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Lee J.M. — Introduction to Smooth Manifolds |
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(continuously differentiable) 425
(k times continuously differentiable) 425
(k times continuously differentiable), manifold 9
(k times continuously differentiable), structure 9
(infinitely differentiable) 7 425
, structure 9
structure 9
(Riemannian volume form) 258
(pullback) of covectors 75
(pullback) of forms 213
(pullback) of functions 40
(pullback) of tensors 181
(push-forward) in coordinates 50
(push-forward) of vector fields 63
(push-forward) of vectors 46
(push-forward), induced Lie algebra homomorphism 378
see “Complex general linear group”
see “General linear group”
(identity matrix) 409
(left translation) 32
(space of complex matrices) 12
(space of matrices) 12
(space of square complex matrices) 12
(space of square matrices) 12
(right translation) 32
(symmetric matrices) 115
(complex special linear group) 150
see “Special linear group”
(symplectic group) 227
(symmetric group) 204 206
(second dual space) 67
(second dual space), isomorphic to V 67
(dual space) 66
(X flat) 193
-close 138
(Kronecker delta for multi-indices) 206
(Kronecker delta) 66
(complex projective space) 169
(nonzero complex numbers) 31
(upper half space) 19
(real projective space) 6
(real projective space) 6
, fake 27
, nonuniqueness of smooth structure 27
see “Euclidean space”
(nonzero real numbers) 31
see “Circle”
see “Sphere”
see “Torus”
(n-torus) 32
see “Torus”
(space of vector fields) 62
(space of covector fields) 71
( sharp) 193
1-form 70
Abelian Lie algebra 372
Accessible slice, from a point 367
Action by discrete group 149
Action by left translation 148
Action by right translation 148
Action by right translation is free 160
Action by right translation is proper 160
Action by right translation is smooth 160
Action of a group 145
Action of O(n) on 148
Action, free 147
Action, group, local one-parameter 313
Action, group, one-parameter 310
Action, left 145
Action, natural, of 148
Action, natural, of O(n) 148
Action, proper 147
Action, proper of a discrete group 157
Action, properly discontinuous 158
Action, right 146
Action, smooth 146
Action, transitive 147
Adapted chart 154
Adapted orthonormal frame 192 262
Addition, vector 403
Adjoint matrix 150
Ado’s theorem 398
Affine, singular simplex 292
Affine, singular subspace 407
Algebra, Lie 371
Algebra, Lie of a Lie group 373
Algebra, Lie, induced homomorphism 379
Algebra, Lie, product 372
Along a submanifold 123
Alt (alternating projection) 205
Alt convention 212
Alternating projection 205
Alternating tensor 202
Alternating tensor and orientation 231
Alternating tensor, basis for space of 207
Alternating tensor, elementary 206
Alternative definitions of the tangent space 55
angle 186 421
Angle, function 14
Antisymmetry of bracket 371
Approximation linear 41
Approximation theorem on manifolds 142
Approximation theorem, Whitney 138
Approximation, linear and the differential 74
Atlas 8
Atlas for a manifold with boundary 20
Atlas, smooth 8
Atlas, smooth, complete 9
Atlas, smooth, maximal 9
Autonomous system of ODEs 326
Backward reparametrization 81
Baker — Campbell — Hausdorff formula 392
Ball, closed 423
Ball, closed is a manifold with boundary 21 40
Ball, coordinate 4
Ball, open 423
Band, Mobius 265
Base of a covering 28
Base of a vector bundle 59
Basis, dual 66
Basis, dual for a vector space 405
Basis, dual, standard, for 66
Basis, isomorphism 11 408
Basis, ordered 406
Basis, representation of a vector 406
Basis, standard 406
Bilinear 172
Bilinear form 173
Block upper triangular 420
Boundary of a manifold with boundary 19 128
Boundary of a manifold with boundary is a manifold 21
Boundary of a manifold with boundary is a submanifold 120
Boundary of a manifold with boundary, disjoint from interior 20
Boundary of a singular simplex 292
Boundary, induced volume form 262
Boundary, manifold 20
Boundary, manifold with 19
Boundary, manifold with push-forward 53
Boundary, manifold with tangent space 53
Boundary, manifold with topological 19
Boundary, manifold with vector field on 62
Boundary, operator, singular 292
Boundary, singular 292
Boundary, topological 20
bounded linear map 424
| Bracket in a Lie algebra 371
Bracket, commutator 372
Bracket, Lie 329
Bracket, Lie, antisymmetry 330
Bracket, Lie, bilinearity 330
Bracket, Lie, coordinate expression 329
Bracket, Lie, equals Lie derivative 333
Bracket, Lie, is smooth 329
Bracket, Lie, Jacobi identity 330
Bracket, Lie, naturality 331
Bracket, Lie, tangent to submanifold 331
Bracket, Poisson 348
Bracket, Poisson on 348
Bredon, Glen E. vi
Bump function 35 39
Bump function, existence 38
Bundle of tensors 179
Bundle, cotangent 69
Bundle, cotangent is a vector bundle 69
Bundle, isomorphic 60
Bundle, isomorphism 60 127
Bundle, map 60 192
Bundle, map, bijective 127
Bundle, Mobius 265
Bundle, normal 139
Bundle, normal, is a submanifold 139
Bundle, tangent 57
Bundle, tangent is a vector bundle 59
Bundle, tangent, projection 57
Bundle, tangent, smooth structure 57
Bundle, tangent, standard coordinates 58
Bundle, tangent, trivial 62
Bundle, tensor 180
Bundle, trivial 59
Bundle, trivial, tangent 62
Bundle, vector 58
Bundle, vector, projection is a submersion 95
Bundle, vector, restriction of 59
Bundle, vector, section of 59
C(M) (space of continuous functions) 40
Calibrated submanifold 304
Calibration 304
Canonical coordinates 349
Canonical form for commuting vector fields 337
Canonical form for nonvanishing vector field 331
Canonical form for symplectic tensor 221
Canonical symplectic structure on 223
Cayley numbers 401
Centered at a point 4
Chain rule for partial derivatives 431
Chain rule for total derivatives 429
Chain, complex 286
Chain, complex, singular 293
Chain, group, singular 292
Chain, group, smooth 296
Chain, singular 292
Chain, smooth 296
Change of variables 438
Characterization of homogeneous spaces 162
Chart 4
Chart with corners 252
Chart with corners, smooth 252
Chart with corners, smoothly compatible 252
Chart, centered at a point 4
Chart, generalized 19
Chart, negatively oriented 232
Chart, oriented 232
Chart, positively oriented 232
Chart, slice 97
Chart, smooth 7 10
Chart, smooth, on a manifold with corners 252
Chart, smooth, with corners 252
circle 6 14
Circle as a Lie group 31
Circle, de Rham cohomology 281
Circle, group 31
Circle, group, Lie algebra of 374
Circle, group, subgroup of 124
Circle, homeomorphic to square 7
Circle, not diffeomorphic to square 127
Class 425
Class 425
Class 425
Closed 1-form 85
Closed 1-form, coordinate independence 85
Closed ball 423
Closed ball is a manifold with boundary 21 40
Closed covector field 85 214
Closed covector field, coordinate independence 85
Closed covector field, vs. exact 85–87
Closed curve segment 82
Closed form 219
Closed form, local exactness 279
Closed rectangle 433
Closed subgroup 124
Closed subgroup is embedded 394
Closed subgroup theorem 392
Closed submanifold 126
Closest point to a submanifold 144
Cochain, complex 286
Cochain, homotopy 274
Cochain, map 286
Codimension 97
Cofactor 419
Coframe, coordinate 71
Coframe, dual 71
Coframe, global 71
Coframe, local 71
Cohomologous 273
Cohomology de Rham 272
Cohomology de Rham of nonorientable manifold 281
Cohomology de Rham of orientable manifold 279
Cohomology de Rham with compact support 284
Cohomology of a complex 285
Cohomology, class 273
Cohomology, group, de Rham 272
Cohomology, map, induced 273
Cohomology, singular 295
Coisotropic, immersion 222
Coisotropic, submanifold 222
Coisotropic, subspace 220
Column, operations, elementary 417
Column, rank 413
Combination, linear 404
Commutator bracket 372
Commute 335
Commuting vector fields 335 336
Commuting vector fields, canonical form 337
Compact support 34
Compact support, de Rham cohomology with 284
Compactly supported forms 282
Compactly supported function 34
Compactly supported section 59
Compatible, smoothly 7
Compatible, smoothly, charts with corners 252
Complement, orthogonal 423
Complement, symplectic 220
Complementary subspace 407
Complete smooth atlas 9
Complete vector field 316
Complete vector field on a compact manifold 317
Completely integrable 359
Completely integrable vs. involutive 359
Complex, analytic structure 9
Complex, chain 286
Complex, cochain 286
Complex, general linear group 31
Complex, general linear group, Lie algebra of 402
Complex, manifold 9
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