Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Weinreich G. — Geometrical vectors |
Предметный указатель |
"co-" vs "contra-" 48—50
"Del" operator 99
"Hanging laundry" construction 63
Acceleration 14
Addition of arrows 20
Addition of sheaves 37—38
Addition of stacks 20—22 25
Addition of thumbtacks 36—37
Addition of vectors 2
arrow 14 20
Associative law 20 28
Axial scalar 32—34 39
Axial sense see "Sense genders"
Basis 67 79
Basis, arrow 68 71—72 82
Basis, conversion of 96—99
Basis, scalar capacity 69—70
Basis, scalar density 69—70
Basis, sheaf 68 81
Basis, stack 68 72 82
Basis, thumbtack 68 80—81
Cartesian coordinates 2 17 74—75 see
Commutative law 20 28
components 4—6 69 79—80
Components of basis vectors 74
Conservative field 65
Constitutive relations 93—94
Contravariant vector see "Arrow"
Contravariant vector density see "Sheaf"
Coordinate system 5 66—69
Coordinate transformation vs space distortion 9—10 70
Covariant vector see "Stack"
Covariant vector capacity see "Thumbtack"
Cross product 1 3 26—31 49 83—84 109
Cross product, arrow-arrow 27—28
Cross product, arrow-sheaf 43—44
Cross product, stack-stack 34—36
Cross product, thumbtack-stack 44—45
Curl 3 57—60
Curl of gradient 58
Curl, computation of 86—88
Curl, divergence of 61
Curl, inverse of 63
Curved space 1 109—110
Cylindrical coordinates 17 75—77 100—101 105 106
Determinants 84 104
Direction type see "Orientation of lines and planes"
Displacement 13—14 17
Distance 103 109—110
Distributive law 20 24 28
Divergence 3 60—62
Divergence of curl 61
Divergence, computation of 88—90
Divergence, inverse of 63
Dot product 3 82
Dot product, stack-arrow 22—24 73
Dot product, stack-sheaf 46—47
Dot product, thumbtack-arrow 47—48
Dot product, thumbtack-sheaf 46
Electric charge 11 65
electric field 6—9 11 16 24 65
electromagnetic field 93—94
Energy 34
| entropy 34
Equation of continuity 105
Euclidean space 1—2
Field 9 53—55
Gauss's theorem 61—62
Gradient 3 55—57
Gradient, computation of 85—86
Gradient, curl of 58
Gradient, inverse of 62—63
Hydrodynamics 105
interval see "Distance"
Kronecker delta 73
Laplacian 98—99 101 105 109
Left-handed system 85 90 91
Maxwell equations 93—94 111
Menagerie (table) 48
Metric 102—104 106 110
Multiplication of vector by density or capacity 51—52
Multiplication of vector by scalar 2—3 19 36
Notation for vectors 22 27 36
Orientation of lines and planes 15 27—28 48 95
Orientation of lines and planes, conversion between 16 40—42 95
Orthogonal systems 77 80 99—102 105
Orthonormality 73 82 90
Parallel vectors 18—19
Parallelogram rule 2 20—21
Perpendicular vectors 16 18—19 27
Polar sense see "Sense genders"
Potential difference 6—7 11
Pressure 105
Propagation vector 24
Pseudoscalar see "Axial scalar"
Radius vector 9 72
Reference frame see "Coordinate system"
Reflection 29—30 39
Relativity 1 110—111
Right-hand rule 3 28—29 32 35 39 45
Right-handed system 85 90 91
Rotation of coordinate system 6—7
Scalar capacity 47—48
Scalar density 47—48
Scalar product see "Dot product" "Triple
Scale factors 101—102
Scale, change of 6—8
Sense genders 28—34 39
Sense genders of bases 84—85
Sheaf 34—38 49—50
Size of symbols 16—17 53—55
Spherical coordinates 74—75 80 105 106
STACK 15—16 49
Stokes's theorem 59—60
Tensor analysis 111—112
Thumbtack 27—28 36—37 49—50
Time 6 14 110
Topological invariance 4 10—11 17—19 22 40—42 74 93—94 111
Traditional approach 2—4 6—8 27 64
Triple cross product 91
Triple scalar product 52 84 90
Underlying Cartesian system 94—96 109
Unit cell 66—69
Unit vectors 77 80 101—102 105
Vector product see "Cross product" "Triple
Velocity 6 14 105
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