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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
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Предметный указатель |
Bugrara, K.M. 401—402 533—534
Buhmann, J.M. 284 288
Bui, T.N. 35 54
Bultan, T. 284 286
Bundy, A. 523 534
Burkard, R.E. 85 87 114 116—118 120—122 129—132 138 141 185—186 200
Burkard, Rainer E. 75
Burlet, M. 15 54
Burns, J.E. 15 54
Burns, J.L. 524 534
Buro, M. 399 411 414 508 534
Burstall, R.M. 13 46 48 50
Burstein, M. 524 534
Bushnell, M. 391 524 534
Butler, G. 413 534
Butterflies 216 218
Butterfly graph 219
C-chromatic 312
C-colorable 312
C-cycle 492
Cabon, B. 284 287
Cai, M. 233—234 250
Cain, R.A. 47 52
Camerini, P. 133 138
Cameron, S.H. 343 371
Campadelli, P. 33 51
Campbell, M. 523 557
Canonical ordering 217
Capacity constraints 81
Cardinality 3
Cardinality of the matching 77
Carlier, J. 391 400 415 451 540
Carmassi, F. 354 371
Carpaneto, G. 88 92 114 122 139
Carraghan, R. 26 41 54
Carraresi, P. 86 92 116 138—139
Carrier frequency 300
Carson, D. 408 571
Carter, B. 34—35 54 69
Cartesian product of vertices 311
Castanon, D.A. 88 105—107 137 139
Castelino, D. 362 371
Castelino, D.J. 361 364 371
Catthoor, F. 569
Cauchy/Schwarz inequality 17
CC-balanced formula 471—472
Cechlarova, K. 80 139
Cederbaum, I. 255
Cedergren, R. 557
Cela, Eranda 75
Cell cost operator 102
Cellular network base station assignment 301
Ceria, S. 27 34 49
Cerny, V. 417 534
Chakradhar, S. 251 391 524 534
Chakravarty, I. 523 534
Chamberlain, R.D. 571
Chan, L.M.A. 156 200
Chan, P.K. 524 534
Chandra, A.K. 170 183 197 200 523 535
Chandrasekaran, B. 523 552
Chandrasekaran, R. 471 535
Chandru, V. 471 535
Chang, G.J. 15 54
Chang, M.—S. 15 54
Chang, R.C. 14—15 54—55
Chang, S.—J. 15 74
Chang, Y. 390 535
Chang, Y.—J. 386 388 455 535 570
Channel 300
Channel assignment algorithm 484
Channel loss 299
Channel separation matrix 308
Chao, M.T. 400—401 535
Characteristic vector 4 9 229
Charney, H.R. 524 535
Charon, I. 248 251
Chattopadhyay, A. 524 537
Chellappa, R. 523 542
Chen, B. 191—192 200
Chen, L. 15 33 72
Chen, M. 524 555
Chen, M.—S. 524 566
Chen, R. 247 251
Chen, W.T. 394—395 535 541
Chen, Y.—H. 15 54
Cheng, K.T. 235 251
Cheng, S. 524 577
Cheriton, D. 575 586
Cherkassky, B.V. 92 95 139
Chiba, N. 14—15 20—21 41 55
Chiba, T. 524 568
Chien, R.T. 44 70
Children chromosome 363
Chin, R.T. 523 535
Cho, Y.E. 524 548
Choi, M.Y. 267 292
Choice number of a graph 327
Chor, B. 525 530
Chordal and interval graphs 216
Chordal graph 311 315
Choukhmane, E. 14—15 55
Chowdhury, D. 267 287
Chrobak, M. 15 41 55
Chromatic number 17
Chromosome 363
Chu, L.—C. 570
Chu, Tam—Anh 535
Chu, Y. 524 536
Chudak, F.A. 226 228 251
Chung, F.R.K. 576 587
Chvatal, V. 14—15 41 49 51 55 251 314 371 390 407 415 491 499 504 535—536
Cichocki, A. 275—278 281 287 536
Cieslik, D. 575 577—578 581 585—587
Cieslik, Dietmar 573
Circuit 311
Circuit network 247
Circuit Partitioning Problem 284
Classical NP-hard tournament problem 248
Clause area 413
Clause order backtracking 410
Clause-flow model 494
Cleary, J. 523 536
CLIQUE 3 124 312
Clique number 3 15 312
Clique tree algorithm 246
Clocksin, W.F. 536
Closed bin 155
Closeness 447
Close_to_solution() 447
Closing rule 163 185—186
Clowes, M.B. 391 536
Clustering Problem 284
Clustor 487
Co-channel constraints 307
Co-channel FAP 315
Co-site interference 304—305
Cockayne, E.J. 585 587
Cocomparability graphs 216
Coddington, P. 285 287
Code division multiple access (CDMA) 299
Coffman, E.G. 159 171 199
Coffman, Jr, E.G. 154 156 176 183 187—188 192 194 196 200—201
Coffman, Jr., Edward G. 151
Cogitative approach 592
Cohen, B. 430—431 441 457 460 491 510 512 516—517 565
Cohen, J. 523 536
Cohoon, J.P. 524 536
Colmerauer, A. 523 536
Coloring 14 312
| Column reductions 120
Combinatorial Algorithms for Military Applications (CALMA) project 336
communications 524
Compatible 45
Compatible ordering 313
Competitive ratio 156
Competitive simplex algorithm 100
Complement graph 3 310
Complement(x) 489 496
Complete graph 3 312
Complete local search 437
Complete SAT algorithm (CSAT) 396 415
Complete set 234
Complete-flip() 438
Computer architecture design 524
Computer graphics 524
Computer science and artificial intelligence 523
Computer-aided manufacuring 523
Conbined nonlinear optimization algorithm 451
Conditioning method 246
Conery, J.S. 395 536
Configuration 594
Conflict 427
Conforti, M. 471—472 536
Conjugated values 574
Conjunctive normal form (CNF) 386
Conjunctive normal form (CNF) formula 478
Connected graph 15
Consecutive k-tuple coloring 330
Consecutive k-tuple T-coloring 330
Consecutive T-set 318
Conservative algorithm 179
Constantinides, A.G. 572
Constrained programming algorithms 392—393
Constraint network 245
Constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) 245 284 383
Constructive partitioning 483
Continuous Constrained Formulations 389—390
Continuous function 386
Continuous Lagrangian search algorithms 453
Continuous nonconvex optimization problem 4
Continuous objective function 452
Continuous objective value 452
Continuous Unconstrained Formulations 388—389
Continuous-based heuristics 37—39
Contracted graph 215
Contraction operations 214
Convergence property 451
Convergence ratio 451
Convex 80
Convex bipartite graphs 80 216 221
Cook, S.A. 382 392 399 525 536
Cooper, P.R. 395 536
Coorg, S.R. 217 252
Copositivity property 24
Coppersmith, D. 79 139
Cormen, T.H. 537
Corneil, D.G. 19 67 216 252 523 537 563
Corner position 594
Corner-occupying conjecture 593
Corner-occupying packing 593
Corner-occupying packing sequence 596
Corneujols, G. 27 34 49
Cornuejols, G. 471—472 536
Corradi, K. 55
Cost operation algorithms 88
Cost operator algorithms 102—103
Couch, L.W. 305 371
Courant, R. 269 287
Covered column 82
Covered row 82
Covering problem 239
Cozzens, M.B. 315—318 320 324—325 337 347 349—351 353 371—372
Crama, Y. 124 131 136 139 474 477—478 493 532 537
Crawford, J. 397 525 537
Crawford, J.M. 414 437 537
Crescenzi, P. 12—14 49 53 55
Critical linkpoint 223
Croce, F.Della 23—24 55
Crocker, A. 523—524 539
Crompton, W. 364 372
Cronin, D.H. 300 370
Crossover operation 364
Csirik, J. 154 163—165 172 182 185 195 201
Cubic graph 13
Culberson, J.C. 28 53
Cun, B.Le 41 56
Cung, V.—D. 41 56
Cunningham, W.H. 96—98 102 139—140
Current unit set 467
Cut 464
Cut sets 98
Cutting-plane method 464
Cuyvers, L. 2 20 66
Cvetanovic, Z. 524 537
Cvetkovic, D.M. 16 56
CYCLE 212 311
Cycle space 229
Cycle-free set 217
Cycle-free subgraph 217
Cycle-free vertex set (CVS) 216
Cycle-packing property 247
Cyclically reducible graphs 214
Cyclomatic number 229
Cyclomatic weight function 230
Cylinders of solutions 397
D-monoid 118—119
D-partite graph 124
Dadson, C.E. 301 372
Dahlhaus, E. 41 56
Dai, W. 524 537
Dalai, M. 476 537
Dalbis, D. 40 48
Danninger, G. 24 52
Dantzig, G.B. 96 140
Das, S.R. 524 537
DasGupta, S. 32 71—72
Database system 523
Davio, M. 568
Davis — Putnam resolution 408
Davis — Putnam — Loveland (DPL) procedure 406
Davis, L.S. 523 537—538 548
Davis, M. 390—391 396—397 406 506 538
Dawson, W. 524 548
De Man, H. 483 520 524 569
De Simone, C. 15 56
Deadlock prevention problem 244
Dechter, A. 523—524 538
Dechter, R. 245 252 414—415 508 523—524 538
Decomposition method 346
Decomposition phase 230
Deficit forest 105
Degot, V. 41 56
Degree 310
Degree of edging 595
Degree of packing discontinuity of rational action 595
Degree of saturation largest first (DSATUR) 24
Deineko, V.G. 85 140
Delcambre, L.M.L. 523 569
Delta function 268—269
Demers, A. 153 159 161 171—172 204
Deng, X. 233—234 250
Denker, J.S. 523 538
Deo, N. 41 56
Depth of a corner positions 595
Depth strategy 595
Depth-first 345
Derigs, U. 85 114 122 138 140
Dershowitz, N. 390 539
Desai, N. 26 69
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