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Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry |
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-axiom 662
-covering 658
-neighborhood of a point p 638
Abelian group 11 62 619
Absolute circular point 414
Absolute conic section 414
Absolute figure 461 490
Absolute geometry 138—141 145—162
Absolute involution 413—414
Absolute polarity 413—414
Absolute simplex 611
Absolute sphere-circle 414n
Adjoint mapping 374
Adjoint representation 526
Adler, A. 228
Admissible mapping 535
Affine continuous metric plane 189
Affine geometry 180—182 297
Affine group 310—312 397 461—462
Affine line 527
Affine mapping 25 310—325 397—398
Affine plane 66—95 169 180
Affine plane, Desarguesian 182 310
Affine plane, Pappus 303—306
Affine point space 297—302
Affine reflection 316
Affine subspaces 335—345
Affine transormation 7 22
Affine-coordinate plane 85—90 114 124 300
Affinity 81—82 311—325
Affinity, algebraic description of 312—313
Affinity, axial 80—81 94 316 394
Affinity, classification of 314
Affinity, Euler 316—317
Affinity, representation of 93—95
Alexander lemma 651—652
Alexander, J.W. 631
Algebra, exterior, of Grassmann 294
Algebraic curves 438—453
Algebraic geometry 452
Algebraic surface 453—458
Algebraization, of Euclidean planes 124—127
Algebraization, of metric planes 168—173
Alternating product 360—365 486
Altitudes, of a tetrahedron 357—358
Altitudes, of a triangle 356
Altitudes, theorem of 125—126 152—153
angle 13—18 185—186 417—419
Angle, at the circumference of a circle 362
Angle, between vectors 346
Angle, bisection of 151 356—357
Angle, cosine theorem for 372
Angle, measure of 361 417n 495
Angle, of a polygon 239—242
Angle, of rotation 418
Angle, oriented 361
Angle, trisection of 230—233 235
Angle-sum 367—368 507
Annulus 598
Anti-prism 278
Antiparallel-equal 36—37
Apollonius 437
Apollonius contact problem (tangency problem) 480 485—486
Approximation, simplicial 631 665—666
Arc, cos function 347
Arc, Jordan 643—644
Arc, length 537—538 547
Arc, of a curve 640
Archimedes 233
Archimedes, axiom of 13 184—185
Archimedes, spiral of 437
Archimedes, system 13
Area 18—23
Area, of an oval 576
Area, surface 373 547—551
Asplund and Grunbaum theorem 584
Asymptote 440
Asystatic representation 525
Automorphism, group 24 460—461
Automorphism, inner 526
Automorphism, of Euclidean space 374
Axial affinity 80—81 94 316 394
Axial perspectivity 402
Axioms 11
Axioms, independence of 27—28
Axioms, model of, system 62—63
Axioms, of order 339
Axioms, system for absolute geometry 138—141 145—147
Axioms, system for affine planes 66—68
Axioms, system for Euclidean planes 113—114
Axioms, system for three-dimensional projective space 102—105
Axis, of a central collineation 393—395
Axis, of a conic section 422—424
Axis, of a pencil 148
Axis, of perspectivity 97
Axis, of reflection 378
Axis, of rotation 417
Axis, principal 380
Axis, radical 429
Banach space 349
Barycentric coordinates 344 390 665 667—668
Base points of a pencil 429
Base, ordered 340
Basis 296
Basis, conjugate 328
Basis, for a topological space 663
Basis, orthogonal 347
Basis, orthonormal 348 353 415
Bernoulli, Johann 562
Betti group 621
Betti number 621—622 631 650
Bilateral 6—7
Bilinear form 108—109 110 325—327 329 345—346 379—380
Bilinear outer product 486
Binormal 539
Birational correspondence 440
Birational equivalence of two curves 452—453
Birational transformation 438 454
Birationally related classes of surfaces 458
Blaschke's theorem 576 577—579 583—584
Bolyai, Janos 490
Boundary chain 616—617
Boundary curve 595
Boundary of a domain 648
Bounded set 639
Bounding line 573
Bourbaki, Nicolas 661
Branch of a curve 441
Breadth of a curve 574
Brianchon theorem 158—160 426
Brill, A.W. 438
Brouwer dimension theorem 654
Brouwer, L.E.J. 595 659
Brunn theorem 581
Bundle, dualization 408
Bundle, model of elliptic geometry 502—503
Bundle, of circles 473—474 484
Bundle, of cycles 479
Bundle, of Lie circles 484
Bundle, of lines 401 488
Bundle, of planes 401
Calculus of variation 559—560
Calculus, of segments (Hilbert) 90—93
Calculus, reflection 30
Calculus, vector 30
Calculus, with points 30
Canonical system of generators 62
Cantor definition of a curve 660
Cantor discontinuum 637
Carpenter's square 235—237
| Carrier 148 167—168 387 401
Carrier simplex 665
Cartan, E. 533
Cartesian coordinate system 415
Cartesian product 176n
Castelnuovo, Guido 438
Cauchy theorem on polyhedra 266
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 346
Cavalieri principle 20
Cayley, A. 107 490
Cayley-Klein geometries 490—501
Center 317 393—395
Center of a conic section 421—422
Center of a pencil 148
Center of a quadric 432
Center of curvature 540
Center of gravity 54—61 356 390 580—581
Center of perspectivity 97
Central collineation 395
Central dilation 316—317
Central line of a penicl 430
Central ovoid 580—584
Central quadric 328 381
Central-elliptic geometry 501
Central-hyperbolic geometry 501
Ceulen, von, doubling formula of 243—245
Chain 616—635
Change of direction 478 485
Chasles relation 33 55
Christoffel three-index symbols 556
circle 351 381 423 584—588
Circle, bundle of 473—474 484
Circle, inversion in a 456—457 471
Circle, Lie 466 483^84
Circle, limit 510
Circle, linear set of 473—474
Circle, measurement of 248—252
Circle, of constant geodesic distance 568
Circle, oriented 465
Circle, pencil of 429—431 473—474 484
Circular point, absolute 414
Circular transformation 469
Circumcircle of a polygon 242
Circumference of an oval 576—577
Cissoid of Diodes 437
Clebsch, R.F.A. 457
Closed chain 617—619
Closed halfspaces 343
Closed manifold 604—609
Closed path 635
Closed set 517 639
Closure 638
Closure, theorems 68—76 82—84 91—92 150—153
Cloverleaf loop 593—594
Collinear 66
Collineation 76—82 94 306—307 393—400 461
Collineation, central 395
Collineation, involutory 394
Collineation, of a projective plane 98—99
Collineation, orthogonal 132—133
Collineation, perspective 98 393
Collineation, projective 99 395—397 400—401
Combinatorial geometry 574
Combinatorial topology 595 616
Compact 647 651
Compactum 659—660
Comparativity 11 179
Compass construction 199—210 222—229
Complement 244 639
Complete quadrangle, theorem of the 388
Complete quadrilateral 107 335—336
COMPLEX 595—596 609—616
Complex geometry 391—393
Conchoid of Nicomedes 437
Cone 329 381 412 457^58 482
Congruence 298 349 375 379 512
Congruence, axioms 183—189
Congruence, class of segments 24
Congruence, invariance of an area under 22
Congruence, relation 183—189
Congruence, theorem 512
Conic section 100 325 332 412 419—431
Conic section, absolute 414
Conic section, axis of 422—424
Conic section, diameter of 421—422
Conic section, proper 381
Conic section, vertex of 423—424
Conies, as an algebraic curve 438—440
Conies, homaloidal net of 457
Conies, imaginary 421
Conies, line 496—497
Conies, nondegenerate 439
Conies, point 496—497
Conies, projective generation of 425—427
conjugate 388—389 410 421
Conjugate basis 328
Conjugate midline 590
Conjugate pair 403—405
Connected set 639
Connective relation 517
Connectivity 631—635 649—650
Constructible problems 199
Constructible regular n-gon 257—259
Construction, Mascheroni 224—229
Construction, methods of 200—201
Construction, Mohr 224—229
Construction, of classes 24
Construction, of higher degree 229—237
Construction, problems 208—209
Construction, Steiner 214—218
Construction, von Staudt's pentagon 253
Construction, with compass 224—229
Construction, with straightedge alone 210—224
Construction, with straightedge and compass 199—210
Construction, with straightedge and gauge 220—223
Contact (tangency) problem of Apollonius 485—486
Contact point 638
Continuity 180
Continuity, axiom of 178—180
Continuity, Dedekind 22
Continuity, geometry of 596
Continuity, of mappings 517
Continuous function 642
Continuous mapping 664—670
Continuous plane 143—145 180 182 189
Continuous representation 519—520
Continuously ordered set 646
Continuum 639 641 642—644
Contravariant tensor 545
Contravariant vector 545
Convex body 572
Convex hull 265—266
Convex point 572
Convex polygon 239 241—242
Convex polyhedra 265—272 343—344
Convex sets 342—345
Convexity 343—345
Coordinate 85—95
Coordinate plane 124—127 389
Coordinate plane, affine 85—90 114 124
Coordinate simplex 313
Coordinate system 313 392 415
Coordinate vector 385—387
Coordinate, affine 300
Coordinate, barycentric 344 390 665 667—668
Coordinate, geodesic polar 567
Coordinate, homogeneous 345 389—391
Coordinate, in projective space 385—393
Coordinate, line 439 487
Coordinate, normal 569
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