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Wilson W. — Theoretical physics - Relativity and quantum dynamics
Wilson W. — Theoretical physics - Relativity and quantum dynamics

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Название: Theoretical physics - Relativity and quantum dynamics

Автор: Wilson W.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

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Год издания: 1940

Количество страниц: 283

Добавлена в каталог: 28.04.2013

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Principle of equivalence      65 66
Principle of exclusion      258
Principle of least action      200
Principle of relativity      18 19
Proper functions      210
Proper functions, orthogonality of      227
Proper time      31 71
Proper values      210 241
Proper vectors      240
Proton and electron, masses of      172 174
Protons      251
q numbers      245
Quantum conditions      174 175 176 227
Quantum dynamics      136
Quantum theory      136
Quantum theory, Planck’s      21 150 151
Radiant heat      133
Radiation, black body or full      134 135
Radius of de Sitter’s world      126 127
Radius of Einstein’s world      124 125
Rayleigh      137 147 150
Rayleigh’s formula      150
Recession of spiral nebulae      130
Refraction of light, gravitational      93 104
Relativity, general principle of      64
Relativity, general theory      57
Relativity, principle of      18 19
Relativity, special principle of      19 20
Relativity, Special Theory of      22
Richardson      268
Riemann      64 75 85 86 87 91 92 109
Riemann — Christoffel tensor      75 85 86 87 91 118
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, widened      120
Riemannian continuum      64 65 70
Ritz      166 167 229
Rotator      209 216
Rutherford      169
Rydberg      166 167 168 169
Rydberg — Schuster law      168
Rydberg’s constant      166 169 172 173
Rydberg’s constant, derivation of      169
Scalar, definition of      24
Schroedinger      21 163 203 213 228 229 230 232 269
Schroedinger’s amplitude equation      213
Schroedinger’s principle      203
Schuster      168
Selection and polarization rules      231 265
Series spectra      165
Shapley      125
Sharp series      167
Sharp series, limit of      168
Silberstein      132
Simple group      192 193
Simple harmonic oscillator      213
Sitter, W. de      126 127 130 131 132
Sitter, W. de, spherical world      126 127 130
Solar eclipse      106
Sommerfeld      188 234 260 269
Space, Euclidean      5 7
Space-time continuum      19
Space-time continuum, flat and curved      87
Special principle of relativity      19 20
Spectral term      169
Spectral terms, multiple structure of      260 263
Spherical world, de Sitter’s      126 127
Spin matrices      245 256
Spin momentum      244 256
Spiral nebulae, recession of      94 130
Splitting factor      261 267
Stark      181
Stark effect      181
Statistical equilibrium      133
Stefan      135 137 157
Stefan and Boltzmann, law of      137 139 140 157
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      140 141
Stellar aberration      17 18
Stokes      61 86
Stokes’ Theorem      61
Stress in electromagnetic field      40
Stress in electromagnetic field, components of      42
Stress-momentum-energy tensor      117
Summation convention      2 73
Temperature      133
Temple      269
Tensor analysis      73
Tensor, definition of      24
Tensor, Riemann — Christoffel      85 86 87 109
Thermal capacity of solid elements      153
Threshold frequency      162
Total quantum number      261
Transformation of Lorentz      50
transitions      229
Uhlenbeck      244 268 269
Uncertainty relation      206
Unification of gravitational and electrical phenomena      118
Vasiliev      132
Vector, definition of      24
Vector, potential      54 69
Vector, symbolic      29
Velocity vector in Galilean space-time      30
Voigt      9
Volume, Euclidean      38
Wave equation      207
Wave mechanics      21 120 163 202
wave number      166
Weyl      68 118 119 132 259
Wien      136 137 138
Wien’s constant      147
Wien’s displacement law      141 144
Wien’s law      136 137
Wilson, W.      69 132 159 250 259 269
Work scale of temperature      136
X-ray spectra      263 264 265
Young      203
Zeeman      180 184 188 266
Zeeman effect      180 184 188 266
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