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Denker M., Grillenberger Ch., Sigmund K. — Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
-tower 254
-spanning 84
-separated 83
-name 51
-name of a point 51
-topology 225ff.
-topology, structurally stable 226
-set 12
-capacity 83
-invariant 23
-algebra 3
Abramov, theorem of 265
Absolutely continuous 24
Affinity of entropy 61
Almost periodic point 261
Alphabet 37
Anosov diffeomorphism 228
Aperiodic 7
Aperiodic matrix 47
Aperiodic state 47
Asymptotically h-expansive 162
atom 5
Atom of a partition 49
Automorphism of the torus 234
Automorphism of the torus, hyperbolic 239
Axiom A diffeomorphism 229
Baire’s theorem 12
Basic part 126
Basic part, set 124 230
Bernoulli measure 42
Bernoulli measure, shift 42
Birkhoff 20
BLOCKS 37 258ff.
Blocks, centred 37
Blocks, juxtaposition of 258
Blocks, M-transition 267
Blocks, number of 259
Blocks, occurrence of 37
Blocks, relative frequency of 258
Blocks, set of blocks = B1 258
Bogoliubov 18
Borel- -algebra 8
Borel- -algebra, set 8
Bowen 230
Bowen, measure 210
Breiman 79
Canonical coordinates 241
Canonical coordinates, hyperbolic 241
Choquet 78
CO-measure 195
Complete measure space 3
Completion of a -algebra 4
Conditional entropy 62
Conditional top. entropy 160ff.
Conjugate, m.th. 5
Conjugate, top. 19
Conjugate, weakly m.t. 71
Continuity set 93
Continuity set, partition 93
Contraction 86
Covering dimension 134
Cylinder, centred 37
Decomposition, ergodic 230
Defining system of blocks 120
Differentiable map 224ff.
Dimension, covering 134
Dinaburg 134
Dynamical system ,top. 18
Dynamical system, m.t. 5
Elementary part 230
Embedding, pointwise strictly ergodic, minimal 316
Embedding, strictly ergodic 300
Entropy of 60
Entropy of a partition 56
Entropy of a partition w. resp. to 59
Entropy of an ergodic decomposition 77
Entropy of Bernoulli shifts 69
Entropy of Markov measures 69
Entropy, -entropy 83
Entropy, absolute 82
Entropy, conditional 62
Entropy, conditional top. 160ff.
Entropy, expansive 162
Entropy, expansive, asymptotical 162
Entropy, expansive, locally 173
Entropy, maximal 147
Entropy, metric 63
Entropy, topological 83ff.
Equilibrium state 147
Equivalence of states 123
Ergodic 23
Ergodic decomposition 73ff.
Ergodic decomposition of entropy 77ff.
Ergodic fibre 73
Ergodic, intrinsically 156
Ergodic, strictly 34 261
Ergodic, totally 23
Ergodic, uniquely 27 261
Excluded block system 118
Expansive constant 104
Expansive constant homeomorphism 103
Extended transformation 17
Extremal 24
Factor, m.t. 6
Factor, top. 19
Finer, cover 82
Finer, cover, mod 0 50
Finer, cover, partition 49
Finer, cover, partition finer than a cover 106
Finitary (P-, F-) 252
Finite type 118
First category 12
Frobenius 42
Function, invariant 23
G-admissible subshift 252
Generating sequence 51
Generating sequence under 51
Generator 52
Generator for T 103
Generator, M- 261
Generator, natural 107
Generator, power of a 103
Generator, strong 52
Generator, topological 92
Generic point 20
Goodman 138
Goodwyn 134
Group automorphisms 150
Group automorphisms translations 28
H-expansive 162
Haar measure 29 150 234
Hansel 322
Hausdorff metric 111
Hedlund 38
Homeomorphism, contracting 86
Homeomorphism, isometric 86
Homeomorphism, Lipschitz 87
Homogeneous 149
Homomorphism, m.t. 6
Homomorphism, top. 19
Hyperbolic automorphism 239
Hyperbolic automorphism, fixed points of a 226
Hyperbolic automorphism, matrix of a 239
Hyperbolic automorphism, with canonical coordinates 241
In-set 226(241)
Individual ergodic theorem 20
Induced m.t. system 6
Induced m.t. system transformation 6
information 56
Intrinsically ergodic 156
| Irreducible matrix 42
Isomorphic 4 5
Isomorphism, m.t. 3 4
Isomorphism, m.t., top. 19
Jewett 301
Kac 264
Katznelson 238
Kolmogorov 41 65 67
Krein 25
Krengel 52 263
Krieger 282 301
Kushnirenko 225
Lebesgue space 4
Lebesgue — Stieltjes measure 4
letter 37
Lipschitz condition 87
Local product structure 246
Locally entropy, expansive 173
M-generator 261
M-partition 261
M.th. conjugate 5
M.th. conjugate, conjugate, weakly 71
M.th. conjugate, dyn. system 5
M.th. conjugate, isomorphism 4
Map, measurable 3
Map, measure preserving 3
Markov measure 43
Markov measure partition 246
Markov measure shift 43
Matrices, aperiodic 47
Matrices, irreducible 42
Matrices, period of 47
Matrices, positive 42
Matrices, related 250
Matrices, stochastic 43
Matrices, strongly shift equivalent 250
Matrices, transition- 121
Maximal entropy 147
Maximal entropy oscillation 207
McMillan 79
Measurable map 3
Measurable map set 3
Measurable map space 3
Measure 3
Measure of maximal entropy 147
Measure preserving map 3
Measure space 3
Measure theoretical dyn. system 5
Measure, Bernoulli 42
Measure, Bowen 210
Measure, CO- 195
Measure, complete 3
Measure, conditional 3
Measure, conjugate 5
Measure, ergodic 23
Measure, Haar 29 150 234
Measure, homogenous 149
Measure, isomorphic 5
Measure, Markov 43
Measure, Parry 130
Measure, point- 11
Measure, regular 8
Measure, T-homogenous 149
Measure, transported 5
Meshalkin 71
Metric of partitions 63
Metric, Hausdorff 111
Metric, Prohorov 11
Milman 25
Minimal 34 261
Minimal set 34
Minimal top.dyn.system 34
Mixing top. (strongly, weakly) 31
Mixing, mt. (strongly, weakly) 30
Morse — Smale — diffeomorphism 227
Nikodym 24
Nonatomic 12
Nonwandering point 34
Nowhere dense 24
Occurrence 37
Occurrence, dense 260
Occurrence, regular 260 261
Orbit (closure) 259
Order of a subshift 118
Ornstein 71
Out-set ( -) 227 (241)
Parry measure 130
Partition 49
Partition, atoms of a 49
Partition, continuity- 93
Partition, M- 261
Partition, refinement of a 49 50
Partition, return time 264
Period of a state 42
Periodic matrix 95
Periodic matrix point 95
Perron — Frobenius 42
Poincare’s recurrence theorem 6
Point measure 11
Positive matrix 42
Power of a generator 103
Pressure function 141
Probability vector 42
Product m.t.system 6
Product transformation 6
Prohorov metric 11
Pseudo-metric for partitions 50
Pseudo-orbit 232
Quasi-generic 20
Quasiregular point 21
Radon 24
Rationally dependent 239
Recurrence theorem 6
Refinement mod 0 50
Refinement of open covers 82
Refinement of partitions 49 50 106
Regularity property 8
Related matrices 250
Residual 12
Riemannian structure 224
Riesz representation theorem 9
Robbin 229
Rohlin set 7 254
Rohlin, lemma of 7 255
Rotation, irrational 29
Saddle 226
Scheller 262
Separating almost all points 51
Set, invariant 23
Set, measurable 3
Shannon — McMillan — Breiman 79
Shift 36
Shift, Bernoulli- 42
Shift, maps commuting with the 38
Shift, Markov- 43
Sinai 71
Sink 225
Smale 230
Sofic subshift 252
Source 226
Specification property 193
Spectral decomposition theorem 230
State space 36
Statistical ergodic theorem 20
Stochastic matrix 43
Strictly ergodic 34
Strictly ergodic embedding 300
Strictly transitive point 261
Strongly mixing, m.t. 30
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