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Du D. (ed.), Pardalos P. (ed.) — Handbook of combinatorial optimization: supplement volume A |
Предметный указатель |
Goldberg, A. 392 400—401 412 544
Goldberg, A.V. 92 95 122 139 142
Goldberg, D.E. 34 59 362 373
Goldberg, M.K. 40—41 59
Goldfarb, D. 100 142
Goldreich, O. 14 51 525 530
Goldsmith, J. 542
Goldstein, R.A. 283 286
Goldwasser, S. 13—14 57
Golomb conjecture 157
Golomb, S.W. 156 203
Golumbic, M.C. 15 26 59—60
Gomory, R.E. 102 136 178 182 203
Gonzalez, J. 114 136
good 45
Goodman, N. 523 531
Goossens, G. 483 520 524 569
Gotoh, S. 257
Graham, R.L. 152—153 159 161 171—172 179 190 192 197 202—203 575—576 578 584—585 587—589
Graph 310—311
Graph Bi-Partitioning Problem 276
Graph bipartization problem 211
Graph degree 211
Graph packing 198
Graph Partitioning Problem 277
Grasselli, A. 524 544
Gravity strategy 594—595
Gray, F.G. 393—395 557
Gray, J.N. 523 540
Greedy 23
Greedy algorithm 225—226 313
Greedy k-tuple T-coloring algorithm 353—354
Greedy local search 440—441
Greedy local search algorithm 428
Greedy randomized adaptive search (GRASP) heuristics 126
Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) 238
Greedy strategy 457
Greedy T-coloring algorithm 347—353
Greedy T-coloring of complete graph 348—351
Gregoire, E. 441 511—512 557
Griggs, J.R. 331 372
Grigoras, G. 257
Grommes, R. 132 141
Gross, O. 113 141—142
Gross, O.A. 314 372
Grossi, G. 33 51
Grossman, T. 33 60
Grotschel, M. 5—6 15 60 237 242 253 318 373
Group-X Fit Grouped (GXFG) 174
Grove, E.F. 181 203
Grover 524 548
GSAT algorithm 508
GSAT procedure 440
GSAT with random walk 510—511
Gu, J. 383 386—389 390—397 401 403—405 426—439 441—445 447—449 451 478—479 481 483 485—487 489 506 511—512 519—520 523—527 540 544—546 550 562 566—567 571
Gu, Jun 379
Gu, Q.P. 389 391—392 416 424 428—436 441 451 506 525 545—546
GUC(F) algorithm 498
GUCB 499—500
Guenoche, A. 248 251
Guo, X. 247 251
Gupta, R. 244 251
Gupta, U.I. 15 60
Gurevich, Y. 525 547
Guzman, A. 523 547
Gwan, G. 128 147
Gyorgyi, G. 525 553
Ha, S. 524 547
Hadzilacos, V. 523 531
Hager, R. 252
Hahn, W. 118 120 138
Hajos, G. 43 60
Haken, A. 407 415 547
Hakimi, S.L. 16 21 48 56
Hale, W.K. 308 315—316 325 337 347 357 373
Hall, L.A. 190 203
Hall, Ph. 78 142
Halldorsson, M.M. 14 31 53
Hamachi, G.T. 524 547
Hamiltonian 77 311
Hamiltonian cycle 311
Hamiltonian path 311
Hamiltonian r-path 311
Hammer, P.L. 15 22 57 60 387 414 474 477—478 493 532 537 547
Hamming distance 42
Hamming graph 42
Han, M.—H. 47 60
Hanan, M. 524 547
Hansen, E.R. 547
Hansen, P. 36 60 129 142 424 458 460 477 479 537 547
Harada, T. 33 74
Haralick, R.M. 393—395 400 414—415 523—524 547 557
Harary, F. 19 45 60 247 253 309 373 523 547
Hard-and-easy distributions 402
Hardy, G.H. 86 143
HARMONIC+1 algorithm 169
Harmonic-Fit algorithm 164
Harris, A.J. 323 327 370
Hasselberg, J. 28 45 61
Hastad, J. 14 61
Haven, G.N. 383 390—391 411 437 562
Havens, W.S. 524 548
Haykin, S. 32 61 263 388
Hayward, R.B. 15 61
head 346
Hearn, D.W. 8—10 35 38 59
Hedges, T. 524 548
Hell, P. 15 51 575 588
Heller, I. 15 61
Helmberg, C. 17 61
Henderson, T.C. 391 393—396 396 414—415 419 423 436 486 523 538 527 546 548 559 564 571
Hentenryck, P.V. 523 539 548
Herault, L. 275 277 284—285 288
Hertz, A. 23 36 57—58 61 373
Hertz, J. 32 61
Hertz, J.A. 267 288
hessian 386
Heusch, P. 548
Hickman 105 108 137
Hidden Horn 492
Hidden Horn 1-SAT 492
Hifi, M. 35 61
High-speed networking 524
Hilbert, D. 269 287
Hill-climbing 457
Hinton, G.E. 274—275 286 292 523 529 548
Hipolito, A. 341 368—370
Hirasawa, K. 282 286
Hirata, H. 274 278 280 291
Hirschler, D.S. 183 197 200
Hitting cycle problem 210
Ho, C.W. 15 61
Ho, Y.C. 400 541
Hoang, C.T. 15 61
Hochbaum, D. 153 176 184 193 203 226 228 248 251 253
Hochbaum, Dorit S. 592 602
Hofbauer, J. 38 61
Hoffman, A.J. 85 143 524 539
Hoffman, E.J. 423 548
Hofmann, T. 284 288
Hofri, M. 154 204
Holland, H. 362 374
Holland, J.H. 34 62 548
Hollerbach, J.M. 527 532
Homer, S. 31 62
Homomorphic 310
Hong, S.J. 524 548
Hood, P. 524 548
Hooker, J. 391—393 401 414 445 462 549
Hooker, J.N. 471 535
| Hoos, H.H. 531
Hopcroft, J.E. 78 143 392 529
Hopfield NN 267
Hopfield, J.J. 32 62 261 265—267 274 278 288—289
Hopkins, A.L. 524 549
Hopkins, G. 231 250
Horaud, P. 47 52
Horaud, R. 46—47 62
Horn 1-SAT 492
Horn formulas 469—470
Horn solver 470
Horn, B.K.P. 523 532 549 550
Horn, R.A. 16 62
Horowitz, E. 400 549
Horst, R. 285 289 549
Hou, E.S.H. 274 285—286
Houck, D.J. 21 62
Houweninge, M. van 110 141
Hsiang, J. 390 539 549
Hsu, W.L. 15 62
Hu, T.C. 247 253
Hu, T.H. 392 400 523 525 549
Hualde, J.M. 41 56
Huang, J. 15 51
Huang, Wenqi 591—592 602
Huang, X. 483 524 546 550
Hudry, O. 248 251
Huffman, D.A. 391 550
Huffman, J. 15 33 72
Hummel, R.A. 415 523 550 563 572
Hung, M.S. 97 100 143
Hungarian method 89—91
Hunt III, H.B. 12 62
Hurkins, C. 336 377
Hurley, S. 360—361 364 371—372 374
Hurwicz, L. 530
Hwang, C.—R. 543
Hwang, F.K. 574 576—577 587
hybrid algorithm 487
Hyper-queen problem model 421
Ide, M. 20—21 73
Identity matrix 9
Igarashi, H. 278—279 289
Ikeuchi, K. 523 550
Ikura, Y. 15 62
Illingworth, J. 415 553
Impagliazzo, R. 523 550
Improving phase 362
Imreh, B. 163 165 201
incident 211 310
Incoming arc 211
Incoming edge 211
Incomplete SAT algorithm 396
Independent graph 312
Independent set 3
Independent set formulation 5
Independent subgraph 312
Indifference graph 314
Induced subgraph 310
Indurkhya, B. 524 550
Ingber, L. 550
Input neurons 263
Integer programming problem 4 461—466
Integrality gap 226
Integrated circuit design automation 524
Intelligent backtracking 415
Intensify 36
Intercommodity constraints 232
Interference diagram 301
Interference power 299
Interior point 465—466
Interior point algorithm 88
Interior point method 465
Intermodulating co-site interference 305—306
Intersaturated vertices 232
Interset graph 355—357
Interval graphs 15
Interval representation 216
Inverse bottleneck Monge matrix 116
Inverse Monge property 85
Isaacson, J.D. 523 557
Isaak, G. 248 253
Ishida, T. 523 550
Ishii, S. 274 278 281 289 292
Ising-glass model 267—272
Isomorphic 310
Itai, A. 30 48 392 469 540 550
Itazaki, N. 524 550
Iterated First-Fit Increasing (IFFD) algorithm 194
Iterated Lowest-Fit Decreasing (ILFD) algorithm 196
Iterated Worst-Fit Decreasing (IWFD) algorithm 189
Iteration 456
Ivkovic 181 204
Iwama, K. 390 400 402 413 451 550
J-unit sphere graph 313
Jackson Jr., P.C. 552
Jacobi methods 106
Jagota, A. 8—9 14 32—33 62—63 70—71
Jahanian, F. 524 550
Jang, D. 47 60
Jansen, B. 341 366—370 369 377
Jaumard, B. 36 60 424 458 460 477—479 537 547
Jayasri, T. 524 551
Jensen, T.R. 309 317 348 374
Jeroslow — Wang 411—412
Jeroslow, R.E. 391 411 551
Jeroslow, R.G. 391—393 445 551
Jerrum conjecture 18
Jerrum, M. 18 31—32 63
Job dispatcher 488
Job queen 422
Johnson, C.R. 16 62
Johnson, D. 12 46 58
Johnson, D.B. 244 254
Johnson, D.S. 12 20 18 28—29 31 35 39—40 63 88 143 153—154 156 159 161—165 171—174 176—177 179 183 187—188 192 194 196—197 200 202—204 211 253 342 373 382 412 422—524 526—527 529 543 551 576 588 592 602
Johnson, J.L. 391 444 551
Johnson, L.F. 20 63
Johnson, R. 391 394—396 436 486 527 567
Johnson, R.R. 485 551
Johnson, R.W. 551
Johnson, T.L. 527 532
Johnson, W. Lewis 423 428 551
Johnston, H.C. 20 63
Johnston, M.D. 417 421 423 428 551 558
Johri, P.K. 301 374
Jones, A.E.W. 552
Jones, M.H. 530
Jonker, R. 92 105 122 143
Josephson, J.R. 523 552
Josephson, N. 390 539
Ju, Y.C. 524 552
K-bounded space 162
K-choosable graph 327
K-dimensional cube connected cycle (CCC_k) 220
K-interchange heuristics 29
K-multiple 319
K-neighbor 29
K-tuple coloring 328
K-tuple coloring number 328
K-tuple T-coloring 330
Kaderman, J.D. 554
Kajitani, Y. 257
Kaller, D. 15 52
Kamath, A. 491 552
Kamath, A.P. 88 147 391—396 401 445 461—462 507 509—510 512 552
Kanter, I. 267 289
Kaplan, P.D. 40 68
Kapoor, A. 471—472 536
Kapsalis, A. 364 376
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