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Gupta M.M., Jin L., Homma N. — Static and dynamic neural networks |
Предметный указатель |
norm 172
norm 172 257
-LMS algorithm 71
-perceptron learning rule 66
-LMS 77
Absolute stability 445
Action potential 24 39 317
Activation function 80 301 470 511
Activation function, linear 451
Activation function, nonlinear 451
Activation function, synapse-dependent nonlinear 448
Activation gain 82 470
active state 511
Adaptation 4 12 63 94 431 652
Adaptive algorithm 64
Adaptive filter 398
Adaptive weight learning rule 113
Additive and shunting network 305
Adjoint equation 401
Affine coordinate transformation 315
Algebraic closure 240 257
Algorithm 64
Algorithm, -LMS 71
Algorithm, -LMS 77
Algorithm, adaptive 64
Algorithm, backpropagation 83 106 118 129
Algorithm, BP 83
Algorithm, modified relaxation 69
Algorithm, momentum 144
Algorithm-based computing 10
AND operation 45
Associating learning rule 623
Associative memory 394—395 436—437 516 580
Associativity 647
Asymptotic stability 333
Asymptotically stable 474—475
Asymptotically stable in large 473
Asymptotically stable, equilibrium point 311 357
Asymptotically stable, globally 473
Asymptotically stable, locally 476
Asynchronous mode 513
Asynchronous operating mode 561
Asynchronous updating mode 594
Attraction basin 396
Attractive radius 606
Attractive region 606
Attractor 514
Autoassociative memory 398
Axon 24 28 39 581
Backpropagation 83 106 118 140 172
Backpropagation, algorithm 83 129
Backpropagation, learning 172
Backpropagation, through time 411
Basin of attraction 348
BFGS method 199
Bias 301
Bifurcation 334
Binary logic 14 45
Block sequential mode 513
Block sequential operating mode 561
Boolean function 511
Boundary condition 647
Bounded measurable function 257
bp 83 106 118 172
Brain 4 8 10
Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem 332 473
Broyden — Fletcher — Goldfarb — Shannon method 199
CAM 348 359
Canonical form 211
Carbon-based cognitive faculty 10
Carbon-based computer 4
Cartesian product 275 638
Central nervous system 8 22
CG 200
CGL 200
Chain rule 89
Chaotic attractor 396
Classification 226
Closed set 255
Closure 255
Clustering algorithm 242
CNS 8 22
Cognition 4 634
Cognitive computing machine 5
Cognitive information 7
Commutativity 647
Compact 255
Complement 637
Complexity measure 179
Complexity regularization 179
Computational complexity 246
Computational energy function 357
Conjugate gradient method 200
Conjugate gradient method with line search 200
Conjugate gradient method, scaled 200
Content-addressable memory 348 359 580 598
Continuity 383
Continuous-time 346
Continuous-time, dynamic neural network 346 396 421 436
Continuous-time, dynamic neural unit 399
Continuous-time, mapper 398
Continuous-time, mapper, recurrent neural network 380
Contraction mapping theorem 489
Convergent K-means clustering algorithm 244
Correlation coefficient 610
Correlation matrix 75
Cortex 39
Cosig function 263
Cosine squashing function 263
Cost function 113
Critical point 365
Cross-layer connection 346
CT-DNN 421 470
CT-DNU 399
Cubic splines radial basis function 229
Cycle length 514
Davidson — Fletcher — Powell method 199
DBP 395
De Morgan’s theorem 648
Dead zone 68
Deadbeat response 212
Decaying-exponential network 292
Decomposed extended Kalman filter 205 431
Defuzzifier 641 643
DEKF 205 431
Dendrite 24 27 39
Dense set 255
DFP method 199
Diagonal Lyapunov equation 483
Diagonal Lyapunov function 483
Diagonal stability 482
DIC 211
Diffeomorphism 388
Dirac’s delta function 582
Direct inverse control 211
Discrete-time 347
Discrete-time, binary neural network 510
Discrete-time, dynamic neural network 470
Discrete-time, dynamic neural structure 347
Discrete-time, dynamic neural unit 404
Dissipative property 394
Dissipative system 347
DNN 351 395 436
DNN-S 374
DNU 18 298 395
DT-DNU 404
Dynamic backpropagation 395 403
Dynamic memory 624
Dynamic neural network 18 298 351 395 436 470
| Dynamic neural network with saturation 374
Dynamic neural network, continuous-time 346 436
Dynamic neural network, discrete-time 470
Dynamic neural network, Hopfield 436
Dynamic neural unit 18 298 338 395
Effective Hamming distance 591
Effective rise time 26
Eigenvalue 366 439
EKF 202 204
Energy function 357 475 519 584
Energy function, computational 357
Energy function, method 475
Equilibrium memory 338
Equilibrium point 311 331 384 394 436 473 512 584
Equilibrium point, globally exponentially stable 334
Equilibrium point, learning 394
Equilibrium point, saddle 476
Equilibrium point, stable 519
Equilibrium point, unstable 334
Error backpropagation 431
Error measure index 139
Error partial derivative 138
Euclidean distance 242
Euclidean norm 225 473 622
Euclidean space 588
Evolutionary theory 316
Excitatory operation 317
Excitatory-inhibitory neural model 317
Exponential stability 436 452
Extended Kalman filter 202 204
Fault-tolerant system 14
FBFN 671
FBP 667 669
Feedback binary associative memory 19 580
Feedforward neural network 18 254
Finite impulse response 346
FIR 346
Firing state 511
First-order pruning 183
Fixed point 473
Fixed-increment perceptron 69
Fletcher Reeves formulation 201
FMF 639
FN 645
FNN 634 655
Fourier series 258
Frequency modulation 327
Function 48
Function, activation 80
Function, hard-limiting 82
Function, linearly separable 54
Function, signum 82
Function, step 48
Function, threshold 54
Functional approximation 18 226 254
Fundamental memory 593
Fuzzifier 641
Fuzzy 8 634
Fuzzy, addition 645
Fuzzy, backpropagation 667 669
Fuzzy, basis function 678
Fuzzy, basis function network 671
Fuzzy, concept 634
Fuzzy, IF-THEN rule 634
Fuzzy, inference engine 641 643
Fuzzy, judgment 634
Fuzzy, logic 8 14 634
Fuzzy, logic operation 646
Fuzzy, membership function 639
Fuzzy, multiplication 645
Fuzzy, neural network 15 19 634 655
Fuzzy, neuron 635 645
Fuzzy, reasoning 634
Fuzzy, rule base 641—642
Fuzzy, set 636
Fuzzy, system 641
Gain 470
Gating term 183
Gaussian density function 224 235
Gaussian neural network 235
Gaussian radial basis function 224 229 291
Gaussian radial basis function, neural network 235 674
Gaussian radial membership function 673
Generalized delta rule 113 118 172
Generalized inverse 234
Generalized inverse method 245
Generalized learning rule 580 620
Gerschgorin’s theorem 441 483
Global asymptotic stability 436 444
Global exponential stability 461
Global Lyapunov function 475
Global minimum 162 369
Global stability theorem of Lyapunov 475
Globally asymptotically stable 473
Globally exponentially stable 334 474
Gradient descent method 140 245
Gradient steepest-descent method 79
Gradient-like system 365
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization 629
GRMF 673
Gronwall’s inequality 490
Grossberg neuron model 317
Habituation 36—37
Hamming distance 591
Hard-limiting quantizer 517
Hebbian learning rule 580
Hebb’s rule 532
hessian 191
Hessian matrix 189
Hestenes — Stiefel formulation 201
HFNN 662
Hidden layer 130
Higher-order neural network 280
Higher-order neural unit 280
Higher-order optimization 198
Homeomorphism 277
HONN 280
HONU 280
Hopfield neural network 351 479 580
Hopfield neuron model 317
Human cognition 4
Human intelligence 4
Human thinking 634
Humanlike attribute 4
Humanlike function 4
Hybrid fuzzy neural network 662 666
Hyperbolic tangent function 259
IC 45
Identity function 256
IIC 213
IIR 346
inclusion 637
Indirect inverse control 213
Infimum 255
Infinite impulse response 346
Information capacity 580
Information retrieval 580 597
Inhibitory operation 317
Input layer 130
Integrated circuit 45
Intelligence 4
Intelligent system 7
Interlayer connection 346
Internal state 301
Interpolation condition 228
Interpolation problem 224 227
Intersection 637
Intralayer connection 346
Inverse multiquadratic radial basis function 229
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