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Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms |
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#P 138 139
49 51 275
46 203
* operator 29
-complete 141 142 232
2-3 tree 58
2-colorability 119 284
2CNFSat 118
3-colorability 120 121 126 3
3CNFSat 125 140 225 231
4-colorability 122
Acceptable, coloring 15 272
Acceptable, extension 15
Acceptable, optimal 16
Acceptable, total 15
Ackermann’s function 49 275
Acyclic 23
Addition 160
Adjacency, bipartite 141 142 144 213 244 286
Adjacency, list 3 6 10 75 231 241 242 278 286
Adjacency, matrix 3 6 26 27 38 142 146 240 243 262 283 286
Adleman, L. M. 202
Affine subspace 269
Ajtai, M. 295
All-pairs shortest paths 27 33 38 230
Alon, N. 191
Alternating, cycle 101 110
Alternating, path 101 286
Amortization 40 42 58 99
Anderaa — Rosenberg conjecture 220
Anderaa, S. O. 220
Annihilator 29
Antisymmetry 23
Aragon, C. R. 65
Arithmetic, circuit 152
Arithmetic, integer 160
Articulation point 20 21
Associativity 29 153
Asymptotic complexity 4
Augmenting path 88 92 94 102 223 286
AVL tree 58
Babai, L. 191
Bach, E. 201
Back edge 20 22 94 242
Bad, cycle cover 145
Bad, edge 195
Bad, vertex 195
Balanced tree 58 65
Basis 4 175 176 215
Benefit function 128
Berge, C. 102
Berkowitz, S. 171
Berkowitz’ algorithm 214
Bertrand’s postulate 199
BFS (see Breadth-first search)
Biased coin 198
Biconnected, component 20 21
Biconnected, graph 20
big bang 50
Bilardi, G. 295
Bin packing 125 130 133
Binary, addition 41
Binary, complete 291
Binary, relation 9 30 32
Binary, representation 154 258 264 282 288
Binary, tree 58 65 153 290
Binomial, heap 40 44
Binomial, tree 41
Bipartite, adjacency matrix 141 142 144 213 244 286
Bipartite, graph 71 100 119 122 141 142 213 224 227 233 235 244 254 262
Bipartite, matching 100 107 141 144 213 224 235 254
Bipartite, regular 255
Bitonic sorting 295
Block diagonal matrix 175 264
Blocking flow 96 98
Blue rule 12 14 230 250 272
Bollobas, B. 244
Boolean, circuit 152
Boolean, formula 111 113 134 138
Boolean, matrix 26 28 32
Boolean, satisfiability 112
Boolean, variable 135
Borodin, A. 178
Bottleneck, capacity 88 90 92 93 97 223 252
Bottleneck, communication 152
Bottleneck, edge 88 93
Breadth-first, numbering 78
Breadth-first, search 19 25 78 94 95 97 99 108 119 122 284
Calculus 69
Canonical element 48
Capacity 84 85 94 252
Capacity, integer 90
Capacity, irrational 91
Capacity, rational 90
Capacity, vertex 98
Carmichael number 203 204 207
Carpenter’s rule problem 230 276
Carry 160
Cascading cuts 45
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 170 174 175
Characteristic 74 75
Characteristic, equation 170 175
Characteristic, Euler 74 231
Characteristic, field 178 187
Characteristic, polynomial 47 166 176 178 215 233
Checkerboard 250
Chinese remainder theorem 148 204 207 209
Chistov, A. L. 171 178
Chistov’s algorithm 171 173 178 214
Chord 75
Christofides’ heuristic 260
Circuit 14
Circuit, arithmetic 152
Circuit, boolean 152
Circuit, Euler 131 219 240
Circuit, Hamiltonian 131
Circuit, uniform 5 152
Circuit, value problem 152
Circulant matrix 235 295 298
Clause 113
CLIQUE 111 113 125 140 232
Clique, maximal 282
Closed semiring 30
CNF (see Conjunctive normal form)
CNFSat 111 113 120 121 125 133 134 140 225 231 257 258 260 276 282
Cocircuit 14
Cole, R. 295
Colorability 284
Coloring 111 119
communication bottleneck 152
Commutativity 8 29 153
Companion matrix 233 264 288
Complete, binary tree 291
Complete, graph 71 111 232 261
Complex, conjugate 176
Complex, numbers 176 187 215
Complexity, amortized 40 42 58 99
Complexity, asymptotic 4
Complexity, class 124 125
Complexity, communication 152
Complexity, parallel 152
Composite 201
Computation sequence 134
Concurrent, read 151
Concurrent, write 151
Conditional 4 192
| Conditional, expectation 4 192
Conditional, linearity of 67 70 192
Conditional, probability 4 192
Configuration 134
Congruent 202
conjugate 176
Conjugate, transpose 176 215
Conjunction 113
Conjunctive normal form 111 113 137 257 277
Connected component 11 19 74 75 78 263 272 279 284 285
CONp 125
CoNP-complete 125 226 230 234 260 276
CoNP-hard 125 234 289
Conservation of flow 84 87
Convolution 186
Conway, J. H. 29
Cook reducibility 117
Cook, S. 112 117 134
Cook’s theorem 134 140
Cooley, J. M. 190
Coset 209 210
Countable summation 31
Counting, problems 138
Counting, reduction 139
Cover, bad 145
Cover, cycle 142 144 233 283 284 286
Cover, edge, exact 125 129 133
Cover, edge, minimal 285
Cover, edge, minimum 232 286
Cover, edge, pattern 230 276 289
Cover, edge, term 234 289
Cover, edge, vertex 118 125 131 140 144 224 232 254 255 261 286
Cover, good 145
Cramer’s Rule 172
CRCW 151 263
Credit invariant 42 61
CREW 151 235 262
Crew team 128
Cross edge 22
Csanky, L. 166
Csanky’s algorithm 166 171 178
Cut 12 14 85
Cut, fundamental 16
Cut, maximum 223
Cut, minimum 86 100 223
CYCLE 11 12 14 73 79 101
Cycle of a permutation 279
Cycle, alternating 101
Cycle, bad 145
Cycle, cover 142 144 233 283 284 286
Cycle, even 298
Cycle, fundamental 16 219 239 272
Cycle, good 145
Cycle, negative weight 232 274 284
Cycle, odd 119 122 227 262 298
Cycle, simple 20 101 232 262 284
Cyclic subgroup 204
Dag 3 9 19 108 152 227 262
Dantzig, G. B. 130
Deadline 230 274
Decision problem 116 139
decrement 40 44 99 250
Deficient set 233
Deficient set, minimal 286
Degree 211
Degree, total 212
DELETE 40 44 58 65 67 69
Deletemin 40 250
DeMorgan’s laws 137 277
Dependent set 13
Depth 152
Depth-first, directed 22
Depth-first, numbering 19
Depth-first, search 19 75 95 119 122 220 242 272 284
Depth-first, spanning tree 19 20
DET (see Determinant)
Determinant 4 141 166 168 179 298
DFS (see Depth-first search)
Diagonal matrix 297
Dijkstra, E. W. 25
Dijkstra’s algorithm 26 44 47 93 221 223 248 250 252
Dinic, E. A. 96 107
Dinic’s algorithm 96 98
Direct sum 175
Directed DFS 22
Discrete Fourier Transform (see Fourier transform)
Disjunction 113
Distance 25
Distributivity 29 137 246
Divide-and-conquer 3 38 77 189
Division 163
Dual, matroid 13 15 16 272
Dual, plane 72 74 79 231 293
Duality 15
Dynamic, eager meld 41
Dynamic, logic 32
Dynamic, programming 3
Edge cover, Edmonds, J. R. 71 92 94 96 98 287
Edge cover, minimal 285
Edge cover, minimum 232 286
Eigenspace 174
Eigenvalue 4 47 168 174 175
Eigenvector 47
Eigenvector, dominant 47
Elementary symmetric polynomial 169
Ellipsoid method 130
Embedding, consistent 220
Embedding, outerplane 234 293
Embedding, plane 71 72 231 234 242 281
Equational theory 31
Equivalence, class 21 23 172
Equivalence, relation 20 23
Eratosthenes, sieve of 148
ERCW 151
EREW 151 295
ERH (see Extended Riemann hypothesis)
Euclidean algorithm 4 149 182 185 203
Euclidean, coordinates 155
Euclidean, remainder sequence 183
Euclidean, space 155
Euler, characteristic 74 231
Euler, circuit 131 219 240 258 260
Euler, totient 203
Euler’s theorem 74 76 242
Evasive 244
Exact cover 125 129 133
Exclusive, read 151
Exclusive, write 151
Expectation 4 67 192 228 268
Expected, time 65 67 191 228
Expected, value 192
Extended Riemann hypothesis 202
Face 72 73 242
Factoring 201
Factorization, polynomial 214
Factorization, prime 207 208
Fermat’s theorem 202 204 226
FFT (see Fourier transform)
Fibonacci, heap 25 40 44 47 61 99 250
Fibonacci, numbers 46
Fibonacci, sequence 46 167 227
Field 156 171 178 199 202 212 214 215 226 233
find 48
Findmin 40 250
Finite, automaton 28 37
Flow 84 90 223 254
Flow, across a cut 85
Flow, blocking 96 98
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