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Berge C. — Graphs and Hypergraphs |
Предметный указатель |
Absorbant, externally stable 303
Absorption number, (G) 303
Adjacent in hypergraphs 389
Adjacent to a face 18
Adjacent to a set 4
Adjacent to a vertex 4
Adjacent to an arc 5
Adjoinit matrix 142
Adjoint graph 38
Alternating chain 123
Alternating sequence 275
Alternating sequence in hypergraphs 414
anti-node 30
Anti-symmetric 7
Arborescence, rooted tree 33
Arc flow 76
Arc, directed edge 3
Articulation set, cut-set, separating set 8
Articulation vertex, cut-vertex, separating vertex 9
Associated matrix 9
Associated number, e(x) 61
Balanced hypergraph 450
Basis of a matroid 493
Basis of cocycles 15
Basis of cycles 15
Bicolouring 325
Bipartite graph 7
Bipartite graph, network 83
Block 175
Boolean complement 420
Boolean product 420
Boolean sum 420
Boundary 18
Branch, track 30
C-matching 150
Cactus, Husimi Tree 175
Capacity 76
Cartesian product of 1-graphs 314
Cartesian product of simple graphs 377
Cartesian sum of 1-graphs 314
Cartesian sum of simple graphs 376
cell 285
Centre 61
Chain in a graph 7
Chain in a hypergraph 391
Chord, diagonal 175
Chromatic index, q(G) 248
Chromatic number of a graph, (G) 325
Chromatic polynomial 352
Circuit (in a matroid) 476
Circuit, directed circuit 8
Clique of a graph 7
Clique of a hypergraph 432
Cocircuit 13
Cocycle, coboundary 13
Cocyclomatic number, (G) 15
Colouring for a hypergraph 428
Colouring of edges 248
Colouring of vertices 325
Comparability graph 363
Complementary graph of a 1-graph 189
Complementary graph of a simple graph 288
Complete bipartite graph 7
Complete graph 7
Component, connected component of a graph 8
Component, connected component of a hypergraph 391
Composition product 74
Conform al, with a faithful graph representation 396
Conjugate sequences 103
Connected 8
Connectivity 164
contour 18
Contraction 31
Cotree 26
Covering number 489
Covering, cover 129
Critical 285 338 424
Cubic graph, regular of degree 3
Cut, arc cutset 82
Cycle of a graph 8
Cycle of a hypergraph 391
Cyclomatic number, (G) 15
D-covering, d-cover 419
Dark vertex 155
Deficiency 417
Degree, valency of a graph 6
Degree, valency of a hypergraph 429
Density, (G), maximum cardinality of a clique descendant diameter, (G) 66
Diameter, (G) 73
Digital sum 317
Directed distance 61
Dominance number, (G), domination number 305
Dual 390
Edge line 4
Edge line, of a hypergraph 389
Edge-connectivity 182
Elementary chain 8
Elementary circuit 8
Elementary cocycle 13
Elementary contraction 350
Elementary cycle 12
Elementary path 8
Equitable colouring 463
Eulerian 228
Face, region 18
Factor 230
Ferrer’s diagram 103
Flow 76
Forest 24
Four-colour Conjecture 280
Functional 37
Genus, g(G) girth, length of the longest cycle graph, directed graph 3
Good colouring of edges 440
Grundy function 312
H-connected 164
| Hamilton-connected 217
Hamiltonian 186
Helly property 397
Hypergraph, set system 389
Inaccessible vertex 155
Incidence matrix 389
incident 6
Independent set in matroids 476
Independent set of cycles, cocycles 15
Injective 36
Inner demi-degree, demi-degree inward, in-valence 6
Interval graph 371
Isolated vertex 4
Isomorphic 4
Isthmus 175
k-colourable 325
K-edge-connected 182
K-section 390
Kernel 307
Length 7
Light vertex 155
Loop 3
Matching, packing of a graph 122
Matching, packing of a hypergraph 414
Matroid 476
Maximal set 10
Maximum set 10
Minimal set 10
Minimally-connected graph 30
Minimum set 10
Mixed vertex 155
Multigraph 5
Multiple edge 108
Multiplicity 6
Neighbour 4
Network 77
NIM 319
Node, junction point 30
Normal hypergraph 458
Of a hypergraph (H) 428
Order of a graph 3
Order of a hypergraph 389
Outer demi degree, demi-degree outward, out-valence 6
P-graph, directed graph with multiplicity p 3
Partial graph. spanning subgraph 7
Partial hypergraph 390
Partial subgraph 7
Partial subhypergraph 390
Path, directed path 8
Pendant vertex 25
Perfect graph 360
Perfect matching, linear factor 122
Piece 329
Planar 17
Potential 91
Predecessor 4
Product of 1-graph 314
Product of simple graph 377
Pseudo-cycle 8
Pseudo-symmetric 239
Q-minimal graph 442
Quadrilateral, elementary cycle of length 4
Quasi-strongly connected graph 32
Ramsey number 436
Rank 390
Regular, homogeneous 6
Representative graph, line-graph 400
Root 32
Rosace 30
Saturated 122
Semi-bipartite 141
Semi-functional 37
Sieve 422
Simple chain 8
Simple circuit 8
Simple graph, ordinary graph 5
Simple hypergraph 389
Simple path 8
Sink 77
Source 77
Spanning tree 26
Stability number, independence number 272
Stability number, independence number, of a hypergraph 428
Stable, independent 9
Stochastic function 469
Strong q-colouring 448
Strong stability number 448
Strongly connected 28
Strongly connected component, strong component 28
Subgraph, induced subgraph 7
Subhypergraph 390
Successor 3
Sum of cocycles 12
Sum of cycles 12
Support 469
Symmetric graph 6
Tension, potential difference 91
Thickness, topological graph 18
Topological dual 21
Transitive graph 310
Transportation network 77
Transversal for a graph 133
Transversal number 420
Transversalfor a hypergraph 420
Triangle hypergraph 440
Triangle, cycle of length 3
Triangulated 368
Tur n number 434
Uniform hypcrgraph, k-graph 390
Unimodular hypergraph 465
Unimodular matrix 464
Vertex, point 3
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