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Bondi H. — Cosmology |
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-term 43 49 110 147 167
24 128—39
Age of Earth 51 ff. 116 161
Age of Galaxy 54 ff. 117 163
Age of meteorites 52 165
Age of stars 53 116 161 165
Age of universe 51 ff. 116 117 138 148 161
Astrophysical and geophysical data 52—8 (see also Interstellar dust)
Astrophysical and geophysical data, evolution of the stars 44 52—8 116
Astrophysical and geophysical data, radioactive dating, of meteorites 52
Astrophysical and geophysical data, radioactive dating, of rocks 52
Atomic time 126
Baade and Sandage, revision of Hubble’s constant 165
Background light of the sky 19—26
Base, inertial 68
beginning 8 9 74
Bondi 12—13 (see also Cosmology comparison and
Burbidge (G. and M.), theory of nucleogenesis 58
clocks 67—8 71 76 92 93 126 128
Clocks, and general relativity 68
Clocks, main types 68
Clocks, ‘atomic’ and ‘dynamical’ time 126
Condensation 118 ff. 156 168
Condensation, of galaxies 168
Conservation of mass (energy) 73—4 78 104 144 153 161
Conservation of mass (energy), general relativity and Newtonian attitude 73—4
Conservation of momentum 78
Continuity, equation of 78 131
Copernican Principle 13 22
Cosmic rays 52 62
Cosmic time 14 70—2 101 128
Cosmological concepts 65—74
Cosmological observations equipment see Clocks; Rigid ruler; Theodolites; Base inertial transformations; cosmic;
Cosmological principle 11—15 24 42 48 65—7 69 71 75 76 100 101 103 122 128 137 145 157
Cosmological principle, perfect 12 20 24 71 141 155 160
Cosmological principle, statement of 67
Cosmological term 80 96 153
Cosmology, comparison of theory and observation 89 109—22 138 147—56
Cosmology, definition and range 3—11
Cosmology, observational evidence 19—62 (see also Astrophysical and geophysical data; Background light of the sky; Inertia problem
Cosmology, present position 165—70
Cosmology, principles of 3—15 (see also Cosmological principle)
Cosmology, theories 65—169 (see also Cosmological concepts; Dirac’s theory; Eddington’s theory; Jordan’s theory; Newtonian cosmology; Relativistic cosmology; Relativity kinematic;
creation 8 9 73—4 143 166
Creation, and the steady-state theory 149
Creation, continual 143 ff. 166
Creation, rate of 73 149
Darkness of the sky 19 ff.
DE SITTER, universe 98 ff. 105 146 154 159 166
Dimensional hypothesis 133 ff. 160
Dirac, theory 65 157 16
Distance 68—70 72 107 127
Distance, definition 107
Distance, measurement of 68—70
Distance, nebular 72
Distance, of nebulae from each other 43 48
Distance, variation with 168
Doppler shift 23 ff. 35 38 46 49 72 73 87 106 115 138 142 146 150
Duration of observations 72—3
Dynamics 3 54 96 132 135 138
Earth, the 11 ff. 22 27 28 33 51 116 161
Earth, the, age of 51 ff. 116 161
Eddington — Lema tre, model 84 85 117 159
Eddington, theory 65 157
Einstein 84 94—5 98—9 117 158 159 166
Einstein law of gravitation 94
Einstein model 84 98—9 117 158—9 166
Einstein shift 95
Equivalent observers 66 128
Euclidean space 19 41 42 93 102 112
Euler’s equations 78 79
Evolution, galaxies 169
Evolution, nebulae 116 148
Evolution, stars 52 ff. 116
Evolution, universe 44
Expansion of the universe 23 25 48
Explosion 39 40 57
Fair-sample hypothesis 48 ff.
Field equations of general relativity 3 1 95 96 140 152
Field nebulae 40
Foucault pendulum 27
Fowler, theory of nucleogenesis 58
Fundamental observers 66—73 125 141 150 153
Galaxies, age of 54 ff. 117 163
Galaxies, condensation of 168
Galaxies, evolution of 169
Generation of the elements 57 119 120 149
Gravitation 29 78 79 90 91 97
Gravitation, constant of 29 33 59 162 164
Gravitation, law of 3 79 94 95 134 35
Helium 52 53 56 57
Helium, generation in stars 57
Hierarchical world order 14 19
Homogeneous models see Substratum
Hoyle, theories 58 140 152
Hubble, constant 39 40 48 55 59 60 109 117 121 138 143 146 149 165 166
Hubble, revision of 165
Hubble, theory of 48
Hubble, value of 55
Hydrogen 45 52 119 149 151
Hydrogen, and nucleogenesis 57
Hyperbolic space 103 135
Inertia 27—33 68 78 91 97
Inertia, problem of 27—33
Intemebular distance 28 43 48
Intergalactic matter 45 56
Intergalactic matter, density of 169
Interstellar dust 55—8
Interstellar dust, chemical composition 55
Interstellar dust, extent of 56
Interstellar dust, origin of 55
Interstellar dust, variation in 56
Interstellar matter 26 45 53
Isotropy 13 14 28 30 36 40 66 67 77 78 102 130 150
Jordan, theory 65 157 163
Layzer, theory 78—9
Lem tre, model 84 85 120 165
Light, absorption of 42
Light, and measurement of distance 70
Light, signals 70 93 127
| Lorentz invariance 66 150
Lorentz transformations 31 70 92 129
Luminosity distance 68 69 73 108 127 138
Luminosity distance, definition of 68
Luminosity, absolute 35 37 39 53 107 110 147
Luminosity, apparent 35 72 107 168
Mach’s principle 27 ff. 34 98 152 158
Magnitude, absolute 37 ff. 107 110
Magnitude, apparent 35 37 41 109
Magnitude, bolometric 43 49 88 110
Magnitude, photographic 43 49 110
Matter, continual creation of 143
Matter, density of 14 19 45—7 48 59 75 76 102 103 131 154 156 166 170
McCrea, theory 78—9
Meteorites 52 165—72
Meteorites, age of 52
Microphysics 59—62 65 157
Milne 6 69 124—39 166
Milne, and -, -time 128—39
Milne, model 138
Models of the universe 3 31 81 98 146 155 165
Morgan 168 169
Nebulae 14 27 34—50 68 70 89 100 107 109 115 121 125 127 140 146 159
Nebulae, and -term of the red shift 49—50
Nebulae, and radio astronomy 44—5
Nebulae, and the mean density of matter and radiation in space 45—7
Nebulae, and the Stebbins — Whitford effect 4 1 43—5
Nebulae, clusters of 14 36 40 48 148—9
Nebulae, condensation of 169
Nebulae, distribution of 36 40—1 48
Nebulae, evolution of 116 148
Nebulae, luminosity and spectra of 35 37—8 41 43 44 49
Nebulae, mass of 38
Nebulae, rotation of 47—8
Nebulae, shape and structure of 36—7 48
Nebulae, velocity-distance relation for 38—9
Nebular counts 41 113 147 148
Newtonian cosmology 65 75—89 90
Newtonian cosmology, and the theories of Layzer and McCrea 78—9
Newtonian cosmology, models of 81 ff.
Newtonian theory 94 104 105 145 166
Nuclear physics 57 119 120
Nucleogenesis 57 ff.
Numerical coincidences 59 ff. 151 157
Olbers, paradox 21 ff. 122 138 163 166
Oscillating models of the universe 82 ff. 122
Particles, free 132 ff.
Particles, fundamental 65 ff. 103 106 125
Perihelion of Mercury 95
Planck’s constant 88
Point origin 82 ff. 117 119 120 149
Poisson’s equation 79 95 96
Pressure 76 103 104 113
Projective relativity 164
Propagation of light 68 86 90 105 123 145 163
Proper time 70 145
Radiation 19 ff. 25 26 38 43 48
Radiation, corpuscular 68
Radiation, density of 14 19 20 23 45 46 48
Radio astronomy 44—5
Radio astronomy, number counts 167
Random motions 101 104 108 125 132
Random velocities 39 48 151 168
Relativistic cosmology 31 70 71 75 80 90 129 147 153 155 165
Relativistic cosmology, models of 81 ff. 144 145 148 165 166 170
Relativity, and Newtonian theory 94—6
Relativity, general theory of 13 28 31 32 65 75 79 80 89 90—122 124 142 145 147 153 158 162 163 166
Relativity, kinematic 24 26 65 68 90 115 123—39 142 145 160 166
Relativity, projective 164
Relativity, Special Theory of 8 31 33 40 67 68 70 90 157 163
Relativity, special theory of, and cosmic time 70
Relativity, special theory of, and light 70
Relativity, special theory of, and relativity transformations 70
Relativity, special theory of, laws of 91—2
Repeatability of experiments 11
Riemannian geometry 93 94
Rigid ruler, and general relativity 68 70 92 127
Robertson 69—70
Robertson, line element 102 106 129 145
Sciama, theory 169
Simple models of the universe see Substratum
Simplicity postulate 13 14 153
Solar system 12 79 89 121
Solar system, origin of 52
Space, absolute 30
Spectra 3 35 37 38 43 50
Spectra, no continuous 43 (see also Nebulae)
Spectral lines 3 39 94 126 138
Spherical space 103 119 148 163
Spiral nebulae 36 37
Stars 44 52 116 117 138 148 161
Stars, age of 53 116 122 161 165
Stars, chemical composition of 51
Stars, clusters of 54
Stars, evolution of 44 52—8 116
Steady-state theory 13 14 22 43 65 70 72 130 131 140—56 160 166 167 169
Stellar dynamics see Astrophysical and geophysical data
Substratum 65 ff. 75 87 100 145 150 154 155
Supemovae 57 149 164
Theodolites 68 128
Theodolites, function in cosmology 68
Thermodynamic considerations 24 25 98
Thermodynamic equilibrium 20 144
Thorium 52
Time, cosmic 14 70 101 128
Ultra-violet light 45 49
Universe, age of 51 ff. 116 117 138 148 161
Universe, catastrophic origin of 55 149
Universe, static 23 79 80 112 117
Universe, stationary 23 145
Universe, time-scale of 51 ff. 72 116 117 138 142 151 161 165 Cosmology Evolution)
Uranium 52
Velocity of light 8 10 33 59 101 131
Velocity of observers 66 76
Velocity-distance relation 38—40 42 43 48 77 107 108 109 112 128 130 146
Walker 13 69—70
Weyl, postulate 70 71 100 125 150
Wheeler — Feynman, absorber theory 166
World map 71 109
World models 15 81
World picture 71 109
‘Mass of the universe’ 60
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