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Belotserkovsky S.M., Lifanov I.K. — Method of Discrete Vortices |
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Abel equation 308
Abel equation,numerical solution of 309—316
Abel equation,two-dimensional 310
Abel integrals 309
Adiabatic processes 7
Aerodynamics 48 also
Aerodynamics for blunt bodies see "Blunt body aerodynamics"
Aerodynamics,formulation of problems in 245—248
Aerodynamics,fundamental concepts of discrete vortices method and 248 -250
Aerodynamics,fundamental discrete vortex systems and 251—258
Aerodynamics,linear steady problems of 25
Aerodynamics,linearized theory of 10
Aerodynamics,regularization in unsteady problems of 357—358
Aerodynamics,singular integral equations in see "Singular integral equations"
Aerodynamics,three-dimensional problems in see "Three-dimensional airfoil problems"
Aerodynamics,two-dimensional problems in see "Two-dimensional airfoil problems"
Aerodynamics,unsteady problems of 357—358
Aerohydrodynamics 430
Airfoils see also "Aerodynamics"
Airfoils with sink 267
Airfoils,cascades and 264—266
Airfoils,chord of 10
Airfoils,contour of 11
Airfoils,critical point of 14
Airfoils,curved 22
Airfoils,defined 7
Airfoils,finite-thickness 27f-275
Airfoils,finite-velocity 260
Airfoils,flow past 49
Airfoils,free vortex jumping across surface of 358
Airfoils,Joukowski 13
Airfoils,lift of see "Lift"
Airfoils,mass ejection on 10
Airfoils,mass suction on 10
Airfoils,moving 8
Airfoils,nose of 15
Airfoils,optimal 1
Airfoils,permeable 281—282
Airfoils,straight linear 13
Airfoils,tail of 15
Airfoils,thickness of 10
Airfoils,thin see "Thin airfoils"
Airfoils,three-dimensional problems in see "Three-dimensional airfoil problems"
Airfoils,two-dimensional problems for see "Two-dimensional airfoil problems"
Analytic at a point 2
Analytic functions 4
Angle of attack 9
Angle of incidence 9
Angular nodes 30
Angular points 30
Angular velocity 328
artificial intelligence 431
Asymmetric unsteady separated flow 339
B-condition 250
Bernoulli integral 14
Bessel equation 391
Bessel function 408
Biot — Savart law 249
blades 7
Blunt body aerodynamics 323—342
Blunt body aerodynamics,integrodifferential equations in 324—327
Blunt body aerodynamics,mathematical formulation of problems in 323—324
Blunt body aerodynamics,numerical calculations and 331—335
Blunt body aerodynamics,numerical calculations in 331—335
Blunt body aerodynamics,separated flows and 335—342
Blunt body aerodynamics,smooth flow and 328—331
Blunt body aerodynamics,three-dimensional problems in 333
Blunt body aerodynamics,virtual inertia and 328—331
Bound vortices 247
Boundary conditions at contour 361
Boundary conditions in boundary value problems 388
Boundary conditions,blunt body aerodynamics and 330
Boundary conditions,elasticity theory and 371
Boundary conditions,no-penetration 259
Boundary conditions,uniformly moving punches and 371
Boundary layers 14
Boundary point displacements 375
Boundary value problems 16
Boundary value problems,Dirichlet and Neumann problems and 404—414
Boundary value problems,Dirichlet and Neumann problems and,formulation of 404—408
Boundary value problems,Dirichlet and Neumann problems and,Laplace equation and 421—423
Boundary value problems,Dirichlet and Neumann problems and,model problems in 408—411
Boundary value problems,discrete singularities and 402 417
Boundary value problems,dual equations in 387—395
Boundary value problems,dual equations in,method for solving 396—404
Boundary value problems,mixed 387—395
Boundary value problems,reduction of to singular integral equations 419—424
Boundary value problems,three-dimensional 390
buildings 340
Canonic division 229
Canonic division of circles 33
Canonic division of closed Lyapunov curve 93
Canonic division of curves 38
Canonic division of segments 40
Canonic division of segments for nonintersecting segments 166
Canonic division of segments of unclosed Lyapunov curve 124
Canonic division of segments,finite-span wings and 96
Canonic division of segments,full equation and 156
Canonic division of segments,singular integral equations and 137
Canonic domain 18
Canonic function 205
Canonic solution 5
Canonic trapezoids 89
Canonic trapezoids,leading edge of 299
Canonic trapezoids,noncirculatory flow past 298
Canonic trapezoids,steady flow past 293
Canonic trapezoids,trailing edge of 299
Carleman’s singular integral equation 5
Cartesian coordinates 105
Cauchy integrals 2
Cauchy integrals,defined 2
Cauchy integrals,double 219
Cauchy integrals,multiple see "Multiple singular Cauchy integrals"
Cauchy integrals,one-dimensional 77
Cauchy integrals,two-dimensional 102
Cauchy kernel 4
Cauchy principal value 2
Cauchy problem 319
Cauchy — Lagrange integrals 247
Cavity hydrodynamics 6
Chaplygin — Joukowski condition 22
Chaplygin — Joukowski condition,blunt body aerodynamics and 326—327
Chaplygin — Joukowski condition,three-dimensional airfoil problems and 283
Chebyshev polynomials 24
circles 352
Circles,canonic division of 33
Circles,elasticity theory and 365
Circles,equations of first kind on 175—182
Circles,Hilbert’s kernel in equations on 182—190
Circles,quadrature formulas for singular integrals on 180
Circles,singular integral equations on 196—199
Circles,singular integrals on 66—69
Circles,unit-radius 224
Circulation 10 also
Circulation around material loop 325
Circulation of discrete vortices 21
Circulation of free vortices 304
Circulation past rectangular wings 283—288
Circulation, change in 247
Circulation,constancy of 303
Circulation,nonzero total 22
Circulation,problems in 246
Circulation,summary 289
Circulation,time-independent 303
Circulation,total 22
Circulation,two-dimensional airfoil problems and 260
Circulation,unknown 339
Circulation,zero total 23
Circulatory flow 22
Close neighborhoods 53
| Closed contours 2
Closed contours,blunt body aerodynamics and 331
Closed contours,Lyapunov 38
Closed contours,singular integrals over 32—39
Closed curves 39
Closed rectangular vortices 255
Closed triangular vortices 323
Closed vortex polygons 249
Collocation points 250
Common multipliers 227
Complex function 2
Complex potential 10
Complex variables 1
Condition II 30
Conformal mapping 18
Conjugated sequences 311
Conservation of energy 8
Conservation of mass 8
Conservation of momentum 8
Constructing theory of Fredholm 155
Contact pressure 369
Contact stress 379
Continuous curves 273
Continuous kernels 155
Continuous vortex surface 248
Contours,boundary conditions at 361
Contours,closed see "Closed contours"
Contours,smooth 30
Contours,unclosed 2
coordinates 105
Coulomb law 381
Cramer rule 130
Cross-flow velocity 246
Cubes 337
Curves,canonic division of 38
Curves,closed 39
Curves,continuous 273
Curves,Lyapunov see "Lyapunov curves"
Curves,node of 32
Curves,nonintersecting smooth closed 217
Curves,open 51
Curves,piecewise Lyapunov 52
Curves,piecewise smooth see "Piecewise smooth curves"
Curves,plane 224
Curves,smooth see "Smooth curves"
Curves,unclosed 31
Curvilinear free vortices 250
Cusps 30
Delta wings 281
Density of gases 7
Difference formulas 58—60
Dirac function 371
Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Helmholtz equation 404—414
Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Helmholtz equation,formulation of 404—408
Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Helmholtz equation,model problems in 408—411
Dirichlet and Neumann problems for Laplace equation 421—423
Discarded multipliers 83
Discontinuities 3
Discontinuities of first kind 179
Discontinuities,infinite 343
Discontinuities,power-law integrable 426
Dissipation of gas energy 8
Divergence theorem 8
Divergent improper integral 2
Double Cauchy integrals 219
Double layer potential 422
Drag 2
Drag vortex separation 15
Duhamel — Neumann relationships 372
D’Alembert — Euler paradox 8
Eigenfunctions 364
Ejection 10
Elasticity 135
Elasticity,theory of 361—386
Elasticity,theory of,contact problem of indentation and 368—380
Elasticity,theory of,Duhamel — Neumann relationships and 372
Elasticity,theory of,Euler constant and 374
Elasticity,theory of,Fourier transform and 371
Elasticity,theory of,Jacobi polynomial and 385
Elasticity,theory of,Lame equations and 372
Elasticity,theory of,Poisson coefficient and 385
Elasticity,theory of,two-dimensional problems of 361—368
Elasticity,theory of,uniformly moving punches and see "Uniformly moving punches"
Elastodynamics 370
Electrodynamics 402
Electromagnetic wave diffraction 395
Electrostatics 402
Energy conservation 8
Equally spaced data 111
Equally spaced grid points 112
Errors 353
Euler constant 374
Euler equations of motion 247
Explicit methods 7
Field singularities 8
Fikhtengoltz formulas 44
Finite elements method 7
Finite velocity 269
Finite-span wings 96—103
Finite-span wings in stationary flow 239
Finite-span wings of complex plan form 323
Finite-span wings,rectangular 239
Finite-span wings,schematic representation of 246
Finite-span wings,separated flow models for 323
Finite-span wings,steady flow past 300
Finite-span wings,subsonic flow past 83
Finite-thickness airfoils 271—275
Finite-velocity airfoil problems 260
Flight 14
Flow see also "Circulation"
Flow of incompressible fluid 14
Flow past airfoils 49
Flow past blunt bodies 323
Flow past canonic trapezoids 295
Flow past infinite-span wings 160
Flow past rectangular wings 283—288
Flow past thin airfoils 21
Flow past thin wings 249
Flow past wings 248
Flow,circulatory 22
Flow,gas 7
Flow,irrotational 7
Flow,modes of 22
Flow,no-circulation 261
Flow,noncirculatory see "Noncirculatory flow"
Flow,perturbed 8
Flow,polytropic 7
Flow,potential of 14
Flow,separated see "Separated flow"
Flow,smooth 328—331
Flow,stationary 239
Flow,steady see "Steady flow"
Flow,strength of 275
Flow,subsonic 83
Flow,time-independent 303
Flow,two-dimensional 325
Flow,unbounded 262
Flow,unperturbed gas 7
Flow,unsteady 340
Flow,velocity of 21
Fluid,ideal 303
Fluid,incompressible 83
Fluid,inviscid incompressible 245
Fluid,perfect incompressible 83
Fluid,velocity of 13
Fourier heat conduction law 370
Fourier series 214
Fourier temperature transformant 371
Fourier transform 371
Fredholm equations 4
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