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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
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Masuda, S. 15 64 66
Match 45—46
Matched edges 90—91
Matched forest 104
Matched nodes 90—91
Matching 77
Matching in directed bipartite graph 109—113
Matching problem 84
Mathematics 523
Mathon, V. 477 547
Matias, Y. 198—199
Matsuda, S. 278—279 290
Matula, D.W. 18 66 344 375 523 557
Mautor, T. 41 56
MAX 13
MAX 3-SAT problem 13
Max cut problem 13
Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem 82
MAX SNP 12—13
Maximal 2-3-subgraph 223
Maximal alternating tree 91
Maximal clique 4 8—9 11 312
Maximal independent subgraph 312
Maximal match 46
Maximal strongly connected component of a graph 234
Maximum clique 4 7 9
Maximum clique problem 2 3—5 7—8 12—47 284
maximum distance 574
Maximum independent set 7 12
Maximum independent set problem 3 7
Maximum match 46
Maximum matching problem 77—80
Maximum network flow problem 81
Maximum satisfiability (Max-SAT) problem 424
Maximum weight clique 11
Maximum weight clique problem 3
Maximum weight independent set 8
Maximum weight independent set problem 3 6 8
Maximum weighted 2-colorable subgraph problem 217
Maximum weighted 2-independent set problem 217
Max_Time 438
Max_Trapping_Times 438
Maydan, D. 523 557
Mayr, E.W. 175 199
Mazure, B. 441 511—512 557
McAllester, D. 523—524 557 572
McCall, J.T. 393—395 557
McCormack, W.M. 393—395 557
McCullough, W.S. 262 290
McGeoch, C.C. 88 143
McGeoch, C.H. 527 529
McGrath, E.J. 524 553
McGregor, J.J. 523 558
McLean, C.R. 558
McLoughlin, A.M. 551
Mean field annealing (MFA) 261—262 272—274
Mean field annealing heuristic 33
Mean field theory 266—274
Meaningful measurement 349
Measurement theory 349
Meeusen, W. 2 20 66
Mehlhorn, K. 78 92 115 135 523 558
Mejean, H.—M. 397 401 558
Melamed, I.I. 266 275 277—278 281—282 284—285 290
Mellish, C.S. 536
Mercure, H. 24 53
Merlin, P.M. 523 535
meshes 216 218
Metropolis process 31
Metze, G. 44 70
Metzger, B.H. 315 344 375
Meyniel graphs 15
Meyniel, H. 15 67
Mezard, M. 110 145 266—267 290
MFA algorithm 273
Michalewicz, Z. 558
Middle level 426
Middlecamp, L.C. 302 308 375
Miliotis, P. 133 135 144
Miller, D. 88 105—107 136 145
Miller, T.K. 262 274—277 286 292
Min-conflict formulation 417—421
Min-conflict heuristic 419 427
Min-conflict heuristic (boolean space) 427
Min-conflict heuristic (discrete space) 427
Minimum feedback arc set problem 239
Minimum feedback vertex (arc) set problem 211
Minimum feedback vertex set 212
Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) 575—576
Minimum vertex cover problem 3 12
Minimum weighted feedback vertex set problem (MWFVS) 213
Minimum weighted graph bipartization problem 239
Minimum weighted vertex cover problem 4
Minker, J. 19—20 49
Minkowski’s conjecture 43
Minoux, M. 478 558
Minton, S. 417 423 428 558
Minty, G.J. 15 67
Miranker, D.P. 523 558
Mitchell, D. 386 391—392 397 401 416 428 431 436 440 507 509 525 558 565
Mitsuhashi, T. 568 524
Mitsuma, S. 29 73
Mittal, S. 523 542
Mitzenmacher, M. 501 558
Mixed phase 362
Mizuike, T. 301 374
Mobility 336
Modified First-Fit (MFF) 188
Modified First-Fit Decreasing (MFFD) 173
Modified Harmonic-2 (MH2) 168
Modified Harmonic-Fit (MHF) 167
Mohar, B. 18 67
Mohr, R. 559
Mok, A.K. 524 550
Monge array 124
Monge matrix 85 121
Monge properties 85
Monien, B. 222 255 395 399 415 486 559
Monma, C.L. 88 92 140
Monotonic algorithm 179
Montanari, U. 524 544
Moon, C. 414 519—522 554 565
Moon, J.W. 21 67
Moore, R.C. 423 548
Morel, H. 397 401 558
Mori, S. 524 559 567
Morris, P. 457 559
Moser, L. 21 67
Most-constrained search 413
Most-k-Fit (MFk) algorithm 173
Motwani, R. 14 48 374 491 530 552
Motzkin — Straus class 12
Motzkin — Straus problem 10
Motzkin — Straus theorem 9—12
Motzkin, T.S. 8 67
Moved out 28
Mueller, B. 359 375
Mueller, R. 15 57
Muller, B. 266 290
Mulligan, G.D. 19 67
Mulmuley, K. 79 145
Multi-dimensional assignment problems (MAP) 123—134
Multi-index assignment problems 123
Multi-level bottleneck assignment problem 116
Multi-node algorithms 105—106
Multi-SAT algorithm 486—488
Multifit algorithm 192
Multigraph 310
Multiphase search heuristics 432
| Multispace search 481
Multispace search algorithm 483
Multispace search heuristics 432
Murgai, R. 414 565
Murgolo, F.D. 179—180 206
Muroga, S. 524 548
Murphey, R. 127 145
Murphey, Robert A. 295
Murphy, W.J. 14 67
Murtagh, B.A. 462 559
Murthy, A.S. 34 67
Mutation operation 364
Mwff generator 510
n-coloring 331
N-queen problem 421
N-queen scheduling model 421—423
N-queens problem 512
N-resolution 408
Nadel, B.A. 414 523 559
Naghshineh, M. 297 301 374
Nair, K.P.K. 114 147
Nakajima, K. 15 64 66
Nakata, K. 7 17 58
Naor, J. 15 41 55 67 213 221—225 240 246 250
Naor, M. 15 67
Naor, S. 228 231—233 240 243—244 247 252
Natural ordering 313
Navinchandra, D. 523 559
Near-optimal -coloring 332
Near-optimality 332
Neighborhood 3 416
Nemhauser, G.L. 21 25—27 67—68 342 375
Nemhauster, G.L. 15 62
Neng, B. 110—111 145
Nesetril, J. 14 49
Network layer 299
Neural networks (NNs) 32—33 261—266 364—365
Neurons 263
New heuristic 29
Newell, A. 523 559
Newton, A.R. 524 534 539
Next-Fit (NF) 158
Next-Fit Decreasing (NFD) algorithm 171
Next-Fit fule 171
Next-Fit, using Largest possible bin, NFL 185
Next-k-Fit 163
Ni, L.M. 524 559
Niehaus, W. 40 49
Niez, J.—J. 275 277 284—285 288
Nijenhuis, A. 523 559
Nilsson, N.J. 390 392 523 543 559
Nishizawa, M. 524 560
Nishizeki, T. 14—15 20—21 41 55
Nm queen 421
No-hole (r+l)-distant coloring 331
No-hole coloring 331
No-hole k-tuple (r+l)-distant coloring 333
Node 3
Node set 81
Non-binary instances 512
Nonclausal inference algorithm 478
Nongreedy 23
Nongreedy search strategy 26
Nonlexicographic ordering search 413
Norvig, P. 423 427—428 564
NP-complete 12
Objective function 7 76
Obstruction 313
Obtain_a_SAT_instance() 445
Occurrences(x,C) 489
Odd arc 100
Oden, P.H. 524 564
Off-diagonal elements 7
Off-line algorithm 153 171—179
Ogawa, H. 47 68
Ohlsson, M. 282 284 290
Oklobdzija, V.G. 524 534
Olariu, S. 15 68
On-line algorithm 153 157—171
On-line bin-packing algorithm 157
Open bin 154—155
Open search 426
Opening rule 185—186
Opsut, R.J. 329 375
Optimum set 234
Order 315
Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (OBDDs) 479
Ordered First-Fit Decreasing (OFFD) algorithm 197
Orenstein, T. 235 255
Oriented graph 311
Orlin, J.B. 87—88 92 95 97—98 135 144—145
Ortega—Lopera, J. 524 568
Osteen, R.E. 20 68
Ousterhout, J.K. 524 547
Outgoing arc 211
Outgoing edge 211
Output neurons 263
Ouyang, Q. 40 68
p-Norm 574
P-resolution 408
Pachter, L. 247 256
Packing problem 213 239
Packing rule 163 185—186
Packing value 597
Padberg, M.W. 24 68
Page, E.S. 114 117 145
Pager, D. 523 560
Pair labelling 331
Palem, K. 491 552
Palmer, R.G. 32 61
Pan, Y.F. 534
Panconesi, A. 13 68
Pandu Rangan, C. 216 255
Papadimitriou, C. 12 14—15 68 256
Papadimitriou, C.H. 12 20 63 261 290 391—392 396 416 424 430 523 553 560
Paparrizos, K. 101 104 134 146
Parallel local search 436
Parallel, constrained programming algorithms 395
Parallel, discrete, constrained algorithms 393
Parallel, discrete, unconstrained algorithms 395
Parallel, unconstrained, nonlinear optimization algorithms 395
Pardalos, P.M. 1—2 7—10 23 26 28 33 35 37—39 41 48 54 59 61 68—69 110 127 145—146 238 249 252 256 285 288—289 317 375 453 523 526 540—541 560
Pardalos, Panos M. 1 209 295
Parent chromosome 363
Paris, W.D. 524 536
Parisi, G. 110 145 266—267 290
Park, K. 34—35 54 69
Parthasarathy, G. 34 67
Partial backtracking technique 345
Partial k-tree 477
Partial random variable selection heuristics 430
Partition function 268
Pataki, G. 27 34 49
Patel, A.M. 524 560
Paterson, M.S. 592 602
Path 212 311
Patterson, W. 523 560
Paul, M. 78 115 135
Paulin, P.G. 524 560
Paull, M. 400—401 490 541
Paull, M.C. 19 69
Peak search 426
Pearl, J. 245 252 414 538 560
Peay, Jr, E.R. 41 69
Peemoeller, J. 342 375
Pehoushek, D. 560
Peinado, M. 31 62
Pekny, J. 88 105—107 136 145
Pelavin, R. 524 534
Pelc, A. 44—45 51
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