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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
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SAT14.5 procedure 448
SAT6.0 procedure 446
Satisfiability (SAT) problem 382
Satisfiability index 475
Sato, M.—A. 274 278 281 289 292
Saturation degree of vertices 346
Saunders, Ma.A. 462 559
Savoj, H. 414 565
SC(F) algorithm 499
Scaling techniques 94
Schaefer, T.J. 392 564
Schaeffer, J. 523 557
Schaffer, A.A. 15 67
Schannath, H. 100 144
Scheduling problem 284
Scheidt, G. vom 361 371
Schieber, B. 228 231 233 240 243—244 247 252
Schiele, W.L. 524 564
Schiermeyer, I. 415 564
Schlag, M.D.F. 524 534
Schlipf, J. 478 531 542
Schlipf, J.S. 472 565
Schmitz, L. 423 540
Schnitger, G. 13 51
Schrader, R. 85 140
Schrijver, A. 5—6 10 15 59—60 65 242 253 318 373
Schultz, R. 222 255
Schwartzschild, B.M. 417 565
Schwarz, J.T. 79 148
Schwarz, P. 524 565
Schwetman, H.D. 189 205
Scutella, M.G. 469 476 542 565
Search algorithm 385
Search rearrangement 413
Sechen, C. 524 565
Security 524
Sejnowski, T.J. 274—275 286 523 548
Select_an_initial_solution() 445
Self-dual 574
Selman, B. 386 391—392 397 401 416 428 430—431 436 440—441 457 460 491 507 509—510 512 516—518 525 558 565
Semi-on-line algorithms 180—182
Semidefinite programming 17
Semidisjoint cycle 227
Sentovich, E.M. 414 565
Sequential assignment method 297
Sequential corner occupying manner of paching 593
Sequential greedy heuristics 28—29
Sequin, C.H. 524 566
Series-parallel graphs 15
Servatius, B. 524 530
Set coloring 328
Set covering approach 342—343
Set covering problem 213
Set measure 234
Set T-coloring 329—330
Sethi, R. 524 529
Seymour, P.D. 233 242 256
Sha, L. 524 555
Shamir, A. 214 221 242 256 392 469 540
Shang, Y. 386 388 390—391 455 460 512 517 519 570
Shannon, C.E. 17 71
Shao, J. 132 148
Shapiro, E. 567
Shapiro, L.G. 523—524 547
Sharell, A. 525 557
Shatcher, R.D. 246 256
Shaw, A.C. 244 257
Shearer, J.B. 42 54
Shen, Y.Y. 189 205
Shensa, M.J. 390 565
Shi, R.C.—J. 392 401 467 566
Shi, W. 524 530
Shifting strategy 592
Shim, G.M. 267 292
Shin, H. 524 566
Shin, K.G. 524 553 566
Shin, S.—Y. 40 74
Shirakawa, I. 20—21 73
Shmoys, D. 184 193 203
Shmoys, D.B. 190 205 523 554
Shor, N.Z. 6 71
Shor, P.W. 43 64
Short-term memories 36
Shortest augmenting path algorithms 91—93
Shortest clause backtracking 410
Shragowitz, E. 524 567
Shrivastava, Y. 32 71—72
Siddiqi, K. 47 70
Siegel, P. 390 566
Sifting property of delta function 268—269
Sigismondi, G. 26—27 67
Sigmund, K. 38 61
Signature methods 99
Silvestri, R. 13—14 55
Simchi—Levi, D. 156 200 206
Simeone, B. 478 537
Simon, H.A. 523 559
Simon, J.C. 524 566
Simonis, H. 523 539
Simovici, D.A. 257
Simple backtracking 410
Simple Genetic Algorithm 34
Simplex method 465
Simplex-based algorithms 96—101
Simplex-like methods 88
Simplicial vertex 312
Simplified Harmonic algorithm 165
Simulated annealing 30—32 261—162 358—361
Singh, K.J. 414 565
Single instruction stream multiple data stream (SIMD) 105
Single node algorithms 105
Single-lookahead unit resolution 472
Singleton 212
Sink 81
Sipala, P. 400 567
Skiena, S.S. 359 376
Skordas, T. 46—47 62
Sloane, N.J.A. 42 54 66 72
SLUR algorithm 472—474
Smallest clause rule 497 501
Smallest-last 344
Smith — Walford one-reducible 214
Smith, B. 88 105 139
Smith, D.H. 302 303 336 343 360 374 376
Smith, G.D. 364 376
Smith, G.W. 214 234 236 257
Smith, J.W. 523 552
Smith, K.F. 396 419 571
Smith, S.H. 30 57 71
Smith, W.D. 42 54
Snyder, W.E. 262 274—276 286
Soderberg, B. 32 70 262 266 270 274—280 282 284—285 288—291
Sodini, C. 92 139
SofTa, M. 214 221 257
SofTa, M.L. 244 255
Solution_testing() 447
Sompolinsky, H. 267 289
Song, Yimin 592 602
Soong, N.L. 524 560
Soriano, P. 23 36—37 58 72
Sos, V.T. 9 72
Sosic, R. 391 394—396 411 416—417 423 428—432 436 483 486 527 523 566—567
Soukup, J. 524 567
Soule, T. 35 57
Source 81
span 315
Specher, E. 411 556
Speckenmeyer, E. 231 233 257 391 394—396 399 412 415 467 486 531 542 559
Spector, A. 524 565
| Spencer, T. 40—41 59
Sphere growing 243
Spiegelhalter, D.J. 246 254
Spieksma, F.C.R. 124 131 136 139
Spin-glass 266
Spin-glass model 266
Spirakis, P. 491 552
Spurious solution problem 9
Srinivas, M.A. 32 50
Srinivasan, V. 102 148
Stability number 3
Stable set 3
Stahl, S. 329 376
Stallman, R. 415 567
Stamm 414
Stamm, H. 233—234 257
Standard quadratic problems 24
Standard simplex 4 8
Stankovic, J. 524 567
Stankovic, J.A. 524 567
Staton, W. 231 250
Stearns, R.E. 12 62
Steiglitz, K. 261 290 523 560
Stein, S.K. 43 72
Steiner Minimal Tree (SMT) 574—575
Steiner points 574—575
Steiner Ratio 576—586
Steiner’s Problem of Minimal Trees 575
Stephan, P.R. 414 565
Stephens, N. 362 371
Stephens, N.M. 361 364 371—372
Sterling, L. 567
Stix, V. 11 25 27 35 39 53
Stochastic steepest descent heuristic 33
Stolorz, P. 271 278 281 292 293
Stone, H.S. 400 413 421 524 550 567
Stone, J.M. 400 413 421 567
Straus, E.G. 8—9 67 72
Strong trees 101
Strongly divisible 183
Strongly dual feasible trees 100
Strongly feasible trees 97
Strongly t-perfect graphs 15
Strong_flip() 438
Subgraph 212 310
Subgraph approach 40
Subgraph induced by 3
Subset 362
Subset feedback vertex (arc) set problem 211
Subset minimum feedback vertex (arc) set problem 211
Subsumption 409
Sudakov, B. 18 48
Sudan, M. 14 48 51 233 240 243 247 252 374 530
Suen, C.Y. 524 559 567
Suen, S. 491 499 542
Sun, X. 474 532
Superforests 104—105
Support set 408
Surplus forest 105
Sussman, G.J. 415 567
Sutanthavibul, S. 524 567
Swain, M.J. 395 536
Swaminathan, R. 413 472 525 541—542 565
Swaminathan, R.P. 542 567
Switch mode 86
Switch set 492
System-level fault diagnosis 43—44
Szabo, S. 43 55 72
Szegedy, M. 13—14 48 57 530
Szeliski, R. 279 287
Szemeredi, E. 390 407 415 491 504 535
Szolovits, P. 246 256
T-admissible coloring 322—323
T-admissible sequence 322—323
T-choice number 327
T-coloring 316
T-coloring theory 297
T-edge span 317 324
T-graph 312
T-k-choosable graph 327
T-labelling 331
T-order 316 324
T-perfect graphs 15
T-set 317
T-span 316 324
Tabu list 36 361 460
Tabu local search 441
Tabu search 36—37 361
Tabu search for SAT 511
Tabu Thresholding (TT) 362
Tadei, R. 23—24 55
tail 346
Taillard, E. 36 61
Takahashi, H. 20—21 23 29 73
Takashima, M. 524 568
Takefuji, Y. 15 32—33 58 72 274 284 289—290
Talamo, M. 180 202
Tanaka, A. 20—21 73
Tang, C.Y. 392 400 523 525 549 571
Tang, Chuan Yi 216 251
Tanimoto, S.L. 592 602
Tank, D.W. 32 62 261 265 274 278 289
Tanner, M.C. 523 552
Tarjan, R.E. 15 21—23 71—72 80 92 95 114—115 135 141—142 148 253 257 392 530 575 586
Task graph 422
Taulbee, O.E. 19 51
Taylor, H. 323 326—327 372
Taylor, J.G. 361 371
Telecommunication problem 86
Temperature 31
Terlaky, T. 341 366—370 377
Terminal assignment problems 80
Terrace 425
Tesman, B.A. 317 321 326—330 349 353—354 376—377
Testing 417
Test_flip() 433
Test_min() 447
Text processing 524
Thayse, A. 568
The algorithm of Balinski and Gomory 102
The chain of subsets in G 20
Thinning out the underlying bipartite graph 92
Thoai, N.V. 285 289
Thomas, D.A. 576 589
Thomas, D.E. 524 554
Thomborson, C.D. 524 534
Thompson, G.L. 102—105 107 145 148
Threshold algorithms 92 114
Threshold value 92 114
Tightly coupled parallel computing 486
Tiling 43
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 299
Time slot assignment problem 116
Time-division-multiple-access (TDMA) model 87
Timermans, X. 524 569
Ting, D.W. 194 201
Tinhofer, G. 23—24 49
Tiourine, S. 336 377
Tishby, N. 525 553
Toern, A. 453 568
Toft, B. 309 317 348 374
Toil, J.T. 20 68
Tokuda, H. 524 568
Tomati, L. 354 371
Tomita, E. 20—21 23 29 73
Topological graph 236
Torng, E. 191 204
Toroidal butterflies 216 218
Toroidal butterfly graph 219
Toroidal meshes 216 218
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