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Wilson W. — Theoretical physics - Relativity and quantum dynamics |
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Aberration of light 13
Action and reaction, law of 48
Advance of mercury’s perihelion 103 104
Aether 20 21
Analogy between geometrical optics and classical dynamics 197 203
Angle variables 177 178
Anomalous Zeeman effect 266
Atomic number 171 262
Atomic structure 261
Avogadro 153
Avogadro’s number 153
Back 267
Balmer 166 167
Balmer’s series 166 173
Band spectra 220
Band system 222
Barkla 163 164
Bibliography 132 268
Bohr 169 170 172 227 231 234 235 239 260 263 268
Bohr’s hypothesis 170
Bohr’s magneton 261
Bohr’s postulate 169 170 239
Boltzmann 135 137 157
Boltzmann’s constant 146 147
Born 132 235 269
Brackett 167
Broglie, L. de 21 163 203 204 235 250 251 269
Broglie, L. de, waves 203 204
Cattermole 250 259 269
Characteristic radiation 163 264 265
Characteristic temperature 156
Christoffel 75 85 86 87 91 109
Clerk — Max well 18 21 138 197 203
Co-ordinates, isotropic 112 113 114
Co-ordinates, orthogonal 116
Combination principle 167 229 235
Compton effect 163 165
Compton, A. H. 163 165
Conditionally periodic systems 176
Conservation of electric charge 70 117
Conservation of momentum 70
Constant of full radiation 140 141
Constant of gravitation 100
Constant, cosmic 112
Constant, Planck’s 108 146
Constants of Planck and Boltzmann 146
Continuity, equation of 49
Continuum, Galilean 22
Continuum, Riemannian 64 65 70
Contraction 82
Contraction, definition of 27
Convection formula of Fresnel 15
Convection of light 13
Correspondence principle 180 231
Cosmic constant 94 112 123
Cosmological speculations 121
Covariant and contravariant tensors 25
Covariant derivation 80 82 83 84
Cunningham, E. 132
Cylindrical world, Einstein’s 121
Debye 154 268
Debye’s theory 154 155 157
Degenerate systems 176 227
Degrees of freedom 158 159
Density, mean, of matter in space 125
Derivative, covariant 80 82 83 84
Determinant 76 77
Determinant, Jacobian 77
Diffuse limit of 168
Diffuse series 167
Dirac 237 244 245 251 258 269
Displacement law, of Wien 141 144
Displacement of spectral lines 93 94 107
Displacement, parallel 78
Distribution of energy in full radiation 136
Divergence 82
Doppler 13 130
Doppler effect 13
Dulong 158
Dulong and Petit, law of 153 154
Dynamics, Newtonian 20
Eddington 68 119 120 132
Einstein 20 21 53 64 67 68 92 93 94 95 103 107 114 115 116 121 124 125 126 127 131 132 162 163
Einstein’s cylindrical world 121 124 125
Einstein’s general principle of relativity 64
Einstein’s gravitational theory 67
Einstein’s law of gravitation 92 93
Einstein’s mass-energy law 53
Einstein’s photo-electric law 162 163
Electric charge, conservation of 117
Electric charge, invariance of 39
Electric moment 229
electromagnetic field 40
Electromagnetic field equations 1 2 3 116
Electromagnetic momentum 51
Electromagnetic phenomena 67
Electromagnetic stress-momentum tensor 117
Electromagnetic vector potential 54 184
Electromagnetic waves 4
Electromagnetic waves, nature of 21
Electromagnetic waves, velocity of 6
Electron, Dirac’s theory of the 251
Electron, orbits 175
Electron, quantum theory of the 249
Electron, wave equation of the 249
Elementary ionic charge 147
Energy 31
Energy, and mass 36 53
Energy, conservation of 35
Energy, in the electromagnetic field 40 44
Energy, of charged conductor 53
Energy, states 251
Energy, transport vector 49
Entropy constant 137 146 147
Entropy of full radiation 139 141
Equilibrium, statistical 133
Equipartition of energy 137
Equivalence, principle of 65 66
Euclidean space 5 7
Exclusion principle 258
Expanding Universe 131
Extension of Planck’s hypothesis 159
Fermat 198 199 200 201 202
Fermat’s principle 198
Fermat’s principle, and group velocity 201
Fermat’s principle, broadened 200
Fermat’s principle, conditions associated with 199 201
Field equations, 4—dimensional character of 1
Fitzgerald 11 13
FitzGerald — Lorentz contraction hypothesis 11 13
Flint 120 259 269
Force, Minkowskian 32 34 67
Force, Newtonian 35
FOURIER 189 229
Fresnel 15 197 203
Fresnel’s convection formula 15
Full radiation 134 135
Full radiation, classical theory of 148
Full radiation, laws of 135
Fundamental tensor 73 75
Galilean continuum 18
Galilean space-time 5
Gas constant 153
Gauge 119
Gauge, imaginary 120 259
General law of gravitation 111
Geodesic 65
Geodesic equation 75
Goudsmit 244 268 269
Gravitation, constant of 100
| Gravitation, general law of 111
Gravitational field of isolated particle 94
Gravitational phenomena, nature of 67
Gravitational theory, Einstein’s 67
Group velocity 193 194 197 199 250
Gyromagnetic anomaly 267 268
Gyromagnetic effect 268
gyromagnetic ratio 267
Hamilton 57 63 64 69 211 269
Hamiltonian operator, Dirac’s 251
Hamilton’s differential equation 211
Hamilton’s dynamical equations 62
Hamilton’s principal function 57 211
Hamilton’s principle 57 64 69 202
Heat 133
Heat, nature of 133 134
Heat, radiant 133 134 135
Heisenberg 206 235 236 269
Helium atom 173
hermite 216 230
Hermitian functions 216
Huygens 202
Huygen’s principle 202
Hydrogen atom 174
identities 109
Inner quantum number 260
Interpretation of wave function 228
Interval in Galilean continuum 13 18 78
Invariance, of electric charge 39
Isotope effect, in band spectra 223
Isotropic co-ordinates 112 113 114
jacobi 77 181
Jacobian determinant 77
JORDAN 235 269
Kaluza 68 118 259
Kaluza’s unifying theory 68
Kelvin 136
Kepler 180
Kepler motion 180
Kepler motion, and hydrogen spectrum 223
Kinematical equations 11
Kirchhoff 134
Kirchhoff’s laws 134
Lagrange 62 63
Lagrange’s dynamical equations 62
Lagrangian function 63
Land 6 261 267
Laplace’s formula 115
Laplacian in polar co-ordinates 218
Larmor 187
Larmor precession 187
Laue 43 132
Laue’s tensor 43
Law of Dulong and Petit 153 158
Law of gravitation 95
Law of gravitation, complete statement of 113 114 115 116
Law of gravitation, Einstein’s 92 93
Law of gravitation, Newton’s 93
Law of Stefan and Boltzmann 137 139 140
Laws of Kirchlioff 134
Light, nature of 21
Lorentz 7 9 11 13 23 50 184 266
Lorentz transformation 7 9 10 23 50
Loschmicit’s number 147 153
Loschmidt 147
Lyman 167
Mach 235
magnetic quantum number 188 234 260
Magneton 260
Mass and energy 53
Mass in Einstein’s world 126
Mass of charged conductor 49 51 53
Mass, conservation of 33
Mass, identical with energy 49
Matrices 230 239 254
Matrices, Hermitian 230
Matrices, Pauli’s 245
Matrix mechanics 230 235
Maupertius 69
Maupertuis’ principle 69 200
Maxima of spectral distribution curves 145
Mercury, advance of perihelion of 93 103 104
Michelson 7 13 18 20 21
Michelson’s experiment 7 13 18
Micromechanics, nature of 235
Millikan 147
Minkowski 5 20 32
Modulus, of statistical equilibrium 133
Momentum 31
Momentum, conservation of 32
Momentum, in the electromagnetic field 40 46
Momentum, of charged conductor 51
Motion of free particle 57
Motion of planet mercury 93
Multiple structure of spectral lines 168
Multiple structure of spectral terms 263
Neighbouring path 198
Newton 21 35 71 93 103 198 235 269
Newtonian dynamics 20 57
Newtonian potential 115
Newton’s law 93
Newton’s rays 198
Nicholson 170
Normed functions 228
Nucleus 169
Observables 238 240
Orthogonal functions 228
Oscillator 246
Parabolic co-ordinates 181
Parallel displacement 78 118
Parallelism, in Riemannian continuum 80
Parsec 125
Paschen 167 267
Paschen — Back effect 267
Pauli 241 245 258 261 263
Pauli’s principle 261
Perihelion of mercury, advance of 103 104
Petit 158
Phase integrals 174
Phase space 151
phase velocity 193 197 250
Photo-electricity 21 162
Photon gas 138
Photons and elementary particles 204
Pickering 173
Planck 21 108 133 136 137 138 139 145 147 148 150 151 157 159 169 170 203 204 205 213 268
Planck’s constant 146 147 204 205
Planck’s formula 152 153
Planck’s hypothesis, extension of 159
Planck’s law 138
Planck’s quantum theory 21 150 151
Planetary motion 98
Planetary motion, Newtonian theory of 101
poisson 56 242
Poisson’s bracket expression 237 240 242
Poisson’s equation 115
Poisson’s equation, extended 56
Positrons 251
Potential, Newtonian 115
Poynting 43 44 45 46 49
Poynting’s theorem 43 45 46
Poynting’s theorem, analogue of 46
Poynting’s vector 44
Principal series 167
Principal series, limit of 168
Principle of action and reaction 35
Principle of action and reaction, extended 69
Principle of conservation of energy 35
Principle of conservation of momentum 35
Principle of equipartition 137 150
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