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Munkres J.R. — Topology: A First Course |
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"If ... then" 7
329 see
, definition 35 55
133 see
, compactness 175
, path connectedness 155
, simple connectedness 327
(constant path) 322
set 250
set 194 248
set and strong Urysohn lemma 215
set is Baire 296
set is topologically complete 270
set, is a 215 238
set, closed set is a 248 250
set, irrationals 250
set, points of continuity form a 296 297
set, rationals 295
, dependence on base point 330
, dependence on homotopy class of h 369
, functorial properties 329
in dictionary order, closures in 101
in dictionary order, connectedness 156
in dictionary order, linear continuum 154
in dictionary order, local connectedness 163
in dictionary order, metrizability 195
in dictionary order, path connectedness 156
, countable dense subset 195
, completeness 270
, countable dense subset 195
root function, continuity 111
root function, existence 158
, fundamental group 353
, surface 352
, covering by 334
, fundamental group 343
, standard topology 87
in box topology is Baire 297
in box topology is topological group 144
in product topology is Baire 297
in product topology is topological group 144
in product topologyá metrizability 131
in product topologyá normality 205
in uniform topology 122
in uniform topology is Baire 297
in uniform topology is topological group 144
in uniform topologyá completeness 266
, fundamental group 344
, path connectedness 155 350
, basis for 115
, compact sets in 174
, completeness 264
, local compactness 183
, local path connectedness 161
, metrics for 121
, second-countability 190
, simple connectedness 326
116 125 274
in box topology see also “ in box topology”
in box topology, complete regularity 237
in box topology, components 163
in box topology, connectedness 152
in box topology, metrizability 130
in box topology, normality 206
in box topology, paracompactness 206
in product topology see also “ in product topology”
in product topology, completeness 265
in product topology, local compactness 183
in product topology, local path connectedness 161
in product topology, metrizability 123
in product topology, second-countability 190
in uniform topology see also “ in uniform topology”
in uniform topology, components 163
in uniform topology, second-countability 191
vs. standard topology on R 82
, countability axioms 192
, metrizability 195
, normality 202
, paracompactness 256 259
, complete regularity 237
, Lindelof condition 193
, normality 202
, paracompactness 256
, covering by R 332
, covering spaces classified 393
, coverings by 335 336
, fundamental group 340
, simple connectedness 347 351
, vector fields on 367
, compactness 175
, fixed-point theorem for 374
, path connectedness 156
, simple connectedness 350
, vector fields on 369 374
, complete regularity 236
, normality 201
, paracompactness 256
, compactness properties 178
, countability axioms 194
, metrizability 179
, paracompactness 259 261
, Stone — Cech compactification 243
, uniqueness 73
axiom 99
see “Stone — Cech compactification”
-ball 117
-neighborhood of a set 177
is isomorphism 327
, independence of path 330
267 see “Compact-open “Uniform
, closedness in 267 281 283
, compact subsets of 290
, completeness 267
, axiom 100
, compactness 167
, connectedness 151
-tuple 37
, metrizability 131
122 266 see
326 see
120 267 see
-locally discrete 254
-locally finite 247
2-complex 306
2-complex, imbedding in 310
| 2-complex, topological dimension 306
2-sphere 138 see
Abelian fundamental group 330 354 355
Absolute neighborhood retract 221
Absolute retract vs. universal extension properly 221
Accumulation point of a net 188
Action of a group on a space 356
Addition operation 30
Adjunction space 221
Alexander horned sphere 385
Algebraic numbers 51
ANR 221
Antipodal map 353
Antipodal point 352
Antipode-preserving map 361
ar 221
ARC 375
Archimedean ordering 33
Arzela’s theorem 279 292
Ascoli’s theorem, classical version 277
Ascoli’s theorem, general version 290
Axiom of Choice 59
Axiom of choice, equivalent statements 62 74
Axiom of choice, finite 61
Baire category theorem 294
Baire category theorem, special case 177 203
Baire space 293
Baire space, set 296
Baire space, 297
Baire space, compact Hausdorff space 294
Baire space, complete metric space 294
Baire space, fine topology on 297
Baire space, irrationals 296
Baire space, locally compact Hausdorff space 296
Baire space, open subset 296
Ball, unit see “ ”
Barber of Seville paradox 48
Base point 326
Base-point choice, effect on 330
Base-point choice, effect on 328
Basis for a topology 78 81
Bd A 101
Bijective function 19
Binary operation 30
Bing metrization theorem 254
Bolzano — Weierstrass property 178
Borsuk theorem 377
Borsuk — Ulam theorem for 361
Boundary 101
Bounded above 27
Bounded below 27
Bounded metric, standard 119
Bounded set 119
Box topology 113
Box topology vs. product topology 114
Box topology, basis for 114
Box topology, compactness properties 181
Box topology, Hausdorff condition 115
Box topology, subspace 114
Brouwer fixed-point theorem for 365
Brouwer fixed-point theorem for 369
Brouwer invariance of domain 378 387
Cantor set 177
Cardinality, comparability for two sets 68
Cardinality, greater 62
Cardinality, same 52
Cartesian product of two sets 13
Cartesian product, general 36—38
Cauchy sequence 264
Choice axiom see “Axiom of choice”
Choice function 59
Circle, unit see “ ”
Cl A 95
Classification of covering spaces 388 392 393
Closed graph 172
Closed interval 84
Closed map 135 172
Closed ray 86
Closed refinement 251
Closed set 92
Closed set in subspace 94
Closure 94
Closure in a subspace 95
Closure of a cartesian product 100 116
Closure of a connected set 149
Closure of a union 100 246
Closure via basis elements 95
Closure via limit points 97
Closure via nets 188
Closure via sequences 128 190
Cluster point 96
Coarser topology 77
Cofinal 187
Coherent topology 216
Collection 11
Comb space 156
Compact convergence topology 282 see
Compact convergence topology vs. compact-open topology 286
Compact convergence topology vs. pointwise convergence topology 283 290
Compact convergence topology vs. uniform topology 283
Compact convergence topology, convergent sequences in 282
Compact convergence topology, first-countability 283
Compact convergence topology, independence of metric 287
Compact convergence topology, regularity 283
Compact Hausdorff space is Baire 294
Compact Hausdorff space, set is Baire 296
Compact Hausdorff space, components 235
Compact Hausdorff space, imbedding in 237
Compact Hausdorff space, metrizability 220
Compact Hausdorff space, normality 198
Compact Hausdorff space, paracompactness 255
Compact Hausdorff space, quasicomponents 235
Compact space 164 see
Compact support 284
Compact-open topology 286 290
Compact-open topology vs. compact convergence topology 286
Compact-open topology, continuity of evaluation map 287
Compact-open topology, Hausdorff condition 289
Compact-open topology, regularity 289
Compactification 238 see
Compactification of (0, 1) 239
Compactification, induced by an imbedding 239
Compactification, one-point 183
Compactly generated space 282
Compactness 164 see
Compactness in 174
Compactness in 277 279
Compactness in 290
Compactness in 167
Compactness in Hausdorff metric 279
Compactness in order topology 173 177
Compactness in R 174
Compactness in uniform topology 181
Compactness of box topology 181
Compactness of closed intervals 174
Compactness of continuous image 167
Compactness of countable products 278
Compactness of finite products 167
Compactness of products 232
Compactness of subspace 165
Compactness via nets 188
Compactness via sequences 181
Compactness vs. completeness 275
Compactness vs. limit point compactness 178 181 194
Compactness vs. second-countability 194
Compactness, closed set criterion for 170
Comparability of cardinalities 68
Comparability of well-ordered sets 73
Complement 10
Complete graph on five vertices 304 386
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