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Bollobas B. — Modern Graph Theory |
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Ramsey, E.R. 181 182 213
Ramsey, family 205
Ramsey, function 185
Ramsey, number 182
Ramsey, number, diagonal 183
Ramsey, number, generalized 192
Ramsey, number, graphical 192
Ramsey, number, off-diagonal 183
Ramsey, theorems 181
Ramsey, theory 181
Random cluster model 344
Random walk 295
Random walk, on a weighted graph 303
Random walk, rapidly mixing 325
Random walk, recurrent 307
Random walk, simple 295
Random walk, transient 307
Rank 53 166 337
Rank-generating polynomial 337
Rationality condition 275
Rayleigh, J, W.S. 333
Rayleigh’s principle 300
Read, R.R. 358 377
Redfield, J.H. 292
Reidemeister — Schreier rewriting process 261
Reidemeistex, K. 261 358 378
Reidenieister moves 360
Reiman, I. 114 143
Renyi, A. 216 228 229 232 240 246 252
replacement 167
Replacement, theorem 167
Resistance 39
Resistance, total 41
Ringel — Youngs theorem 176
Ringel, G. 177
Riordan, O. 378
Robertson, N. 159 160 178
Rodl, V. 196 213
Roth, K.F 205
Rothschild, B.L. 207 213
Rousseau, C. 193 214
Roy, B. 173 178
Ruzzo, W.L. 334
Saaty, T.L. 159 178
Sanders, D. 159 160 178
Sarkozy, G.N. 135 144
Schelp, R.R 196
Schreier diagram 261
Schreier, H. 261
Schroder — Bernstein theorem 94
Schur, L 198
Schuster, S. 37
Schwaizler, W. 358 377
Self-writhe 365
Separating set 73
Seymour, P.D. 159 160 178 358 377 378
Shadow, lower 81
Shadow, upper 81
Shapley, L.S. 68 85 102
Shearer, J.B. 221
Shekh’s subsets 201
Shelah, S. 182 200 214
Shelah’s pigeon-hole principle 200
Shelah’s theorem 201
Simple transform 118
Simunovits, M. 143 144 334
Sinclair, A.J. 334
Singleton, R.R. 275 292
Sink 41 68
Skinner, J, D. 66
Slicing 363
Slivnik, T 178
Smith, C.A.B. 19 37 48.66 119 143
Smolensky, R. 334
Sneli, J.L. 333
Solitar, D. 291
Sos, V.T. 135 144
Source 41 68
Spanning tree 10
Spectrum 266
Spencer, J.H. 213
Spin 343
Sprague, R. 48 49 66
St.Petersburg 16
Stabilizer 278
Stable admissions scheme 90
Stable matching 68 85
Stable matching theorem 86
Standard basis 52
Stanley, R.P. 293
Star-delta transformation 43
Star-triangle transformation 43
State 343
Stationary distribution 328
Steiner triple system 31 101
Steiner, E. 37
Stirling’s formula 216
Stochastic matrix 328
Stone, A.H. 48 66 104 120 143
Straight line representation 22
Straus, E.G. 267 292
Subdivision 21
Subgraph 2
Subgraph, induced 2
Subgraph, spanning 2
Substitution 167
Superposition principle 41 328
Surface, non-orientable 155
Surface, orientable 155
Swan, G.R. 37
Szasz, D. 64
Szekeres, G. 98 182 185 186 209 213
Szele, T. 251
Szemeredi, E. 104 122 124 135 143 144 196 204 205 221 239 251 252
Szemeredi’s theorem 204
Szemeredrs regularity lemma 122 129
Szonyi, T. 144
Tail, P.G. 159 358 371 377
Tetali, P. 319 333 334
Theorem of Bollobas and Erdos 122
Theorem of Bondy and Chvital 118
Theorem of Brooks 148
Theorem of Chen and Schelp 196
Theorem of Chvatal 118 193
Theorem of Chvatal and Szemergdi 122
Theorem of Chvatal, Rodl, Szemeridi and Trotter 196
Theorem of de Bnuijn, van Aardenne — Ehrenfest, Smith and Tutte 19
Theorem of de Bruijn 50 51
Theorem of Dehn 48
Theorem of Dilworth 80 96 98
Theorem of Dirac 106
| Theorem of Erdos and Stone 120 122
Theorem of Erdos and Szekeres 182 185
Theorem of Euler 16
Theorem of Folkman 196
Theorem of Ford and Fulkerson 67 70 91
Theorem of Foster 318
Theorem of Frankl and Pach 134
Theorem of Gale and Shapley 86
Theorem of Gallai and Konig 165
Theorem of Galvin 164
Theorem of Galvin and Prikiy 205 206
Theorem of Graham 196
Theorem of Graham and Pollak 266
Theorem of Hales and Jewett 200
Theorem of Hall 67 77
Theorem of Heawood 156
Theorem of Hilbert 198
Theorem of Hindman 207
Theorem of Hoffman and Singleton 275
Theorem of Kahn 165
Theorem of Kirchhoff 44 296
Theorem of Kirkman 101
Theorem of Komlos, Sarkozy and Szemeredi 135
Theorem of Konig and Egervary 77 100
Theorem of Kuratowski 24
Theorem of Li and Rousseau 193
Theorem of Lovasz 169
Theorem of Lovasz and Fulkerson 167
Theorem of Mantel 6
Theorem of Menger 67 75
Theorem of Motzkin and Straus 267
Theorem of Nesetfil and Rodl 196
Theorem of Paris and Harrington 189
Theorem of Petersen 95
Theorem of Polya 278 281 308
Theorem of Posa 106
Theorem of Rado 204
Theorem of Ramsey 182
Theorem of Reiman 114
Theorem of Ringel and Youngs 158 176
Theorem of Rodl and Thomas 196
Theorem of Roy and Gallai 173
Theorem of Schroder and Bernstein 94
Theorem of Schur 198
Theorem of Shelah 201
Theorem of Smith 119
Theorem of Szemergdi 204
Theorem of Thomason 119 183
Theorem of Thomassen 162
Theorem of Turin 108 110
Theorem of Tutte 82 85 95
Theorem of Tychonov 95 174 188
Theorem of van der Waerden 199
Theorem of Veblen 5
Theorem of Vizing 153
Theorem of Wagner 24
Thick edge 357
Thicket 45
Thistlethwaite, M, B. 371 378
Thomas, R. 159 160 178 196 378
Thomassen, C. 37 102 162 178
Thomassen’s theorem 162
Thomson, Sir William 358 371 377
Thomson’s principle 299
Thotnason, A.G. 119 143 183 213
Threshold function, lower 232
Threshold function, upper 232
Tiwari, P. 334
Toft, B. 179
Torus 155
Total current 40
Total energy 298
Total function 163
Total resistance 41 297
Total variation distance 325
Tournament 30
Tower 80
Trail 5
Trail, directed 8
Transition probability matrix 303
Transversal number 100
Travelling salesman problem 14
Trefoil 369
triangle 5
Triangulation 156
Trotter, W.T. 196
Turan, P. 6 104 108 143 204 205
Turan’s problem 112
Turan’s Theorem 108 110
Turin graph 108
Tutte polynomial 152 339
Tutte, W.T. 19 37 48 66 82 101 102 143 176 335 377
Tutte’s theorem 82 85 95
Twist number 365
Tychonov’s theorem 95
Unavoidable set of configurations 159
Universal polynomial 341
Universe 360
Unknot 361
Van Aardenne-Ehrenfest, T 19 37
Van der Waerden, B.L. 182 199 214
Van der Waetden’s theorem 199
Vaughn, H.E. 77
Vebien, O. 5
Vertex 1
Vertex space 51
Vertex, initial 4
Vertex, isolated 4
Vertex, terminal 4
Vizing, V.G. 177
Vizing’s theorem 153
Voigt, M. 163 178
Wagner, K. 24
Wagon, S. 66
Walk 4 5
Weight 46 280
Weight function 278
Weiszfeld, E. 20 36
Weitzenkamp, R. 66
Welsh, D.J.A. 358 377 378
Whitney — Tutte polynomial 342
Whitney, H. 377
Wicrman, J.C. 252
Willcox, T.H. 62
Wilson, R.J. 178
Winkler, P. 334
Witten, E. 378
Word problem 256
Writhe 365
Youngs, J.W.T. 177
Zieschang, H. 292 378
Zorn’s Lemma 207
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