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Wells D. G. — You are a mathematician: a wise and witty introduction to the joy of numbers |
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90—92 312 314
'Prime number race' 55 176
Abel 323
Aeneas 338
Analogy 50—51 92 138 195
Angle in semicircle 103
Angles, of polygons 5
Angles, of triangle 4
Apollonius 122—123 228
Appel, Kenneth 233
Approximation 125 127—129 281 311—312
Archimedean screw 258
Archimedes 50 228 258 262 271
Aristotle 228 265 347—350 363
Arnauld 305
Arnol'd, V.I. 314—316
Arrows, bundles of 59
Atiyah, Michael 69—70
Aurifeuille 93—94 170
Average 85 183 202
Babylonians 41 103 242
Bacon, Francis 202 318
Baker, H.F. 90
Ballot problem 212
Barlow, Peter 231
Bars and joints 3
Barycentre 22
Barycentric calculus 134
Batting paradox 304
Ben Moses, Rabbi 210 340
Bernoulli, Jakob 258
Billiard 360—362
Birkhoff, G.D. 360
Borders, between countries 73
Bourbaki, Nicolas 318
Bracket sequences 212
Breath 302
Brianchon's theorem 122
Brick 171
Brocard, Henri 116
bubbles 210—211 355—356
Buckminsterfullerene 65
Buffon's process see Chapter 13
Buffon, Count 372
Cannonballs 59 225 294
Capablanca 94—95
Capture-recapture 205 288
Cardan's spur wheel problem 177
Cardano, Girolamo 123—125 128 170 267
Cauchy, A.L. 64 232
Cayley, Arthur 144 211 232—233 330 363
Cellular automata 146—149 152 320
Centre of gravity 7 9 13 20 136 202 260 262 271 331
Centre, of triangle 9—13
Centroid see "Centre of gravity"
Ceva's theorem 20 137
Chain of theorems 19
Chemistry 144—145 293
Chess 82 230—231 237 247
Chia H'sien 123
Chocolate 205
Chou Pei Suan Ching 242
circle 27 122 131—134 184 186 190 195 203—204 223—224 282—283
Circle, Euclidean theorems 102—110
Circle, rectangle inscribed in 344
Circles, common tangents 172—173
Circles, concurrent 17—18 106 108—109
Circles, rolling 176—178
Circles, touching 110
Circumcentre of triangle 11 13
circumcircle 16—17
Class number problem 59—60 307
coin tossing 213 229
Combinations 82
Combinatorics 211
complex numbers 122—123 126 133 187—188 249 324
Computer 157 233 236 312
Concurrent lines 6 8 11 19 315
Constant chord 107
Conway, John Horton 154—155
coordinates 87
Copernicus, Nicholas 87
Crystals 64
Cube, geometrical 60 79 141 169 173 235 300 355 389 391
Cubes, sequence of 32 237
Cubes, Sums of 30
Cubic equation 123—125 127—131 175 258
Cuboctahedron 387
Darts 303
Deer eruption 291
Definition 67—68
Deltoid 176—178
Desargues' theorem 120 170 173
Desargues, Gerard 118 236
Descartes, Rene 131 225 231 236 306
Determinant 258
Dice 123 286
Dido, Queen 338
Differential equation 219 221—222 288—290
Diophantos 101 123 139 257
Directrix 218
Dissection 248 256 300
Divergent series 323
divisors 55
dodecahedron 60 63 80 141—142 319
Dodecahedron, small and great stellated 66—67
Draughts 82 230
Driver, fireman and guard (puzzle) 99
Dual theorems 119 122
Dutchmen and wives (puzzle) 98
Dyson, Freeman 318 330
Economics 87 291—292
Einstein, Albert 276 293
ellipse 118 121 185—186 215—220 224 361
Ellipse, parallelogram inscribed in 345
Eratosthenes 262
Errors 131—132 206 231—233
Estimation 205 281
Etten, Henry van 298—299
Euclid 69—70 228 244—245 247 257—258 306
Euclidean geometry 82 102 117
Euler characteristic 80
Euler line 14
Euler's formula for product of four squares 250—251
Euler's quadratic formula 58 307
Euler's relationship 60—61 63 65 67—68 170 222 233
Euler, Leonhard 54 58 88—91 93 95 143 176 187 202 231 285 314 316 323 349
Factorials 56—57
Factorization 313
Fagnano, G.F. 356—357 360
Families, decay of 285—286
Fermat numbers 53—54
Fermat point 22 309 352—353 356 406
Fermat's last theorem 101 187 232—233
Fermat's little theorem 42 229
Fermat, Pierre de 37 53 98 100—102 123 131 139 231 236 306 348—350 360
Ferrari, Ludovico 123
Feuerbach, K.W. 316
Feynman, Richard 345 349—350 363
fibonacci see "Leonardo of Pisa"
Flow 220—222
Flying fish 284
Focus 218 220
Football 79
Four numbers problem 409—413 415—416
Four—colour conjecture 233 315
Framework, rigid 2—3 62 147
Frenicle, B. 53
Fuhrmann circle 117
Galileo Galilei 271—276 283 292—293 350
| Galton, Francis 284—286
Game of life 154—157
Gaoler puzzle 237
Gas diffusion 213
Gauss, C.F. 93 98 231
Generalization 182 187
Generating series 285—286
Geodesic dome 62 65
Go 82—83 230
Graph theory 139 144
Grazing animals and food 290—291
Greek cross 171—172
Greek mathematicians 176
Group 192—194 232—233
Groups, sporadic finite 318
Guarini 189
Guidobaldo del Monte 271
Guthrie, Francis 233
Haken, Wolfgang 233
Halmos, Paul 233—234
Hamilton, William Rowan 141—142 250—251 349
Hamiltonian circuit 141 190
Hamming, Richard 234
Hampton Court 139
Handcuff 303
Hardy, G.H. 30 82 90 230 297 323
Helmholtz, Hermann 349
Hermite, C. 58 322
Heron 345—347 348—349 356 363
Heron's formula 310
Hersh, Reuben 316
Hessel 65
Hilbert, D. 69—70
Hippasus 71
Hird, Alison 301
Hobson, E.W. 90 94—95
Homologous parts 50
Huxley, T.H. 49—50
Huygens, Christiaan 314
Hydrostatics 258
Hyperbola 117 215—220 224
icosahedron 80
Icosian game 141
Incentre of triangle 12—14 18
Induction, scientific 49 51
Interpretation see "meaning"
Irrational number 311 315 363
Isomorphic problems 206
Japanese mathematics 258
Jeans, James 302
Jigsaw 205
Jordanus 265—266
Julius Caesar 302
Kac, Mark 176
Kanada, Yasumasa 312
Kasparov, Garry 88
Kepler, Johannes 66—67
Khayyam, Omar 123
Kiepert's hyperbola 117
Kirkman, Thomas 141
Knight's Tour 143
Koch's snowflake curve 73—74
Koenigsberg 143
L shape 264 331—337
LADDER 262—264
Ladies' Diary, The 208
Lagrange, J.L. 293 349
Lame, Gabriel 187 232
Landry, F. 54 93 170
Langley's adventitious angles 298
Le Lionnais, Francois 317 322
Leaning Tower of Pisa 276
Least action, principle of 349
Least time, principle of 348
legendre 55
Leibniz 129 231 258 322 348
Lemoine points 117
Leonardo da Vinci 243 265 267
Leonardo of Pisa 40 248 251
Levers 258 262 264 270
Lhuilier, S.A.J. 64 170—171
Limit point 290—291
Lincoln Index 206 281—282 288
Littlewood, J.E. 55
Loomis, Elijah S. 242
Lotka, A.J. 286
Lotka—Volterra equation 288—291
Lucas, Eduard 94 170 236
MacLane, Saunders 69—70
Magic square 231
Mandelbrot set 319
MAP 61
Mascheroni, Lorenzo 337
Mathematical Intelligencer, The 315
Mathematicians, pure and applied 85
Matzumoto 232
Maupertuis, P.L.M. de 349
Maximum 210 338—345
Maxwell, James Clerk 221
Maze 139—140
Meaning (interpretation) 69 88 96 130 133 152 174 323
Mechanical interpretation 135
Mechanics 50 258 271
Mersenne primes 236
Mersenne, Marin 236
Method of (infinite) descent 43 100—101
Miniature world 95 116 122 330
Minimum 175 346—360
Mobius, August 134
Mohr, Georg 337
Moments 270
Morgan, Augustus de 168 233 323—324
Morley's theorem 22
Morley, Christopher 297
Morley, Frank 297
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 94
Muller, Johannes 202
Nagel point 117
Napoleon's Theorem 22 181 234 330 405—407
negative numbers 125 305
Network, shortest 14
Neuberg circle 117
Newton, Isaac 52 129 231 293 314 348 372
Nine—point circle 15 316
Non—Euclidean geometry 223—224
octahedron 60 169 386 388
Odd perfect numbers 305
Olber's paradox 283
Optics 346
Oresme, Nicholas 87 363
Orthocentre 6 9 13 15 25
Ozanam, Jacques 207—208 299 372
Ozone layer 293
Pappus Of Alexandria 117 265 339
Pappus' theorem 117 119
parabola 50 130 174 224 274—275 284 294
Paradox 297 304—305
Paraffin 144—145
Parallel rule 333
Parallelogram of forces 270
Pascal's theorem 121—122
Pascal's triangle 123 150—154 238
Pascal, Blaise 118 123 236 305
Path, shortest 345—349
Pedal triangle 357
Pendulum dock 273
Penrose, Roger 104 318
Pentagonal numbers 36 91
Perpetual motion 267
Phillips, Hubert 99
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