Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Aigner M. — Combinatorial Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-invariant 320
0-chain 358
0-element 3
1-chain 358
1-element 3
2-isomorphic graphs 374
5-flow 374
Abel operator 106
Abel polynomial 110
Achromatic k-block 372
Affine closure 260
Affine geometry 260
Affine lattice 15
Affine space 282
Affinely dependent 260
Algebraically dependent 50
Alternating group 24
Antichain 3 400
Antichain, maximal sized 400 423
Arboncity 293
Arithmetic mean 414
Arithmetic progression 447
arrow 2
atom 3
Augmenting chain 319
Augmenting path 365
Average of a vector 415
Backward edge 365
Basis, (matroid) 261
Basis, (set) 261
Basis, axioms 264
Basis, operator 101
Basis, sequence 101
Bell number 70 92
Bernoulli, number 99
Bernoulli, operator 101
Bernoulli, polynomial 117
Binary matroid 337
Binomial, coefficient 68 75 93
Binomial, inversion 96
Binomial, sequence 99
Binomial, theorem 76
Bipartition 341
Block (graph) 319
Block (partition) 13
BOND 312
Bond, matroid 312
Boolean algebr a12 68
Boolean function 165 246
Boundary operator 358
box 7
Bridge 312
Capacity of a cut 364
Catalan number 85
Center of a lattice 60
Chain in a poset 3
Chain in a poset, maximal 3 142
Chain in a poset, unrefmable 3 419
Chain polynomial 119
Chain product 17 434
Chain-function 141
Characteristic, function 177
Characteristic, of a distributive lattice 192
Characteristic, polynomial 155 176 303
Characteristic, set of a matroid 323
Characteristic, vector of a set 12
Choice function, global 407
Choice function, local 407
Chord 387
Chromatic, invariant 303
Chromatic, number 124
Chromatic, polynomial 124 366
Circuit, (graph) 2
Circuit, (matroid) 261
Circuit, axioms 264
Clique number 399
Closed set 49
Closed set, with respect to G 221
Closed set, with respect to G,H 239
Closure operator 49 167
Co-atom 3
Cobase 307
Coboundary 358
Coboundary, binary 339
Coboundary, elementary 358
Coboundary, module 358
Coboundary, operator 358
Coboundary, space 359
Cocircuit 307
Cocircuit matrix 348
Coclosure 172
Cocycle 339
Cocycle group 339
Coding of a distributive lattice 35
Coding problem 333
Cographic matroid 312
Coline 53 257
Coloop 297
Coloring, (graph) 124 366
Coloring, (matroid) 369
Coloring, (poset) 440
Combinatorial geometry 53 256
Combinatorial pregeometry 52
Comparability graph 398
Comparable elements 3
Compatible relation 197
Complement in a lattice 56
Complementary separators 61
Complete product 165
Component (graph) 2
Component (matroid) 316
composition 212
Composition, of permutation groups 243
Composition, of power series 111
Congruence class 14
Congruence relation 14
Connecting coefficients 86
Connectivity numbers 392
Consistently oriented 375
Contraction, (function space) 287
Contraction, (graph) 288
Contraction, (matroid) 285
Convex, hull 445
Convex, polytope 145
Convex, s-gon 445
Convolution 138
Coordinatization matrix 326
Coordinatization of a matroid 271
Coplane 53 257
Copoint 53 257
Corank 31 261
Cotransversal matroid 320
Cover function 141
Covered (matrix) 396
Covered (poset) 3
Covering matroid 258
Covering number 293
Critical exponent of a matroid 331
Cross-cut 175
Cross-cut, lower 174
Cross-cut, upper 174
Curve 281
Cut in a network 364
Cut point 318
Cycle (matroid) 358
Cycle (matroid), binary 339
Cycle (matroid), elementary 358
Cycle, (permutation) 20
Cycle, (permutation), trivial 21
Cycle, decomposition 20
| Cycle, group 339
Cycle, indicator 209 228
Cycle, module 358
Cycle, space 359
Cyclic group 223
d-independent set 333
Decomposition of an element 32
Decomposition of an element, irredundant 32
Defect of a set 280
Defect of a transversal 404
Defining vertex-sets 2
Degree of a permutation group 20
Degree of a vertex 2
Delta operator 104
Delta-function 140
Dependent set 261
Derangement 159
Derivative of an operator 108
Desarguesian block 276
Desarguesian configuration 276 329
Descent 23
Diagonal 396
Diagram of a poset 3
Different operator, backward 102
Different operator, central 110
Different operator, forward 102
Different operator, lower 153
Different operator, upper 153
Differential operator 100
Dihedral group 230
Dilworth completion 298 301
Dilworth number 37
Dimension, of a coding 35 397
Dimension, of a projective space 53 55
Dimension, of an affine space 282
Directed edge graph 393
Dirichlet series 202
Disjunctive normal form 165
Distinguishable 26
distribution 28
Distributive, element 58
Distributive, lattice 31
Distributive, triple 58
Divisor lattice 10 68
Dominance order 18
Doubly stochastic matrix 414
Dual, graph 313
Dual, map 356
Dual, matroid 306
Duality principle (lattice) 4
Duality principle (matroid) 307
Edge, automorphism group 218
Edge, coloring 370
Edge, cut set 312
Edge, cut set, minimal 312
Edge-graph 370
Edge-set 2
Embedding of a lattice 30
Enumerator 212 221
Erection of a matroid 306
Euclidean representation 257
Eulenan, graph 341
Eulenan, number 123
Eulenan, sequence 117
Eulenan, series 203
Euler, -function 158
Euler, characteristic 354
Euler, formula 314
Euler, function 223
Euler, operator 116
Euler, polynomial 135
Euler, shift invariant operator 118
Euler, translation 117
Evaluation 104
Exchange axiom 52
Exponential polynomial 114
Exponential series 201
Extension of an ordering 16
Extension of an ordering, total 16
Face of a complex 194
Face of a plane graph 312
Factor of a matroid 290
Factorials, falling 74
Factorials, rising 74
Factorization 211
Factorization, ordered 202
Fano plane 259
Ferrers diagram 40
Fibonacci number 98
Filter 33
Filter, principal 174
Finite basis axiom (function) 267
Finite basis axiom (matroid) 52
Fixed point of a permutation 21
Flat 53 256
Flow 363
Flow, admissible 364
Flow, elementary 364
Flow, optimal 364
Forbidden minor 337
Forest 3
Forest, labeled 207
Forest, rooted 208
Formal power series 107
Forward edge 365
Free distributive lattice 37
Free projective plane 328
Free vector space 181
Fully distinguishable 26
Function space 271
Function space, matroid 272
G,H-equivalent 238
G,H-pattern 235
G-equivalent 228
G-pattern 221
Galois, connection 171
Galois, extension 172
Galois, function 172
Galois, number 69 94
Gammoid 383
Gammoid, strict 382
Gauss inversion 96
Gaussian coefficient 69 79 94
Gaussian polynomial 88
Generating function 196
Geometric mean 414
Geometry 52
Graph 2
Graph, bipartite 2
Graph, complete 2
Graph, complete bipartite 2
Graph, connected 2
Graph, directed 2
Graph, k-colorable 368 410
Graph, k-connected 31
Graph, labeled 206
Graph, maximal plane graph 370
Graph, n-T-connected 321
Graph, perfect 399
Graph, planar 312
Graph, plane 312
Graph, regular 370
Graph, simple 2
Graphic matroid 274
Group of sets 338
h-family 403 427
Hadamard matrix 166
Hadwiger's conjecture 373
Hall's Condition 404
Harmonic number 98
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