problem 149 152
Jordan curve 201
Kerneigebiet 5 (see also Convex kernel)
Kernel 5
Krasnosel’ski ’s theorem 82—86
Lattice 205
Limit inferior 39
Limit point 199
Limit superior 39
Lin 11 196
Lina 11
Line 7
Line segment 4 196
Linear combination of convex sets 153
Linear functional 21
Linear programming 207
Linear space 3 195
Linear space, axioms for 3
Linear variety see Flat
Linearly accessible point 11
Linearly bounded set 31
Linearly dependent set of points 7
Linearly independent set of points 7
Linearly isomorphic space 7
Linearly ordered set 205
Lipschitz condition 168
Locally -convex set 51
Locally compact space 199
Locally connected set 202
Locally convex space 26
Locally polyhedral set 141
Locally star-shaped space 6
Locally supported functional 132
Locally symmetric space 6
Manifold 115
Mapping 200
Mapping, into mapping 200
Mapping, onto mapping 200
Maximal convex subset 117
Maximal element 205
Maximal subset 7 205
Metric 33
Metric space 206
Mild convexity 53
Mild local nonconvexity 49
Mildly locally -convex set 51
Minimal covering 37
Minimal element 205
Minimax theorem 206
Minkowski distance functional 31
Minkowski space 34
Motzkin set 179
Motzkin’s theorem 94
Neighborhood of a point 199
Nondegenerate continuum 121
Norm 33 197
Normable topological linear space 33
Normal cone 135
Normally convex set 176
Normed linear space 34
Nowhere dense set 121
Origin 3 195
Orthonormal basis 208
Parallel body 34 154
Parallel element 123
Parallel flats 7
Parallel set 34
Parallelepiped 208
Partially ordered set 205
Piercing cylinder 123
Plane section 91
Plank problem 193
Point(s), can see 86
Point(s), can see 83
Point(s), core 11
Point(s), equichordal 191
Point(s), exposed 52
Point(s), extreme 137
Point(s), fixed 207
Point(s), limit 199
Point(s), linearly accessible 11
Point(s), linearly dependent set of 7
Point(s), linearly independent set of 7
Point(s), neighborhood of 199
Point(s), regular 83
Polar cone 135
Polyhedral set, locally 141
Problem, definition of 163
Product space 28 198
Projective space 192
Projective space, convex sets in 192
Proposition, definition of 163
Radius of support 54
Ray 27
Real field 3 195
Real inner product 57
Rectifiable curve 148
Reflexive 204
Regular point 83
Regular simplex 193
Regular topological space 206
Relative interior of set 9 196
Relative topology 120
Reuleaux polygon 101
Rext 186
Rough convex body 134
Scalar multiple of set 5 196
Scalar multiplication 3 195
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