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Hale J.K., Magalhaes L.T., Oliva W. — Dynamics in Infinite Dimensions |
Предметный указатель |
subspace 81 89 98
Adjoint theory 189
Algebraic multiplicity 130
Anosov like 123
Attractor, compact global 75 221
Attractor, dimension of the 57
Attractor, global 8
Attractor, local 8
Attractor, stability relative to the 65
Bifurcation 65
Bogdanov — Takens singularity 137 138 161 166 167
Bounce-off point 243
Cech cohomology 62
Chafee — Infante problem 75
Change of variables, formal 145
Cohomological complexity 227
Collision 109
Collision point 41 107 118 123
Compact property 99
Cone, normal 216
Cone, quadratic 213
Conley index 227
Connection, heteroclinic 217
Connection, saddle 108
Controllability 132
Critical point, nondegenerate 229
Cycles 103
Diffeomorphism, Morse — Smale 216
Discretization 215
Discretization, semi-implicit 219
Dynamical systems, monotone 209
Eigenspace, generalized 130
Eigenvalue 130
Ejective 222
Elastic beam 77
Equation, difference 48
Equation, differential difference 134
Equation, first variational 23
Equation, formal adjoint 189
Equation, infinite delay 14
Equation, Levin — Nohel 33 67
Equation, linear variational 72 229
Equation, linearly damped wave 16
Equation, locally damped wave 10
Equation, Navier — Stokes 79
Equation, neutral 15
Equation, neutral delay differential 9
Equation, obtained by compactification 33
Equation, quasilinear parabolic 11
Equation, retarded differential delay 30
Equation, retarded functional differential 11
Equation, retarded semilinear wave 204
Equivalence, -topological 102
Equivalence, topological 123
Ergodic measure 125
Essential spectrum 9
Feedback 137
Flow on center manifold 143
Flow, translational 223
Foliation, unstable 93
Formal duality 141 189
Formal series 143
Frechet category 54
Fredholm index 234
Function, hysteresis 206
Function, locally Lipschitzian 21
Function, Lyapunov 223
Functional number of zeros 108
Fundamental domain 83
Fundamental neighborhood 83
Generator, infinitesimal 129
Global -lemma 89 102
Global extension 110
Global unstable foliation, compatible system 94
Hausdorff dimension 57
Henon map 164
Homoclinic orbit 167
Hopf bifurcation 39 72 149 182 194
Hopf supercritical bifurcation 73
Hutchinson equation 177
Hyperbolic measure 125
Hyperbolic periodic point 85
Hyperbolicity 109
Hyperbolicity, nonuniform 109
Hyperbolicity, persistence of 118
Hyperbolicity, uniform 109
Isotopy extension theorem 94
Jacobi matrix 212
Jacobi system 212
Jordan canonical form 132
Klein — Gordon dissipative equation 207 208
Klein — Gordon equation with delays 205
Krein — Rutman 210
Kuratowskii, measure of nonconipactness 28
Kurzweil 200 201
Kurzweil, persistence theorem 202
Lap number 217
Lifting, first 112
Lifting, second 113
Limit capacity 57
Local -lemma 83
Lyapunov exponent 124
Lyapunov, functional 218
Manifold, center 134
Manifold, global unstable 82 101
Manifold, local stable 82 101
Manifold, local unstable 82 101
Manifold, stable 126
Manifold, unstable 126
Map, -contraction 28
Map, A-stable 82
Map, asymptotically smooth 27
Map, gradient like 81
| Map, infinite dimensional 220
Map, Morse — Smale 81 89 220
Map, reversible 81
Matrix oscillatory 214
Morse decomposition 221 225
Morse set 221
Morse — Smale semiflow, A-stable 104
Negative feedback 221
NFDE on 52
NFDE on 46
NFDE on manifolds 44
Nilpotent 132
Non-resonance 146
Non-resonant terms 144
Nonlinear variation constants formula 202
Nonuniforin hyperbolicity 123
Nonuniforin, hyperbolicity 125
Nonuniformly hyperbolic, trajectory 123
Normal form 140 147 148 170
One-to-oneness 109
Operator, exponentially stable 48
Operator, focusing 217
Operator, indefinitely positive 216
Operator, linear compact 130
Orbit, complete 7
Orbit, connecting 225
Orbit, negative 7
Orbit, positive 7
oscillations 108
Period module 64
Periodic orbit, hyperbolic 230
Periodic orbit, nondegenerate 230
Periodic point 82
Perron 210
Persistence 118
Perturbation 118
phase diagram 91 104
Poincare compactification 38
Point, bifurcation 2
Point, collision 110
Point, hyperbolic fixed 111
Point, regular 124
Population dynamics 149 171
Predator-prey system 149 181
Property 99 110 122
Property 100
Property 99
Realization 129
Realization of vector fields 134 138
Realization on a center manifold 137
Resolvent 118
Restrictions on flows of RFDE 138
Retraction, 195
Return maps, family of 114
RFDE on 31
RFDE on manifolds 19
RFDE on submanifolds of 31
RFDE, A-stable 66
RFDE, equivalent 66
RFDE, examples on manifolds 29
RFDE, infinite delay 53
Saddle 83
Sard theorem 234
Semi-equivalence, topological 123
Semiconjugacy of flow 225
Semiflow of transformations 99
Semiflow, 112
Semiflow, Morse — Smale 98 102
Semigroup, 7
Semigroup, A-stable 2
Semigroup, admissible 13
Semigroup, asymptotically compact 13
Semigroup, asymptotically smooth 12
Semigroup, collectively -contracting 28
Semigroup, compact dissipative 50
Semigroup, conditionally completely continuous 10
Semigroup, equivalent 2
Semigroup, point dissipative 11 50
Semigroup, strongly continuous 22
Set, -limit 7
Set, -stable 93
Set, hyperbolic invariant 111
Set, invariant 8
Set, maximal compact invariant 8
Set, nonwandering 18 68 107 214
Set, uniformly asymptotically stable 8
Sine — Gordon equation 206
Sine — Gordon equation with delays 204
Sine — Gordon, retarded equation 207 208
Singularly perturbed delay equation 164
Sink 83
Smooth property 99 110 122
Solution, almost periodic 64
Solution, quasiperiodic 64
Solution, slowly oscillating 222
Source 83
Spectrum 130
Square and pulse waves 164
Stability theory of non-autonomous ODE 126
Stabilization 137
Strict egress point 243
Strict ingress point 243
System, -dynamical 7
System, cyclic 213
System, Morse — Smale 78 218
Theory, shape memory alloys 206
Topological A-equivalence 104
Topological boundary 84
Transversality 108 214 218
Transversality, unavoidable 218
Transverse motion 77
Wazewski principle 243
Wright equation 155
Zero number 217 22
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