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Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms |
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Flow, conservation of 84 87
Flow, integral 90 287
Flow, maximum 84 100 152 252 255 287
Flow, net 85
Flow, path 92 96 97
Flow, value 86
Flume 92
For loop 50
Ford, L. R. Jr 90 254
Forest 11 14
Formal power series 172 266
Forward edge 22
Four color theorem 122
Fourier transform 186 190 227 266 267 296
Fredman, M. L. 44
Free, edge 101
Free, vertex 101 286
Frond 80
Fulkerson, D. R. 90 254
Full rank 182 288
Functional composition 189
Fundamental, cut 16
Fundamental, cycle 16 219 239 272
Gale, D. 254
Garey, M. R. 112 122 133
Gaussian elimination 141 185
GCD (see Greatest common divisor)
Generalized 174
Generalized eigenspace 174
Generating function 227 265
Generator 187
Golden ratio 46
Good, cycle cover 145 284
Good, edge 195 197
Good, vertex 195 197 270
Gray, ordering 155
Gray, representation 154 156 232 282
Greatest common divisor 4
Greatest common divisor, integer 181
Greatest common divisor, polynomial 179 182 185
Greedy algorithm 11 17 25 274
Ground term 234 289
Hall’s theorem 224 233 255 256 286
Hamiltonian, circuit 131 133 144 155 158 260 285
Hamiltonian, directed 261
Hamming distance 157
Hasse diagram (see Transitive reduction)
Heap, binomial 40 44
Heap, Fibonacci 25 40 44 47 61 99
Heap, order 41 44 65 66
Height 53
Hermitian 177
Heuristic 48 49 51 52 92 94 104
Homeomorphism 72
Homomorphism, group 208
Hopcroft, J. E. 78 102 107 178 234 286 293
Huang, M. — D. A. 202
Hungarian tree 108 233 286
Hypercube 151 154 156
Hypercube, Ibarra, O. 171 176
Hypercube, idempotence 29 30
Hypercube, identity 29
Idempotent 30
Im (see Image)
Image 174 215
Inclusion-Exclusion Principle 194 196 270
Incremental weight 103 106
Independence 13 152 3
Independence, algebraic 14
Independence, d-wise 200 229 269
Independence, data 151
Independence, independent set 13 117 118 125 230 274
Independence, induced subgraph 191
Independence, linear 4 14 176
Independence, maximal 13 15 191 194 219 230 239 272 274 282
Independence, pairwise 193 196 199 271
Independence, statistical 66 192 193 201
Independence, wise 271
Infimum 38
Inner product 166 178
InOrder 58 59 65 66
Insert 40 58 65 67
Integer, addition 160
Integer, arithmetic 160
integer, division 163
Integer, multiplication 161
Integer, programming 112 116 125 130 133
integral 69
Integral, maximum flow 90 287
Interior, point method 130
Interior, vertex 84
Interpolation 187
Interpretation 34
Interpretation, standard 35
Invariant 19 26 174 248 254
Invariant, credit 42 61
Invertible elements, group of 203 283
Involution 279
Irreducible 212
Isolated vertex 71 232
Isomorphism, algebra 190 297
Isomorphism, field 179
Isomorphism, graph 72 75 231
Isomorphism, group 204 209
Isomorphism, ring 149 204 207 209
Isomorphism, tree 214
Isomorphism, vector space 175 215
Itai, A. 191
Johnson, D. S. 112 122 133
Join 59
Jordan canonical form 174 175
k-clique 113
K-CNFSat 118
K-colorability 111 119 121 122 284
K-conjunctive normal form 118
k-connected 233 287
K-partite 113
Karmarkar, N. 130
Karp reducibility 117
Karp, R. M. 92 94 96 98 102 107 112 117 191 286 287
Ker (see Kernel)
Kernel 174 177 209 215 269
Khachian, L. G. 130
Kleene 30
Kleene, algebra 28 39 221 245 262 273
Kleene, free 31 32 35
Kleene, matrix 36 38
Kleene, min 33 38 273
Kleene, S. C. 29
Komlos, J. 295
Konig — Egervary theorem 224 255 256
Kruskal, J. B. 11
Kruskal’s algorithm 11 48
Kuratowski’s Theorem 72
Kuratowski’s Theorem, law of sum 192
Lawler, E. L. 15 256
Lazy meld 42 43
LCM (see Least common multiple least)
Lcm, common multiple 184
Lcm, upper bound 30 35 38 221 246 247
Level 78 94
Level, graph 94 98 287
Levin, L. 134
Lichtenstein, D. 122
Linear, equations 181 182
Linear, order k 227 263
Linear, programming 130
Linear, recurrence 166 168
Link 41
| Linked list 12 41 75 231 277
Lipton, R. 71 77
Literal 113
Log-cost RAM 6
Logical consequence 35
Lovasz, L. 213 256
Luby, M. 191
Luby’s algorithm 191 200 228 270
Maheshwari, S. N. 97
Makeheap 40
Malhotra, V. M. 97
Many-one reducibility 117
Marriage, stable 224 254
Marriage, theorem 255
Marzullo, K. 232
Matched, edge 101
Matched, vertex 101
Matching 100 101 106 232 255 260 3
Matching, bipartite 100 141 144 213 224 235 254
Matching, dimensional 126
Matrix 166 235
Matrix, adjacency 3 6 26 27 38 142 146 240 243 262 283 286
Matrix, bipartite 141 142 144 213 244
Matrix, block diagonal 175 264
Matrix, circulant 235 295 298
Matrix, companion 233 264 288
Matrix, diagonal 297
Matrix, hermitian 177
Matrix, inversion 167 235
Matrix, Kleene algebra 36 38
Matrix, lower triangular 167
Matroid 13 219 230 239 250 272
Matroid, dual 272
Matroid, duality 15
Matroid, rank 239
Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem 86 88 90 93 252 254 255 287
Maximal 102 229 270 285
Maximal, clique 282
Maximal, independent set 13 191 194 219 230 239 272 274 282
Maximum 100 102 107 255 286
Maximum, cut 223
Maximum, flow 84 100 152 252 255 287
Maximum, integral 90 287
Maximum, partial 254
Maximum, perfect 101 141 142 144 213 224 235 255 286 299
Maximum, unweighted 101
Maximum, weighted 101
Median 294
Meld 40
Meld, eager 41
Meld, lazy 42 43
Member 58
Membership test 58 65 67
Menger’s theorem 233 286
META 232
Micali, S. 107 286
Miller, G. 201
Miller’s algorithm 201 210
MIMD 151
Minimal, deficient set 286
Minimal, edge cover 285
Minimum, connectivity 100
Minimum, cut 86 100 223
Minimum, edge cover 232 286
Minimum, spanning tree 11 13 47 48 222 226 260
Minimum, vertex cover 286
Minor 179
Modulus 4
Monoid 30
Monoid, commutative 30
Monoid, idempotent 30
Monotone 63 220 244
Moran, S. 171 176
MPM Algorithm 97
MST (see Minimum spanning tree)
Mulmuley, K. 166 171 178
Mulmuley’s algorithm 178 180 215
Multiple edges 71 231
Multiplication 7 153 166 227 235 262
Multiplication, permutation 295
Multiplication, polynomial 170
Multiplication, powering 166 262
Multiplication, random 233 288
Multiplication, rank 171 173 180 213 215
Multiplication, Sylvester 184 185
Multiplication, symmetric 177 179
Multiplication, Tutte 235
Multiplication, Vandermonde 187 188 229 269
Multiset 169
NC 152 160 166 181 213 227 234 235 262 295
Negative weight 230 273
Net flow 85
Newton, I. 163 168
Newton’s method 163
Nicolau, A. 295
Nonuniform 178
NP 112 124 125 134
NP-complete 71 111 112 124 125 128 219 223 225 226 230 232 257 258 260 261 276 284
NP-hard 125 134 257
o notation 3 4
Odd cycle 262
Oracle 117
Orbit 279
Order, Gray 155
Order, heap 41 44 65 66
Order, in 58 59 65 66
Order, partial 9 23 30
Order, post 23 242
Order, pre 23 234 292
Order, quasi 23
Order, subterm 63
Order, total 9 58 65 119
Ordered tree 214
Orientation 72 73
Outerplanar graph 234 293
Outerplane, embedding 234 293
Outerplane, graph 234
Overhead, pairwise independence 196 199 271
Papadimitriou, C. H. 256 260
Parallel, algorithms 151
Parallel, machine models 151
Parity 158 263
Parsimonious 139 140 231 277
Partial, matching 254
Partial, order 9 23 30
Partition 77 129 130 133 232 276 282 284
Path 232 285
Path, compression 49 52
Path, flow 92 96 97
Pattern 230 276 289
Penalty 230
Perfect matching 101 141 142 144 213 224 235 255 286 299
Perm (see Permanent)
Permanent 141 142 144 232 286
Permutation 67 68 70
Permutation, matrix 295
Permutation, random 67 68 70
Phase 96 98 108
Pippenger, N. 152
Planar, graph 71 77 121 122 234
Planar, separator theorem 77 83 222
Planarity test 234 293
Plane, dual 72 74 79 231 293
Plane, embedding 71 72 78 234 242 281
Plane, graph 71 76 231
Plummer, M. D. 256
Pointer, doubling 263 292 293
Pointer, machine 6 51 231
Polylogarithmic 152
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