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Nayfeh M.H., Brussel M.K. — Electricity and Magnetism |
Предметный указатель |
4-current 577
4-differential volume 576
4-dimensional space 569
4-divergence 573
4-gradient 572
4-Laplacian 574
4-potential 577
4-scalars 572
4-tensors 574
4-vector 569 572
Aberration 569
ac circuits 407
Accelerated charge 508 509
Acceleration fields 506
Action ai dista nee 31
Addition of vectors 1
Adiabatic demagnetization 381
Admittance 413
Air gap 319—321 327
Amperage drop 318
Ampere 250 254 594
Ampere’s Law 251—257
Ampere’s law for H 296
Analog computers 398
Angle of incidence 523
Angle of reflection 523
Angle of refraction 523
Angle, Brewster 526
Angle, critical 525
Angle, grazing 525
Angle, plane 9
Angle, solid 6 38 270
Antenna 490 494 498—499
Antenna, array 498
Antenna, half-wave 494
Antiferromagnetism 344
Antireflection coatings 532
Area as vector 9
Area, element 8
Associated Legendre’s equation 482
Attenuation distance 425 459
Back-cab rule 6
Band-pass filter 426
Barium litanate, susceptibility of 176
Base vector 1
battery 233
Battery, nuclear 237
Battery, solar 235
Bessel function 483
Betatron 354
Biot — Savart law 263—267 508
Bohr magneton 288
Boltzmann constant 173 212 333
Bound charge 129
Boundary conditions, electric field 47 77 516
Boundary conditions, electric field and Laplace’s equation 75
Boundary conditions, electric field at perfect conductor 46
Boundary conditions, electric field, current density 216 223
Boundary conditions, electric field, magnetic field vectors 260 303 516 554
Boundary conditions, electric field, magnetic scalar potential 303
Boundary conditions, electric field, scalar potential 78
Boundary conditions, electric field, vector potential 258 303
Brewster’s law 526 529 540
Bridge, capacitance 432
Bridge, frequency 432
Bridge, Maxwell 433
Brillouin function 338
Capacitance 188
Capacitance of coaxial cylinders 191
Capacitance of parallel cylinders 192
Capacitance of parallel plates 190 198
Capacitance of sphere 189
Capacitance, coefficients of 184
Capacitance, concentric spheres 192 199
Capacitance, dielectric, effect of 190
Capacitance, plane and cylinder 192
Capacitor 188
Capacitor in parallel 193
Capacitor in series 193
Capacitor, conic 82
Capacitor, cylindrical 191
Capacitor, energy of 194
Capacitor, nonaxial 91
Capacitor, nonconcentric 85
Capacitor, parallel plate 190 198 203 204 221 438
Capacitor, spherical 53 81 192 195 198
Capacitor, wedge 81
Cavity definition, displacement 149
Cavity definition, electric field 149
Cavity definition, magnetic field 327
Cavity resonator 542 549
Charge as invariant 590
Charge density, bound 129
Charge density, linear 34
Charge density, polarization 129
Charge density, surface 34
Charge density, volume 33
Charge distributions, cylindrical shell 54 117 191 581
Charge distributions, dipole 49 62 152 499 587
Charge distributions, disk 52 267
Charge distributions, exponential 116 118
Charge distributions, general surface 157
Charge distributions, infinite slab 114 124
Charge distributions, line 35 42 62
Charge distributions, localized distributions 58 499
Charge distributions, nonuniform cylinder 93
Charge distributions, nonuniform sphere 62 86 147 194
Charge distributions, octupole 72
Charge distributions, plane 37 190
Charge distributions, point charges 30 62 64 146 154 491 504 584 585
Charge distributions, quadrupole 64
Charge distributions, ring 36 51 62
Charge distributions, spherically symmetric 55
Charge distributions, uniform sphere 40 115 159 183 188
Charge, bound 129
Charge, conservation 28 193 212
Charge, distributions 35 36 37 40 42 44 51 55 62 65 86 114—118
Charge, free 129
Charge, induced 137
Charge, linear density 34
Charge, magnetic 251
Charge, magnitude 28
Charge, negative 28
Charge, point 30
Charge, polarization 129
Charge, positive 28
Charge, surface density 34
Charge, symmetry 28
Charge, volume density 33
charging 404
Circuit, ac 407
Circuit, coupled 405
Circuit, differentiating 398
Circuit, integrating 398
Circuit, magnetic 317
Circuit, Norton 412
Circuit, RC 397
Circuit, RL 395
Circuit, RLC 400
Circuital law, Ampere’s 251—257
Circulation 20
Clausius — Mossotti relation 168
Coaxial line, magnetic fields of 456
Coaxial line, self-inductance 372 388
Coaxial line, TEM mode 549 558
Coefficient of coupling 371
Coefficient of coupling, reflection 521 524 533
Coefficient of coupling, transmission 521 524 533
Coefficients of capacitance 184
Coefficients of inductance 361
| Coefficients of potential 184 187 188
Coefficients of resistance 229
Coercive force 300
Coercivity 300
Collision time 232
components of vector 2
Conductance 213
Conductivity 214
Conductivity and permittivity 220—221
Conductivity, table 215
Conductor 45
Conductor, forces on 157
Conductor, good 460
Conservation of charge 28 193
Conservation of energy 452
Conservative field 20 24 27
Constitutive relations 139 296
Continuity, equation of 212 438
Convection currents 210
Conversion of numerical value 594
Conversion of symbols 595
Coordinate systems 1
Coulomb 30
Coulomb gauge 258 470
Coulomb’s law 29
Coulomb’s law for magnetic poles 293
Coulomb’s law in dielectric 146
Coupled circuits 405
Coupling, coefficient of 371
Covariance 577
Critical angle 525
Critically damped 402
Cross product 5
Crossed fields 245
Cup, Faraday 119
Curie temperature 177 340
Curie — Weiss law 177 341
Curie’s law 174
Curl 16
Current density, bound 290
Current density, magnetization 290
Current density, polarization 210
Current density, surface 254 260
Current density, volume 210
Current distributions, circular loop 264 272 385
Current distributions, coaxial cable 456
Current distributions, coil 317—322
Current distributions, cylindrical 252 261 386 455
Current distributions, cylindrical shell 581
Current distributions, differential wire (antenna) 490
Current distributions, disk 267 276
Current distributions, filamentary straight 253 261 306 315 377 385 477
Current distributions, half-wave wire 495 498
Current distributions, loop 274 276 378
Current distributions, point charges in motion 247 504 508—509 584 587
Current distributions, quarter-wave wire 499
Current distributions, rectangular loop 284 352
Current distributions, sheet 254
Current distributions, solenoid 257 265 276 351 378 383
Current distributions, sphere 312
Current distributions, toroid 256
Current distributions, two-parallel loops 365 367
Current distributions, wire segment 266
Current element 264
Current element, forces between 253
Current element, point charge as 490
current loop 264
Current sheet 254
Current, balance 254
Current, conduction 210
Current, convection 210
Current, displacement 210 437—439
Current, eddy 352 371
Current, filamentary 245
Current, four 577
Current, free 296
Current, image 314
Current, induced 352 371
Current, longitudinal 471
Current, magnetization 288 290
Current, steady 213 215 251
Current, surface 254 260
Current, transverse 471
Cutoff wavelength 545 549
Cycloid 249
Cyclotron frequency 247
Cylinder, magnetized 290 295 309
Damping force 232
Damping force, radiation 507
Deformation polarization 170
Degeneracy 551
Del operator 11 20 21
Del operator, 4-vector 572
Demagnetization, adiabatic 381
Demagnetizing factor 312
Demagnetizing field 312
Depolarizing field 134—136 151 177
Derivative of vector 24 574
Dianiagnetism 330
Dielectric 127
Dielectric and capacitance 190
dielectric constant 139
Dielectric constant, table 140
Dielectric mirrors 532
Dielectric sphere in uniform field 149
Dielectric, electric field within 149
Dielectric, force on 204
Dielectric, homogeneous 139
Dielectric, isotropic 139
Dielectric, linear 139
Dielectric, strength 141
Differentiating circuit 398
Dipole layer 78 131
Dipole moment 60 62 126
Dipole moment, table 169
Dipole, approximation 490
Dipole, electric field of 49 490 499
Dipole, energy in external field 59 280
Dipole, force on 60 280
Dipole, induced 350
Dipole, magnetic field of 277
Dipole, permanent 172 332
Dipole, potential of 49 59
Dipole, radiation 484 487 490 499
Dipole, torque on 61 280
Dipole-dipole interaction 171 180 342
Dirac delta function 25
Discharging 401
Disk, potential of 52
dispersion 446 459
Dispersive and nondispersive 446
Displacement 6
Displacement current 210 437—439
Displacement vector 137
Dissipation of energy 234
Divergence 13 22
Divergence theorem 15
domains 343 391 395
Doppler effect 566
Dot product 5
Drift velocity 210—211
Dyadics 24
D’Alemberlian 574
d’Alembert solution 442 448
Earnshaw’s theorem 74
Eddy currents 352 371
Edge effects 319
Einstein 568
Electret 131 178
electric field 31
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