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Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics
Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics

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Название: Discrete Mathematics

Автор: Hein J.L.


Discrete Mathematics, is designed for an introductory course in discrete mathematics for the prospective computer scientist, applied mathematician, or engineer who wants to learn how the ideas apply to computer sciences. The choice of topics-and the breadth of coverage-reflects the desire to provide students with the foundations needed to successfully complete courses at the upper division level in undergraduate computer science courses.

This book differs in several ways from current books about discrete mathematics. It presents an elementary and unified introduction to a collection of topics that has not been available in a single source. A major feature of the book is the unification of the material so that it does not fragment into a collection of seemingly unrelated ideas.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 656

Добавлена в каталог: 19.03.2006

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Предметный указатель
Topological sorting problem      222
Topologically sorted      222
Total correctness      435
Total function      76
Total order      216
Totally ordered set      216
Tower of Hanoi      297
Trail      46
Transformation      See Function
Transformation problem      571
Transitive      178
Transitive closure      183 498
TREE      49—54
Tree, abstract syntax      148
Tree, binary search tree      53
Tree, binary tree      52
Tree, branch      50
Tree, child      50
Tree, height, depth      50
Tree, leaf      50
Tree, minimal spanning tree      53
Tree, node      50
Tree, ordered      50
Tree, parent      50
Tree, parse, derivation      134
Tree, root      50
Tree, spanning tree      53
Tree, subtree      50
Tree, unordered      50
Trivially true      4
Truth function      321
Truth symbols      314
Truth table      2—3 314
Tuple      31—33
Tuple as a function      66
Tuple as a set      32
Tuple, empty      32
Tuple, equality      32
Tuple, length      32
Tuple, n-tuple      32
Tupling functions      80
Two-valued logic      353
Type of a function      63
Types      27
Ug      See Universal generalization
UI      See Universal instantiation
Unary relation      42
Uncountable      101
Undecidable      369
Uneolvable      369
Unfolding      152
Unification algorithm      466
Unifier      464
Union, bag      26
Union, collection of sets      18
Union, counting rule      22
Union, properties      16
Union, set      16
Unit element      512
Universal closure      368
Universal generalization      394
Universal instantiation      389
Universal quantifier      357
Universal relation      42
Universe of discourse      21
UNIX      82
Unordered tree      50
Unsatisfiable      366
Upper bound      219
Vacuously true      4
Valid      366
Validity problem      369
Vector      32
Vector algebra      520
Venn diagram      14
Venn, John      14
Vertex      43
Vertex in degree      44
Vertex, degree      44
Vertex, outdegree      44
Vertex, sink      44
Vertex, source      44
Voltaire      411
Walk      46
WarehaH'e algorithm      189
Warren, D.S.      498 641
Warshall, S.      189 641
Wegman, M.N.      476 641
Weight      45
Weighted graph      45
Well-formed formula      130
Well-formed formula, bottom-up checking      361
Well-formed formula, first-order predicate calculus      360
Well-formed formula, higher-order logic      444
Well-formed formula, language      130
Well-formed formula, propoeitional calculus      314
Well-formed formula, top-down checking      361
Well-founded induction      241—248
Well-founded order      223 224—232
Well-founded set      224
Well-ordered set      226
Wff      See Well-formed formula
While rule      428
Whitehead, A.N.      27 352 641
Winograd, S.      256 639
Worst case function      254
Worst case input      254
Worst case lower bound      255
Worst case optimal algorithm      255
Wos, L.      476 641
Zero element      512
Zero-order logic      444
1 2 3 4 5
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