Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lebedev L.P., Cloud M.J. — Tensor Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
Antisymmetric tensor 36
Ball tensor 41
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 41
Christoffel coefficients 68 69
Christoffel coefficients for a surface 123
Complete curvature 121
Contravariant components 18
Coordinate line 54
Covaiiant derivatives 68
Covariant components 18
Covariant differentiation 68
Cross product 20
Curl 65
Curvature 97
Curve, curvature 97
Curve, moving trihedron 99
Curve, normal plane 99
Curve, osculating plane 99
Curve, principal normal 98
Curve, rectifying plane 99
Curve, second curvature 101
Curve, torsion 101
Curvilinear coordinates 54
Darboux vector 106
Degenerate eigenvalue 40
Determinant 28
Developable surface 137
Diagonalization 40
Divergence 65
Double dot product 33
Dual basis 11
Dummy index 12
Dupin indicatrix 133
Dyad 23
Dyad(s) 2
Eigenpair 37
Equal tensors 24
Euclidean space 72
Euler equations 115
Even permutation 20
Evolute 130
Extremal 115
First fundamental form 111
Free index 12
Gaussian curvature 121
Geodesic 115
Gradient 65
Gram determinant 14
Gram matrix 14
Inner product 89
Integration by parts 86
Inverse tensor 26
Irrotational field 76
Isotropic tensor 47
Kronecker delta 11
Lagrange identity 21
Lame coefficients 81
Level surface 108
Levi—Civita tensor 50
Lowering indices 15
Mean curvature 121
Metric tensor 14
Meusnier’s theorem 120
Moving trihedron 99
Multiple eigenvalue 40
Nabla operator 63
Natural equations 140
Nonsingular tensor 27 45
Norm 90
Normal curvature 120
Normal plane 99
| Oblique coordinates 62
Odd permutation 20
Order of contact 129
Orthogonal representation 40
Orthogonal tensor 42
Osculating plane 99
Physical components 59
Point of inflection 99
Polar decomposition 46
Positive definite tensor 45
Pre-multiplication 25
Principal axes 40
Principal directions 133
Principal normal 98
Quotient law 25
Radius of curvature 99
Raising indices 15
Reciprocal basis 11
Rectifying plane 99
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 72
Right-hand rule 19
Rotation 65
Scalar triple product 4
Schwarz inequality 90
Second curvature 101
Second fundamental form 118
Singular point 96
Singular tensor 27
Solenoidal field 78
Stokes’s formula 87
Sum of tensors 25
Summation convention 12
Surface, complete curvature 121
Surface, Gaussian curvature 121
Surface, mean curvature 121
Surface, normal curvature 120
Symmetric tensor 36
Tensor field 53
Tensor product 2 23
Tensor(s) of fourth rank 3
Tensor(s) of second rank 2
Tensor(s), antisymmetric 36
Tensor(s), diagonalization of 40
Tensor(s), equal 24
Tensor(s), inverse 26
Tensor(s), isotropic 47
Tensor(s), Levi—Civita 50
Tensor(s), nonsingular 27 45
Tensor(s), operator viewpoint 24
Tensor(s), orthogonal 42
Tensor(s), orthogonal representation 40
Tensor(s), positive definite 45
Tensor(s), principal axes 40
Tensor(s), singular 27
Tensor(s), sum of 25
Tensor(s), symmetric 36
Tensor(s), trace of 44
Tensor(s), transpose 34
Tensor(s), unit 26
torque 19
Torsion 101
Trace 44
Triads 48
Vector field 53
Vector(s) 1
Vector(s), contravariant components 18
Vector(s), covariant components 18
Vector(s), cross product of 20
Viete formulas 38
Zero tensor 25
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