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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
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Peleg, D. 245 256
Pelillo, M. 1 8—9 11 27 33 38—39 47 52—53 70
Pelillo, Marcello 1
Penalty function approach 31
Penna, M.A. 523 560
Pereira, L.M. 533 561
Perfect elimination ordering 313
Perfect graph 6 14 213—214 312
Perfect matching 77—80
Perfect matching in directed bipartite graph 109—113
Perfect vertex order 313
Perfectly orderable graphs 15 314
Performance ratio 222
Perform_flip() 433
Perform_min() 447
Perl, J. 246 254 256
Permanent 78
Permutation 76
Permutation array 127
Permutation graphs 216
Permutation matrix 76
Permuted Monge cost matrix 85
Permuted Monge matrix 85
Perron eigenvector 16—18
Perron root 16
Perron, O. 43 70
Peters, J. 105 146
Peterson, C. 32 70 262 266 270 274—280 282 284—285 288—291
Petreschi, R. 250
Petrie, C. 415 561
Pevzner, P.A. 41 73
Peysakh, J. 479 525 561
Pferschy, U. 115—116 146 190 204
Philips, A.B. 417 423 428 558
Phillips, A.T. 9 23 38—39 69
Phillips, C. 107 146
Phillips, S.J. 191 204
Physical layer 299
Pi, H. 282 290
Picard, J.C. 5 23 58 70
Picco, P. 266 286
Pierskalla, W.P. 123 128 146
Pinter, R.Y. 41 73
Pitassi, T. 504 530 561
Pitsoulis, L.S. 127 145
Pitts, W. 262 290
Pivot processor 107
Pivot rule 98
PL(F) 500
Pla, F. 47 70
Plaisted, D. 390 539
Planar 3-dimensional assignment problems (3-PAP) 132—134
Planar counting problems 12
Planar embedding 217
Planted forest 104
Plass, M.F. 392 530
Plateau 425
Plateau, G. 547
Plateaus in the search space 458
Plato, D.L. 524 535
Plotkin, J. 400—401 561
Plotkin, S.A. 95 142
Point removal method 19
Poljak, S. 18 67
Pollak, H.O. 574 576 588
Polyhedral algorithm 298
Polyhedral model 298
Polyhedral pointed cone 11
Polynomial approximation scheme (PAS) 222
Polynomial-time approximation algorithm 12
Polynomial-time approximation scheme 12
Pomeranz, I. 235 255
Poore, A.B. 125—126 146—147
Popplestone, R.J. 13 46 48
Porto, A. 561
Posa, L. 252
Postiglione, A. 180 202
Potin, D.P. La 524 561
Potts-glass model 267—272
Practical application problems 405
Pradhan, D.K. 524 561
Prawitz, D. 561
Pre-random variable selection heuristics 430
Prefix algorithm 194
Preparata, F.P. 44 70
Pretolani, D. 414 476 478 525 543 561
Price, K. 523 541
Primal simplex-based algorithms 96—98
Primal-dual algorithms 88—96
Primal-dual shortest path algorithms 105—106
Primal-simplex-based algorithms 107—108
Probabilitic time 400
Probe order backtracking 410
Problem instance database 488
Product of graphs 311
Protasi, M. 12 37 49 50
Pseudoflow 95
Pseudoflow algorithms 95—96
Pulleyblank, W.R. 15 60 70 117 144
Punnen, A.P. 114 147
Purdom, P. 390 397 410 525 533—534 561
Purdom, P.W. 383 390—392 400—403 410—411 413 429 437 473 489 523 532—533 544 561—562
Purdom, Paul W. 379
Pure literal 409
Pure literal rule algorithm 412
Purely infeasible simplex algorithm 101
Puri, R. 397 417 432 448 481 483 519—520 524 545 562
Pusztaszeri, J. 127 147
Putnam, H. 390—391 396—397 406 409 538
Q-blocked c-cycle 492
Q-Horn formulas 474—475 492
Q-queen problem 421
Qi, L. 128 136 147
Qian, F. 274 278 280 291
Qian, T. 238 249 256
QS algorithm 421—423
Quadratic assignment problem 281—282
Quadratic expressions 7
Quadratic formulation 366
Quadratic Lyapunov function 32
Quadratic relaxation 366—367
Quadratic terms 7
Quadratic zero-one problems 6
Quadratically constrained global optimization problem 6
Quasi parity graphs 15
Quasi-polynomial time 13
Quellmalz, A. 359 375
Queuing strategy 596
Queyranne, M. 5 70
Quinn, M.J. 415 542
Quotient cuts 242
R-initial T-set 318
R-path 311
Rabani, Y. 191 199
Racing condition problem 244
Radhakrishnan, V. 12 62
Radig, B. 47 70
Raghavan, P. 14 71
Ralf, K. 301 373
Ramachandran 241 256
Ramakrishnan, K.G. 18 63 88 110 146 391—396 401 445 461—462 507 509—510 512 552
Ramamritham, K. 524 567
Ramanan, P. 167—169 206
Ramanujam, J. 32 71 275—277 284—285 291
Randic, M. 247 254
Random 1-SAT formula 490
Random 2-out bipartite graphs 113
Random exchange 436
Random flip heuristic 429
Random flips 435—436
| Random swap 429
Random value (assignment) heuristic 429
Random variable (selection) heuristic 429
Random vertex order 344
Random walk 441
Random-clause-length model 401
Randomized heuristics 30
Randomized local search 432—437
Randomized polynomial-time approximation scheme 13
Rangan, C.P. 217 252
Ranjan, D. 13 68
Rao, B. 524 552
Rao, C.D.V.P. 524 563
Rao, M.R. 471—472 536
Rao, S. 233 242 247 254
Rao, V.B. 417 564
Rappe, J. 23 69
Ratio scaled T-set 349
Rational action 594
Rave, W. 301 346 373
Ravi, R. 216 255
Raychaudhuri, A. 314—315 319 325 349 352 375
Rayward—Smith, V.J. 364 376
Read, R.C. 523 563
Reassignable denying set 345
Recovery procedure 126
Recursive proofs 21
Reddy, M.R. 87 135
Reddy, S.M. 32 71—72
Reduced costs with respect to dual solution 89
Reduction graph 224
Reed, B. 499 536
Reed, G.M. 524 563
Reedy, S. 244 254
Reeves, C.R. 285 291
Refined First-Fit (RFF) algorithm 166
Refined First-Fit Decreasing (RFFD) 173
Refined Harmonic-Fit (RHF) 167
Regan, K.W. 33 63
Regular resolution 408
Regular SAT models 405
Reichl, L.E. 266 291
Reichling, M. 423 563
Reinelt, G. 237—238 248 253
Reinforcement learning strategy 33
Reingold, E.M. 390 410—411 413 531
Reinhardt, J. 266 290
Relational structures 45
Relaxation approaches 88
Relaxation labeling algorithms 38
Relaxed multicommodity flow 232
Relaxing 298
Rendl, F. 17 39 53 61 80 117 138 147—148 317 375
Rensing, P.E. 127 147
Renyi, A. 108 140
Repacking algorithm (REP3) 180
Replicator equations 38
Resende, M. 563
Resende, M.G.C. 18 23 30 41 48 57 63 69 71 238 249 252 256
Resende, Mauricio G.C. 209 295
Reservation techniques 164
Ressell, S. 423 427—428 564
Restricted Candidate List (RCL) 238
Restricted span coloring 357
Reverse of perfect elimination ordering 313—314
Revised Warehouse (RW) algorithm 181
Reynaud, G. 397 401 558
Richards, D.S. 574 588
Richey, M.B. 169 206
Rijavec, N. 125—126 147
Rinnooy Kan, A.H.G. 110 113 141 143 190 205 523 554
Rivenburgh, R.D. 40 59
Rivest 523—524 563
Rivest, R.L. 537
Roberts, F.S. 314—318 323—324 329 331—332 337 347—351 353 357 371—372 375—376
Robertson III, A.J. 126 147
Robertson, E.L. 400 413 562
Robinson, G.A. 408 571
Robinson, J.A. 390—391 396 406—407 563
Robotics 523
Robson, J.M. 22 71
Rodgers, G. 7 33 41 69
Rodgers, G.R. 23 26 69
Roivainen, R. 284 286
Rom, W.D. 100 143
Roohy—Laleh, E. 98 147
Roos, C. 341 366—370 377
Roscoe, A.W. 524 563
Rose, D.J. 15 71
Rosen, B. 256
Rosen, J.B. 524 560 567
Rosenfeld, A. 415 523 563 572
Rosenfeld, E. 523 529
Rosenthal, J. 400—401 561
Rosiers, W. 415 563
Ross, I.C. 19 60
Rossi, C. 39 52
Rote, G. 80 148
Rotem, D. 15 71
Roth, R.M. 213 221—225 240 246 250
Rothstein, J. 132 136
Roucairol, C. 41 56
Rounding 462
Row and column reductions 90
Row reductions 120
Rubin, A.L. 323 326—327 372
Rubinstein, J.H. 576 589
Rudeanu, S. 387 477 547
Rudolf, R. 85 116 121 124 129 131 138 141 144
Ruehli, A.E. 524 564
Ruhe, G. 28—29 64
Rumelhart, D.E. 274 292
Rushforth, C.K. 431 432 483 571
Russakoff, A. 77 136
Russell, A. 14 51
Russo, R.L. 524 554 564
S-list T-coloring of a graph 327
Saab, Y.G. 416 564
Sachs, H. 16 56
Sadayappan, P. 32 71 275—277 284—285 291
Saddle point approximation 268—272
Saddle point theorem 454
Saddle-point 454
Safra, S. 13—14 49 57
Sagan, B.E. 15 71
Sahni, S. 193 206 400 549
Sais, L. 441 511—512 557
Saito, N. 14—15 41 55
Sakai Troxell, D. 377
Sakai, D. 331—333 376
Saks, M. 474 493 532
Salamon, P. 252
Saldanha, A. 414 524 564—565
Saleh, R.A. 524 552
Saltzman, M.J. 128—129 131 136
Salvail, L. 23 36—37 58
Salzer, H.E. 156 206
Samal, A. 394—395 523 548 564
Samuelsson, H. 25—26 50
Sanchis, L. 14 33 63 71
Sandwich theorem 17
Sangiovanni—Vincentelli, A. 414 480 519 520—522 524 554 557 563—566
Santomauro, M. 524 563
Sargent, J.S. 530
Sassano, A. 15 40 56 66
Sastry, V.U.K. 34 67
Sat state 437
SAT-circuit solver 519
SAT1.5 algorithm 513
SAT14.11 procedure 450
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