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Munk M.M. — Fundamentals Of Fluid Dynamics For Aircraft Designers
Munk M.M. — Fundamentals Of Fluid Dynamics For Aircraft Designers

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Название: Fundamentals Of Fluid Dynamics For Aircraft Designers

Автор: Munk M.M.


During the twelve years that the author specialized on aerodynamics, many experiments were made to test various theories, and a considerable number of mathematical formulas were developed by him to explain phenomena as observed in research and flight tests. The results have appeared in more than seventy-five publications (listed in the Appendix of this volume). These many separate papers were written without a uniform viewpoint, and the earlier papers lacked the benefit of important data that developed later, consequently it now seems advisable to present the most useful portions of that extensive material for publication as a coordinated volume.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2007

Количество страниц: 212

Добавлена в каталог: 15.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abscissae for lift computation      80
Abscissae for moment computation      82
Absolute coefficients      141
Absolute derivatives      7
Acceleration of particle      8
Addition of complex numbers      49
Additional apparent mass      17 (See also "Mass")
Advanced subjects      117 *136
Aerodynamics      3
Aileron      104
Air, density of      3
Air, flow, deflection of      121
Air, force, coefficient      141
Air, force, measurement of      150 *170
Air, friction      3 137 143 *147
Air, incompressible      3
Air, pressure      11
Airplane      61 (See also "Wing section")
Airship, bending moments on      40
Airship, blunt      29
Airship, bow      31 *45 123 179
Airship, circular flight of      24
Airship, drag data      153 *170
Airship, elliptic sectioned      39 41
Airship, fin lift      38 153
Airship, forces      20 26 *44 150
Airship, gusts acting on      41
Airship, hull      20
Airship, L-70, drag      152
Airship, moment on      22 153
Airship, pressure distribution over      31 37
Airship, stability of      22 43
Airship, yaw in turning      40
Altitude, influence on gust forces      41 42
Altitude, variation of atmospheric pressure with      3 8
Anemometer      151
Angle of attack      66 162 179
Angle of attack, effective      92 98 *108
Angle of attack, equivalent      67 71 75 *86
Angle of attack, geometric      92 98
Angle of attack, induced      93 98 *108 159 *170
Angle of attack, local      67
Angle of turning airship      40
Angle of yaw      179
Angular velocity of particle      7
Aperture      12
Apparent mass      17 (See also "Mass")
Apparent moment of inertia      24
Application of Munk's integral      73
Archimedes' law      6
Aspect ratio      159 179
Atmospheric pressure, variation of      3 8
Bending moments on airships      40
Bernouilli's theorem      12 70
Betz      117
Biot Savart's rule      120
Biplane, apparent mass      85 *109
Biplane, aspect ratio      159
Biplane, effective span      108 *109
Biplane, induced drag of      107 *109
Biplane, wing      83
Blade elements, propeller      113
Blunt airships      29
boundary conditions      15 47
Boundary layer      139
Bow, airship      31 *45 123 179
British Advisory Committee for Aeronautics      43
Buoyancy of air particle      8
Burble point      163
Calculus of variation      133
Cartesian coordinates      6
Center of pressure      69 72 156
Center of pressure, airship fins      155
Center of pressure, biplane      84
Center of pressure, fixed      69
Center of pressure, general wing section      71
Center of pressure, straight line section      69
Center of pressure, symmetric section      69
Circle, apparent mass of      26
Circle, maximum velocity      34
Circle, potential flow around      19
Circular cylinder      26
Circular path, airship in      24
Circular-sectioned airship hull      23 38
Circulation flow      59 *62 65 120
Coefficient moment      73 156
Coefficient power      168
Coefficient, absolute      141
Coefficient, additional mass of ellipsoids      35
Coefficient, air force      141
Coefficient, drag      152 156 159 *170
Coefficient, lift      67 156 159 165 *170
Coefficient, normal force      156
Coefficient, surface friction      146
Coefficient, tangential force      156
Coefficient, thrust      167
Coefficient, torque      168
Coefficient, values of      153 *170
Complete wing      89 98 *108
Complex function      50
complex numbers      47 48
Compressibility effect      147
Compressible fluids      13
Condition of continuity      14
Condition, incompressibility      13
Condition, Kutta's      65 83
Constant downwash      95
Constant pitch      115
Continuity      14
Correction factors for blunt hull      29
Correction factors for wind tunnels      117 128 *136
Couple, resultant of airship hull      22 *44
Creation of induced drag      93
Cross-section of airship, pressure around      37 *44
Cylinder, circular      26
Cylinder, rotating      140
Damping moment of airship fins      40
Deceleration tests with airships      150
Deflection of air flow      121
Density of air      3
Density of lift      91
Density of lift, for minimum wing drag      97
Density of propeller thrust      130 134
derivatives      7
Determination of lift and moment      77
Diagram of airship forces      30
Diagram of wing forces      157
Diagram, polar      157 *170
Diameter, propeller, economical      134
Differential equation, partial      15
Differentiation of complex functions      50
Disc, propeller      112
Displaced elevator, lift of      74
Distribution of airship forces      26
Distribution of lift, elliptical      97
Divergence      14
Downwash      89 *109
Downwash, constant      95
Drag      179
Drag of airships      153 *170
Drag, airship data      153
Drag, coefficient      152 156 159 *170
Drag, friction      145
Drag, induced      93 98 *109 159 *170
Drag, minimum, lift density for      97
Drag, parasite      168
Drag, viscous      93
Durand, W.F.      168
Dynamic pressure      12
Dynamics of solids      4
Economical propeller diameter      134
Edge, leading      64 66
Edge, trailing      64 66 74
Edge, velocity      59
Effective, angle of attack      92 98 *108
Effective, angle of yaw of airship      40
Effective, fin area      38
Effective, pitch of propeller      113
Effective, propeller blade size      113
Efficiency, propeller      112 *115 *170
Elasticity of solids      3
Electric potential      10
Elementary flow of straight line      58
Elevator      74 165 179
Ellipsoid      31
Ellipsoid of revolution      35
Ellipsoid, table of apparent mass of      35
Elliptical airship section      39 41
Elliptical airship section, lift distribution      97
Elliptical airship section, wing      99
Elongated ellipsoid of revolution      36
Energy, kinetic      16
Equation of continuity      14
Equilibrium of solids      4
Equilibrium, fictitious      5
Equivalent angle of attack for lift      67 *86
Equivalent angle of attack for moment      71 *86
Equivalent angle of attack of displaced elevator      75
Equivalent angle of attack, integral for      68
Equivalent propellers      115
External forces on air      8
Factor for induced drag      92
Factor for induced drag, reduction of lift      102 *109
Factor for induced drag, reduction of lift, moment      103 *109
Factor, shape      141
Factor, shape for airship hull      29 35
Fictitious equilibrium      5
Fictitious equilibrium, fluid      118
Fins, airship      21 38 45 153
Flettner rotor      140
Flexible straight line      54
Flow      (See also "Potential flow" "Two-dimensional
Flow, around straight line      52
Flow, circulation      59 *62 65 120
Flow, created by hull      23
Flow, potential      13 19 47
Fluid, compressible      13
Fluid, fictitious      118
Fluid, perfect      3
Forces in pairs      4
Forces, air      150 *170
Forces, airship      20 26 *44 150
Forces, impulsive      16
Forces, mass      5
Forces, propeller      167
Forces, wing      155 157
Fourier's series      48 56 *62 99 105
Fourier's series, determination of constants      56
Free fall, velocity of      12
Friction of solids      4
Friction, air      3 137 143 *147
Friction, coefficient of air      146
Friction, drag      145
Friction, modulus of air      143
Friction, propeller air      131
Friction, surface air      145 *148
Fuhrmann      125
Function, complex      50
Function, potential      48 51
Function, velocity      51
Gap      179
Gauss('s)      77
Gauss('s) rule      79
Geometric angle of attack      92 98
Geometric angle of attack, interpretation of complex numbers      49
Gradient      8 10 51
Graphical determination of lift      77 82
Graphical determination of moment      77 82
Gravity      8
Gravity, potential      10
Gust, airship in      41 43
Gust, vertical      44
Gyroscope      17
Helicopter      113
Helmholtz      10 118
Hull, airship      20
Hull, airship, circular section      23 38
Hull, airship, pressure distribution      31 37
Hydrodynamics      6 *9
imaginary numbers      47 48
Impulsive force      16
Impulsive force, moment      16
Impulsive force, pressure      11
Incompressibility of air      3
Incompressibility of air, condition of      13
Incompressible fluids      147
Induced angle of attack      93 98 *108 159 *170
Induced angle of attack, drag      93 98 *109 159 *170
Induced angle of attack, drag of biplane      107 *109
Induced angle of attack, drag of monoplane      97
Induced angle of attack, drag, curve      159
Induced angle of attack, drag, factor      92
Induced angle of attack, drag, minimum      94
Induced angle of attack, drag, parabola      159 *170
Induced rolling moment      104
Induced yawing moment      104
Induction factor for lift      102 *109
Induction factor for moment      103 *109
Infinite velocity      53
Infinite velocity at edge      59
Instability of airships      22 43
Integral for lift      68 *86
Integral for moment      71 *86
Interference of biplane wings      84
Joukowsky      117 125
Karman vortices      117 125
Kinematic modulus of viscosity      143 146
Kinetic energy of flow      15
Kinetic energy of flow, around straight line      55
Kinetic energy, computation of      16
Kutta's condition      65 83
Lamb, H.      24 31 39
Laminar flow      138
Laplace's equation      14 47 51
Leading edge      64 66
Lift      179
Lift, coefficient      67 156 159 165 *170
Lift, computation of      66 67 77 *86
Lift, density of      91 98
Lift, elliptical distribution of      97
Lift, from circulation flow      61 *62
Lift, integral      68 86
Lift, reduction of      102 *109
Lift-drag diagram      157 *170
Line      (See "Straight line")
Local angle of attack      67
Local derivatives      7
Longitudinal projection of wing      90
Losses, propeller      131
Magnetic force lines      119
Magnetic potential      10
Mass forces      5
Mass, additional apparent      17
Mass, additional apparent of airship hulls      23 124
Mass, additional apparent of circle      26
Mass, additional apparent of cylinder      26
Mass, additional apparent of ellipsoids      35
Mass, additional apparent of pair of lines      85 107
Mass, additional apparent of sphere      34
Mass, additional apparent of straight line      53
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