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Fradkin E. — Field theories of condensed matter systems |
Предметный указатель |
Adiabatic approximation 338
Adiabatic insertion 311
Adiabatic insertion of a solenoid 303
Affleck — Marston Mean-Field Theory 139
Aharonov — Bohm effect 210 257 311
Ampere’s Law 120 201
Amplitude fluctuations 182 195
Amplitude fluctuations, staggered 182
Amplitude fluctuations, unstaggered 182
Anderson — Higgs mechanism 298
Anomalous spin 216
Anyon commutation relations 218
Anyon destruction and creation operators 218
Anyon gas 225
Anyon gas, low energy spectrum 239
Anyon gas, Mean-Field theory 225
Anyon gauge 215
Anyon Hamiltonian 222
Anyon superconductivity 193 225 242
Anyon superfluidity 325
Anyons 193 203 210 225
Anyons, fermions and Chern — Simons gauge field representation 219
Anyons, field theory of 211
Anyons, finite density gas of 212
Anyons, hard-core bosons and Chern — Simons gauge field representation 219
Anyons, on a torus 222
Anyons, second quantized Hamiltonian 213
Approximation 23
Approximation, expansion 23
Approximation, expansion 41
Approximation, average field 219
Approximation, conserving 24
Approximation, Hartree — Fock 23 40
Approximation, mean-field 24 40
Approximation, RPA 23
Approximation, saddle-point (SPA) 233
Approximation, variational wave function 23
Average field approximation 219
Averaged Hall conductance 278
Band crossings 289
Baskaran — Zou — Anderson state 146
BCs 32
Berry connection 238
Berry phase 170 278 313 334 338
Bethe — Ansatz 56
Bethe — Ansatz of particles and fluxes 212
Bethe — Ansatz, basis functions 57
Bethe — Ansatz, complex roots 62
Bethe — Ansatz, equations 59
Bethe — Ansatz, holes 61
Bethe — Ansatz, real roots 60
Bethe — Ansatz, wave function 59
Bloch’s law 102
Boson 64
Boson conmutation relations 220
Boson, FHL Goldstone 243
Boson, hard-core 64
Bosonization 208
boundary conditions 276
Boundary conditions, system without boundaries 268
Bragg scattering effect 291
Braid group 211
Braids 120 202 213
Branch cut 217
Branch cut, magnetic 259
Brillouin — Wigner pertubation theory 12 290
Canonical Bose field 208
Canonical Dirac Fermi field 208
Canonical momentum 215
Canonical momentum of Chern — Simons gauge field 214
Cantor set 260
Cartan subalgebra 94
Cauchy — Riemann equation 217
Cauchy — Riemann equation, lattice version 217
Causality 208
Center of mass coordinates 285
Center of mass wave function 283
Charge conservation 271
Charge motion 13
Charge motion, Hubbard Model 13
Charged spinless fermions 296
Chern number 238 277 289
Chern — Simons coupling 194 196 218
Chern — Simons gauge field 221 325
Chern — Simons gauge field, canonical quantization 214
Chern — Simons gauge theory 201 211 295
Chern — Simons Lagrangian density 214
Chern — Simons Lagrangian density, at boundaries 214
Chern — Simons mass 194
Chern — Simons term 97 193 211
Chern — Simons theory 227 316
Chern — Simons theory, path integral formulation 227
Chern — Simons theory, periodicity 325
Chern — Simons theory, with bosons 320
Chiral 71
Chiral operator 175
Chiral spin liquid 196 263
Chiral spin state 131 171 193 257
Chiral spin state, effective action 194
Chiral spin state, energy 180
Chiral spin state, Mean-Field-Theory 178
Chiral symmetry 271
Chiral, basis 71
Chiral, order parameter 85
Chiral, symmetry 71 73
Chiral, transformation 83
Chirality 176
Classical interfaces 164
Classical potential energy 299
Clock Models 209
Clock Models, parafermions 209
Clockwise exchange process 211
Cocycle 254
Coherent state representation 95
Coherent state representation, spin 95
Coherent states 156
Collective mode 330
Column state 152 162 181
Compact quantum electrodynamics in (2+1) dimensions 157
Compact quantum electrodynamics in (2+1) dimensions for Landau problem 252
components 282
Composite operator 210
Compressible state 237
Compressible system 193 234
confinement 150 197
Confinement of monopoles 197
Confining theory 158
Conformal field theory 209
Connection 238 281
Constraint 212 214
Constraint, global gauge degrees of freedom 221
Correlation function 153 228 267
Correlation function, Cooper pair 19
Correlation function, current-current 19 195 269
Correlation function, density-density 19
Correlation function, dimer-density 153
Correlation function, height-height 165
Correlation function, spin-spin 19
Coulomb gas in three Euclidean dimensions 158
Coulomb gauge 215
Coulomb interaction 5
Counterclockwise exchange process 211
Counterclockwise exchange process, Chern — Simons 194
Covariant derivative 198 269
CP1 model 121 137
Critical point 86—87 91
Current 73
Current, fermionic 73
Current, topological 79
Current-current correlation function 195 269
| Cyclotron length 273
Defect 209
Degenerate ground states 282
Degenerate perturbation theory 289
Dimer 133
Dimer liquid 153
Dimer solid 153
Dimer state 182
Dimer-density correlation function 153
Diophantine equation 236 290
Dirac magnetic monopole 158 279
Dirac quantization condition 211
Dirac string 98 209
Discontinuity 217
Discrete Gaussian Model 164 168
Discrete Gaussian Model, three euclidean dimensions 168
Discrete magnetic translations 287
Discrete Schrodinger equation 258
Disordered spin states 138
Disordered spin states, gauge field picture 138
Domain wall 209
Doubling 234
Dual lattice 158
Dual transformation 158
Dual transformation, in statistical mechanics 241
Dyon 208
Edge density waves 309
Edge states 264 307
Edge states, charge density operator 308
Edge states, chiral excitations 307
Edge states, gauge anomaly 310
Edge states, gauge coupling 310
Edge states, Hamiltonian 309
Edge states, Schwinger term 309
Edge waves 307
Effective action 272
Effective action, chiral spin state 194
Effective action, vector potential 272
Effective action, with Chern — Simons term 193
Electrostatic coupling 9
Electrostatic coupling, Hubbard Model 9
Elitzur’s theorem 150 171 271
Elliptic theta function 285
Exchange process 211
f-sum rule 270
Fermi liquid 13
Fermi liquid theory 271
Fermi surface 17
Fermion current 73 269
Fermion current, diamagnetic term 268
Fermion current, Green function 268
Fermion doubling 234
Fermion propagator 195 228
Fermion propagator, Coulomb gauge 240
Fermion propagator, generating functional 267
Ferromagnet 193
Ferromagnetic state 56
FHL Goldstone boson 235 237 239
Fiber bundle 94 238 262 276 280
Fiber bundle, hermitian line 94
Fiber bundle, Hopf principal 94
Fiber bundle, monopole principal 94
Field theory 325
Field theory, Hall conductance 287
Field theory, of anyons 211
Filled Landau levels 283
Finite magnetic translation 253 258
First Chern character 277 280
Fixed point 125
Fixed point, infrared unstable 125
Fluctuations 182 322
Fluctuations, around chiral spin state 193
Fluctuations, chiral spin state 195
Fluctuations, gauge field 182 194
Fluctuations, phase 322
Flux quantization 243
Flux state 145 204
Flux state, binding to particle 212
Flux state, effective Hamiltonian 146
Flux state, energy 149
Flux state, fluctuations 182
Flux state, local gauge invariance 149
Flux state, Mean-Field theory 147
Fractional charge 334
Fractional Hall conductance 263
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE) 295 325
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), average electron density 299
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), charged spinless fermions 296
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), dynamical gauge field 298
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), edge waves 307
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), effective action 328
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), excitation spectrum 330
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), excited states 302
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), fermion efFective action 325
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), fermion field theory 325
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), gaussian fluctuations 330
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Haldane Hamiltonian 302
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Haldane Models 298 300
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), hierarchy 306
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), incompressible fluid 302
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), inserting a solenoid 302
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Landau — Ginzburg theory 295 319
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Laughlin wave function 295 298
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), one-component classical plasma 299
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), plasma analogy 299
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole 302 —303
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole charge 304
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole fractional charge 305
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole one-particle Green function 335
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole plasma analogy 304
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), quasihole state 303
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Read operators 318
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), semi-classical limit 326
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), short distance behavior 325
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), spherical geometry 300
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), strongly correlated electron system 296
Fractional Quantum Hall Effect (FQHE), Trugman and Kivelson Model 298
Fractional statistics 193 203 207 213 219 337
Fractional statistics, in one-space dimension 208
Fractional statistics, parafermions 209
Fractional vortex 209
Free anyon gas 225
Free anyons 212
Free spinon 194
Frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet 178
Frustrated lattice 207
Frustration 129 178
Gas of monopoles 168
Gas of monopoles, Resonating Valence Bond 196
Gauge field fluctuations 150 194
Gauge field mass term 194
Gauge field propagator 197
Gauge field theory 138
Gauge field theory, of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet 138
Gauge field theory, on a torus 268
Gauge field theory, Quantum Dimer Model 154
Gauge fixing term 196
Gauge invariance 9 141 271 324
Gauge invariance, Chern — Simons 211
Gauge invariance, flux state 149
Gauge invariance, Hubbard Model 9
Gauge invariance, local time-independent 214
Gauge invariance, non-Abelian 144
Gauge transformation 139 218 279
Gauge transformation, generator of local 155
Gauge transformation, large 141 160 256
Gauge transformation, local time-dependent 139
Gauge transformation, non-singular 141
Gauge transformation, singular 142
Gauge transformation, small 160 221 268
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