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Buss S.R. — 3-D computer graphics. A mathematical introduction with openGL |
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-continuity 164 168 174 175 190 194 210
-continuity 203 210
-continuity 164
-continuous 164
-continuity 164 168 174 175
AABB see “Bounding box axis-aligned”
Abram, G. 271
Abutting polygons 64
Accumulation buffer 253
Additive colors 149
AddPatch 348 349
AddRationalPatch 348
Adjoint 82 328
Affine 218
Affine combination 101 103
Affine combination, preserved under 102
Affine transformation 17 20 35 36 46 81
Affine transformation, matrix 27 35 36
Affine transformation, orientation-preserving 23 35
Affine transformation, preserved under 101 168
Agrawala, M. 256
Aliasing 2 64 127 132
Alpha channel 84 253 256
Ambient light 69 74 75 84 85 337
Ambient reflection 74
Ambient reflectivity coefficient 70 74 85 339 350
Angel, E. xii
angle brackets 21
Angle of incidence 69 71 72 239
Angle of reflection 69 72
Angle of refraction 239
Animation 15 17 23 64 77 99 289
Anisotropic surface 88
Anti-aliasing 8 132—135 234 244 253
Antipodal 33 44 122
Apex 345
Arclength 186 190
Arctangent 24
Articulated object 291 307
Arvo, D. 251
Arvo, J. 252
Ashdown, I. 288
Aspect ratio 57
Associative law 300
atan2 24
Attachment point 308
Attenuation see “Distance attenuation”
Aupperle, L. 288
Automorphism, inner 302
Averaging see “Interpolation”
Axis conventions 4
Axis-aligned bounding box see “Bounding box axis-aligned”
Azimuth 131 (see also “Yaw pitchand
B-spline curve 101 187 200—232 307
B-spline curve as Be?zier curve 226—227
B-spline curve in OpenGL 229
B-spline curve, derivative 221
B-spline curve, interpolating 229—232
B-spline curve, knot insertion 218 223
B-spline curve, nonuniform knots 204—214
B-spline curve, rational 26 46 102 121 228—229
B-spline curve, repeated knots 213
B-spline curve, smoothness 212 213 221—223
B-spline curve, uniform knots 201—204 206
Back buffer 15
Back face 13 83
Back intersection 264
Background color 242
Backwards ray tracing 234 250—252
Badler, N. 255 311 317
Ball 117
Barsky, B. 155
Bartels, R. 155 193
Barycentric coordinates 102—107 262
Barycentric coordinates, calculating 105
Base position 308
Basic ray tracing see “Recursive ray tracing”
Basis function 200 (see also “Blending function”)
Basis spline 200 (see also “B-spline curve”)
Beatty, J. 155
Beckmann distribution 91
Beckmann, P. 91
Bergeron, P. 255
Berns, R. 146 154
Bernstein polynomial 157 166 209 226
Bessel spline see “Overhauser spline”
Bessel tangent 192
Bessel twist method 197
Bezier curve 101 155—199 307
Bezier curve as B-spline 208 228
Bezier curve in OpenGL 178—179
Bezier curve, degree three 156 157
Bezier curve, derivative 158 166
Bezier curve, general degree 165—172
Bezier curve, piecewise 163—164 168
Bezier curve, quadratic 182—187
Bezier curve, rational 26 46 102 121 178 180—187 228
Bezier curve, subdivision see “Recursive subdivision”
Bezier patch 173—177 257 268
Bezier patch in OpenGL 179—180
Bezier patch, rational 187—188 348
Bezier patch, viewable 347
Bezier, P. 155
Bhetanabhotla, M. 268
Bias 194
Bicubic patch 197
Bidirectional pathtracing 252
Bidirectional reflectivity 87—89
Bier, E. 128
Bilinear interpolation 107—116 127 133 137 342 351
Bilinear interpolation, inverting 113—116
BilinearInvert 115 116
Billmeyer, F. 146 154
Binary space partitioning (BSP) tree 258 271
Binomial theorem 157 166 170
Bitmap file 350
black 10 149
Blending 65 84 150 253 256
Blending function 157 201—203 307
Blinn, J. xv xvi 87 90 93 121 135 180
Blossom 217—221
Bohm method 223—225
Bohm, W. 223
Bouma, P. 154
Bounding box 268 269
Bounding box, axis-aligned (AABB) 269
Bounding box, discrete oriented polygon (k-DOP) 269 270
Bounding box, oriented (OBB) 269 271
Bounding sphere 259 268 269
Bounding volume 268 269 271
box 264
Bresenham algorithm 61—64 122
BRIDF see “Bidirectional reflectivity”
Brightness 151 275
Brill, M. 154
Brotman, L. 255
Browser-safe colors 151
Browsers 151
Brunelleschi, F. 34
BSP tree see “Binary space partitioning tree”
Buffer 15
Bump Mapping 135—137
BumpMapFunction 350
Buss, S. 307
CalcAllDirectIllum 334
CalcPixelDirection 338
CalcPixelPosition 339
CalcRefractDir 334
CalcTransmissionDirection 241
| Calculus 329
CalcViewPosition 338
Camera 245 291 295
Camera position see “Viewpoint”
CameraView 335 337
Canny, J. 271
Carpenter, L. 244
Casteljau method 159—160 168—169 175 214 227 268 307
Casteljau, P. de 155 168 221
Catmull — Rom spline 189—190 193 195 232 290
Caustics 251
cell 270
Centripetal parameterization 191
Chen, S.E. 256
Choice function 157
Chord-length parameterization 189—192 232
Christiansen, N. 251
Chroma 151
Chromaticity 151
CIE 154
circle 121 182—185 187—188 229
ClampUV 350
Clipping plane 48
clockwise 13
Clone 255
CLUT see “Color lookup table”
CMY 150
CMY to/from RGB 150
CMYK 150
Cofactor 82 328
Cohen, E. 223
Cohen, M. 275 280 288
Collinear 323
COLOR 1 2 10 58—60 63 146—154 250
Color lookup table 151
Color perception 146—148
Color, additive and subtractive 149
Colorfulness 151
Column span (colspan) 314 329
Column vector 21 23 34 326
Commutative law 300
complex numbers 299
composition 20 303
ComputeG 95
Computer-aided design 155
Cone 344
Cone, general 255
Conic section 102 121 181—188 226 228—229
conjugate 300
ConnectDots 16 193
Constant attenuation factor 86
Continuity see “ - and
Continuity (TCB) 194
Control point 101 156 180 201 204 228 230
Control polygon 167 168 171 223
Convex 264
Convex hull 117 162
Convex hull property 162 166 168 185 223 268
Convex polytope see “Polytope”
Convex quadrilateral 109 110
Convex set 9 10 117—119
Cook — Torrance lighting 67 87—98 233 235 332
Cook, R. 87 90 93 97 244 256
Coomain 320
Coordinate system 4
Counterclockwise 13
Coxeter, H. 34
Cox–de Boor formula 200 206—209 214
Cracking 66 176 177
Cross product 5 42 300 321 322 325
Crow, F. 255
cube 128 264
Cubic curve 168
Culling back faces 13 83 342
Curry, H. 200
Cutoff angle 86
Cyan 10 149 150
Cylinder 129 266 343
Daniel, M. 159
Data glove 291
Data types 6
Daubisse, J. 159
de Berg, M. 271
de Boor algorithm 214—217 219 227 307
de Boor, C. 200
de Casteljau see “Casteljau”
Degree elevation 171—172 184 227
Degree of freedom 308
Denominator equals zero 206
Depth 12 49 52 58
Depthbuffer 12 50 52 54 60 62 63 233 254
Depthcueing 256
Depthof field 5 234 245 247 253 254
Derivative 331
Determinant 22 35 327
Diagonal property 218
Diameter 279
Different curves 168
Diffuse light 69 71 85
Diffuse reflection 69 71—72
Diffuse reflectivity coefficient 71 85 242 339 350
Diffuse transmission 241
Diffuse transmission coefficient 242
Diode 290
DirectIlluminateViewPos 334
Directional light 74 83 84 336
Discrete oriented polygon see “Bounding box”
Display list 3
Distance see “Depth and pseudo-distance”
Distance attenuation 75 82 85—87 337
Distributed ray tracing 234 244—251
Distributive law 300
Dot product 81 307 321 324
Dot product, preserved 24 35
Double buffering 15—16
draw 339
DrawThreePoints 28—31
Dynamics 292
Ease in 293
Ease in, fixed target 293—294
Ease in, moving target 294—295
Ease out, fixed target 294
ellipse 121
Ellipsoid 342
Emissive intensity 74 85 339
Emissiveness 275
Emissivity 70 74
Empty set 218
End effector 308
End effector point 308
End link 308
Environment map 137—139 254
Environment map in OpenGL 143—145
Equivalent 147
Euclidean space 320
Euler angles 296
Euler’s theorem 36 44—45 298
Everitt, C. 256
Extended light 248
Extinction coefficient 97
Extrapolation 100 101
eye 146
Eye position see “Viewpoint”
Face culling 13
Fairchild, M. 154
Fairman, H. 154
Fake distance see “Pseudo-distance”
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