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Brualdi R.A., Ryser H.J. — Combinatorial Matrix Theory |
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-norm 213—214
Acyclic digraph 335 340 343
Adjacency matrix 25 48—52 53 179 317
Adjacency matrix, formal 317—323 324
Adjacency matrix, isomorphic 157
Adjacency matrix, regular 157 160
Adjacency matrix, tree 343
Adjugate 301
Admittance matrix 30 see
Affine plane 278—80
Affine plane, order of 280
Amitsur — Levitzki theorem 331—334
ARC 53
Arc, back arc 98
Arc, capacity of 164
Arc, cross arc 98
Arc, dominant 89—90
Arc, forest arc 98
Arc, forward arc 98
Arc, weight of 291—292
Bipartite graph 44 107—144 178 317
Bipartite graph, adjacency matrix of 44
Bipartite graph, bipartition of 44 107
Bipartite graph, complete 108 135 147 148 162:
Bipartite graph, complete, line graph of 153
Bipartite graph, elementary 124
Birkhoffs theorem 9
Branch 62 63
Cayley table 250—251 254—255 258 262 268 271
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 327—329 333
Chain 25 210
Chain, directed 54
Chain, length of 210
Chain, weight of 211 212
Characteristic polynomial 26 28 36 76—77 88 328—329
Chromatic index 51
Circuit 54
Circulant matrix 158—162 233
Circulation 168—169
Co-term rank 125—126 134
Cocktail party graph 36—37
Column-linear set 139
Complete digraph 291
Complete graph 23 26 39 318
Complete graph, line graph of 152
Complete graph, spectrum of 28
Complete mapping 251
Completely reducible matrix 76
Complexity (of a graph) 38—40 324
composition 191 196
Conference graph 151 155
Conference matrix 154
Configuration 3 20 293 306 307—308
Configuration, complementary 305
Configuration, dual 4 12
Configuration, isomorphic 4
Conjugate partition 193 340
Connectivity, algebraic 40—53
Connectivity, edge 41
Connectivity, vertex 41
Contraction 62 242
Convex closure 193—195
Convex sequence 192 340
Cospectral graphs 26—27 155
Cover (of digraph) 134
Covering sequence 190—196
Cut 166
Cut, capacity of 166
Cycle graph 28
Cycle hypergraph 144
Cycle, directed 54
Cyclic components 71
Cyclic components, computation of 103—105
Cyclic matrix 77
Decision problem 245—248
Decision problem, polynomial reducible 246
Decision problem, size of 245
Decomposition 251
Decomposition theorems 108 125—136 184—188
Degree of vertex 24
demand 169
Depth-first number 97
Depth-first search 97
Derangement number Dk 17 222—223 233
Derangements 201—202 285
Determinant 8 15 16 21—22 76 89 90 92 93 94 95 134 209—214 235—48 291—293 294 295 296—297 298—299 301 309—310 311 313—314 314—316 319 323 325—326
Determinantal divisor 337
Diagonal 112
Diagonal structure (hypergraph) 136—144
Diagonal structure (hypergraph), isomorphism of 136—137
Diagonal structure (hypergraph), partial transposition 142—143
Diagonal structure (hypergraph), permutation 140
Diagonal structure (hypergraph), transposition 140
Difference sequence 191 195—196 338 339—340
Digraph (directed graph) 53 243
Digraph (directed graph), adjacency matrix of 53
Digraph (directed graph), capacity function 164
Digraph (directed graph), characteristic polynomial 88
Digraph (directed graph), condensation 56
Digraph (directed graph), cyclically r-partite 70
Digraph (directed graph), general 53
Digraph (directed graph), girth of 93
Digraph (directed graph), imprimitive 68—69
Digraph (directed graph), indegree sequence 173 176
Digraph (directed graph), minimally strong 61—68
Digraph (directed graph), out degree sequence 173 176
Digraph (directed graph), primitive 68
Digraph (directed graph), regular 53
Digraph (directed graph), spanning subdigraph 97
Digraph (directed graph), spectrum 88
Digraph (directed graph), splitting of 244
Digraph (directed graph), strongly connected 54 55—61
Digraph (directed graph), vertex-weighted 89—90
Directed cycle, dominant 90
Directed cycle, weight of 243
Directed forest 96—99
Directed forest, spanning 97
Divisor sequence 337—338 339—340
Doubly stochastic matrix 9 11 117
Edge coloring 50
Edge, endpoints 23
Eigenvalue inclusion regions 89—95
Eigenvalues 16 26 27 76—77 88—96 130—132 145 146
Elementary divisors 337
Elementary similarity 341
Essential column 110
Essential line 110
Essential row 110
Euler -function 21—22
Euler conjecture 275 282—283
Eulerian matrix 31
Eulerian trail 332
Evans conjecture 263—267
Even digraph 243—244
EXPONENT 78—87 83—85 117
Exponent, gaps 84
Factor 48
Ferrers matrix 206—207 208 217
Flow (network) 164—171
Flow (network), supply-demand 169—171
Flow (network), value of 165
Forest 178
Friendship theorem 151
Frobenius normal form 58 96—102
Frobenius normal form, computation of 96—106
Frobenius — Schur index 72 81
| Fully indecomposable components 115 140—141 297
Fully indecomposable matrix 110—118 124 228—233 296—297 299 303
Fully indecomposable matrix, inductive structure 116
Fundamental trace identity 327 329—331
Gale — Ryser Theorem 176
Galois affine plane 279 280
General digraph 53
Generalized matrix function 295
Generic matrix 294—297
Generic nilpotent matrix 335—343
Generic skew-symmetric matric 317
Gersgorin's theorem 88
Graph (general) 23 24
Graph (general), adjacent 23
Graph (general), complement 23
Graph (general), complete 23 26
Graph (general), complete multipartite 147 155
Graph (general), connected 27
Graph (general), connected components 27
Graph (general), cospectral 26—27 155
Graph (general), cubic 24 37
Graph (general), decomposition of 108 109
Graph (general), degree sequence 179 183
Graph (general), diameter 27
Graph (general), disconnected 27
Graph (general), distance 27
Graph (general), edge 23
Graph (general), induced 23
Graph (general), isolated 23
Graph (general), isomorphic 23 25 26
Graph (general), multiplicity of 24
Graph (general), order 23
Graph (general), regular 24 37 43
Graph (general), simple 23
Graph (general), spanning 23 30
Graph (general), spectrum of 28
Graph (general), subgraph 23
Graph (general), vertices 23
Hadamard product 294 317
Hadamard's determinant inequality 214
Hall's theorem 299—301
Hamilton cycle problem 245—246 247
Helly type theorem 19—20
Hoffman polynomial 147 157 162
Hoffman — Singleton graph 154
Horizontal line 277
Imprimitive matrix 70
Incidence matrix 3 29 35 230 304 306
Incidence matrix, formal 293—303
Incidence matrix, oriented 29 38
Incidence matrix, weighted 210—214
INDEX 103—105
Index of imprimitivity 68—78
Index of imprimitivity, computation of 103—105
Integer sequences 191—195
Intersection matrix 11—12
Intersection matrix, formal 304—310
Intersection matrix, symmetric 305 306 309
Invariant factors 337
Irreducible components 58
Irreducible components, computation of 96—106
Irreducible matrix 55—61 113 145 297—300
Irreducible matrix, inductive structure 67—68
Jacobi's identity 321—322 301
Join 192
Jordan block 336 340—343
Jordan canonical form 335—337 340—343
Jordan partition 336 338 339—340 343
Jordan partition, length of 336
K-decomposition 187
k-path 336—337 338
k-path number 336—337
k-subset 203
Koenig's Theorem 6 9 44 47 125 128 196 300 301—303
Laplacian matrix 30 38 41 325
Laplacian matrix, formal 324—327
Latin rectangle 250—253
Latin rectangle, completion of 260—262 68
Latin square 250—290
Latin square, completion of 259—262
Latin square, embedding of 262—263
Latin square, enlargement of 265—267
Latin square, equivalent 253
Latin square, horizontal line of 270
Latin square, idempotent 281—283 283—284
Latin square, latin line of 270 277
Latin square, mutually orthogonal 272—275 286—287
Latin square, normalized 250
Latin square, number of 284—285
Latin square, partial 259—269
Latin square, partitioning of 262—263
Latin square, self-orthogonal 287—288 289
Latin square, symmetric 251 268 269 283
Latin square, vertical line of 270
Lattice graph 153
Line 1 252 277 278
Line cover 6 110—112
Line graph 35—37
Line graph, spectrum of 35
Linear set 139
Linearizable set 143 144
Lowlink 100—101
MacMahon's master theorem 310—316
MacNeish's conjecture 275 282—283
Majorization 175
Matching 44—52 112 189
Matching sequence 189—196
Matching, in digraph 134
Matching, perfect 48
Matrix 1
Matrix, back diagonal of 263
Matrix, column sum vector 172
Matrix, complement of 3 12
Matrix, cover of 6
Matrix, cyclic 70
Matrix, cyclic components 71
Matrix, diagonally dominant 89
Matrix, elementwise product 236
Matrix, existence theorems for 172—184
Matrix, line of 1
Matrix, number of l's 123
Matrix, permutation 1
Matrix, principal 17
Matrix, proper cover of 6
Matrix, row sum vector 172
Matrix, submatrix of 17
Matrix, sum of elements of 185
Matrix, triangle of 18
Matrix, upper triangular 338—339
Matrix-tree theorem 325—326
Matroid, regular 31—34
Matroid, unimodular 31—34
Max flow-mincut theorem 166—168
Meet 192
Menage numbers 202—203 204—205 233 234 285
Minimax theorem 6
Mixed matrix 303
Moore graph 153
Moore graph, generalized 154
Multicolored graph 131—132
Multiedge 24
Multigraph 23
n-set 3
Nearly decomposable matrix 118—124 228
Nearly decomposable matrix, inductive structure 120—121
Nearly decomposable matrix, number of l's of 122
Nearly reducible matrix 61—68 118 124
Nearly reducible matrix, inductive structure 64
Nearly reducible matrix, number of, 1's of 66
Net 277—280
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