Авторизация |
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Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics |
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AA See Assignment axiom
AAA See Array assignment axiom
Absorption laws, Boolean algebra 526
Absorption laws, logic 318
Absorption laws, sets 22 29
Abstract algebra 514
Abstract data type 536—549
Abstract data type, binary trees 547
Abstract data type, lists 541
Abstract data type, natural numbers 537
Abstract data type, priority queues 548
Abstract data type, queues 545
Abstract data type, stacks 543
Abstract data type, strings 542
Abstract syntax tree 148
Accumulating parameter 251
Ackermann's function 250
Ackermann, W. 345 640
action 554
Acyclic graph 47
Add See Addition rule
Addition rule 334
Adjacency matrix 188
Adjacent vertices 43
Al-Khowarizmi 507
Algebra 507 510—576
Algebra of matrices 520
Algebra of polynomials 520
Algebra of power series 521
Algebra of vectors 520
Algebra, abstract 514
Algebra, abstract data type 536
Algebra, boolean 522—534
Algebra, carrier of 510
Algebra, concrete 514
Algebra, definition of 510
Algebra, expression 510
Algebra, field 519
Algebra, functional 556
Algebra, group 517
Algebra, groupiod 517
Algebra, high school 509
Algebra, moniod 517
Algebra, morphism 573
Algebra, process 554
Algebra, quotient of 568
Algebra, relational 551
Algebra, ring 519
Algebra, semigroup 517
Algebra, signature of 511
Algebra, subalgebra of 569
Algebraic expression 510
Algorithm 507
Alphabet 37
Ambiguous grammar 146
AND See Conjunction
AND gate 528
Andrews, P.В. 639
Antecedent 313 332
antisymmetric 179
Appel, K. 44 639
Append operation 120
apply function 87
Applying a substitution 463
ApplyToAll function 86
Apt, K.R. 439 639
Arithmetic progression 238
Arity 63
Array assignment axiom 434
Artin, Emil 226
Ascending chain 217
Assignment axiom 422
Asymptotic behavior 299
atom 360 479
Atomic formula 360
Attributes 41
Average case optimal algorithm 275
Axiom 334
Backtracking 493
Backus — Naur form 148
Backus, J. 557 639
Backwards check 398
Bag 25
Bag combinations 269
Bag intersection 26
Bag permutations 263
Bag subbag 25
Bag sum 26
Bag union 26
Basic equality 178
Basis of mathematical induction 235
Bernstein, F. 104
Best operation 548
Better operation 549 551
BIFO property 548
Big oh 304
Big Omega 305
Big theta 300
Bijection 94
Bijective function 94
binary function 63
Binary relation 42 178—187
Binary relation, antisymmetric 179
Binary relation, basic equality 178
Binary relation, closure 183—187
Binary relation, composition 179
Binary relation, converse 184
Binary relation, equivalence 197—212
Binary relation, generator of 183
Binary relation, irreflexive 179
Binary relation, kernel 207
Binary relation, linear order 216
Binary relation, partial order 215—232
Binary relation, reflexive 178
Binary relation, reflexive closure 183
Binary relation, symmetric 178
Binary relation, symmetric closure 183
Binary relation, total order 216
Binary relation, transitive 178
Binary relation, transitive closure 183
Binary resolution 476
Binary search 258
Binary search tree 53 163
Binary tree 52—54 123—124 163—166 547
Binary tree, inorder traversal 166
Binary tree, left subtree 52
Binary tree, postorder traversal 166
Binary tree, preorder traversal 164
Binary tree, right subtree 52
Binding 363 462
Binomial coefficient 266
Binomial theorem 267
Birthday problem 272
BNF See Backus — Naur form
Boole, George 523
Boolean algebra 522 523 534
Boolean algebra, absorption laws 526
Boolean algebra, axioms 523 534
Boolean algebra, complement 523 534
Boolean algebra, De Morgan's laws 527
Boolean algebra, digital circuits 528—532
Boolean algebra, duality principle 525
Boolean algebra, idempotent properties 525
Boolean algebra, involution 527
Boolean algebra, minimal CNF 533
Boolean algebra, minimal DNF 532
Boolean algebra, negation 523 534
Boolean algebra, properties 534
Boolean algebra, simplifying expressions 524
Bound variable 362
| Boyle, J. 476 641
Branch 50
Brassard, G 639
Bratley, P. 639
Breadth-first search strategy 497
Breadth-first traversal 48
Burke, Edmund 177
Burton, David F. 507
Calculus 312
Cancellation technique 82 280
Cantor, Georg 26 100 104
Cardinality 22 94
Carrier 510
Carroll, Lewis 309 395
Case definition of function 65
Casting out by nines 576
cat See Concatenation
CD See Constructive dilemma
Ceiling function 67
Chain 217
Chang, G 474 639
Characteristic function 73
Children 50
Chinese remainder theorem 567
Chromatic number 44
Cichelli, R.J. 98 639
Clausal form 454
Clause 454
Closed 569
Closed form 282
Closure of binary relation 183—187
Closure, existential 368
Closure, inductive definition 112 246
Closure, language 133
Closure, positive 133
Closure, properties 133
Closure, reflexive 183
Closure, symmetric 183
Closure, transitive 183 498
Closure, universal 368
CNF See Conjunctive normal form
Codomain 63
Collection 10
Collision 97
Coloring a graph 44
Combinations 265—269
Comparable 216
Comparison sorting 264
Complement, Boolean algebra 523 534
Complement, properties 22
Complement, set 21
Complete graph 44
Completeness 344
Component 31
Composition of binary relations 179
Composition of functions 79
Composition of statements 424
Composition of substitutions 463
Composition rule 424
Computable number problem 104
Computation tree 492
Concatenation of lists 159
Concatenation of strings 131 543
Conclusion 3 313 332
Concrete algebra 514
Conditional 313
Conditional proof 336—340
Conditional proof rule 336
Conditional statement 3
Congruence 563—567
Congruence relation 564
CONJ See Conjunction rule
Conjunction 2 313
conjunction rule 334
Conjunctive normal form 325
Connected 47
Connective 313 314 360
Connective, complete set 328
Cons function 116
Consequence rule 423
Consequent 313 332
Consistent 335
ConsRight function 158
Constructive dilemma 351
constructor 113
Contingency 317
Continuum Hypothesis 107
Contradiction 8 317
Contrapositive 4
Converse of binary relation 184
Converting decimal to binary 72
Conway's challenge sequence 173
Coppersmith, D. 256 639
Correct program 421
Countable 101
Countably infinite 101
Counterexample 6
Countermodel 366
Counting bag combinations 269
Counting bag permutations 263
Counting combinations 265—269
Counting difference rule 24
Counting finite sets 22—25
Counting inclusion exclusion principle 23
Counting infinite sets 100—107
Counting permutations 262—265
Counting product rule 54
Counting tuples 54—56
Counting union of countable sets 102
Counting union rule 22
cp See Conditional proof rule
Cross product 33
Dag See Directed acyclic graph
DD See Destructive dilemma
De Morgan's laws, Boolean algebra 527
De Morgan's laws, logic 318
De Morgan's laws, sets 22
Decidable 369
Decision problem 369
Decision tree 258—260
Decoding 565
Degree 44
Delete function 502
Delong, H. 639
Depth 50
Depth-first search strategy 493
Depth-first traversal 49
Deque 550
Derangement 277 298
Derivation 136 138
Derivation tree 134
Descartes, Rene 33
Descending chain 217
Description problem 508
Destructive dilemma 351
Destructors 116
Diagonalization 106
dictionary order 226
Difference 20
Difference, counting rule 24
Digital circuit 528—532
Digital circuit, AND gate 528
Digital circuit, full adder 531
Digital circuit, gate 528
Digital circuit, half-adder 530
Digital circuit, logic gate 528
Digital circuit, NOT gate 528
Digital circuit, OR gate 528
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