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Lipschutz S.Ph.D. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of finite mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute value 259
Absorbing states 240
Algebra of propositions 11
Algebra of sets 38
Algorithm of simplex method 308
Angle of inclination 266
Argument 26
Bayes' theorem 207
Biconditional statement 19
Binomial coefficients 141
Binomial distribution 217
Binomial theorem 142
Birthday problem 188
Bounded sets 269
Bounding hyperplane 282
C player 321
Cartesian Plane 266
Cartesian product 50
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality 278
cell 60
class 37
Class equivalence 60
Closed half space 282
Closed interval 258
Co-domain of a function 66
Coefficients of equations 106
Coefficients, binomial 141
Collection 37
Column vector 81
Combinations 161
Complement of a set 37
Components of vectors 81 83
Composition function 68
compound statements 1
Conclusion of an argument 26
Conditional probability 199
Conditional statement 18
Conjunction 1
Consistent equations 109
Constant 106
Contradiction 10
Contrapositive 19
Converse statement 19
Convex sets 281
Convex sets, polygonal 283
Convex sets, polyhedral 282
Corner point 282
Counting, fundamental principle of 152
Cross-partitions 162
De Morgan's laws 11
Degenerate equations 107
Dependent vectors 114
Detachment, law of 26
Determinants 127
Disjoint sets 37
Disjunction 2
Disjunction, exclusive 3 15
Distance 266
distribution 218
Distribution, binomial 217
Domain of a function 66
Dot product 84
Dual problem 301
Duality theorem 303
Echelon form 109
Element 35
Elementary event 184
Empty set 37
Equations, linear 104
Equations, linear, system of 107
Equiprobable space 186
Equivalence class 60
Equivalence relation 59
Equivalent, logically 10
Euclidean space 268
Event 184
Exclusive disjunction 3 15
Expected value 220
Expected value of a game 221
Extreme point 282
Factorial 141
Fair game 221 323
Fallacy 26
False statement 1
Family 37
Family of lines 268
Feasible solution 300
Finite set 36
Fixed point 234
Frequency, relative 184
Function 66
Function, composition of 68
Function, identity 70
Function, inverse 70
Function, linear 67 281
Function, objective 300
Function, polynomial 68
Games, gambling 221
Games, gambling, fair 221
Games, matrix 321
Games, matrix, fair 323
Games, matrix, strictly determined 323
Games, matrix, value of 323
Graph of a function 67
Half plane 282
| Half space 282
Homogeneous equations 111
Hyperplane 269
Identity function 70
Image 66
Implication 28
Inclination of a line 266
Inconsistent equations 109
Inconsistent inequalities 285
Independent events 201
Independent trials 216
Independent vectors 114
Inequalities 258
Inequalities, linear 259
Infinite set 36
Initial simplex tableau 304
Inner product 84
Intersection of sets 37
Intervals 258
Inverse, function 70
Inverse, matrix 132
Inverse, relation 59
Inverse, statement 19
Invertible matrix 131
Joint denial 16
Line, in the plane 267
Line, real 257
Line, segment 281
Linear, equation 104
Linear, function 67 281
Linear, inequality 259
Linear, programming 300
Linear, space 83
Logical implication 28
Logically equivalent 10
Mapping 66
Markov chain 236
Matrix 90 112
Matrix, addition of 90
Matrix, game 321
Matrix, multiplication of 92
Matrix, non-singular 133
Matrix, regular 234
Matrix, scalar multiplication of 91
Matrix, singular 133
Matrix, square 93
Matrix, stochastic 233
Matrix, transition 236
Matrix, transpose 94
Member 35
Minkowski's inequality 278
Mixed strategy 322
Multinomial coefficients 144
Mutually exclusive events 185
Negation 3
negative numbers 257
New simplex tableau 306
Non-singular matrix 133
Norm of a vector 269
Null set 36
Numbers, real 256
Objective function 300
Odds 188
One-to-one function 69
Onto function 69
Open half space 282
Optimum solution 300
Optimum strategy 322
Order 257
Ordered pair 50
Ordered partition 163
Origin 257
Pair, ordered 50
Parallel lines 266
Partitions 60 162
Partitions ordered 163
Pascal's triangle 143
Permutation 152
Perpendicular lines 266
Pivot 305
Pivotal column 305
Pivotal row 305
Plane, Cartesian 266
Plane, half 282
Play of a game 321
Players, R and C 321
Point 266
Point, corner 282
Point, extreme 282
Point, fixed 234
Point, saddle 323
Polygonal convex set 283
Polyhedral convex set 282
Polynomial 68
Premises 26
Primal problem 301
probability 184
Probability, conditional 199
Probability, distribution 238
Probability, vector 233
Product set 50
Proper subset 36
Proposition 3
Pure strategy 322
Quotient set 60
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