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Kozen D.C. — The Design And Analysis Of Algorithms |
Предметный указатель |
Polynomial 4 14 156 211 214 233 296 299
Polynomial, arithmetic 178 179
Polynomial, characteristic 47 166 176 178 215 233
Polynomial, factorization 214
Polynomial, gcd 182 185
Polynomial, irreducible 212
Polynomial, matrix 170
Polynomial, symmetric 169
Positive wrapped 296
Postorder 23 242
Potential function 42
Power 207
Power series 172 266
PRAM 5 151 235 262 263 295
Pramodh — Kumar, M. 97
Prefix 153 156 160 167 169 262 293
Prefix products 153
Preorder 23 234 292
Prepositional logic 119 137
Priifer, H. 243
Primality test 201 210
Prime 4 199 201
Prime, factorization 207 208
primitive 187 297
Primitive, recursive function 50
Prim’s algorithm 47 222 250
Principal root of unity (see Primitive)
Priority 66
Priority, search tree 65
Priority, treap 66
Priority, variable 4 192 228 268
Probabilistic algorithms 191
probability 65 191 201 211 229 233 299
problem domain 116
propagate 161
Pseudoprime 204
Pugh, W. 65
Quadratic convergence 164
Quasiorder 23
Quotient 156 163
Quotient, construction 23 172
Quotient, graph 24 119
Rabin, M. O. 201
RAM, log-cost 6
RAM, unit-cost 5 6
Random 66
Random, access 5 51 231 294
Random, assignment 299
Random, bits 198 199
Random, input 211 214
Random, machine (see RAM)
Random, matrix 215 233 288
Random, NC 191 213 214 229 235
Random, number generator 66 191 194 198 201
Rank 219
Rank in union-find 53
Rank, full 182 288
Rank, matrix 171 173 180 213 215
Rank, matroid 239
Rank, tree 41
Rational, functions 172 179
Rational, numbers 90 130 172
Real numbers 33 66 84 130 177 211
Reciprocal 163
Recurrence 3 7 8 27 38 68 70 228 265 268 282 294 295
Recurrence, linear 167 168
Recurrence, order k 227 263
Red rule 12 14
Reducibility 117
Reducibility, Cook 117
Reducibility, Karp 117
Reducibility, many-one 117
Reduction 111 121 134 139
Reduction, counting 139
Reduction, parsimonious 139 140 231 277
Reflexive transitive closure 9 23 26 28 38 262
Regular, bipartite 255
Regular, expression 29 34 35 221 246
Regular, graph 224
Regular, set 29 31 34 245
Relation 117
Relation, binary 9 30 32
Relation, equivalence 20 23
Relation, Turing 117
Relatively 187 208
Relatively prime 187 203 208
Remainder 163
Residual, capacity 86 252
Residual, graph 86 88 90 98 223 252
Resolution 119 257
Resultant 183 184
Riemann, hypothesis 202
Riemann, zeta function 202
Rivest, R. L. 220
RNC (see Random NC)
Rook 141 142
Root 163 212
Root of unity 187 267
Root of unity, priority 65
Rosenberg, A. L. 220
Rosier, L. E. 171 176
Rotate 59 65
S, t-connectivity 223 225
S, t-cut 85 223 254
Safe schedule 274
Satisfiability 111 257
Saturated 85
Saturated, partially 99
savings account 42 45 61
Scheduling 112 230 232 274 284
| Schonhage, A. 201
Schwartz, J. T. 211
Scorpion 220 243
Search tree 65
Seidel, R. G. 65
Self-loop 71
Semiring, closed 30
Separator 77 79 82 230 235 250 294
Shapley, L. S. 254
Shiloach, Y. 263
Shortest paths, all-pairs 27 33 38
Sieve of Eratosthenes 148
SIMD 151
Similarity transformation 175
Simple, cycle 20 101 232 262 284
Simple, path 92 232
Simplex method 130
Single-source 25
Single-source shortest paths 25
Sink 84
SIZE 152
Skew symmetry 84 87
Skip list 65
Sleator, D. 58
Sorting 235 294
Sorting, bitonic 295
Source 84
Spanning tree 11 79 80
Spanning tree, depth-first 19 20
Spanning tree, minimum 11 13 47 222 226
Spanning, forest 239
Spanning, minimum 260
Spanning, tree 250 263
Splay 59
Splay tree 58
Split 59
Square root of unity 207
Stable marriage 224 254
Standard interpretation 35 221
Steiglitz, K. 256 260
Stockmeyer, L. 122
Strassen, V. 201 264
Strassen’s algorithm 7 38 227 264
String 35
Strong component (see Strongly connected component)
Strongly connected, component 23 119 284
Strongly connected, graph 23 258 261
SUBSET SUM 129 130 133
Substitution instance 234 291
Supremum (see “Least upper bound”)
Sylvester matrix 184 185
Symmetric, difference 102 106
Symmetric, matrix 177 179
Symmetric, polynomial 169
Symmetric, TSP 226
Synthesizer generator 233
Szemeredi, E. 295
Tarjan, R. E. 12 15 44 51 58 71 77 78 96 234 293
Teitelbaum, R. 233
Telescoping sum 62
Term 233
Term, cover 234 289
Term, ground 234 289
Topological, erase 108
Topological, sort 9 10 109 119 220 227 242 262
Total, degree 212
Total, order 9 58 65 119
Totient 203
tr (see Trace)
Trace 168
Transcendental 178
Transcendental, extension 179
Transitive, closure 219 226 240 261 262
Transitive, reduction 219 226 240 261
Transposition 281
Traveling salesman 112 116 125 133 225 226 258 260
Treap 65
Tree edge 19 22
Triangle inequality 226 260
Triangulation 75 80 185 293
TSP (see Traveling salesman)
Tukey, J. W. 190
Turing, machine 116 124 134
Turing, oracle 117
Tutte matrix 235
Uniform, circuit 5 152
Uniform, distribution 66 200 215
union 48
Union-find 48 57 275
Unit, circle 187
Unit-cost RAM 5 6
Unordered tree 214
Upper bound 30 247
Upper bound, least 30 35 38 221 246 247
Valiant, L. G. 139 142 146
Value, flow 86
Vandermonde matrix 187 188 229 269
Vazirani, V. V. 107 286
Vector machine 151
Vertex cover 118 125 131 140 144 224 232 254 255 261 286
Vishkin, U. 263
von zur Gathen, J. 178
Vuillemin, J. 40 220
Weird 207 209
While loop 51
Widget 123 131 144 232 283 284
Wigderson, A. 191
Witness 138
Witness, function 138 139
Yao, A. C. 244
Zippel, R. E. 211
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