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Buss S.R. — 3-D computer graphics. A mathematical introduction with openGL |
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Quaternion, matrix form 303—304
Quaternion, multiplication 300
Quaternion, norm 300
Quaternion, unit 300
Radiosity 66 272—288
Radiosity (brightness) 275
Radiosity equation 276 282—288
Rajan, V. 159
Ramamoorthi, R. 256
Ramshaw, L. 221
RandInt(i) 249
RANGE 320 329
Rank 329
Rational curve 180 228
Rational linear interpolation see “Hyperbolic interpolation”
Ray 258
Ray trace software 332—352
Ray tracing 2 90 135 137 233—256 279—280
Ray Tracing News 252
Raytrace 242 243 332 334 335
RayTrace2 333
RayTraceData 332
RayTraceData2 333
RayTraceMain 242
Ray–Bezier patchintersection 268
Ray–cylinder intersection 266—267
Ray–ellipsoid intersection 260
Ray–line 258
Ray–plane intersection 260—261
Ray–polytope intersection 261 264—266
Ray–quadric intersection 267—268
Ray–sphere intersection 258—260
Ray–triangle intersection 261—263
Reciprocity 276 279 281
Recursive ray tracing 234—238
Recursive subdivision 159—162 169—171 175 176 223 268
Reeves, W. 256
Reflection 38 43 44 233 254
Reflection direction 72 (see also “View reflection”)
Reflection map see “Environment map
Reflection ray 235—238 334
Reflectivity 275
Reflectivity coefficient see “Ambient diffuse global and
Refraction 233
Reitz, K. 88
rendering pipeline 17 18 46 47 50 52 58 122 137 141
Repeated knots 213
ResetSize 339
ResetSpotlight 337
Resize window 57
ResizeWindow 57 335
Rest position 317
retina 146
RGB 150—151
RGB to HSL 152
RGB to/from CMY 150
Riesenfeld, R. 223
Right cylinder 343
Right-hand rule 5 35—37 83 296 325
Right-handed coordinate system 5 34 324
Rigid body 291
Rigid transformation 23 24 35 36 44 295 298
Robin, N. xiv
Rogers, D. 155
ROLL see “Yaw pitchand
Room 270
Root link 308
Rotation 22—26 36 37 44 295—307
Rotation interpolation see “Quaternions”
Rotation matrix 24 37 41—43 292 295—296 304
Rotational joint see “Joint”
Roundoff error 43 54 62 64 65 114 130 257 316 334
Row vector 21 23 326
rowspan 314 329
Russian roulette 252
Sakkalis, T. 186 187
Salesin, D. 256
Saltzman, M. 146 154
Salzman, D. 288
Samet, H. 271
Saturation 151
scalar 19
Scalar quaternion 301
Scaling transformation 38
Scan line interpolation 61 62 77 104
Schlick, C. 87
Schreiner, D. 82
Schroder, P 199
Schumaker, L. 155
Schwartzkopf, O. 271
Sederberg, T. 268
SeekIntersection 334
Seidel, H.-P. 221
Self reflection 254
SetAffineMatrix 351
SetApex 345
SetAxes 343
SetAxis 347
SetBaseFace 345
SetBorderType() 350
SetBottomFace 344
SetBoundingSphereCenter 349
SetCenter 341—343 346
SetCenterAxis 343 344
SetCentralAxis 342
setColor 337
SetColorAmbient 335 337 340
SetColorAmbientDiffuse 337 340
SetColorDiffuse 337 340
SetColorEmissive 340
SetColorReflective 340
SetColorSpecular 337 340
SetColorTransmissive 340
SetDirection 338
SetDirectional 336
SetHeight 343 345
SetIndexOfRefraction 340
SetLinearMatrix 351
SetLocalViewer 338
SetMaterial 340 342 344—347 349
SetMaterial1 349
SetMaterial2 349
SetMaterialBack 342 349
SetMaterialBaseInner 345
SetMaterialBaseOuter 345
SetMaterialBottomInner 344
SetMaterialBottomOuter 344
SetMaterialFront 342 349
SetMaterialInner 340 344—347
SetMaterialOuter 340 344—347
SetMaterials 349
SetMaterialSideInner 344 345
SetMaterialSideOuter 344 345
SetMaterialTopInner 344
SetMaterialTopOuter 344
SetNonLocalViewer 338
SetPixel 339
setPosition 336—339
SetRadialAxis 343 345 347
SetRadii 342 343 347
SetRadius 341 343
SetScaling 351
SetScreenDimensions 335 338
SetScreenDistance 335 338
SetScreenPixelSize 338
SetShininess 340
setSize 339
SetSlope 345
SetSlopes 345
| SetSpotCutoff 337
SetSpotDirection 337
SetSpotExponent 337
SetTexture 350
SetTopFace 344
SetTriangleCoords 351
SetUpLights 336
SetUpMainView 335
SetUpMaterials 335
SetUpViewableObjects 336
SetuvAxes 341
SetuvCylindrical 341 343
SetUvRange 349
SetuvSpherical 341 343
SetVertices 346
SetWidths 349
SetWrapMode 350
Shading 4 11 67 75
Shadow feeler 235—236 241 248 334
Shadow map 255 256
Shadow volume 65 255
ShadowFeeler 334
Shadowing 92
shadows 53—54 233 247 255
shearing 38 87
Shepperd, S. 304
Shininess see “Specular exponent”
Shirley, P. 252
Shoemake, K. 122 307
Shoenberg, I. 200
Shooting method 287—288
Shooting_Method 287
Silhouette edges 255
Sillion, F. 87 275 288
Simple polygon 10
SimpleAnim 15
SimpleDraw 6—8 13
SimpleNurbs 179 180 188
Singular value decomposition 317
Skeleton 289
skinning 289
Slerp 123 124
Sloan, K. 128
Smoke 252 291
Snell’s law 96 239 241
Soft shadows 247 255
Solar program 38—40 57 58
Southwell iteration 287
Spacecraft 295
span 314 328
Spectral sampling 148 149
Specular exponent 70 73 75 85 339 340
Specular highlight 2 67—69 73 77 142
Specular light 69 72 73 85 337
Specular reflection 69 72—74
Specular reflectivity coefficient 70 73 85 242 339 350
Specular transmission 241
Specular transmission coefficient 242
Sphere 39 130 257 258 341
Spherical linear interpolation 122—125 306
Spizzichino, A. 91
SPLINE 155 (see also “Bezier curve and B-spline curve”)
Spotlight 75 77 82 85—87 337
Spotlight direction 86
Spotlight exponent 86
Sproull, R. 34
Spurrier, R. 304
Standard knot vector 210 214
Star Trek 295
Stencil buffer 255 256
Stiles, W. 154
Stochastic supersampling 134—135 244
Stratified stochastic supersampling see “Jittering”
Stride 348
Subdivision Surface 199
subtractive colors 149
Superposition principle 69 74
Supersampling 134—135 244
Support 320
Surface normal see “Normal vector”
Surface of revolution 180 187—188
Symmetric function 218
TCB spline see “Tension–continuity–bias spline”
Teapot 2 68 180
Television 2 147
Tension 193
Tension–continuity–bias spline 189 193—195 290
Terrain 116
Texture coordinates 59 127 128
Texture coordinates, cylinder 129—130 344
Texture coordinates, sphere 130—131 341
Texture coordinates, torus 131—132 347
Texture map 4 58 108 126—145 332 341 349
Texture map in OpenGL 139—145
Texture map, decal/replace 126 142
Texture map, modulate 142
Texture map, repeating 130 140 350
Texture map, resident 143
Texture map, specular highlight 142
Texture matrix 145
Texture object 139 143
TextureAffineXform 342 351
TextureBilinearXform 342 351
TextureBMP 139
TextureCheckered 349
TextureMap 336 341 349
TextureMapBack 341 349
TextureMapBase 341
TextureMapFront 341 349
TextureMultiFaces 344 351
TextureRgbImage 350
TextureSequence 350 351
TextureTorus 139
Thomas, F. 290
Thousands of colors 59 150
Tiller, W. 182 224 227
Tilt, planetary 40
Torchere 272
Torrance, K. 87 90 93 97
Torus 10 80 131 346
Total derivative 330
Total internal reflection 96 240 241 243
Toth, D. 268
Touloukian, Y. 97
Trace 42 304
Traditional animation 290
Transformation 19 35 linear and
Translation 20 23 35 37
Transmission coefficient 238 339
Transmission ray 237—238 334
Transmission ray, direction 239—241 334
Transmission, diffuse light 241
Transmission, specular light 241
Transparency 84 150 233 241
TRANSPOSE see “Matrix transpose”
triangle 3 8 102 261 342
Triangle fan 9 10 12
Triangle strip 8
Triangulation 9
Trichromatic theory 146
Tridiagonal matrix 231
Trilinear interpolation 117
Trilinear interpolation, inversion 117
Tristimulus method 147
Trowbridge, T. 88
True Color 150
Trumbore, B. 263
Tuple 319
Turtle geometry 3
Twist vector 175 196—198
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