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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
Предметный указатель |
algorithm 168
Adjacent Channel Constraints 307
-coloring 331
-coloring 332—333
-complementarity conditions 94
-chromatic number 329
-coloring 329
(K+1)-homogeneous indifference system 353
0-1 linear program 84
0-1 threshold property 501
2-3-subgraph 223
2-distant set 331
2-SAT formula 468
2-SAT Solver 469
3d-queen problem 421
Aardal, K.I. 341 369
Aarts, E. 29 31 32 47—48 358 370
Aarts, E.H.L. 31 65
Abbattista, F. 40 48
Abe, S. 282 286
Abel, L. 524 529
Abello, J. 41 48
Abramson, B. 384 423 529
Absolute worst-case ratio 156
Achatz, H. 104 134
Ackley, D.H. 274—275 286
action 417 594
Activation function 263
Actual gap 174
Adams, M.B. 275 290
Added in 28
Adjacency matrix 3 9
Adjacent channel constraints 307
Adjacent vertices 310
Adleman, L.M. 40 48
Adleman, Leonard M. 529
Adler, M. 198—199
Admissible order 315
Admissible transformations 89 119—121
Admissible transformations for 3-DAP 129—130
Admissible vertex order 313
Advanced search heuristics 30—37
Affine plane 574
Agerwala, T. 524 529
Agostino, S. de 250
Agrawal, V. 391 524 534
Agrawal, V.D. 235 251
Agule, B.J. 524 547
Aho, A.V. 392 524 527 529
Ahrens, W. 384 423 529
Ahuja, R.K. 87 92 95 98 135 145
Akers, S.B. 479 524 529
Akguel, M. 88 98 100—101 103—104 135
Akkoyunlu, E.A. 19—20 48
Albers, S. 191—192 199
Albrecht, J. 581 583 586
Albrecht, Jens 573
Algebraic assignment problem (AAP) 118
Algorithm 457 20
Algorithm clustering approach 487
Algorithm tool kit 488
Alizadeh, F. 41 48
Allowed vertices 223
Almost Any-Fit class 157 161—162
Almost Any-Fit constraint 162
Almost minimal feedback vertex set 227
Almost Worst-Fit (AWF) 162
Aloimonos, J. 523 529
Alon, N. 18 30 48
Alt, H. 78 115 135
Alternating path 91
Alternating tree 90—91
Ambler, A.P. 13 46 48
Amin, A.T. 16 48
An integer point integer programming algorithm 509
An integer programming formulation for SAT 461—462
Andersen, S.K. 246 256
Anderson, J.A. 523 529 548
Anderson, J.R. 262 274—276 291
Anderson, R.J. 175 199
Andre, P. 391 415 540
Annexstein, F. 472 565
Anomalous algorithm 179
Ansari, N. 274 285—286
Anti-ferromagnetic model 266
Any variable heuristic 429
Any-Fit class 157 161—162
Any-Fit constraint 162
Approximate solutions 397
Approximate() 447
Arboricity 21
Arc capacities 81
Arc set 81
Area cost operator 103
Argos, P. 41 73
Armstrong, R.D. 114 135
Arora, S. 13—14 48—49 530
Arrow, K.J. 530
Aschemann, G. 531
Ashar, P. 390—391 397 530
Aspiration level 36
Aspvall, B. 392 475 530
Assignment constraints 76
Assignment polytope 77
Assignment problem 76 283
Assmann, S.F. 195—196 199
Association graph 46
Asymptotic performance ration (APR) 155—156
Asymptotic worst-case ratio 155—156
Asynchronous circuit technique 483
Atomic repacking move 181
Attributed relational structures 46
Auction algorithm 93—95 106—107
Augmenting path 91
Auguston, J.G. 19—20 49
Ausiello, G. 12 49
Auton, L. 397 525 537
Auton, L.D. 414 537
Available item 197
Average 1-SAT model 401
Average time 399
Avis, D. 112 135
Aviyoshi, H. 20—21 73
Avondo—Bodeno, G. 41 49
Axial 3-dimensional assignment problems (3-DAP) 123—131
Aykanat, C. 284 286
B rule 185
Baas, S.M. 27 49
Babai, L. 30 48
Babel, L. 23—24 27 49
Backtracking algorithm 409—412
Backtracking method 19 342—343
Backward arcs 92 97
Bad variable heuristic 429
Baeck, T. 34 49
Bafna, V. 225—228 250
Bagchi, A. 524 530
Baird, H. 524 530
Baker, B.S. 159 171—172 199
Balanced matrices 471—472
Balanced assignment problems 117
Balanced solver 472
Balas, E. 14—15 21—22 24—27 34 40 49—50 88 105—106 128—129 131 135—136 147
Balinski, M.L. 77 99—102 114 136
Ballard, D.H. 32 45 50 523 530
Baltzer 88 92 140
Bammel, S.E. 132 136
Banach — Mazur compactum 581
Banach — Minkowski planes 585
| Band 300
Bandelt, H.—J. 124 136
Bandwidth of a graph 317
Banerjee, P. 530
Banerji, D.K. 524 537
Barahona, F. 41 50
Barbour, A.E. 254 530
Barr, R.S. 96—97 105 108 136—137
Barrow, H.G. 13 46 48 50
Bartal, Y. 191 199
Bar—Yehuda, R. 213 221—225 240 246 250
Base model 421
Basic local search 433
Basin 425
Basis update 108
Basu, D. 524 551
Battiti, R. 37 50
Baybars, I. 300 334 370
Bayesian inference 245
Bayesian network 246
BDD SAT solver 520
BDD SAT-Circuit solver 521
Beall, C.L. 299—300 344 367 377
Beame, P. 504 530
Beck, L.L. 344 375
Becker, A. 225—226 250
Bednarek, A.R. 19 51
Beineke, L.W. 51
Bekesi, J. 175 199
Bellare, M. 14 51
Bellifemmine, F. 40 48
Bender, E.A. 343 370
Bengtsson, M. 284 286
Bennetts, R.G. 524 531
Benthem, H. van 368—370
Benthem, H.P. 368 370
Ben—Davis, S. 525 530
Ben—Tal, A. 531
Berge, C. 14 51
Beringer, A. 531
Berman, K. 478 531
Berman, P. 13 44—45 51 225—228 250
Bernhardsson, B. 384 423 531
Berry, L.A. 300 370
Berstein, P.A. 523 531
Berthod, M. 524 567
Bertoni, A. 33 51
Bertsekas, D.P. 88 93—95 105—107 137 299 370
Best in heuristic 28
Best legal neighbor 36
Best neighbor 440
Best neighbor direction 428 440
Best Two-Fit (B2F) algorithm 173
Best-Fit (BF) 159
Best-Fit Decreasing (BFD) algorithm 171
Best-Fit Randomized (BFR) 175
Best-k-Fit 163
Best-neighbor heuristics 428—429
Bhandari, I.S. 524 553
Bhattacharya, B.K. 15 51—52
Bibel, Wolfgang 409 531
Bidding the update 95
Bilbro, G. 262 274—276 286
Bin capacity 154
Bin current content 155
Bin current level 155
Bin packing anomalies 178—179
Bin packing problem 152
Bin size 154
Binary-Decision-Diagram (BDD) 479
Bipartite graphs 15
Bipartite tournaments 234
Birkhoff, G. 77 137
Biswas, N.N. 524 531 563
Bitner, J.R. 390 410—411 413 531
Blackout vertices 223
Blair, C.E. 391—393 445 531
Blanks, J.P. 524 531
Blazewicz, J. 182 199 524 531
Block 362
Block Gauss — Seidel methods 106
Blough, D.M. 44 52
Blum, N. 78 115 135
body 346
Bohm, M. 391 394—396 412 531
Bokhari, S.H. 524 532
Bolles, R.C. 47 52
Bollobas, B. 8 18 30 52 323 327 370
Bomze, I.M. 1 9 11 24—25 27 35 39 52—53
Bomze, Immanuel M. 1
Bondy, J.A. 231 250
Bonias, I. 321—323 370
Bonner, R.E. 19 53
Bonomi, F. 524 532
Bonvanie, M.C. 27 49
Boolean relaxation procedure 418
Bootstrapping 231
Boppana, R. 14 31 53
Boros, E. 414 474 493 532
Bottleneck assignment problems 113—118
Bottleneck Monge matrix 116
Bottom level 426
Boufkhad, Y. 391 415 491 540
Bouju, A. 361 371
Boulala, M. 15 53
Bounded look-ahead 181
Bounded-space algorithm 162—166
Bounded-space on-line algorithm 157
Bourjolly, J.—M. 24 53
Bourret, P. 284 287
Bovet, D.P. 12 53 250
Bovier, A. 266 286
Box, F. 301 336 346 371
Boyce, J.F. 361 371
Brady, H.N. 524 532
Brady, M. 527 532
Bramel, J. 156 200
Branch and bound method 21 463—464
Branch merging 413
Branchpoint-free cycle 223
Branchy graph 224
Branckpoint 212
Brandstaedt 216 250
Brayton, R. 480 519—522 554 557
Brayton, R.K. 414 524 564—565
Brelaz, D. 24 53 342 346 371
Breuer, M.A. 244 251 524 532
Brewer, F. 524 532
broadcast network 300
Brockington, M. 28 53
Broder, A.Z. 500—501 525 532
Brogan, W.L. 87 137
Bron, C 19—21 53
Brooks, M.J. 523 532 549
Brouwer, A.E. 42 54
Brown, C.A. 390 392 400—402 410 413 473 532—533 544 562
Brown, CM. 13 46 48 523 530
Brown, D.J. 159 167—170 199—200 206
Brown, M. 45 50
Bruderlin, B. 524 533
Bruynooghe, M. 415 523 533 563
Bryant, R.E. 390—391 396—397 479—480 480 533
Buchler, N.E.G. 283 286
Budinich, M. 1 16 18 39 52 54
Budinich, Marco 1
Budinich, P. 16 54
Buening, H.K. 399 411 414 508 534
Buening, Kleine H. 408 476 533
Buffered Next-Fit (BNF) 180
Bugrara, K. 390 397 410 533
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