Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Preston C. — Iterates of Maps on an Interval |
Предметный указатель |
Central (function) 95
Code 36 62 89 103
Cross-ratio 60
Eventually periodic 54 132 144
Fixed point 21
Fixed point, initial 29
Fixed point, one-sided stable 22
Fixed point, stable 22
Fixed point, unstable 22
Full (family) 191
Higher than 146
Homterval 97 143
Homterval, type 1 98 143
Homterval, type 2 98 143
Infinite register shift 84
Infinite register shift, proper 84
Iterate 19
Kneading sequence 89 157
LAP 19
Orbit continuous 52 88
Period 21 36 54 132 144 157
Periodic 54 132 144 157
Periodic orbit 21
Periodic orbit, critical 23
Periodic orbit, exceptional 28
Periodic orbit, free 27
Periodic orbit, one-sided stable 23
Periodic orbit, stable 23
Periodic orbit, trapped 27
| Periodic orbit, unstable 23
Periodic point 21
Periodic point, critical 23
Periodic point, free 26
Periodic point, one-sided stable 22
Periodic point, stable 22
Periodic point, trapped 25
Periodic point, unstable 22
Piecewise monotone 19
Property Q 78
Property Q' 78
Property r 60
Property R' 60
Pseudo-periodic 90
Reduction 109
Reduction, order of 109
Reduction, proper simple 193
Reduction, simple 111
Regular (component) 175
Regular (point) 176
Schwarzian derivative 61
Sensitive dependence to initial conditions 83
Sink 42 92
Sink, central 95
Sink, maximal 92
Suitable (family) 185
Trap 94
Turning point 19
Turning point, regular 36 103
Turning point, semi-regular 103
Реклама |