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Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry

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Íàçâàíèå: Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry

Àâòîðû: Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K.


Volume II of a unique survey of the whole field of pure mathematic

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1974

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 696

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 26.02.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Coordinate, pentacyclic      483
Coordinate, Plucker line      487
Coordinate, tetracyclic      467 469 531
Coordinate, transformation of      536
Copunctual      66
Correlation      99 405—407
Cosine theorems      368—369 372 513
Countable      636
Countable basis      663
Countably compact      647
Counterpairing      155—158
Covariant derivative      565
Covariant tensor      546
Covariant vector      546
Covering      10 658—659
Cramer, Gabriel      437
Cremona transformation      454—457
Cross cap      601—603 608—609 627—628
Cross product      363
Cross ratio      387—389 461 473
Crushed cylinder      549
cube      230—236 278
Cubic cone      458
Cubic curve      440—445 448—449
Cubo-octahedron      278—279
Curvature tensor      557 566
Curvature, Gauss      514 552
Curvature, geodesic      566
Curvature, line of      554
Curvature, mean      555
Curvature, of a curve      539—540
Curvature, of an oval      576—577
Curvature, principal      553—555
Curvature, total      567 570
Curve      534—542
Curve, algebraic      438—453
Curve, arc of a      640
Curve, birational equivalence      452—453
Curve, boundary      595
Curve, branch of a      441
Curve, breadth of a      574
Curve, class of a      442
Curve, comparison      560
Curve, diameter of a      574
Curve, distance      510
Curve, extremal      561
Curve, genus of a      446
Curve, higher      445—446
Curve, Jordan      595 647—654
Curve, linear family of      457
Curve, meridian      547
Curve, natural equation of a      542
Curve, of third order      440—442
Curve, order of a      438 450
Curve, rational      440 447—448
Curve, spiric      437
Curve, thickness of a      574
Curve, topology of      635—654
Curvilinear polyhedron      648
Cusp      443
Cuspidal tangent      444
Cut      13 646
Cycles      465 617—619
Cycles, bundle of      479
Cycles, in Laguerre geometry      476—477
Cycles, in Lie geometry      482
Cycles, pencil of      479
Cyclic equivalence class      9—10
Cyclic order      9—10
Cyclographic mapping      481
Cyclographic transference      480—482
Cyclotomy      252—254
cylinders      328
Cylinders, crushed      549
Cylinders, elliptic      329 381
Cylinders, hyperbolic      329 433
Cylinders, parabolic      331 332 383 433
Cylinders, without real generators      433
D-extension of an Abelian group      62
Danzer, L.      574
Darboux rotation vector      541
Decagon      245—247
Decahedron      263
Decomposable equality      19
Dedekind continuity      22
Dedekind cut      13
Deductive geometric theory      29
Deformations of surfaces      596—604
Degenerate Cayley-Klein geometry      497
Degenerate pencil of circles      474
Degenerate polarity      411—412
Degenerate quadric surface      432
Dehn, Max      172
Dense      639
derivatives      39
Derivatives, covariant      565
Derivatives, Gauss equations for      556
Derivatives, mid-      44
Derivatives, of an n-gon      42—44
Derivatives, Weingarten equations for      555—556
Derived triple      39
Desargues theorem      37 69 96 105—107 212 308—310
Desarguesian plane      84 85—93 180 182
Descartes, folium of      449
Descartes, oval of      451
Determinants      335—339
Determinants, functional      335— 337 543
Determinants, Gram      353
Determinants, Hadamard inequality for      354
Determinants, multiplication theorem for      337—338
Diagonal points      107
Diameter, involution      421
Diameter, of a conic section      421—422
Diameter, of a curve      574
Differential equation      560—561
Differential form      558
Differential geometry      504 534—542 576
Dihedral group      283
Dilation      54 79 118 123—124 205 315—317 394 472 479
Dilative rotation      206
DIMENSION      659
Dimension, at a point p      659—660
Dimension, Brouwer theorem of      654
Dimension, Menger and Uryson definition of      659—660
Dimension, of a compactum      659—660
Dimension, of a simplex      611
Direct isometry      375 416—417
Direct sum      294
Directed curve      536
Directed distance      351
Directed plane      6
Directed straight line      5
Direction      322—323 475
Direction, change of      478 485
Direction, of principal curvature      554
Direction, vector      302 535
Discontinuum      637
Disjoint sets      639
Displacement      417 563—567
Distance      572 655
Distance curve      510
Distance function      517
Distance, between two nonabsolute points      491
Distance, directed      351
Distance, elliptic      473 503
Distance, geodesic      568
Distance, hyperbolic      513
Distance, parabolic      495
Distance, tangent      478
dodecahedron      278
Domain      639 648
Double line      420n 439
Double plane      412
Double point      403—404 441
Double pyramid      283
Doubling formula of von Ceulen      243—245
Doubling of the cube      230—236
Doubly covered triangle      45—46
Dual space      349
Duality      406n
Duality, for polyhedra      268
Duality, principle of      95—96 103—104 407—409
Dualization      408—409
Dyadic expansion      636
Eccentricity of a conic section      424
Eigenspace      315
Eigenvalue      321
Eigenvector      553
Elation      98
Elementary divisors      314
Elementary geometry      462
Elementary subdivision of a complex      614
Elementary transformation      201—202
Ellipitic cylinder      329 381 433
ellipse      329 381 421 588—591
Ellipsoid      329 381 432—433
Elliptic cone      458
Elliptic distance      473 503
Elliptic geometry      163—164 497 502—505
Elliptic group      502
Elliptic group of motions      163
Elliptic involution      404—405
Elliptic measurement      491—493 495
Elliptic motions      163 505—506
Elliptic paraboloid      332 383 433
Elliptic plane      143—145 163—164 169 172 195—196
Elliptic polarity      99
Elliptic projective-metric plane      172
Elliptic reflection      505
Elliptic trigonometry      503—504
Empirical space      3
Enriques, Federigo      438
Equatorial plane      466—467
Equiaffine group      338 342
Equiform geometry      498—499 501
Equiform group      375 414 460—461
Equivalence class      11
Equivalence relation      11 24
Equivalent complex      615
Equivalent systems of neighborhoods      661
Erlanger Program      461—514 533 536 593
Euclid      3 4 13—15 18 64 174
Euclidean differential geometry      536
Euclidean geometry      164—167 345—383 413—419 462
Euclidean group      374—375 461—462
Euclidean group of motions      166
Euclidean plane      112—128 166 169 172 189
Euclidean plane, model of the      190—191
Euclidean point space      350—352
Euclidean space      374 375 563
Euclidean vector space      345—350 379—380
Eudoxus      12—13
Euler concept of a triangle      370
Euler differential equation      560—561
Euler formula for polyhedra      266—267 634
Euler spherical triangle      370
Euler totient function      242
Euler triangle      503—504
Euler — Poincare characteristic      633—634 667
Euler, affinity      316—317
Euler, Leonard      437
Excess of a triangle      570
Exterior algebra      294
Extremal curve      561
Faithful representation      520 525
Fano axiom      107—109
Fermat, Pierre de      437
Field of lines      488
Field, Galois      305
Field, ordered      180n
Field, prime      305
Field, residue class      452
Field, skew      85—90
Field; 15-gon, regular      247—248 259—260
Finite model      142—143
First fundamental form      546
Fixed configuration      77
Fixed group      520n
Fixed line      77 315—316
Fixed point      77 98
Fixed simplex      666—667
Flag      512 533
Focus of a conic section      424—425
Folium of Descartes      449
Form, Pfaffian      558
Form, positive definite      327 345—346
Form, quadratic      388
Four-vertex theorem      579
Fourth harmonic point      388
Fractional linear transformation      527
Frechet separation axiom      661—662
Frechet space      656
Free cyclic group      619
Free mobility      142—143 350
Frenet equation      554
Frenet formulas      540—542 576
Frenet, F.      541
Fujiwara — Kubota theorem      584
Function, arc cos      347
Function, continuous      642
Function, determinant      335—337 543
Function, distance      517
Function, Euler totient      242
Fundamental chain      622—624 630—631
Fundamental form      415 546 552—553 555—557
Fundamental group      634
Fundamental metric form      415
Fundamental polygon      597 608—609
Fundamental tensor      559
Gale's theorem      575
Galois field      305
Gap      646
Gauge      220—223
Gauss curvature      514 552—553
Gauss equations for the derivatives      556
Gauss formula      255
Gauss — Bonnet integral theorem      570
Gauss, Carl Friedrich      490
Gauss, Theorema egregium of      557
General theorem of three reflections      153—154
Generalized line elements      350
Generated group      61
Generators      62 296
Genus, of a curve      446 453
Genus, of a surface      634
Genus, zero      440
Geodesic curvature      566
Geodesic distance      568
Geodesic line      559—563
Geodesic polar coordinates      567
Geodesy      25
Geometric locus      200
Geometry, absolute      138—141 145—162
Geometry, affine      180—182 297
Geometry, algebraic      452
Geometry, Cayley — Klein      490—501
Geometry, central hyperbolic      501
Geometry, central-elliptic      501
Geometry, combinatorial      574
Geometry, complex      391—393
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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