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Fradkin E. — Field theories of condensed matter systems
Fradkin E. — Field theories of condensed matter systems

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Название: Field theories of condensed matter systems

Автор: Fradkin E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Физика твёрдого тела/Методы квантовой теории поля/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 350

Добавлена в каталог: 31.08.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Gauge-invariant fermion system      267
Gauss law      155—156 214 229
Generalized boundary conditions      276
Generalized equal-time commutation relations      213
Generalized periodic boundary conditions      282
Generalized toroidal boundary conditions      275
Generating functional      267 271
Genus g Riemann surface      283
Girvin — MacDonald order parameter      317
Global degrees of freedom      221
Global phase invariance      271
Goldstone mode      235
Goldstone mode, Fetter — Hanna — Laughlin      235 237
Goldstone modes      319 321
Goldstone’s theorem      32
Goldstone’s theorem, boson      43 46
Goldstone’s theorem, Fetter — Hanna — Laughlin      239
Goldstone’s theorem, modes      42
Gradient expansion      273
Gross — Neveu interaction      72
Group of magnetic translations      281
Gutzwiller projection      150
Haldane’s conjecture      109 118
Half-filling      29 32
Hall conductance      236 272—273 284 289 331 333
Hall conductance, filled Hofstadter bands      287
Hall conductance, fractional      263
Hall conductance, Kubo Formula      274
Hall conductance, level crossing      282
Hall conductance, n-th band      291
Hall conductance, negative      292
Hall conductance, plateaus      263 —264
Hall conductance, quantization      273
Hall conductance, topological invariance      274 278
Hall current      248 273 333
Halperin wave function      312
Happy fraction      233 239
Hard-core anyons      213
Hard-core bosons      64 205
Hard-core bosons, in Heisenberg Model      205
Hard-core condition      218 220
Harper’s equation      260
Hedgehogs      119
Height-height correlation function      165
Heisenberg antiferromagnet      138
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, flux state      145
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, frustrated/on square lattice      178
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, Mean-Field theory      138
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, SU(N) representation      142
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, two-dimensional quantum      221
Heisenberg antiferromagnet, valence bond states      146
Heisenberg model      55 67 92 185
Heisenberg Model, anisotropic one-dimensional Quantum      67
Heisenberg model, classical      114
Heisenberg Model, hard-core bosons representation      205
Heisenberg Model, one-dimensional Quantum      55
Heisenberg Model, quantum      92
Heisenberg Model, spin one-half      185
Heterojunctions      263
Hierarchy      306 330
Hierarchy states      317
Higgs mechanism      243
Higgs mechanism, Hall conductance in      263
High-frequency modes      273
High-momentum modes      273
Hofstadter problem      232 287
Hofstadter problem, sublattice structure      287
Hofstadter wave functions      257
Holon      138
Holonomies      268 276
Holonomies, trivial      283
Homogeneous constrait equation      221
Homotopy      107
Homotopy, classes      107 281
Homotopy, group      118
Honest-to-god      319
Hopf map      121
Hopf term      118 122
Hubbard model      5 21 46 92
Hubbard Model, attractive/repulsive      10
Hubbard Model, charge motion      13
Hubbard Model, coupling to electromagnetic field      8
Hubbard Model, electrostatic coupling      9
Hubbard Model, expansion      41
Hubbard Model, gauge invariance      9
Hubbard Model, half-filled      92
Hubbard Model, half-filling      21
Hubbard Model, interaction term      22
Hubbard Model, Mean-field-theory      21
Hubbard Model, Mean-field-theory, ferromagnetic state      26
Hubbard Model, Mean-field-theory, Neel state      29
Hubbard Model, on a bipartite lattice      9
Hubbard Model, orbital coupling      9
Hubbard Model, particle-hole symmetry      9
Hubbard Model, strong coupling limit      10
Hubbard Model, strong coupling limit, half-filling      10
Hubbard Model, strong coupling limit, not half-filling      13
Hubbard Model, SU(2) symmetry      7
Hubbard Model, transformation symmetries      7
Hubbard Model, U(l) symmetry      8
Hubbard Model, weak coupling      21
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit      13 21
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, collective modes      18
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, Cooper pair correlation function      19
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, current correlation function      19
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, density correlation function      19
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, spin correlation function      19
Hubbard Model, weak coupling limit, wave function renormalization      18
Hubbard Model, Zeeman coupling      9
Hubbard — Stratonovich transformation      327
Incompressible ground state      322
Incompressible state      205 319
Induced vector field      278
Infinitesimal magnetic translations      253
Instanton      106
Integral Quantum Hall Effect (IQHE)      235 263 326
Interaction      72 129
Interaction, frustrating      129
Interaction, Gross — Neveu      72
Intrinsic spin      201
Ising model      209
Isotropic gauge      252
Jordan — Wigner transformation      64 67 208 212
Jordan — Wigner transformation, two-dimensional      220
Kac — Moody algebra      309
Kalmeyer — Laughlin state      131 205
Kink      208
Kink operator      65
Knots      193 201
Kosterlitz — Thouless transition      86
Kubo formula      275 277 288
Kubo formula, Hall conductance      274
Ladder operator      154
Lagrange multiplier field      212
Landau gap      273
Landau gauge      257 284
Landau level      296
Landau levels      253
Landau levels, basis functions      284
Landau levels, degeneracy      253
Landau levels, filled      263
Landau levels, macroscopic degeneracy      296
Landau orbits      99
Landau problem      251
Landau problem, complex coordinates      252
Landau problem, isotropic gauge      252
Landau problem, magnetic translation group      252
Landau problem, on a disk      252
Landau problem, with periodic boundary conditions      256
Landau — Ginzburg action      241
Landau — Ginzburg theory      295 316 319
Landau — Hofstadter bands      289 291
Landau — Lifshitz equation      102
Landau — Lorentz gauge      323
Laplacian coupling      164
Large gauge transformation      160 215 256
Large gauge transformation, Landau problem      256
Lattice Cauchy — Riemann equation      217
Lattice divergence      156
Lattice gauge theory      140 154
Lattice Green function      169 216
Lattice Green function, three-dimensional anisotropic      169
Lattice magnetic translations      258
Laughlin sequence      317 330
Laughlin state      205 265 295 316 326
Laughlin wave function      295 319
Laughlin wave function, analyticity      298
Laughlin wave function, overlap      298
Linear response theory      267
Link variables      139
Linking number      120 202
Linking number, magnetostatic analogy      200
Linking number, relative      202
Liquid state      298
Local constraint      214
Local quantum field theory      207
Local quantum field theory, axioms      207
London current      248
Low energy spectrum      239
Low energy spectrum, anyon gas      239
Low energy spectrum, with fractional statistics      193
Luttinger model      73
Magnetic algebra      253
Magnetic Brillouin zone      259 288
Magnetic Brillouin zone, and time-reversal invariance      193
Magnetic monopole      98 279
Magnetic translation      252
Magnetic translation, finite      253 258
Magnetic translation, generator of infinitesimal      253
Magnetic translation, many-body wave functions      281
Magnetic translation, operator      253 276
Magnetic translations group      252
Magnetic translations group, ray representation      254
Magnetophonon      322
Magnetoplasmon      322
Magnetoroton      322
Magnetostatic analogy      200
Magnetostatic analogy of linking number      200
Magnons      101
Magnons, antiferromagnetic      102
Magnons, ferromagnetic      101
Mandelstam formula      208
Mandelstam operators      85
Marshall theorem      63
Mass renormalization      200
Mass renormalization, spinon      200
Massive modes      322
Mean-field theory      21 138
Mean-Field theory, chiral spin state      178
Mean-Field theory, flux state      146
Mean-Field theory, Heisenberg antiferromagnet      138
Mean-Field theory, Hubbard Model      21
Mean-Field theory, valence bond state      151
Measuring instruments      268
Meissner effect      230
Meissner state      319
Mermin — Wagner theorem      86
Model      55 67 91 137 230
Model, $CP^1$      121 137
Model, anisotropic one-dimensional Quantum Heisenberg      67
Model, classical Heisenberg      114
Model, Discrete Gaussian      164
Model, half-filled Hubbard      92
Model, one-dimensional Quantum Heisenberg      55
Model, Quantum Dimer (QDM)      152
Model, quantum Heisenberg      92
Model, quantum non-linear sigma      91
Model, Solid-on-Solid      164
Model, spin one-half XY      67 69
Model, SU(N) Heisenberg antiferromagnet      142
Model, Thirring/Luttinger      73
Model, XY      230
Momentum space torus      288
Monopole gas      168
Monopole-antimonopole plasma      158
Monopoles      197 199
Monopoles, confinement      197
Monopoles, in high magnetic field      263
Multicomponent wave functions      282
Multivalued function      217
Multivalued wave function      203
Neel antiferromagnet      32
Neel state      29 42 46 103
Neel state, quantum fluctuations      43 51
Negative Hall conductance      292
Nesting      29
Nesting, property      29
Nesting, vector      29
Nielsen — Ninomiya theorem      262
Niu — Thouless — Wu formula      278 284
Non-Abelian bosonization      118
Non-contractible closed loop      215
Non-integrable phases      221
Non-linear $\sigma$-model      51 91 129
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, asymptotic freedom      115
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, coupling constant      113
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, dimensionless coupling constant      110
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, effective coupling with frustration      129
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, fast modes      110
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, momentum shell integration      111
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, quantum      91
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, quantum fluctuations      109 125
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, renormalization group transformation      110
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, RG beta-function      112
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, scale invariance      110
Non-linear $\sigma$-model, slow modes      110
OfF-diagonal long range order (ODLRO)      230 317
One-component wave functions      282
One-dimensional relativistic fermions      271
One-particle Hamiltonian      251
One-particle states      283
One-particle states, Hofstadter problem      288
Onsager fermions      216
Operator      65 175
Operator, chiral      175
Operator, dimension      85
Operator, disorder      66
Operator, kink      65
Operator, Mandelstam      85
Operator, normal ordered      75
Operator, parafermion      209
Operator, point-split product      76
Operator, product expansion      73 80
Operator, relevant      85
Operator, soliton      65 80
Operator, umklapp      83
Operator, umklapp, bosonized      83
Operator, Wilson loop      199
Orbital coupling      9
Orbital coupling, and parity      193
Orbital coupling, Hubbard Model      9
Orbital ferromagnetism      177
Orbital spin currents      177
Order parameter      48 85 103 317 323
Order parameter, chiral      85
Order parameter, gauge invariant      324
Order parameter, staggered      48 103
Pair-wave-functions      285
Parafermion      209
Parity      179 182 193
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