Absorption 123 142
Aclinic line 275
Action at a distance 11
Additive properties 87
Agonic line 275
Alloys 75
Alpha rays 167
Aluminium 78
Ampere (unit) 153
Ampere’s swimming rule 147 169
Analysis of the earth’s magnetism 283
annealing 72
Anomalous dispersion in Faraday effect 122
Anomalous dispersion in Zeeman effect 122
Apparent magnitude 40
Archimedean principle in magnetism 82 253
Astatic combination 5
Asynchronous motor 175
Axis of a pair of poles 18 23
Ballistic method 238
Balmer’s formula 139
Band spectra 140
Barlow’s wheel 172
Beta rays 167
Bifilar magnetometer 265
Biot — Savart’s law 149
Bipolar field 29
Birkeland’s experiment 289
Bismuth 105 186 188
Bismuth method 224
Braun’s tubes 237
Canal rays 167
Capillarity 101
Carbide of iron 110
Cast iron 72
Cathode ray theory of terrestrial magnetism 288
Cathode rays 167 236
Central force 20
Characteristics of a motor 175
Chemical relations 85
Circular current 153
Circular magnetism 180
circular polarization 134
Closed ring 59
Closed yoke method 233 238
Cobalt 75
Coefficient of ageing 237
Coefficient of shape 62
Coercivity 151
Coils, electro-magnetic effects of 157
Coloration 81
compass 215
Complex filaments, shell 37 39
Conditioned magnetism 265
Constitution of magnets 35
Constitutive properties 77
Contour lines and surfaces 15
Convection, magnetic effect of 162
Conversion-point 108
copper 78
Corkscrew Rule 163
Coulomb’s law 11
Critical angle of incidence 131
Critical point 96
Critical strength of field 107
Critical temperature of magnetization 107
Cross-magnetism 180
Crystallization in the magnetic field 101
Crystals 45
Crystals, magnetism of 90
Curie’s constant, law 105 111 264
Curl 42 249
Damping 183
Damping method 223
Declination 3 213 273
Deflecting force of a magnet 27
Deflection observations 211
Deflection of the magnetic needle by a current 146
Demagnetization 51
Demagnetizing force 60 68
Density of magnetism 35
Deviation of the compass 216
Diamagnetic substances 71 119
Diamagnetism 80 105 253
Differential apparatus 223
Direct-current motor 174
dispersion 193
Dissipation of energy 55 102 183
Distribution of magnetism 60
Disturbance, regions of 275
Diurnal variations 277 284
Divergence 42 251
Double stroke 7
Duplet 135
Dynamo machine 10 173 183
Dyne 16
Earth currents 279 286
Earth inductor 214
Eddy currents 183
Elasticity and magnetism 94
Electric current 7
Electric theory of terrestrial magnetism 285
Electrodynamic balance 219
Electrodynamic methods 218 231
Electromagnet 8 197
Electromagnetic constant 153
Electromagnetic effect 146
Electromagnetic regulators 161
Electromagnetic tuning fork 177
Electromagnetism 145
Electromotive force of magnetization 189
Electron, electron theory 167 259 269
Elliptical polarization 128
Emission and absorption 138
Epstein method 238
Equivalence of currents and magnets 168
Ettingshausen effect 188
Eutectic mixture 73
Ewing’s theory 255
Faraday effect 117 144 26 268
Ferro-magnetic substances 47 62 71 108
Ferro-magnetism 47 71
Field strength 45 247
Field, distribution of the 199
First principal position 26
Flames, magnetism of 81
Flow of a paramagnetic fluid 101
Fluids, magnetism of 81 85
Flux of force 13
Flux of induction 190
force 16 19
Free magnetism 37
Galvanomagnetic effect 187
Galvanometer 160 166
Gans’ theory 259
Gases 81 85
Gaugain’s galvanometer 160
Gauss (unit) 273
Gauss’s magnetometer 210
Gauss’s theory of terrestrial magnetism 281
Generators 173 183
Gramme ring 67 158
Gravitation 94
Gumlich’s method 24045
Hall constant 185 267
Hall effect 184
Hall effect method 224
| Halogen combinations 89
Hardening 72
Heat and magnetism 55 102
Helmholtz galvanometer 160
Heusler alloys 77
Homogeneous field 201
Horizontal intensity 23 46 273
Hydrostatic method 220 225
Hysteresis 48 51 112
Hysteresis coefficients 70
Hysteresis loops 54
Hysteresis loss 70 74
Ideal magnetization 56
Inclination 3 213 273
Induction 63
Induction ellipsoid 90
Induction methods 221
Intensity of magnetization 35 45 179
Internal Field 10
Inverse Zeeman effect 133
Ions 167
Iron 7 59 71 96 104
Iron filings, magnetic images by means of 28 151
Irreversible magnetism 49
Isoclinic lines 273
Isodynamic lines 273
Isogonal lines 273
Isonomalous lines 273
Isotropic bodies 46
Isthmus method 234
Kerr constant 130
Kerr effect 128 268
Kundt constant 120
Lamella magnets 39 42
Langevin’s theory 262
Leduc effect 188
Left-hand rule 163
Length, change of due to magnetization 28
Lines of force 13 16 29 165
Lines of induction 195
Lodestone 3 75 91
Longitudinal effect 188
Longitudinal Hall effect 187
Longitudinal magnetism 180
Longitudinal Zeeman effect 134
Magnetic after-effect 52
Magnetic attractive force 202
Magnetic axes 5
Magnetic axis of the earth 282
Magnetic balance 235
Magnetic brake 204
Magnetic contour lines 273
Magnetic disturbances 279
Magnetic double refraction 144
Magnetic equator 275
Magnetic field 10 13 197
Magnetic field of the earth 2 27
Magnetic filaments 36
Magnetic inactive solutions 88
Magnetic induction 44
Magnetic influence 44
magnetic moment 22 35
Magnetic moment of the earth 282
Magnetic needle 3
Magnetic permeability 67
Magnetic pole of the earth 274 281
Magnetic resistance 191
Magnetic rotation of dispersion 121
Magnetic rotation of the plane of dispersion 116
Magnetic saturation 48
Magnetic sequence of materials 83
Magnetic shells 39
Magnetic standards 222 226
Magnetic storms 279
Magnetic waves 205
Magnetism of the sun 288
Magnetizability 61
magnetization 35
Magnetization by electric current 8 178
Magnetization curves 46 67
Magnetizing force 45
Magneto-elastic hysteresis 97
Magneto-electric effect 162
Magneto-optics 116 253
Magnetograph 219
Magnetometer 209 228
Magnetometric methods 209 228
Magnetomotive force 192
Magneton 34 226
Magnetostriction 100
Magnets, forms of 197
Manganese 75 79 84
Manganese bronze 79
Maxwell equations 249
Maxwell theory 247
Measurement of the field 218
Measurements, methods of 206 237
Molecular currents 257
Molecular magnetism 35
Molecular magnets 33 255
Molecular rotation 118
Moving coil galvanometer 166
Neef hammer 177
Nickel, nickel steel 76
North pole 5
Null curve 51
Observatories 274
Ohm’s law for magnetism 189
Open field 31
Optical methods 226 236
Oscillograph 244
Pairs of poles 17
Panmagnetism 9 71
Paramagnetic substances 46 71 79 105 118
Peltier effect 187
Periodic system 85
Permanent magnetism 5
Permanent magnetism of the earth 287
Permanent magnets 192
Permeability 67 74 191
Pohl’s apparatus 171
Poisson’s hypothesis 254
Polar distance 36
Polar expedition 174
Polar lights 280
Polar reflection 129
Polarity, law of 11
Pole 5 10 17
Pole strength 37
Ponderomotive effect 8 20
Potential 14
Potential of a circular current 155
Potential of a uniform magnet 43
Potential of shells and filaments 39
Potential of the earth 281
Preliminary thermal treatment 72 115
Principal axes of magnetization 90
Principal positions 23 211
Propagation of magnetism 204
Quadruplet 136
Quasi-isotropic 92
Rays, magnetic deflection of 167
Regular crystals 92
Reis’ telephone 98
Reluctance 191
Remanence 7 48 50 60 89 96
Reversible magnetism 56 252
Right-hand rule 147
Ring magnet 10 61
Roentgen effect 162