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Bollobas B. — Modern Graph Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-graph 176
-orbit 278
-uniform partition 124
-uniforni pair 124
(k, k, g)-graph 175
Acyclic orientation 96
Adjacency matrix 54
Adjacency, matrix 262
Adjacency, matrix, collapsed 272
Adjacent 2
Ajtai, M. 221
Aldous, D. 334
Aleliunas, R. 333
Alexander, J.W. 358 359 378
Almost every 225
Alon, N. 292 293 334
Amitsur, S.A. 25 37
Anderson, I. 101
Antichain 81
Appel, K. 154 159 160 178
Attachment 59
Automorphism group 270
Babai, L. 293
Ban, R. 213
Beige, C 165
Beineke, L.W. 178
BEST theorem 19
Biggs, N. 292
Bipartite graphs 152
Bipartition 6
Birkhoff, G 159
Block 74
Boilobas — Erdos theorem 122
Bollobas, B. 102 120 135 143 179 230 234 239 241 246 251 252 292 334 377 378
Bondy, J.A. 135 116 118 143 144
Borromean rings 369
Boundary 22
Bridge 6
Brightwell.G. 334
Brinkman, J. 175
Brooks, R.L. 48 66 177
Brooks’ theorem 148
Brown, W, G. 143
Brylawski, T.H. 355 378
Bumside, W. 278 292
Burde, G. 292 378
Burr, S.A. 196 213
Cameron, P.J. 293
Capacity of a cut 69
Capacity of an edge 69
Cauchy, A.L. 278
Cayley, A. 159 276
Chain 80
Chandra, A.K. 334
Chen, G. 196
Chord 53
Chromatic index 146
Chromatic invariant 355
Chromatic number 145 156
Chromatic polynomial 151
Chromatic surplus 193
Chung, F.R.K. 197 292
Chvatal — Szemeredi theorem 122
Chvatal, V. 115 116 118 122 143 193 196 213
Circuit 5
Circulation 91
Circumference 104
CLIQUE 112 138
Clique number 112 145 230 267
Closed trail 5
Closure 116
Cocycle, fundamental 53
Cocycle, space 53
Cocycle, vector 52
Cocycle, vector, fundamental 53
College admissions problem 90
Colour class 146
Colouring 145
Colouring, irreducible 189
Colouring, S-canonical 189
Colouring, unavoidable 189
Combinatorial Laplacian 54 57
Comfort, W.W. 214
Comparability graph 166
Complement 3
Component 6
Conductance 42
Conductance, effective 300
Conductance, matrix 57
Conductance, of a graph 321
Conductance, of a network 300
Conductance, of an edge 296
Configuration 159 279
Configuration, reducible 159
Conjecture of Berge 169
Conjecture of Bollobas 135
Conjecture of Burr and Endos 196
Conjecture of Erdos and Sos 135
Conjecture of Erdos and Turan 205
Conjecture of Graham and Rothschild 207
Conjecture of Grunbaum 175
Conjecture of Hadwiger 159 171
Conjecture of Keawood 158
Conjecture of Tait 172
Conjugacy problem 256
Connection in parallel 42
Connection in series 42
Connectivity 73
Conservation of energy principle 300
contracting 336
Contraction 24 59 149 171
Conway, J.H. 376 378
Coppersmith, D. 334
Corank 54
Countries 22
Coupon collector’s problem 332
Cover 79
Cover time 331
Coxeter, H.S.M 291
Critically imperfect graphs 169
Crowell, R.H. 292
Current 40 68
Current law 296
Current, law 40
Current, total 40
Current, vector 55
Cut 52 69 72 149 350
Cut, fundamental 53
Cut, space 53
Cut, vector 52
Cut, vector, fundamental 53
Cutting 336
Cutvertex 6
CYCLE 5 350
Cycle, broken 151
Cycle, fundamental 53
Cycle, Hamilton 14
Cycle, index 280
Cycle, of length l 5
Cycle, space 52
Cycle, sum 280
Cycle, vector 52
Cycle, vector, fundamental 53
Cyclomatic number 53
de Bruijn, N.G. 19 37 50 63 64 66
De Morgan, A. 159
de Werra, D. 102
Decoration 260
Decreasing rearrangement 99
Degree 3
| Degree, maximal 4
Degree, minimal 4
Degree, sequence 4
Dehn, ML 48 66 257 292 358 377
deleting 336
Deletion 149
density 123 124
Density, upper 123
Detailed balance equations 310
Diagram 359
Diagram, Cayley 254
Diagram, Schreier 254
Dichromatic polynomial 342
Dilworth, R.P. 80
Dirac, G.A. 37
Dirac’s theorem 106 107
Dirichlet’s principle 299
Distinct representatives 76
Domain 279
Domination number 136
Doubly stochastic matrix 93
Doyle, P G. 333
Duijvestijn, A.J.W. 48 61 66
Dyer, M.E. 334
Edge, clique-cover number 138
Edge, externally active 350
Edge, internally active 350
Edge, multiple 7
Edge, space 51
Edge-choosability number 163
Edge-chromatic number 146
Edge-connectivity 73
Effective conductance 300
Effective resistance 300
Egervary, G. 67 77
Electrical current 39
Electrical network 39
Endblock 74
Endos — Stone theorem 120 122
Endvertex 1
Energy 298
Equitable colouring 92
Equitable partition 124
Erdos — Rado canonical theorem 190 191
Erdos, P. 20 36 98 104 110 120 135 143 178 182 185 186 189 196 204 205 209 213—216 218 221 228—230 232 234 240 246 251 252
Escape probability 304
Euler — Poincare formula 155 156
Euler, characteristic 155
Euler, circuit 16
Euler, L. 14 16 22 36
Euler, trail 16
Euler, trail, one-way infinite 32
Euler, trail, two-way infinite 20
Eulerian graph 16
Eulerian randomly 19
Euler’s formula 22
Euler’s polyhedron theorem 22
Expander 289
External activity 350
Extremal graph 103 104
Face 22
Factor 82
Fagin, R. 251
Falling factorial 220
Family, dense 206
Family, Ramsey 205
Family, thin 206
Fan 93
Fano plane 8
Feder, X 102
Fenner, T.I. 252
figure 279
Figure of eight 369
Figure, sum 280
Flow 68 347
Flow polynomial 348
Flow, nowhere-zero 347
Folkman, J. 196
Forbidden subgraph problem 103
Ford, L.R. 67 91 101
Forest 6
Fortuin, C.M. 344 377
Foster, R.M. 319 333
Foster’s theorem 318
Four colour theorem 172
Four-group 172
Fox, R, H. 292
Fractional independence number 169
Frankl, P. 133 144
Frieze, A.M. 252 334
Frobenius, R G. 278
Fulkersoti, D.R. 67 91 101 166
Function, Ackerman 200
Function, Hales — Jewett 200
Function, Shelah’s 201
Function, van der Waerden 199
Fundamental algorithm 86
Fundamental cocycle, vector 53
Fundamental cut 53
Fundamental cut, vector 53
Fundamental cycle 53
Fundamental cycle, vector 53
Fundamental theorem of extremal graph theory 104 120
Furedi, Z. 143
Furstenberg, H. 205
Fuse 149
Fusing 336
Gale, D. 68 85 102
Gallai, T. 101 165 173 178
Galvin, F 163 178 182 205 214
Galvin’s theorem 164
Gasparian, G.S. 169 178
Genus 155
Gessel, L M. 293
Giant component 24 ]
girth 104
Godsil, C.D. 293
Gordon, C.McA. 376 378
Grading 30
Graham, R.L. 144 179 196 197 207 213 266
Graph 1
Graph of a group 254
Graph, acyclic 6
Graph, balanced 228
Graph, bipartite 6
Graph, block-cutvertex 74
Graph, Brinkman 175
Graph, complete 3
Graph, complete r-partite 7
Graph, conductance of 321
Graph, connected 6 73
Graph, cubic 4
Graph, diameter of 10
Graph, directed 8
Graph, disconnected 73
Graph, dual 372
Graph, edge-transitive 291
Graph, empty 3
Graph, Eulerian 16 19
Graph, Grotzsch 170
Graph, Hamiltonian 14
Graph, Heawood 8
Graph, highly regular 272
Graph, homeomorphic 21
Graph, I-transitive 291
Graph, incidence 7
Graph, interval 175
Graph, k-connected 73
Graph, k-critical 173
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