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Gurevich M.I. — The theory of jets in an ideal fluid |
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"Teapot effect" 269—272
"Teapot effect", complex potential 270
Absolute motion 365
Accelerated current past plate 275—281
Accelerated current past plate, boundary condition 276
Accelerated current past plate, complex potential 275—276
Accelerated current past plate, drag 280
Accelerated current past plate, law of variation of velocity 270
Accelerated current past plate, pressure 279—280
Added mass of fluid 285
Added mass of plate 281
Angle of attack 20
Angle of careening 304
Angle of incidence 26
Armour piercing shell 252—255
Armour piercing shell, absolute velocity 255
Armour piercing shell, penetration 254—255
Armour plating fluids 255—256
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion 301—373
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for compressible fluids 370—373
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for compressible fluids, drag 370—373
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for compressible fluids, velocity potential 371—372
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for incompressible fluids 302—370
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for incompressible fluids, drag forces 305—309
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for incompressible fluids, stream function 363 367
Asymptotic law of jet-expansion for incompressible fluids, velocity potential 363 367
Axisymmetric flow, approximate methods of solution 348—361
Axisymmetric flow, drag on cone 339
Axisymmetric flow, drag on disc 357
Axisymmetric flow, efflux of circulation jet 358
Bernoulli's equation 9
Bernoulli's integral 21 70 80
Bernoulli's theorem 15
Betz's flow pattern 137
Borda's mouthpiece 40 48—50
Brace 116
Break-away angle of jet 155
Break-away angle on cylinder 108
Break-away cavitational flow 120
Brillouin's conditions 104
Cauchy — Riemann conditions 1
Cauchy — Riemann equation 333
Cavitation number 120 137 140
Cavitational flow past a grating 214—210
Cavitational flow past a grating, circulation 217
Cavitational flow past a grating, complex potential 215—216
Cavitational flow past a grating, pitch 218—219
Cavitational flow past a grating, resultant force 218
Cavitational flow past a plate 131—143
Cavitational flow past a plate, Betz's flow pattern 137
Cavitational flow past a plate, coefficient of resistance 136
Cavitational flow past a plate, complex potential 132—134
Cavitational flow past a plate, complex velocity 134
Cavitational flow past a plate, drag coefficient 135 137—138 141
Cavitational flow past a plate, eddying fluid 131
Cavitational flow past a plate, mass discharge of fluid 135—136
Cavitational flow past a plate, Ryabushenskii's flow pattern 139—142
Cavitational flow past a thin profile 159—167
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, coefficient of drag 165
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, profile length 164
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, regions of variation 160—162
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, resultant force 164
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, velocity potential 160
Cavitational flow past a thin profile, Wu Yao-tsu's method 159 162—165
Cavitational flow past a wedge 143—151
Cavitational flow past a wedge, asymmetric flow 150—151
Cavitational flow past a wedge, cavitational number 146 149
Cavitational flow past a wedge, distance between walls 145
Cavitational flow past a wedge, drag 146—147 149—150
Cavitational flow past a wedge, length of wedge face 145
Cavitational flow past a wedge, regions of variation 144
Cavitational flow past a wedge, symmetric flow 143—150
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder 152—159
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, cavitational number 153
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, curvature of surface 153—154
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, drag coefficient 155—156
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, Eppler's approach 157—159
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, radius of contour's curvature 154
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, re-entrant jet pattern 152—156
Cavitational flow past circular cylinder, region of variation 152
Cavitational phenomenon 125—131
Cavitational phenomenon, flow condition 120
Cavitational phenomenon, Kirchhoff's flow pattern 127
Cavitational phenomenon, law of variation in velocity 138
Cavitational phenomenon, special features 126—127
Cavitational phenomenon, Walchner'a experiments 127—128
Cavity 125
Centre of pressure of a flat plate 71—72
Chaplygin's approximate method 332—340
Chaplygin's approximate method, generalization on use 341—347
Chaplygin's equations for steady flow 313—316
Chaplygin's equations for steady flow, density-pressure relation 313—314
Chaplygin's equations for subsonic flow 316—332
Chaplygin's equations for subsonic flow, application 319—332
Chaplygin's equations for subsonic flow, boundary conditions 317—318
Chaplygin's equations for subsonic flow, complex potential 318
Chaplygin's equations for subsonic flow, velocity potential 319
Chaplygin's method of special points 30—37
Chaplygin's notions 7
Characteristic function 1
Circulation 3—4
Coefficient of efflux 39—45
Coefficient of jet compression 22—23
Coefficient of normal pressure on plate 71
Coefficient of normal pressure on wedge 73—75
Coefficient of surface tension 302 380
Complex potential of a dipole 3
Complex potential of a uniform flow 3
Compression coefficient for Borda's mouthpiece 323—324
Contour in flow with break-away 281—287
Contour in flow with break-away, boundary conditions 283
Contour in flow with break-away, conditions of flow 285
Contour in flow with break-away, regions of variation 282
Control surface 80
Cumulative charges 251—256
Cumulative charges, absolute velocity 253
Cumulative charges, penetration 254—255
Current striking plate 23—26
Current striking plate, impinging angle 26
Dead zone 89—90
Diffuser 268
Dihedron 22
Dini's relation 112—113
Dipole in a free jet 261—264
Dipole in a free jet, complex potential 262
Dipole in a free jet, streamline 263
Distorted contour 281
Disturbed flow past a flat plate 10—16
Doublet 3
Drag coefficient of cylinder 107
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid 380—392
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, efflux from orifice in plane 390—392
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, efflux from panel 385—386
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, efflux from vertical wall 387—388
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, flow over obstacle 388—390
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, incompressible between walls 383—385
Effect of surface tension on heavy fluid, incompressible between walls, coefficient of compression 384—385
Efflux from nozzle at supersonic-subsonic speeds 345—347
Efflux from nozzle at supersonic-subsonic speeds, Sedov's equation 346—347
Efflux from nozzle at supersonic-subsonic speeds, Tricomi's equation 346
Efflux of gas jet from vessel 329—332
Efflux of gas jet from vessel, compression coefficient 329—332
Efroes flow pattern 131—132
Eppler's flow pattern 157—159
Euler's equation of motion 313
Fedorov's flow pattern for hydrofoil 234
Flat planing plate 221—226
Flat planing plate, coefficient of normal force 224
Flat planing plate, wetted length 223
Flow from orifice in piano 21—23
| Flow from slit in wall 35—36
Flow from vessel with Borda'a mouthpiece 48—52
Flow from vessel with Borda'a mouthpiece, jet contraction coefficient 50—52
Flow from vessel with Borda'a mouthpiece, ratio of discharge rates 51
Flow from vessel with funnel-shaped base 46—48
Flow from vessel with funnel-shaped base, jet contraction coefficient 48
Flow from vessel with orifice 59—64
Flow from vessel with orifice, coefficient of efflux 62
Flow from vessel with orifice, jet contraction coefficient 62
Flow from vessel with orifice, von Mises' calculation 64
Flow from vessels 37—50
Flow from vessels with oblique walls 37—42
Flow from vessels with oblique walls, coefficient of efflux 39—42
Flow from vessels with rectangular walls 42—45
Flow from vessels with rectangular walls, coefficient of efflux 43—45
Flow in heavy fluid 374—380
Flow in heavy fluid, "waterfall" problem 379—380
Flow in heavy fluid, boundary conditions 374—375
Flow in heavy fluid, complex potential 377
Flow in heavy fluid, complex velocity 376—377
Flow in heavy fluid, regions of variation 375
Flow of bounded current past wedge 168—182
Flow of bounded current past wedge, asymmetrically placed 173—182
Flow of bounded current past wedge, asymmetrically placed, length of sides 181—182
Flow of bounded current past wedge, asymmetrically placed, resultant force 178—179
Flow of bounded current past wedge, coefficient of wedge-drag 169—173
Flow of bounded current past wedge, distance between walls 169
Flow of bounded current past wedge, region of variation 168—169
Flow of bounded current past wedge, symmetrically placed 170—173
Flow of unbounded current about wedge 65—75
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, complex velocity 69
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, general case 68—70
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, length of sides 67
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, pressure on wedge 70
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, regions of variation 65—66 68—69
Flow of unbounded current about wedge, resistance 72—75
Flow of unbounded current past plate 70—72
Flow of unbounded current past plate, centre of pressure 71—72
Flow past cylinder between two walls 199—207
Flow past cylinder between two walls, cavitation number 203
Flow past cylinder between two walls, drag coefficient 203—204 206—207
Flow past cylinder between two walls, regions of variation 200
Flow past grating 190—199
Flow past grating, length of plate 193—194
Flow past grating, normal pressure 194—195
Flow past grating, pitch 101
Flow past grating, regions of variation 191—192
Flow past grating, Sedov's method 198—199
Flow past grating, velocity potential difference 192
Flow past obstacles 119—123
Flow past obstacles, complex potential 121
Flow past obstacles, integro-differential equation 121—123
Flow past obstacles, regions of variation 120
Flow past plate near wall 182—190
Flow past plate, distance of wall 185
Flow past plate, drag coefficient 187 189—190
Flow past plate, length of plate 185 189
Flow past plate, normal force 186—187
Flow past plate, regions of variation 182—183
Flow past plate, thickness of deflected jet 189
Flow past plate, Tseitlin's formula 184
Flow past rectilinear wedge 93—95
Flow past rectilinear wedge, boundary condition 94
Flow past rectilinear wedge, contour form 95
Flow past rectilinear wedge, jet contraction coefficient 46
Flow past slit between planes 45—47
Flow pattern 8
Flow problems 264—274
Flow problems, "Teapot effect" 269—272
Flow problems, hollow vortex between walls 264—266
Flow problems, jet off main current 266—268
Flow problems, Khmel'nik's problem 272—274
Flow round a plate 32—35
Flow round a plate, angle of attack 35
Flow round a plate, angle of impinging current 34
Flow round circular cylinder 99—110
Flow round circular cylinder, break-away angle 108
Flow round circular cylinder, Brodetsky'a solution 107—108
Flow round circular cylinder, curvature of contour 100 103 105—106
Flow round circular cylinder, curvature of flow 100 103 106
Flow round circular cylinder, drag coefficient 107 109—110
Flow round circular cylinder, regions of variation 100—101 104
Flow round circular cylinder, resistance 106—107
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface 82—89
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, complex potential 83—84
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, impinging angle 84
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, lift results 87—88
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, maximum angle for velocity vector 88—89
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, regions of variation 83
Flow round plate with separation on upper surface, resultant forces 85—86
Flow round plate with stagnation point 70—82
Flow round plate with stagnation point, complex potential 76—78
Flow round plate with stagnation point, length of plate 79
Flow round plate with stagnation point, pressure distribution 79—82
Flow round plate with stagnation point, regions of variation 76—77
Flow round plate with stagnation point, stagnation zone 79
Flow through singly-connected region 16—21
Flow through suddenly appearing orifice 296—299
Flow through suddenly appearing orifice, complex potential 297
Fluid motion past a contour 114
Fluid motion past an arc 114
Froude numbers 9
Gas current past curvilinear contour 339—340
Gas current past curvilinear contour, coefficient of contraction 340
Gas flow past plate 325
Gas jet from orifice in plane 319—324
Gas jet from orifice in plane, compression coefficient 320—323
Gas jet from orifice in plane, stream function 320
Gas jet from rectilinear vessel 325—329
Gas jet from rectilinear vessel, boundary conditions 327—328
Gas jet from rectilinear vessel, stream function 326
Harmonic vibrations of contour in perturbed flow 292—293
Hodograph equation 315
Hollow vortex between walls 264—266
Hollow vortex between walls, complex potential 265
Hydrofoil 225 233—245
Hydrofoil, complex velocity 236
Hydrofoil, drag 239
Hydrofoil, moment of resultant force 240
Hydrofoil, suctional force 238—239
Impact of contour in flow 281—287
Impact of plate in current 283—285
Impact of plate in current, added mass of fluid 285
Impact of plate in current, impulse of forces 285
Impact of wedge in current 285—287
Impact of wedge in current, acceleration potential 286
Impinging jets 246—256
Impinging jets, complex velocity 247—249
Impinging jets, conditions for solution 250
Impinging jets, cumulative charges 251—256
Impinging jets, penetration into plating 254—255
Impinging jets, regions of variation 247
Inverse problem for symmetrical arcs 123—124
Inverse problem for symmetrical arcs, arc contour 124
Jet flow off main current 266—268
Jet flow off main current, complex potential 266—267
Jet flow past plate 334—349
Jet flow past plate, complex potential 335—336
Jet flow past plate, drag 337—339
Jet flow past plate, normal pressure 339
Jet flow past plate, pressure 337
Jet flow past plate, regions of variation 335
Jet flows with singularities 256—264
Jet flows with singularities, dipole in free jet 261—264
Jet flows with singularities, regions of variation 256 262
Jet flows with singularities, vortex in free jet 257—261
Joukovskii — Roshko flow pattern 143
Joukovskii's method for singly-connected region 16—30
Khmel'nik's problem 272—274
Khristianovich's approximation for gas flow 344
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