Êíèãà | Ñòðàíèöû äëÿ ïîèñêà |
Guillemin V., Pollack A. — Differential topology | 123 |
Êîðìåí Ò., Ëåéçåðñîí ×., Ðèâåñò Ð. — Àëãîðèòìû: ïîñòðîåíèå è àíàëèç | 536 |
Khosrowpour M. — Encyclopedia Of Information Science And Technology | 1161 |
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 1) | 15, 906, 907 |
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 126.G 281.C |
Borisenko A.I., Tarapov I.E. — Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications | 154, 155, 160 |
Diestel R. — Graph Theory | 125 |
Cawood S. — Halo2 Hacks | |
Adamek J., Herrlich H., Stecker G.E. — Abstract and Concrete Categories - The Joy of Cats | 10.62 ff |
Graham R.L., Grotschel M., Lovasz L. — Handbook of combinatorics (vol. 2) | 15, 906, 907 |
Springer G. — Introduction to Riemann Surfaces | 15 |
Murdock J. — Perturbations: Theory and Methods | 320 |
Polya G., Latta G. — Complex Variables | 270 |
Gupta M.M., Jin L., Homma N. — Static and dynamic neural networks | 439, 476 |
Fogiel M. — The Operations Research Problem Solver | 8—2, 8—23, 8—25, 8—29 |
Godsil C., Royle G. — Algebraic Graph Theory | 337 |
Engel K. — Sperner theory | 117 |
Hale J.K., Magalhaes L.T., Oliva W. — Dynamics in Infinite Dimensions | 83 |
Hall G.R., Lee — Continuous dynamical systems | 35, 37, 51, 65 |
Sagan H. — Advanced Calculus of Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Vector-Valued Functions of a Vector Variable | 564 |
Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists | 535, 538 |
Rutherford D.E. — Vector Methods | 81 |
Bondy J.A., Murty U.S.R. — Graph theory with applications | 191 |
Ablowitz M.J., Fokas A.S. — Complex Variables: Introduction and Applications | 60, 69 |
Fradkin E. — Field theories of condensed matter systems | 282 |
Weatherburn C. — Advanced Vector Analysis | 46 |
Higgins P. — Techniques of Semigroup Theory | 70, 74 |
Bollobas B. — Modern Graph Theory | 41, 68 |
Raabe D. — Computational materials science | 32 |
Williamson S. — Combinatorics for computer science | 200, 202 |
Chari V., Pressley A. — A Guide to Quantum Groups | 488 |
Devaney R.L. — An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems | 25, 215 |
Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity | 87 |
Mumford D., Wright D., Series C. — Indra's Pearls: The Vision of Felix Klein | 51, 63, 84, see fixed point, attracting |
Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics | 44 |
Imry Y. — Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics | 125, 181—183 |
Papadimitriou C.H. — Computational Complexity | 8 |
Sedgewick R. — Algorithms | 435 |
Fiedler B. — Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry | 80, 83 (see also “Source”) |
Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 126.G, 281.C |
Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A | 81 |
Hale J.K., Kocak H. — Dynamics and Bifurcations | 239, 240, 445, 447 |
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists | see “Source and sink” |
Kolman B., Busby R.C., Cutler S.C. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 297 |
Krause A., Olson M. — The basics of S-plus | 335, 342, 343 |
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering | 384, 591 |
Denker M., Grillenberger Ch., Sigmund K. — Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces | 225 |
Preston C. — Iterates of Maps on an Interval | 42, 92 |
Hilborn R.C. — Chaos and nonlinear dynamics | see "Node" |
Zeldovich Ya.B., Yaglom I.M. — Higher Math for Beginners | 510 |
Munk M.M. — Fundamentals Of Fluid Dynamics For Aircraft Designers | 117, 121 |
Crochemore M., Rytter W. — Jewels of stringology | 73 |
Serra J. — Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology | 445, 450, 456, 589 |
Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability | 43 |
Brualdi R.A., Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Matrix Theory | 164 |
Nishizeki T., Chiba N. — Planar Graphs: Theory and Algorithms (North-Holland Mathematics Studies) | 34, 186 |
Àð÷åð Ò., Óàéò÷åïåë Ý. — Visual C++ .NET. Áèáëèÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ | 931 |
Berger M., Cole M. (translator) — Geometry I (Universitext) | |
Lichtenberg A.J., Liebermen M.A. — Regular and Chaotic Dynamics | 63, 461—468, 570ff, see also “Fixed point” |
Auerbach F. — Modern magnetics | 13 |
Aigner M. — Combinatorial Theory | 364 |
Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms | 84 |
Berge C. — Graphs and Hypergraphs | 77 |
Cook W.J., Cunningham W.H., Pulleyblank W.R. — Combinatorial optimization | 38, 113 |
Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction | 19 |
Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 464, 765, 973 |
Mazo R.M. — Brownian Motion: Flucuations, Dynamics, and Applications | 244 |
Berge C. — The Theory of Graphs | p. 71 |
Holmes P., Lumley J.L., Berkooz G. — Turbulence, Coherent Structures, Dynamical Systems and Symmetry | 165 |
Harary F. — Graph Theory | 201 |
Fiske T.S. — Functions of a complex variable | 25 |
Rutherford D.E. — Vector methods. Applied to differential geometry, mechanics, and potential theory | 81 |
Guckenheimer J., Holmes Ph. — Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields, Vol. 42 | 4 |
Seymour L. — Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Discrete Math | 234 |
Xu Y., Xu D., Liang J. — Computational Methods for Protein Structure Prediction & Modeling. Volume 1 | 137, 190—191 |
Stanley R.P. — Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2 | 463 |
Goldenfeld N. — Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group | 246, 383 |
Bazaraa M.S., Jarvis J.J. — Linear Programming and Network Flows | 364, 405 |
Kinsey L.C. — Topology of surfaces | 229 |
Liu C.L. — Introduction to combinatorial mathematics | 259 |
Haken H. — Synergetics: an introduction | 115 |
Gurevich M.I. — The theory of jets in an ideal fluid | 3 |
Devaney R.L., Keen L. — Chaos and Fractals: The Mathematics Behind the Computer Graphics | 4, 29 |
Belotserkovsky S.M., Lifanov I.K. — Method of Discrete Vortices | 267,269 |
Murdock J.A. — Perturbations: Theory and Methods (Classics in Applied Mathematics) | 320 |
Springer G. — Introduction to Riemann Surfaces | 15 |
Diestel R. — Graph Theory | 125 |
Gibbons A. — Algorithmic graph theory | 96 |
Gibbons A. — Algorithmic graph theory | 96 |
Hadley G. — Linear programming | 334 |
Acheson D.J. — Elementary Fluid Dynamics | see Source |
Hirsch M.W., Smale S. — Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra | 145, 180, 181, 280 |
Aldous J.M., Wilson R. — Graphs and Applications: An Introductory Approach | 18 |
Hobbie R., Roth B. — Intermediate Physics for Medicine and Biology, | 262 |
David A. Mooney — Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer | 82 |
Bjorner A. — Oriented Matroids | 429 |
Lipschutz S., Lipson M.L. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of discrete mathematics | 234 |
Gabriel P., Roiter A.V., Kostrikin A.I. (ed.) — Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 73: algebra VIII | 35 |
Hildebrand F.B. — Advanced Calculus for Applications | 291 |
Strang G. — Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 190 |
Bjorner A., Vergnas M., Sturmfels B. — Oriented Matroids, Second edition (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) | 429 |
Preston Ch. — Iterates Of Piecewise Monotone Mappings On An Interval | 9, 54 |
Oertel H. — Prandtl's Essentials of Fluid Mechanics (Applied Mathematical Sciences) | 86 |
Wrede R.C., Spiegel M. — Theory and problems of advanced calculus | 259 |
Streater R.F. — Statistical Dynamics: A Stochastic Approach to Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics | 117 |
Hartmann A.K., Rieger H. — Optimization Algorithms in Physics | 42, 96, 102 |
Stoker J. J. — Water Waves: The Mathematical Theory with Applications | 12 |
Di Battista G. — Graph Drawing: Algorithms for the Visualization of Graphs | 4 |
Attwood S.S. — Electric and Magnetic Fields | 33 |
Foulds L.R. — Combinatorial optimization for undergraduates | 211 |
Szabo M. E. — Algebra of proofs | 191 |
Ruelle D. — Elements of Differentiable Dynamics and Bifurcation Theory | 24, see also "Infinitely many sinks" |
Marotto F. — Introduction to Mathematical Modeling Using Discrete Dynamical Systems | 205, 271, see also "Stability" |
Chvatal V. — Linear programming | 292, 369 |
Wells D. G. — You are a mathematician: a wise and witty introduction to the joy of numbers | 221 |
Serra J. — Image Analysis and Mathematical Morphology | 445, 450, 456, 589 |