Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Topological sorting problem 222
Topologically sorted 222
Total correctness 435
Total function 76
Total order 216
Totally ordered set 216
Tower of Hanoi 297
Trail 46
Transformation See Function
Transformation problem 571
Transitive 178
Transitive closure 183 498
TREE 49—54
Tree, abstract syntax 148
Tree, binary search tree 53
Tree, binary tree 52
Tree, branch 50
Tree, child 50
Tree, height, depth 50
Tree, leaf 50
Tree, minimal spanning tree 53
Tree, node 50
Tree, ordered 50
Tree, parent 50
Tree, parse, derivation 134
Tree, root 50
Tree, spanning tree 53
Tree, subtree 50
Tree, unordered 50
Trivially true 4
Truth function 321
Truth symbols 314
Truth table 2—3 314
Tuple 31—33
Tuple as a function 66
Tuple as a set 32
Tuple, empty 32
Tuple, equality 32
Tuple, length 32
Tuple, n-tuple 32
Tupling functions 80
Two-valued logic 353
Type of a function 63
Types 27
Ug See Universal generalization
UI See Universal instantiation
Unary relation 42
Uncountable 101
Undecidable 369
Uneolvable 369
Unfolding 152
Unification algorithm 466
Unifier 464
Union, bag 26
Union, collection of sets 18
Union, counting rule 22
| Union, properties 16
Union, set 16
Unit element 512
Universal closure 368
Universal generalization 394
Universal instantiation 389
Universal quantifier 357
Universal relation 42
Universe of discourse 21
Unordered tree 50
Unsatisfiable 366
Upper bound 219
Vacuously true 4
Valid 366
Validity problem 369
Vector 32
Vector algebra 520
Venn diagram 14
Venn, John 14
Vertex 43
Vertex in degree 44
Vertex, degree 44
Vertex, outdegree 44
Vertex, sink 44
Vertex, source 44
Voltaire 411
Walk 46
WarehaH'e algorithm 189
Warren, D.S. 498 641
Warshall, S. 189 641
Wegman, M.N. 476 641
Weight 45
Weighted graph 45
Well-formed formula 130
Well-formed formula, bottom-up checking 361
Well-formed formula, first-order predicate calculus 360
Well-formed formula, higher-order logic 444
Well-formed formula, language 130
Well-formed formula, propoeitional calculus 314
Well-formed formula, top-down checking 361
Well-founded induction 241—248
Well-founded order 223 224—232
Well-founded set 224
Well-ordered set 226
Wff See Well-formed formula
While rule 428
Whitehead, A.N. 27 352 641
Winograd, S. 256 639
Worst case function 254
Worst case input 254
Worst case lower bound 255
Worst case optimal algorithm 255
Wos, L. 476 641
Zero element 512
Zero-order logic 444
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