Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Gilmore R. — Lie Groups, Lie Algebras and Some of Their Applications |
Предметный указатель |
281 283 284 291 307 314 317
281 283 284 285 291 307
13 19
278 285 293 298—300 305 306 310 315 316 324 326 339 347 348 360 505
281 291 314
283 291 307 314 376
278 285 294—300 305 306 310 311 315 316 324 326 342 347 360 505
281 291 314
(root space) 283 291 300 307 314 316
(vector space) 136 147 148 159 179
136 140
278 285 294—300 305 306 310 311 315 316 324 326 343 347 360 501 505
377 378 382 433
283 284 291 307
286 287 313
278 285 294—300 305 306 310 311 312 315 316 324 326 343 347 348 360 501 505
288 289 314
289 291 314
288 289 291 314
347 361 417 418
347 361 417 418
347 361 417 418
347 361 417 418
347 417 418
289—291 312—314 325 326 347 361
347 361 418 419
347 418 419
347 361 418 419
347 361 418 419
290 291 312—314 317 325 326 347 361
347 361 419
347 361 419
347 419
290 291 312—314 317 325 326 347 361
347 361 416 417
347 361 416 417 491
347 416 417 491
287 291 292 306 311 316 325 326 347 361 491
34 35
107 114
281—286 291 292 307—310 316 317 325 326 347 361
347 361 416
347 416
202—205 209 213 370 445
451 453 455 499
462 463 495
339 340 342—344
, matrix elements of 140 155 180
339 340 342 343
, matrix elements of 139—141 155 180
21 54
12 13
45—52 85
31 32 105 118
2 11 20
11 31—33
7 49
th-order tensor product 29
14 15 142 143
209 210 213 445 478
147 148 149 179
14 49 118 453 455
37 48 50
37 48 50
179 328 427
179 202 203 206—209 213 367 370 444
365 368 384—386 388 390 392—394 399 400 427 430 431 450 453 455 499
, surface area of 392—393
6 14 18 213
143 200
function 393
226 227 241
481 482
186 352
201 213 214 215
456 472 505
200 201 215
423 461—463 494 495 497
210 444
455 459
200 201 208 213 214 215
201 202 206 208 213 214 215
200 201 202 204 206 214 215
37 48 50 185—186 293 340
186 293 346
205 207 208 210
202 205 211 429 430
274 276 344 501
118 274 276 278
207 208 214 275 502
429 430
186 193—195 214 451 454 455 459 472 494
, Cartan — Killing metric on 251
186 276 459
195 275 344
296—297 426 501
201 203 205 271
207 208 271 276 317
185—186 239 240 274 276 293 340
276 293
| 186 215 293 346
215 276 494
205 207 208 239
494 495 497
185 186 194 195 214 239 240 274 276 427 494 500 501
185 186
141 253
145 146
163 164 165
-pulse 163 165—167 176—178
-pulse 163—165 176 177
-ordered product 114—117 161 162
42 339
1-1 14
1-1 correspondence 2 16
Abelian 3 224 317
Abelian algebra 230—232 274 492
Abelian group 3 5 83 95 118 225
Abelian invariant subalgebra 236 243 268 444 449 453 477 482 484
Abelian invariant subgroup 72 340 342—344 346 424 425
Abelian subgroup 72 362
Abragam, A. 178 181
Abramowitz, M. 435
Accidental degeneracy vi
Action integral 145
Action principle 145
Active interpretation of transformation 66
Ad(g) 83
Addition 2 3
Addition, pointwise 21
Adjacent interchange 11 21 30—32
Adjoint 266 298
Adjoint representation 106 216 218
Ado, I.D. 119
Ado’s theorem 104
Aghassi, J.J. 506
Algebra 8 9 12 13 19
Algebra for orthogonal groups 186 191
Algebra for symplectic groups 188 191
Algebra for unitary groups 185 190
Algebra, associative 9
Algebra, bases for classical 13 182—215
Algebra, direct sum 142
Algebra, irreducible 236
Algebra, linear 8
Algebra, noncompact 200
Algebra, representation for 19 149 158
Algebra, simple 236
Algebraic group 83 85
Algebraic properties, of Lie group 326—334
Algebraic structure 14
Algebraic structure on continuous group 63
Algebraic, equations 241
Algebraically closed 183 241 318
Analytic 77
Analytic continuation 186 192 212 421
Analytic functions 53 70 363 431
Analytic functions, bases for 21 33
Analytic group multiplication 111
Analytic isomorphism 94 107 114 119 151 152
Analytic mapping 114 372
Analytic structure 94
Analytically isomorphic 94
Angular coordinate 432
Angular momentum, orbital 23
Angular momentum, spin 23
Annihilate 242 243
Annihilation operators 423—425 427 461 499—501 505
Annihilation operators for Bosons 499—501 505
Annihilation operators for Fermions 499—501 505
Anomalous magnetic moment 162
Anticommutation 9 22
Anticommutation relations 499
Anticommutator 9
Anticommute 339
Antihermitian matrix 184 185 340 341 343 344 347 350—352
Antinormal order 172 173
Antipodal points 127 128 130
antisymmetric 9
Antisymmetric matrix 9 13 19 186 187 339 342 343 347
Antisymmetric matrix representation, of a group 30—33
Antisymmetric metric 40 41
Antisymmetric subspace 53
Antisymmetric tensor 30—33 259
Antisymmetrization 9
Antiunitary representation v
Apostol, T.M. 56
Arecchi, F.T. 181 506
Associated Legendre polynomials, generating function for 181
Associative algebra 9 219 274 322 492
Associative algebra and Jacobi identity 104?105 491
Associativity 1 3 5 8 9 17 18 68 69 320
Associativity and Jacobi identity 104—105 491
Associativity for continuous group 64
Associativity for continuous group of transformations 65
Asteroid B-612 436 437
Atomic scattering factor 498
Aut 320—323 501
Automorphism 319—339
Automorphism, group 322
B 162 165 166 169
Baiquni, A. 349
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff formulas 94 119 460—463 497 498 504
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff formulas for SU(2) 149 152 153 157 168 169 173 179
Baker, G.A. 349 435
Baker, H.F. 119
Ball-box problem 32
Bartee, T.C. 23
Barut, A.O. 349 435
Baryon number 121 146
Bases 7 10—13 18 19 95 see
Bases for algebra 13 212
Bases renormalized 40 41
Basic root 297 298
Basis 7 12 19
Basis for algebra 184—189 294 298
Basis for analytic functions 70
Basis for Gl(n, c) 186
Basis for SO(n, c) 187
Basis for Sp(2n, c) 189
Basis vector 85 105 113 118 see
Basis vector for Lie algebra 217 219
Bateman, H. 349
BCH formulas 119 121 158 302 317 397 401 see
BCH formulas for SU(2) 149 152 153 157 168 169 173 179
BCH formulas on cosets 381
Berezin, F.A. 435
Berger, M. 435
Bessel function 495 496
Bessel, equation 496
beta function 400
Bethe, H.A. 56
Biedenharn, L.C. 277 317
Bilinear 8 12 38
Bilinear antisymmetric metric 187
Bilinear metric, antisymmetric 187
Bilinear metric, symmetric 186
Bilinear metric-preserving quaternion groups 44—45
Bilinear symmetric metric 186
Bilinearity 5
Binomial coefficients 139
Binomial theorem 137
Birkhoff, G. 23
Bishop, R.L. 86
Bloch sphere 170
Bloch state 171
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